The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1361: Wizard's castle

The name of the outpost is given by the lumberjack family. The reason for this name is that there is a small castle ruin on the hill, which looks like a military outpost.

Because it is located at the front end of the Trub Mountain forest, the forest of the outpost mound from outside the mountain is fairly easy to walk, but the road behind the outpost mound will become a lot more rugged, not only the dense and dangerous forest, but also Walking on the mountains with loose gravel and wet snow, so most of the lumberjack families who enter the mountains will rest here for a night, recharge their energy, and then continue on the road.

Although on the way to the outpost hill, the unknown power shrouded is not particularly powerful, but for ordinary people, it has enough bad effects. Under the effect of such bad effects, they will lose their way unknowingly.

The middle-aged man who was caught by Leo as a guide tried to use the unknown power here to escape from Leo’s hands several times on the road, but in the end, no matter how far he escaped, he would always be at a turning point. , Encountering Leo and Sylvia again, this almost made him feel that he has lost his protection and lost his way under the influence of unknown forces.

After several attempts to no avail, he found that he couldn't escape at all, so he didn't escape anymore, but honestly led the way.

After about two or three hours, they passed through a very dense woodland and arrived at the outpost hill.

I saw that the outpost hill was not just living with him alone as the middle-aged people said, but dozens of people lived here. These people built houses under the outpost hill, formed a family, and their children. Living here, judging from the number and distribution of houses, there should be about four or five families living here.

Almost without much effort, Leo can easily distinguish from the appearance of these people which of these people are people with the blood of the lumberjack family, and which ones are just ordinary people.

The wives of these families are undoubtedly all ordinary people, and those husbands and some children are people with the blood of loggers, because there are more or less obvious variations on their faces, perhaps this is why they can only stay At the outpost, you can't live outside like other members of the lumberjack family, and only enter the mountain when you need it.

These people were extremely surprised by the arrival of Leo and Sylvia. This may be the first time they saw an outsider come here after they have lived here for so many years. The middle-aged man led the two into this miniature village. At that time, someone immediately stopped their way and asked the middle-aged why they had to bring outsiders here.

However, before the middle-aged person answered, the abyssal dragon aura exuding from Sylvia's body had already taken effect. All the men, women and children surrounded by the aura of the dragon all lay on the ground, as if to the gods. Same week.

"We will rest in the castle above. If someone comes from the mountain, we will let us know." Leo gave a command to the middle-aged man who was stiffened by fright, and then signaled Sylvia to take back the Abyssal Dragon. Breath, walking towards the ruined castle on the hill with only a section of foundation left.

Although Leo and Sylvia had already left, it took a long time for the people around them to relax. They got up from the ground, and as they got up, they all gathered around the middle-aged man and asked The identities of Leo and Sylvia, what happened and so on.

Leo and Sylvia ignored the half-banished members of the lumberjack family, and they soon came to the dilapidated fortress on the top of the mountain.

"This is the Tajer-style foundation-building method." When careful Sylvia entered the fortress, she saw some clues from the structure of the foundation.

Leo also came up with relevant information in his mind. He learned that the Tajer-style foundation-building method was the early castle construction method of the first and second French dynasties. This castle method is a special method of polishing. The schist, combined with specially prepared clay, gradually accumulates and stacks, and finally builds a castle.

The advantage of this kind of castle is that construction materials are easily available, the construction cost is low, the building is also very stable, and it is easy to repair. Until now, there are still many castles built in this way on the Weilun continent, but most of these castles are modified. Become a manor.

The shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, this kind of castle cannot be built too high, usually there is only one floor. If some load-bearing stone pillars are added in the middle, it may be able to be built to two floors, but such a three-story castle has never been built. Has appeared, so after a new method of building a giant castle, this method of construction was quickly eliminated.

At present, the foundation of the castle built by such an ancient construction method appeared in front of the two, which made Leo doubt the origin of this small castle, so he exchanged with Sylvia: "Do you think it will be that one? Built by the Belmont family?"

"It's possible." Sylvia nodded slightly, but also put forward a different idea, and said: "It may also be built by a certain tower wizard. After all, the original tower wizard's wizard tower is similar to the castle."

"The tower wizard?" Leo hesitated for a while, then crouched down and searched on the ground. Finally, he found some clues on a stone pillar in a corner as a ground pile, and said: "Your guess may be correct. of."

Sylvia also leaned over and took a look, only to see some complicated patterns carved on the surface of the stone pillar. These patterns were like some kind of rune with mysterious power and some kind of text that was deliberately mixed together. , So she asked puzzledly: "What is this?"

Leo explained: "This should be the Diavin that the tower wizard used in the early days."

Sylvia was a little surprised to touch her finger on the relief, and said, "Is this the Diawen? I thought Diawen and Gamore are the same language that contains mysterious power."

Leo explained: "You are mistaken. Diavin is a secret language created by the early tower wizards for secret communication. It does not possess any supernatural power. It is just a text that can use simple symbols to represent complex meanings. It's like the codewords you spy agents like to use."

"Do you know what it says?" Sylvia asked again.

"I don't know." Leo gave a disappointing answer, saying: "I have only seen similar words in some books from the tower wizard, but the use and interpretation of this kind of words has long been used. It's a dead end, I'm afraid that even the tower wizards who may still exist may not be able to interpret this kind of text. I have tried to interpret it, but found that this kind of text has no rules at all, unless it is a specific text code. Compare it, otherwise it’s impossible to interpret what they mean at all.” He paused for a while, and said, “But from the context of the use of this type of text, it’s clear that the content of this text should be inseparable. Open some good things about the house."

