The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1303: Solander's misunderstanding

"Detective Solander?" Leo couldn't help being stunned after seeing the person who had just interrupted in.

This person is the female police officer who worked in the Beluk City Police Department to explore Rand. She was investigating the disappearance of the Monte Manor, and later involved the Hans family, and went to the federal capital to find information. After that, there was no news. Now I saw her again in the submarine of the Internal Revenue Service's anti-smuggling fleet.

It's just that Solander is not wearing a police costume, but a suit of a special security agent.

The Secret Service Security Department of the Haute Federation is subordinate to the Security Department of the Prime Minister’s Office. It is specifically responsible for protecting the safety of some high-level dignitaries and important persons in the Federation. Although it is not part of the law enforcement system of the Haute Federation, it has considerable powers, even at special times. Some police or army resources can be mobilized.

Soland’s change from a local police detective to a special agent in the Security Department of the Prime Minister’s Office is undoubtedly a high promotion, and it can be said to be a leap forward. It can be seen that Soland’s backstage power is very strong, after all, it is not a force. They are all able to intervene in the personnel arrangements of the Prime Minister's Office.

However, Leo did not say anything to say to Soland, nor did he pay attention to Soland for too long. What he was interested in was the Bachelor of Langenus and the Tafic Cave Temple mentioned by Soland.

Although there are many bachelors in various colleges in the Otter Federation, if the title of bachelor is added to the name in public, then this bachelor can definitely and only be a scholar who has won the federal gold medal.

The name Bachelor of Langenus is not unfamiliar to Leo, except that when Leo heard the name of this person, it was not because the person published some amazing academic articles, but because the Haute Federation is now executing The policy of de-churchization was originally derived from a report published by Langenus in his early years entitled The Influence and Tribulation of the Church on the World.

Because this article was published by Langenus in his early years, it was full of young people’s impulse and anger. He attributed all the sufferings of the world to the rule of the church, and cited a large number of examples to prove his argument. In terms of academic value alone, the value of this article is almost zero, and it is a vent full of dissatisfaction.

However, there are some contents in this article that were taken by the Federal Government of Haute and refined and expanded. These contents are the five-step process of de-churchization.

Leo also read this article and read the five steps. I have to say that if the Otter Federation can follow these five steps faithfully, then the success rate of de-churchization will be very high in the end.

However, Leo is not very optimistic about these five steps, because the requirements for achieving these five steps are too strict. As long as there is a slight error in the final result, the final result will be flawed.

However, for the Haute Federation, even if the five steps ultimately fail, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for them, because even if it fails, the influence of the Church on the Haute Federation will also be weakened to the extreme. It can be said to be a regression. At the beginning of the founding of the Haute Federation.

However, people like Langenus who were extremely anti-Church in their youth have now become the most authoritative experts in religion, folklore, and occultism in the Haute Federation. It must be said that this is a very interesting thing. .

As for the Tafik Cave Temple, it is considered Langnus’s famous work. He found a temple site in an undeveloped area deep in the New World, because that area is full of Tafik cave rock landforms, so The site of that unknown temple is also known as the Tafik Cave Temple.

The discovery of this temple site confirmed that the New World had been inhabited before the Great Migration, and a very successful civilization had developed, but I don’t know why these people and civilizations suddenly disappeared.

Langenus also won the Golden Crown emblem of the Haute Federation for the first time because of the excavation of this temple site, thus gradually establishing his position of academic authority in religion, folklore, and mystery.

However, the Tafik Cave Temple has been controversial since the day it was discovered. Even today, the dispute between authenticity and falsehood still exists in related academic circles and even non-governmental chats.

There are two main reasons for the controversy. The first point is that apart from Langnus and his expedition team, no one else has seen the complete temple ruins. The outside world saw some temples. The fragments of the building, because a strong earthquake occurred at the time, directly engulfed the temple. Langnus and his team almost died in the accident. They just brought back some adventure notes from there. , In the notes described in detail the whole picture of the temple.

