The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1350: Kamen the Long Song Waiter

Kaimen Ludlow, Minister of Finance of the Haute Federation, can be said to be an ancient nobleman who inherited the Haute Federation. Although this kind of saying is not popular in the Haute Federation, his family left it to himself when he entered the official career. His identity and blood still helped him a great deal invisibly. He was able to hold such a high-powered position as Minister of Finance in his forties, not only because of his own talent, but also because of his surname.

According to some scholars who like to study family pedigrees, the Ludlow family should be inherited from the second son of a duchy in the Old World. The family pedigree was formed during the Great Migration Period, and it can be said that it is one of the oldest families in the New World. One.

But Kaimen knows very well that the so-called family legends and genealogy are all fake. In fact, there is no Ludlow family at all. Everything is just a layer of disguise that the Long Song Church put on them. In fact, All of their families are spy families hidden by the Longsong Church in the Otter Federation.

Kaiman can hardly forget that when he was an adult, after his father told him the truth, the bad feeling in his heart was as strong as the world collapsed. He even committed suicide twice for this reason. Of course, the publicity is He committed suicide because of love, creating an infatuated personality for outsiders.

From the day he remembered, all the education he received was a very formal federal education. In his understanding, God does not exist. All church countries are puppets of certain kinds of evil that claim to be God. Talents are the main body of this world, and the federation is established for the well-being of mankind, for the future of mankind, and so on. All thoughts began on the day he had basic cognition and were constantly instilled into his mind.

Even if he has never believed in these thoughts and education, even if his desire from childhood is to become a carefree and only spends money, but this kind of federal orthodoxy is still deeply ingrained in his brain. , Affecting his past words and deeds.

However, all this was broken on the day of adulthood. For a long time after that, he lived like a walking dead in the manor on the outskirts of the family, until he saw the long song his father deliberately left in the manor house. After the seventh movement, he got rid of this life and regained the goal of life, that is, on that day he became a long song waiter.

No one can predict that oneself can become a long song waiter. For the Long Song Church, every long song waiter has received the favor of the long song performer, and in the future it is possible to become the favorite of the long song performer, and then Become the pope or saint of the Long Song Church.

The long singers have always been cultivated by the Long Song Church since they were young. They have read the first movement that represents the true meaning of the long singers since they were young. There has never been a non-church training, and the seventh movement has become a precedent for long song waiters. Therefore, this incident also attracted the attention of the Long Song Church. Even Long Song Church even risked being intercepted by the Ministry of Education and secretly sent a sanctuary ascetic here to confirm the leader of Kaimen. The true and false of the singer.

   After this verification, Kaimen has become the most important piece of Long Song Church among the many chess pieces in the Otter Federation, and it has also become the object of their all-out training.

Although Kaiman believes that he can sit on the position of Minister of Finance, more because of his own talents, he also has to admit that the Long Song Church has played a huge role in this matter, especially the whole situation. The bribery turmoil of the Ministry of Finance directly sacked 30% of the officials of the Ministry of Finance and vacated 30% of the positions. His excellent record in financial auditing also made him the chief audit officer of the Ministry of Finance, known as the alternate minister.

For a long time, the Long Song Church has not taken the initiative to ask Kaimen to perform any tasks. Unlike other Long Song Church chess pieces, there are some tasks that are required to be performed regularly. Compared with the benefits of performing certain tasks, it is obvious that he Long Song. The status of the waiter and its current status are more important.

But Kaimen also knows that there was no task to him before because those tasks were very simple, and the value did not match his identity. But once the Long Song Church assigned him a task, the task might be very arduous, or even worse. He completely shattered everything in the Otter Federation.

Therefore, Kaimen is always preparing for the task that will come in the future. Until recently, when the task that had been waiting for decades fell into his hands, not only did he not feel surprised or nervous, but there was something inexplicable. A sense of relief, but he didn't like it, because it made him feel a little uneasy.

   The content of the mission is very simple. He used his position to question the identities and intentions of the two foreigners in relation to the research expenses of new weapons.

   The content of the task seems very simple, and it does not exceed the scope of his authority. Even without this task, he will also question the issue of funding review at the meeting. This is what he needs to do every day.

But the problem is that this is the content of work under normal circumstances, but the current situation within the Haute Federation is not very normal. Especially in the research of new weapons, there is no doubt about it. If he gets stuck on the funding issue, it will be very difficult. It will easily become the focus of everyone, and may even arouse some people's suspicion.

Nowadays, the research and development of new weapons has been regarded as the most important thing of the federal government. This is related to the state in which this anti-church war will eventually end. Almost all intelligence related departments within the federal government are concerned about this matter. There are countless pairs of eyes staring at the people and things involved in this matter, just to avoid any accidents in this matter.

   Now if he comes up to raise any objections, no matter how powerful he is, he will still be repeatedly investigated. What's more, he still has political opponents in politics. Those political opponents will never let go of any opportunity to get in the way.

Just when Kaiman was considering what he needed to do to complete this task without being targeted for investigation, something unexpected happened. When the Prime Minister convened a meeting on wood to discuss the development of new weapons, the minister of the Ministry of Education He directly questioned the purpose of the couple, and the reason was that the couple seemed to be using various methods to try to get close to the big secret that had been hidden by the federal government for many years.

In the beginning, as Kaimen thought, the minister of the Ministry of Education became the object of criticism. Those who had offended the Ministry in the past also attacked him, thinking that he was deliberately delaying the development of new weapons. In the enemy.

