The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 132: Ancient gods and gods

The Wasteland Shaman is not sure if he has the habit of being a good teacher, or because of other unknown reasons, he saw Leo interested in these things of the gods, did not hide it, and did not even wait for Leo to actively ask. , He entrusted the mystery and panacea of ​​the gods he knew.

"You should also know that our shamans did not believe in gods at first, but in the spirits of nature. These natural spirits were bred by the most natural forces of heaven and earth when the world appeared. They are the protectors of nature and the creation of life. It’s like falling into a memory, slowly narrating: “However, with the advent of religion, the spirits of nature are gradually pushed by the church to the **** stage and become gods, and they are Velen. The earliest gods in the world have also become ancient gods, but now they are revered as orthodox gods by the Orthodox Church.

Leo reasoned naturally: "If the ancient **** is the right one, then the external **** should be the evil god."

"Yes, this is what the Orthodox Church calls it." The Wasteland Shaman nodded and continued: "When exactly did the external **** appear? There is no public opinion so far, but in the view of us shamans who believe in the spirit of nature, outside The appearance of the **** may be earlier than the birth of the Velon world, or the appearance of the external **** directly led to the birth of the Velon world."

The Wasteland Shaman said that there was a pause here, as if to give Leo time to accept the concept. Because all the people who heard him say this were very surprised, thinking that he must be crazy, and even some friends told him to shut up and refuse to listen, he worried that Leo would also have this. Response, so paused.

However, Leo's performance far exceeded his expectations. He did not show any abnormal emotions such as surprise, panic, etc., when the idea was destroyed. Instead, he appeared very calm. There was no negative expression of this shocking concept.

This kind of performance makes the wasteland shaman feel very surprised, and even to the point where it feels unbelievable, because Leo's reaction is too abnormal, even if he talks to him about the most wise and open-minded Rembrandt In fact, the other party also said that he could not accept such an idea, and would never be so calm as Leo showed no disgust at all.

It's no wonder that Leo would be like this, not to mention that he saw the world that exists in so many bubbles in the subspace of the Lord of Turbidity and Lightness, even if there are some technological powers in the Earth Federation to transform the planet and create life. These scientific and technological forces should be placed in the Velon world and should be similar to the external gods that caused the Velon world to appear, so this idea of ​​deviance in the eyes of locals in the Velon world is a normal concept in his eyes.

"Don't you think this kind of statement is ridiculous?" Treadfoot asked with doubt.

"What is it?" Leo was stunned, realizing that his performance seemed to be a little bit different, but he didn't show any abnormal expression. Instead, he seemed very calm. He asked: "Is the external **** causing the emergence of the Velon world?" "

"Yes." The horror treaded chaos.

Leo asked again: "Why should I feel ridiculous about this assumption?"

"Because..." I couldn't find a suitable vocabulary to explain for a while, and I could only say it hard: "Is this kind of statement absurd?"

"No, as long as you bring yourself into it, then this statement will not feel ridiculous at all." Leo explained: "You should have seen beekeeping? Beekeepers put a peak behind some bees Put it in an empty beehive, and it won’t take long for the empty beehive to grow into a complete beehive. We compare an vacant beehive to the unformed Velon world, then the beehive gestates thousands of sealed peaks and the original Bees are the spirits of nature, and the formed honeycomb is our world, so beekeepers..."

"It's the outside god." The hoofed footsteps soon wanted to understand Leo's explanation and took his words.

Moreover, he not only accepted Leo's explanation, but because this explanation answered a question that had plagued him for many years, and therefore brought him into a state of contemplation.

Leo saw the horror and trampling into contemplation, and did not disturb. He sat quietly and closed his eyes.

After a while, the horror tramp suddenly said: "I know, I know!"

Leo heard the words, opened his glasses and looked at the horror hoof, and he couldn't help but look stupefied, because the previous moment was like the horror hoof of the child, but now his hair was gray and his face was covered with wrinkles. Directly from childhood, into old age, even the walking stick in his hand dried up like a withered tree.

However, unlike the old appearance, his glasses became particularly bright, and the spiritual breath of his body gradually recovered, and even tended to become stronger. Even if Leo did not use spiritual vision, spiritual perception alone can Clearly feel the fast-increasing psionic energy of the other party, and even some tiny sprout leaves have grown on the withered cane.

"How did you become like this? Is there something wrong with your body?" Leo asked slightly anxiously when he saw the changes in the horror.

Shocked and shook his head, the color of joy on his face was very obvious, saying: "It's okay, I'm fine!" Perhaps I feel that this is not enough to show my state and mood, and I added a tone and said: "It should be very it is good."

Leo pointed his finger at the old appearance, and said: "But you..."

"Isn't this in accordance with the way of nature?" Frightened footsteps said with a smile: "When you get old, you look like an old man. This is nature." Then, he said to Leo very carefully, "I can Going further on the path of nature, all thanks to you."

Leo didn't do anything, shook his head and said: "This is your own understanding, it has nothing to do with me."

"No, it's about you." The horrified footsteps said solemnly: "The reason I went to No. 9 Golden Oak Street was mainly because I felt that death was coming, so I sought from all Velen's natural spirits. The way to get rid of the shadow of death, I finally got the revelation at 9 Golden Oak Street. I originally thought that the revelation of the Spirit of Nature required me to unlock the hidden mystery of 9 Golden Oak Street, but now it seems you Leo · Duode is the reason I came here. Your explanation to the external gods and ancient gods just helped me find the way of nature that has been lost for a long time, and let me return to the way of nature. I think this is the spirit of nature. The real purpose of my revelation."

Leo asked again: "Since you have found the way to nature, will you not die?"