"Unfortunately, this castle has been destroyed, otherwise..." Sylvia looked at the surrounding ruined walls, showing regret, but then she seemed to have discovered something, and quickly walked to a certain position in the middle of the broken castle. He looked around and said, "This castle doesn't seem to have been destroyed naturally."

Leo also came to the top after hearing this and looked around. Although time has passed for a long time, and the people under the hills will pry some stone bricks from here when they build houses, the initial damage marks have been destroyed seven or seven. It’s eight or eight, but Leo can still tell from the damage to the castle and the ups and downs of the geography around the castle. The castle must have experienced a big explosion, and that big explosion not only destroyed the castle, but also caused the surrounding areas. Topography and landforms also appeared common impact topography.

Seeing all this, Leo calculated the power of the explosion. If there was such a very powerful interference force at Trub Mountain at the time, then analyzing the damage caused by this explosion, then the explosion caused the explosion at that time. The strength should be comparable to Thunder Gun.

"Do you think the explosion here is related to the one in the mountain?" Sylvia thought again.

Leo shook his head, and could only answer blankly: "I don't know! There are so few data available for analysis."

Afterwards, Leo and Sylvia walked around the castle again to see if they could find any useful clues, but the result was not satisfactory.

Seeing that there were no other interesting discoveries, Leo and Sylvia created a fire in the castle, waiting for the arrival of the lumberjack family.

After entering the night, a noise suddenly came out from the woods under the hills. I saw three strong young people walking out of the woods, but none of them had any companion beasts around them, but their energy fluctuated. Very strong, it seems that they should not be members of the Rufu family, but more like members of other lumberjack families.

The three people originally planned to enter the small village composed of several households, but when they saw fire in the direction of the castle, they felt a little surprised, puzzled and curious, so they turned a corner and walked towards the castle. , And soon came outside the broken castle.

The three of them didn't worry about what kind of attack they would be attacked. They walked in together without sending anyone to check outside the castle. They saw a bonfire, and Leo and Sylvia who were roasting things beside the bonfire.

After seeing Leo and Sylvia, the three of them were stunned for a moment, and then seemed to realize who the two were, but they didn't seem to know how powerful Leo and Sylvia were, but they were one. The face walked up excitedly, looking like Leo and Sylvia had been preyed.

One of the headed young lovers smiled and said: "We are lucky. We did not expect to encounter two big fishes during a routine patrol. As long as we catch them back, we..."

Before the young lover finished speaking, an invisible pressure appeared on the three of them, instantly pressing the three to kneel on the ground, and this pressure was still pressing tightly on the chest and back, as if It is as if all the air in their lungs is pressed out, let alone normal speaking, it is difficult to even gasp.

Just when the three of them felt that they might be dying, the invisible pressure on their chests and backs suddenly disappeared, and the three of them gasped in unison, seeming to want to **** all the air around them into their lungs. It's just that when they slowed down and wanted to stand up, they found that the invisible pressure on their bodies had not disappeared. They still had to kneel on the ground and couldn't move.

"Our couple wanted to go into the mountains. We were originally looking for Bain from Rufu's family to lead the way, but from various circumstances, Bain should have been in an accident, and I don’t want to know what’s going on. I just want to make sure if I can find it. A guide who can take our couple into the mountain.” Leo said, looking at the three of them, and said: “You three can choose by themselves, whether to be the guide and take us into the mountain, or we use a special method to directly from yours. The brain extracts related memories, but the process and results of extracting memories may not be very good."

Although Leo's tone was calm and he didn't say what would be bad about retrieving the memory, none of the three were fools, and they could all guess that the result would definitely not be what they hoped.

For a while, the three of them became extremely flustered, and even cursed the **** guys who provided them with information. Those guys just stated that Leo and Sylvia were two academics and weapons manufacturing experts, and did not mention the two of them. It is a mysterious existence with powerful and extraordinary power.

They felt that if it hadn't been for those guys who provided false information, making them think that the two in front of them were big fish, maybe they had escaped the moment they recognized them, and they wouldn't end up like this.

Seeing that the three of them remained silent for a long time without answering, Leo said casually: "Since the three have made a choice, then..."

"Wait, I am willing to be a guide." The young man named the leader said immediately.

"Wells! You are crazy!" The young man on the left looked at his companion in disbelief. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The young man glared at his companion and said, "I'm not crazy. I don't want to lose my life because of leading the way. It's your business if you want to die, and I want to do other big things."

"I am also willing to be a guide." The young man on the right also said at this time.

Seeing that there were already two young people willing to be guides, the remaining young man did not persist and had to bow his head.

Leo didn't make any contract with the three of them, and directly lifted the restrictions on the three of them, let the three of them find a place to rest, and when they had rested, he would take them into the mountain.

After that, he seemed to be doing nothing, fiddled with the bonfire with a wooden stick. In fact, he was recalling some accidents and control problems in the process of using psionic suppression just now.

In fact, the invisible pressure on the chest and back of the three young people just now was not deliberately exerted by Leo, but the sudden loss of control when he used the psionic suppression. Fortunately, he managed to control the intensity of the psionic suppression in time. , Otherwise, these three young people may have been crushed into meat sauce by psychic suppression now.