But in the second half of the meeting, when a director in charge of national security intelligence came in and brought in a piece of information about the couple’s past experiences, things began to change, because any savvy person could From this information, there are many things that are not right.

For example, the couple first appeared in a small country in the mountains inland, but before that there was no information related to the two of them, as if the two had popped out of a rock. This obviously had a great existence. problem.

After that, the couple traveled around the countries of the New World like two travelers. At first glance, there was no problem, but if you look at the matter with the eyes of the observer, you will find that the two people are more like deliberately in various countries. A large number of traces are left, making it difficult for future tracers to investigate.

In the end, the couple visited so many countries, but chose to settle in the Haute Federation. Although the federal people are extremely confident and proud of their country, they think the Haute Federation is the best country in the world, but in fact everyone knows it well. , The Otter Federation is definitely not the most suitable country for settlement in the world, and even the most suitable country for settlement in the New World is not ranked.

   But the couple chose the Otter Federation as their home country, and deliberately did all kinds of amazing things to attract other people's attention, which was completely different from their previous travels in other countries.

The various information revealed from these intelligence materials makes people who see this intelligence information can not help but have an inexplicable suspicion that the foreign couple actually came to the Otter Federation on a purpose and at the same time. Want to get close to the secrets under the Capitol and so on.

When suspicion began to spread, Kaimen felt that an opportunity had come, so he worried about the funding for the development of new weapons, especially when the federal government needed to make a large amount of indemnities, and it also needed to support the logistics of battlefields. A fee will directly affect the normal operation of the federal government.

When raising concerns, he also brought out the budget report on weapons research and development costs, but that budget report was a revised report, and a large number of other departments that tried to fish for oil and water were added to the original research and development funds. Miscellaneous funding, as a result, the original R&D funding has been inflated by more than three times, and it has reached a very scary amount.

This revised funding report was not instructed by him to do so, but a default rule. Other similar funding reports will also add some additional funding applications, so even if someone investigates, it is impossible to investigate Kaimen. Body.

In addition to the budget report provided by Kaimen, some heads of small departments have also raised questions about the foreign couple, and it is a hawkish general of the military who has really made an impact. Some unfounded suspicions were expressed. These suspicions all suggested that the couple might be spies for neighboring church countries. The recent response of those church countries was actually to cooperate with the acting in order to make the Federation think that the weapon was against the surrounding countries. The threat is great.

The military hawk general is a federal supremacist through and through. He looks down on any foreigner. Even the popes of the other churches are like maggots in his mouth. Normally, his words will only make people think that he is again. He was talking loudly, but now his words are enough to make people create some bad associations.

   So, regardless of the direction of the matter, it developed in the direction Kaiman wanted to see. The Prime Minister temporarily put aside the proposal for the development of new weapons and started an investigation against the two foreigners.

It was also suggested whether the two should be put under house arrest first to prevent the two from escaping, but this proposal was unfortunately not passed. Even the investigation was only a secret investigation, because according to intelligence, Langnus seemed to know the pair. Couple.

For Kaimen, it is no longer his business to investigate the two foreigners. He has completed the task assigned by the Long Song Church. I believe that others will follow up on the next thing. As far as he knows, the surrounding church countries have placed a lot of chess pieces within the federal government, and those chess pieces should be used at this time.

Perhaps because of the successful completion of the task, his mood has become a lot easier, so when he went to work today, he changed his unsmiling attitude and said a few small jokes at the meeting, and also praised the secretary's clothes by the way. , So that everyone in the office wondered if he had a lover.

   After leaving the office in the evening, Kaimen did not let the carriage take him home. Instead, he planned to go to a small bar nearby for a drink.

   It was just that as the carriage slowly entered an alley and suddenly stopped, the trace of uneasiness when receiving the task suddenly became particularly strong, and he immediately became alert.

   "Bernard, why stop?" Kaiman asked the coachman while taking out two weapons from the secret compartment in the wine cabinet beside him and holding them in his hands.

   "Minister Kaiman, you may not be able to go home smoothly today. We have something we need to investigate with you." At this time, a voice that made Kaiman sound familiar came from outside the car.

   Kaimen's face became a little ugly, UU reading he heard that this voice was the voice of the third group leader of the Ministry of Interior.

The Ministry of the Interior has a total of nine groups, each of which manages different departments and different levels of federal officials. The third group has the largest authority. Even members of Congress and Supreme Court judges are under their jurisdiction. The Ministry of Finance Naturally, ministers are also among them.

Under normal circumstances, the Ministry of the Interior’s investigations against officials are conducted in secret. When the investigation is advanced to the point where it is necessary to bring people to investigate, it means that the investigation has come to an end, all the necessary evidence is complete, and the team leader personally dispatched, except for In addition to the very special status of the subject of the arrest, what is more important is that this means that the evidence held by the Ministry of the Interior is conclusive and correct. The current arrest is only a formality. The next step is to directly submit it to the court and the procuratorate for trial and sentence.

  According to previous cases, in almost all arrests initiated by the team leader, all arrested persons were sent to prison without exception, and even sentenced to death.

After confirming that the leader of the team is the leader of the third group of the Ministry of the Interior, even if Kaimen does not know how his true identity was exposed, he can still be sure that his end is doomed. Now he needs to choose Shouldn't you make the last fight, or just grab it with your hands.

   After a moment of silence, Kaimen made a choice, put down the weapon in his hand, opened the door of the carriage and walked out.



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