The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 136: Lake Town on the Vine

As the name implies, the town that Leo saw in front of him was indeed completely built on the lake. They did not put stone piles in the water according to the normal method, and then built houses on the stone piles. All the houses were built in A vine-like aquatic plant.

This vine plant seems to possess a kind of magical power, which makes the vine itself have extraordinary growth ability, and the buoyancy is unusually strong. Even if a wooden house of seventeen or eight floors is built on it, it will not let The vines sink into the water.

Although the town houses are built on the vines on the water, they feel like they will sink into the water at any time. However, the original planners and builders of the town did not build the houses very sloppy, but all the houses were built. Very regular.

And each house is different according to the people who live, the work is different, and the style and model of the building are different. After seeing the house, Leo can clearly say the function of each area of ​​the entire town without any thought. .

For example, the outermost periphery of the entire town near the lake wall is ten small areas, and each urban area is composed of dozens of twelve-story lofts connected to each other. The top of each loft area is paved with wooden planks, forming a huge playground. Some weapon racks can also be seen on the playground, and several suspension bridges are pulled out from above, respectively, with the outer wall, other loft areas and The top of the inner town area is connected.

Obviously, these ten small lofts and small areas should all be defensive areas. The defensive forces of this lake town should all live in these ten small areas. Their responsibility is nothing more than to guard and maintain the city walls, and to block the spirit of dreams if necessary. Invasion.

After passing through the ten most fortified areas on the outermost level, the houses inside were fan-shaped and extended towards the depths of Xuanyue Lake. About every ten lofts were separated by a longitudinal distance from the urban area. After more than 100 urban areas, the expansion stopped.

The houses in these urban areas are high and low, some are brightly lit inside and outside, the house is luxurious and noble, and some can only see the stars and lights from some house windows, the houses are simple and simple, and some are built with high chimneys, which can see huge Some of the forging stoves are also made up of dense small houses, and many manual machines can be seen from the window.

All in all, from the perspective of sight, all urban areas can easily see the function of the buildings and the identity of the people who live or use them.

Outside the wall is chaotic and disorderly, inside the wall is uniform, this strong contrast makes Leo rushed to some uncomfortable from the beginning, feeling that he is now not in the dream world, but in a certain world of Velon Outside an industrial town.

Before talking to Valentin, Leo learned from the words and phrases of his words that this dream world also has morning and evening, but they are called the active period and the rest period, and the active period and the rest period are divided. The machinery is the clock tower in the center of every town.

According to Valentin, this clock tower is not necessarily the tallest and largest building in the entire town, but it must be the most striking building in the town.

The shape of the clock tower is different from the mechanical clock tower common in the Velon world. This clock tower is a black tower with a giant stone ring divided into 24 areas held at the top of the tower. There is always an area on this ring. In the light-emitting state, the area in the light-emitting state will move one grid to the right every time, and the different light emitted by the area represents the active period and the rest period, gold represents the active period, and silver represents the rest period.

At this moment, the dream world is in an active period, a new golden area has just been lit up, and a large number of people are walking and working in the town.

Leo compared the time zone marked on the stone tower of the tower with the time record of the paracephalic system. He was surprised to find that if it is judged according to the time of the Velon world, the Western Continent of the French Empire is at ten o'clock in the day. The time on the left and right matches the time shown on the stone ring.

"Interesting!" This scene gave Leo an inexplicable smile on his face. He wouldn't simply think it was just a coincidence.

According to Valentin, this clock tower is controlled by the Wizards’ Association of Silvermoon City, and the changes in time stamps are also controlled by the Wizards’ Association of Silvermoon City, which makes Leo guess that the Wizards’ Association here may have some contact with the Velon World. At least, it can be synchronized with the time of the French Empire in the Weilun world.

Leo has been eager to enter the city and have a look, but he did not follow the usual route from the suspension bridge to the defense area, and then into the city. After all, according to his current situation, it is not very good to explain one. How do ordinary people come here from the forest and climb the high wall during the month.

I saw that Leo stepped on the protruding stones and cracks on the inside of the wall, and quickly climbed under the corner of the wall and came to the lake, visually inspecting the distance between the lake and the vines in the opposite water, and estimating the jumping power in his heart.

He did not intend to swim in the past, because he felt that the builder of this lake town would choose to build a high-altitude suspension bridge in the air instead of directly building a bridge connecting the shore on the water. There must be other reasons.

He estimated that this reason should have a close relationship with the lake water here, or more specifically, the lake water is very dangerous. This can be seen from the fact that he did not find any boats around the town. And from all the signs, people here seem to be quite sure that the lake water can block the spirit of the dream, so they will build the town on the lake.

Leo stepped back under the giant wall, stretched his legs backward and stepped on the wall, opened the perfect control skills, so that the physical qualities of the body were instantly improved to the extreme, and then pushed hard against the wall, the whole person rushed out like an arrow , I rushed to the lake in the blink of an eye, as if measured, my right foot was just one step away from the lake, and I pressed hard.

As a reactionary force came out from under his feet, he rose as a whole, crossed an arc from the lake, and landed on a vine platform floating on the water more than 20 meters away.

The vines that make up this water foundation are thick and thin, and the thick ones need to be embraced by several people. The thin ones are only equivalent to the little fingers, they are entangled with each other, the thick form the trunk, the thin fill the gap, under the control of unknown forces , Forming a relatively flat floating platform.

When Leo stepped on this vine floating platform, he immediately discovered that these vines seemed to be the main material for making the reticulous wizard magical object, because his spiritual perception was easily felt from the vines. A similar wavelength of psionic energy in that wizard's wonder.

However, after landing, Leo was not concerned about the vines, but the lakes.