Later, Langenus formed a new team through the private chaebol of the Otter Federation, and also led an excavation team, once again came to the ruins of the temple site to excavate, and eventually excavated some debris, and These fragments of the ruins have become the only evidence to prove the existence of the temple ruins.

However, the evidence of these fragments was not sufficient. Later, some people discovered that there were some traces of forgery in these fragments. Some people discovered that the entire temple outlined in an expedition notebook at that time was actually a destroyed ancient temple in the Old World. Architecture, so the academic community has no final conclusion on the authenticity of these fragments and expedition notes.

The second question is particularly important. Except for the site of the Tafic Cave Temple, no one has found a second temple site on the New World, and there is even no trace of civilization. So Tafic The catacombs temple is a solitary evidence, and the academic world has the criterion of solitary evidence, so the Tafic crypt temples are defined as forgery in the academic circles of many countries.

However, even so, many people still believe that the Tafik Cave Temple is real. It is not that these people found any evidence to prove the authenticity of the temple, but because of the academic achievements of Langenus himself. , Personal charm, and recognized upright character, many people are willing to believe that Langenus will not fake it. Even some foreign academic circles who define the Tafik Cave Temple as a fake have said that the reason for this definition is only According to the practice of academia, it is not really believed that this is a fake or a forgery.

Now it seems that the Tafik Cave Temple should be real, and the mysticism in the Cave Temple should have been thoroughly understood by Langenus, and to put it into practice, Leo couldn't help but be right about this Langnus. Si became interested, thinking about the opportunity to meet him.

While Leo was thinking, Solander greeted Leo like a friend who had known him for a long time: "Mr. Leo, it's been a long time. How is Ms. Sylvia now? I returned to Bei. When I was in Luke City, I thought about going to see you, but unfortunately I was on a mission and couldn't make the trip. I hope you will not be offended."

Leo looked at Soland with a weird look after hearing this. Although they knew each other, they only knew about knowledge. Soland made these words clearly aimed at someone who had known each other for many years and had a close relationship. My friend said.

Although I don’t understand why Solander did this, Leo did not dismantle it either.

Wearing the other person, but following the other person's words, said: "It's okay, work is important, you can see us anytime."

"Mr. Major General, Bachelor Langnus wants to see Mr. Leo." Soland then said to Major General Les.

"Since the bachelor wants to see him, Miss Solander, please take him there!" Major General Les doesn't know if he has a good impression of such a sturdy woman as Solander or because of the family background behind Solander. When he spoke to Solander, his voice became softer.

Seeing Major General Les’s ease and letting go, Soland couldn’t help but was stunned. He didn’t care about the change in Major General Les’s tone. He signaled to Leo, and then led Leo away from the bridge, towards The end of the submarine walked away.

When he reached a corner where there were no other people, Soland suddenly whispered towards Leo and said: "Mr. Leo, what do you have to say to Ms. Sylvia, tell me as soon as possible, and wait until they put you under house arrest. When I get up, I can hardly see you."

Hearing what Soland said inexplicably, Leo couldn't help being stunned. Then he seemed to think of something, smiled and said, "Detective Soland, did you misunderstand something?"

"Ah? Misunderstanding?" Solante stopped, turned his head to look at Leo, and said puzzledly: "You were not disguised as a water accident by the IRS because of tax evasion and trapped on the ship under house arrest?"

"No." Leo shook his head and said.

Soland was stunned for a while, his face turned red as if he had been burned, even under the dim light in the cabin.

"I seem to have misunderstood." Soland also realized that his situation was not right, and quickly turned his head and said.

"Although it's just a misunderstanding, I am still very happy to see such a misunderstanding. It shows that you are a trustworthy friend." Leo said earnestly. If Solander had only met passers-by a few times before, then Soland is now considered a friend in Leo's mind. After all, he can lend a helping hand to the best of his ability in the most difficult times, which many people may not be able to do.