"No, I'm still going to die." The horror hoofed and smiled freely and said, "Death itself is a part of nature. Everything has a day to die. I used to fear death and I would do everything possible to escape death. And if death is in front of me at this moment, I will embrace death."

Although Leo felt admired for his open-minded attitude towards death, he did not agree with this concept. In all the ideas he had received in the past, trying to survive was the most important thing.

Just when Leo was thinking about how to shift the topic back, he stomped on and took the initiative to continue the previous topic, and some words said surprisingly: "I already know how this nightmare world was formed."

Leo was stunned, and Shen Sheng asked: "Is it because of the sentiment just now?"

"Not all." Explained: "Before heading to No. 9 Golden Oak Street, I have conducted some investigations on the matter here, and found some clues and suspects. Now I just put those doubts The objects were removed one by one, and the last remaining suspected object was the only answer." Then, he was silent for a while, and said, "Have you heard of the madman's thirteen books of ancient **** knowledge?"

Leo froze for a moment, nodded, and then said faithfully: "I know, I recently got a book of night written by the sigh of the night god."

This time it was the turn of the Wasteland Shaman who was stunned. Then he saw him in surprise and said, "It's a coincidence, what I'm going to say now is the night **** who sighs in this book."

"Is this really a coincidence?" Leo couldn't help but feel suspicious, always feeling weird.

After all, after he got the Book of Night, he immediately came to this nightmare world that could cause the reaction of the Book of Night, giving him the talent of the body of dreams. Now that we have encountered a wilderness shaman, we can get some secret knowledge of the night gods related to the origin of the book of nights from his mouth, and the wilderness shaman also obtained some revelation before deciding to come to No. 9 Golden Oak Street.

Everything makes him feel like an invisible pusher is pushing him in a certain direction.

However, compared to Leo, who is suspicious, he obviously has no other ideas. He just thinks that it is a coincidence.

Surprised, he also continued: "The night **** is one of the oldest spirits of nature, and he controls all the life and death under the night, and the dream is also one of them. Only the overnight **** disappeared suddenly, there are ancient The shaman asked the spirits of nature and received different revelations. Some indicated that the night **** had become a higher god, and some revelations indicated that the night **** had been killed by an external **** called the Prowler."

Hearing horror, Leo could not help but think of the fact that when the Earth Federation killed an Omega-class cosmic creature in the past, it indirectly destroyed the chain reaction of a galaxy, so he frowned and questioned, "Does a **** die?" Wouldn’t there be any big movements during the time?"

Shocked and shook his head, he said: "It was because there was no abnormal reaction, so the shaman at that time had some doubts about the death of the night god, but later the high priest of the night church of the Orthodox Church at the time found several owners. The dream world marked by the Night God is undergoing transformation."

"Symbol of the Night God?" Leo thought of the mark he had seen from the nightmare's eyeball before he stomped, so he asked, "Is that the mark we saw from the nightmare's eyeball?"

"No." After dismissing Leo's speculation, the horror footsteps tried to explain the imprint of the night god, but he opened his mouth for a long time and wanted to describe it, but he could not say anything, and he could only say something in the end. Said: "This imprint can't be said, only you can see its meaning if you see it."

Leo nodded as if he could understand the horrible footsteps, and did not continue to ask. Instead, he asked, "Did the nightmare world where we are now also derived from the night god's dream world?"

The horror hoof stepped in a very affirmative answer, "Yes! I don't know how far the wizards of the tower have studied the nightmare world, but I can be sure that the nightmare world they are exposed to is disorderly and chaotic. The dream world, and now the nightmare world is obviously very different from the nightmare world discovered by the tower wizard. Because this world has produced its own natural way, and only the dream world with the most basic power of ancient gods It can turn an illusory dream world into such a real world, so I am sure that the nightmare world we are in now is not one of the nightmare worlds. It should be one of the few dream worlds discovered by the Church of God."

Although the stomping foot has tried to explain Leo as much as possible, Leo always feels that the stomping foot has concealed something, and there is something he wants to say, so his words seem a bit confusing, sounds like weird.

Later, Leo slightly questioned again: "How do you know that this dream world has produced its own natural way?"

"Because I have integrated into the natural way of this world. UU reading book" stunned and pointed at himself, and then exuded the spiritual energy called the power of nature. It can gradually compress around his body and finally cover the body skin, forming a layer of hidden skin.

Feeling the power and power of the psionic footsteps, Leo can also be sure that his strength has not only been restored, but also seems to have been enhanced.

It’s just that Leo felt that the breath of psionic energy exuded from the horror tread was a little different from the psionic energy he first felt. It didn’t seem so light and clean, and became a little muddy, and made him feel a trace of inexplicable danger It made him instinctively want to take out the weapon alert.

Although Leo felt that the wasteland shaman's psionic state was somewhat abnormal, he did not make any excessive reactions, nor did he remind the horror to trampling, but took a deep breath and felt the discomfort in his heart, let this matter go In my heart, I gave it to the vice-brain system to pay attention, and then asked Shen Shen: "Since I already know that this is the dream of the night god, what should we do next?"

The Wasteland Shaman showed a dignified look and said, "Now the most important thing is to find a way out of here." As he said, he asked Leo: "The sign of the Silver Moon Tower is still on you. ?"

Leo Wenyan took out the beacon round and handed it to the Wasteland Shaman.

After the horror hoofed the ball, he closed his eyes slightly, and the psionic energy on his body formed the shape of a tree under Leo's vision, and it seemed to be performing some kind of shamanism.

After a while, the psionic energy of the wasteland shaman gradually calmed down, and the thing was returned to Leo. The dignified expression on his face did not ease at all, but became more serious.

Leo took the ball and was still able to sense the location of the beacon through the ball. He could not help asking: "Is there a problem?"