I saw that he walked to the edge of the vine, stretched his head out, and looked towards the water.

"Sure enough." Leo murmured to himself after seeing the water.

Just the moment he leapt over the water, he found that his figure did not appear on the reflection of the water. At first, he just thought it was because the moonlight in the sky was not strong enough to form a mirror reflection on the lake, but now he But it is certain that the lake here cannot reflect any reflection.

In addition, he can also feel a wave of psionic energy from the lake water near a certain area of ​​the vines, and in his view, this wave of psionic energy seems to exist because of the psionic energy contained in these vines.

Through the analysis of the auxiliary brain system, he even found that the wavelength of the psionic energy appearing in the lake water was very similar to the wavelength of the psionic energy contained in the dense fog that sent him to this dream world, and it was almost the same.

To this end, Leo, who was curious, tried to release the spiritual net and wanted to investigate the situation of the lake. Soon, the spiritual net gave him a lot of information, and these information without exception all showed what he felt The lake water does not exist, only an unknown energy field.

Just like the previous analysis results of the auxiliary brain, the analysis data of this energy field is very similar to the dense fog outside No. 9 Golden Oak Street. It can almost be regarded as an energy field composed of the same psionic energy.

"Is it possible that the lake water has the same function as the dense fog, which can send objects that fall into the lake to another dream world." Leo also saw the results after the data analysis and comparison, and he was very quick. There was a guess, and he felt it should be close to the facts.

Just when Leo had some associations due to the abnormality of the lake water, a very harsh sound of door opening came from the lowest floor of the house not far away, followed by a slight footsteps indicating that several people were facing this Walked over.

Leo didn't think much, and immediately hurried to a huge arched vine, hiding his body in the shadow of the vine, only using the spiritual net to observe the surroundings.

Soon those people entered Leo's spiritual network, Leo found that these people and Valentin's appearance are very different.

Although Valentin's skin was extremely pale and silvery for some unknown reason, he was only different from ordinary people in this respect, and the other internal organs were the same as ordinary people.

However, the residents of Lake Town who are wearing uniforms and whose identity should be guarded by the fence are completely different from ordinary people. Two of them have four octopus-like tentacles on their bodies and many small faces. The tentacles, the legs of the other two are in the shape of bird claws, and the hands are disproportionately thick, which forms a great visual contrast with their thin body.

Although the shape of the four people feels very much like the dream spirits outside, Leo did not feel any fluctuations in the psionic energy unique to the spirits of the dreams from the four people, so these people are just ordinary people whose bodies have changed. .

The pace of these four people is very fast, and soon reached the edge of the vine platform. After they stopped, they talked in a very accented Maris language and quarreled loudly. Then the two tentacle-bearing people seemed to have planned at the same time, and the four tentacles on the body instantly became very hard, as if they were four sharp blades, and they plunged into the other two colleagues in front of them. On his body, two colleagues were killed directly.

While pulling out their tentacles, the two carefully avoided the blood splattered from the wounds of the corpse, and then pushed the two corpses into the lake water outside the platform, and then did not see the follow-up of the corpse, turned and walked the same way. go back.

At this moment, Leo did not leave immediately, but after the two had left, they came to the place where they had left their bodies.

I saw that the two corpses did not immediately sink to the bottom of the water, but floated on the surface of the water, but the energy field contained in the lake water around the corpses emitted waves of regular wavelengths as if disturbed.

Soon, Leo sensed that there seemed to be some kind of invisible presence in the water, and then the two bodies instantly sank into the water as if they were tied to stones, disappearing.

At this moment, Leo found that the invisible existence he felt through the spiritual network did not disappear with the disappearance of the corpse. Instead, he stopped in the water in front of his position, just like he was perceiving each other at this moment. He was also observed through some method.

Although Leo feels that the best way is to retreat deep into the vine platform and no longer face the hidden existence in the water, but his strong curiosity makes him do the opposite and open up the spiritual vision skills.

When the Lingshi skill was turned on, Leo found that the lake in front of him all disappeared, replaced by a layer of dense fog, and a very large black shadow with countless tentacles on his body appeared in the dense fog~www. ~ less than a few meters away in front of him.

Although the black shadow has no organs such as glasses, Leo can clearly feel that the other party is looking at himself, and is using some kind of psychic power to affect his mind and make him produce a kind of The urge to jump into the water immediately.

"Activate the mechanical will." At the moment when he felt that he could no longer withstand the impulse in his heart and wanted to jump forward, Leo immediately exited the state of spiritual vision, and opened the mechanical will, allowing his mind to get rid of the influence instantly and quickly Back, back to a safe place.

I don't know if it is auditory hallucinations. In short, when he retreated to a safe place, an indescribable hissing sound suddenly sounded in his ear, and this voice was full of anger and unwillingness.

"Hoo~" After feeling that the hidden existence in the lake water had disappeared, Leo sighed for a long time, stopped the mechanical will skills, and put himself in an absolutely rational spirit to return to normal, and then opened the personal data interface to view Happening.

The daily value of will is what Leo is most concerned about at the moment, and when he sees that the daily value of will at this moment has dropped by 11 points from the moment just now, he can't help being thankful.

Just now he just saw the shadow in less than ten seconds, and his daily value fell wildly by eleven o'clock. If he didn't activate the mechanical will skills in time and get rid of the other's mind control, I'm afraid he wouldn't Being tempted to jump into the water will also fall into danger because of the rapid decline in the daily value of will.

However, there is bound to be a loss, although Leo’s daily value of will is reduced, but because he successfully got rid of a close control of a mysterious existence with his own will, his spirit is basically worth improving by two points, reaching At thirty-nine o'clock, you can reach level 4 psionicist by raising two points.