Soland didn't think much about the deep meaning of Leo's words, but smiled awkwardly, and then in order to ease his embarrassment, Soland asked Leo about the reason why he was taken to the Sea Monster.

Leo didn't hide it and explained it, and after seeing the expression on Solander's face, he questioned: "You don't seem to know that the Sea Monster was involved in cleaning up the smuggling dock?"

Solander shrugged and said, "The Internal Revenue Service and I are two departments. They will never tell me what to do. I stayed in the cabin for the past two days. Today, I took advantage of the bachelor's break and came out. Walk around."

Leo pointed to the badge on Solander's clothes again, and asked, "Aren't you still investigating the case of Mont Manor? How could you suddenly be transferred to the Security Department of the Prime Minister's Office?"

When Solander was about to explain, a few soldiers from the Internal Revenue Service walked out of the passage not far away, so they said to Leo: "This is not a place to talk. Let's talk as we walk." Leading Leo to move on, and after walking a distance, he explained: "In short, the things I investigated have crossed the line. Some people don’t want me to continue the investigation and put pressure on my family, or I Resign and go home to marry, or I will stop the investigation and be transferred. Of course I don’t want to marry, so I chose the latter.”

Leo asked, "I still don't know what your family is?"

"Fire Flower Family Throde." Although Solander was very dissatisfied with his family, he still looked very proud when he mentioned the name of the family.

"The Flower of the Federation." Leo was both surprised and reasonable.

The Throder family is also one of the founding families of the Federation, but it is different from other founding heroic families in that the Throder family’s founding heroes are a woman, known as Talia Si of the Eternal Fire Lihua. Rod.

I don’t know if it’s because of this, or because the bloodline of the Thred family has fixed the factor that women are stronger than men. All in all, the majority of men in the Huolihua family afterwards are unknown, but women often Able to be active in the political, commercial, and military circles, and possess extraordinary influence in the entire Haute Federation.

It is precisely because of this influence that even if Soland touched some people's secrets, those people would not dare to kill Soland, and could only stop Soland's investigation in a roundabout way.

Leo didn't care about the other party's identity, but turned the subject back and asked: "Why are you on this ship? If it is not convenient to say..."

"This is not a secret mission. Almost everyone on the ship knows it." Soland shook his head and said: "The matter is actually very simple. The ship found an ancient ruin at the bottom of Lake Beluk and brought it back. Some fragments were originally thought to be the remains of the churches during the religious wars. However, Bachelor Langenus carefully studied the fragments and thought that the ruins were probably the same as the gods of the Tafik Caves. The temple remains the ancient remains of the New World during the same period, so this inspection was organized, and I was also assigned to be responsible for the safety of the bachelor."

Leo couldn't help becoming interested when he heard the words, and then asked: "Where is the location of that ruin?"

"Great rift," Solander replied.

Leiou couldn't help but have a hint of association in his mind. UU reading followed up and asked: "Is it okay for you to take me to see Bachelor Langenus in this way?"

Solander smiled and replied: "It's okay, Bachelor Langnus is very friendly. As long as he doesn't interfere with his research, he doesn't mind meeting and talking with anyone."

The two soon arrived at the cabin at the end of the submarine. This was supposed to be the captain's room, but now it is the lounge of Langenus. At the door, there are also several special security guards dressed like Solander.

When they saw Soland bringing someone over, they didn't express any abnormality. They just confirmed Leo's identity routinely. Obviously, this kind of thing had happened many times before, and they dealt with it very skillfully.

However, when they learned that Leo was the manufacturer of that special steel, they still showed a slightly surprised look. After all, while the army was changing clothes, their special services were no exception.

Soland opened the cabin door and walked in, Leo followed, and when he saw Langenus who was sitting on the desk in the middle of the cabin, studying a slate, he couldn't help being stunned, and said in surprise: " Teacher Rembrandt?"