The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1384: Priest's thoughts

Sylvia looked in the mirror to see where the scales on her neck were before, nodded in satisfaction, but then said with a bit of disgust: "I don't like this magical technique."

Sylvia's resentment towards the fire of purification stems from the power of her blood. The power of the fire of purification makes her blood power instinctively disgusted and even affects her emotions.

Although it seems that the fire of purification has a strong restraining effect on the power of the abyssal dragon, the scales produced due to the uncontrollable bloodline power disappeared immediately after the expelling magic of the purification fires approached, but in fact the abyssal dragon The power of the energy level is higher than the power of the fire of purification, and the power of the abyssal dragon can fully reproduce the power of the fire of purification.

But the problem is that for the power of the abyssal dragon, the power of the purifying fire is like a pile of disgusting excrement, even if the power level is higher and stronger, it will never take the initiative to contact a pile of excrement. That's why they choose to retreat.

In other words, the fire of purification relies on nausea to make the power of the abyss dragon and the like retreat.

Leo naturally knows the nature of the power of the fire of purification, because in his body there is the power of the abyssal serpent and the marks of various other gods. He can feel not only the power of the abyss, but also the marks of some of the gods in the world of Velen. They also have a strong repulsion and revulsion to the power of the Purifying Fire, and only the power of the Stone Throne, the power of the chaos stomach sac, and the power of the nightmare are special powers that do not receive any influence.

At this moment, Petinstein was also distracted to see Leo's use of the Purification Fire Art. The Expulsion Art is the most basic divine art of Purification Fire. Almost all the priests of Purification Fire know how to use it, especially in some of them. In special festivals, the identity of Purification Fire will also come to the villages and towns under her to preach. During the mission, she will perform some magical arts to deepen the faith of the people, so she is no stranger to the magical expulsion.

If she had some doubts about Leo's claim to be able to perform the sacred art of Purifying Fire just now, disguising his identity as Purifying Fire, then all these doubts have disappeared now.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the outside room. Leo checked through the spiritual network and found that it was Father Tovia and the knight lord named Tufman.

Leo asked Penistan to continue practicing inside the house, and he went out with Sylvia, opened the door, looked at the two people outside the house and asked, "What's the matter?"

Perhaps it was because Leo made him feel terrified just now, Father Tovia shrank his neck, couldn't help but step back, stepped back to the side of the Tafman Knight, and then took a deep breath and said: "There is a round of rats this evening. The tide will pass here and then fled back to the mountains. The church hopes that we can try to intercept it. The church knights sent by the church to support will soon arrive, and the mad rats will be completely wiped out here."

"How did you know that a swarm of rats passed by here tonight?" Leo asked rhetorically.

Tovia said: "Not long ago, the church notified me through the torch."

Leo nodded and said blankly: "Okay! If you plan to do it, do it! Don't use it here to inform our couple."

After speaking, he was about to turn around and return to the house and close the door.

"Wait," Tovia immediately stopped Leo and said, "We are here to inform you that we hope that the two can help us deal with this rat tide together."

"Why are we helping you?" It was not Leo who spoke this time, but Sylvia.

Tovia frowned and said, "The rat tide is the enemy of all humans. Anyone in front of the rat tide..."

Sylvia interrupted the other party and said, "The rat tide is not harmful to us, and they can't hurt us."

Tuffman, wearing a complete knight armor, felt very dissatisfied when he heard Sylvia's words. He was about to say something, but was stopped by Tovia.

Tovia didn't continue to persuade him, and he saluted Leo and Sylvia, then turned and left, while the Tafman Knight glared at Leo and Sylvia, and followed.

"Just give up like that?" Sylvia was a little surprised seeing Tovia's actions. She originally thought that the other party would use other methods to persuade herself, such as the survivors in the city, etc. The result was impressive. Unexpectedly, the other party left without saying anything, making her bewildered by Tovia's behavior.

Leo guessed: "He may be trying to find reasons for accusing us in the future."

"In that case, it would be interesting." Not only did Sylvia not feel nervous, but on the contrary, she looked expectant. It was obvious that her current mood was still affected by the abyssal dragon.

Leo shook his head, then looked at the direction the two had left, and said, "I'm more interested in what they call the rat tide."

"Is there a problem with the rat tide?" Sylvia asked.

"Of course there is a problem." Leo said in a deep voice, "I didn't say that the rat group’s nest consciousness should have been broken up by the Pope of the Church of Purification Fire, and they have lost the influence of the nest consciousness. The nature of the mice will regain the upper hand. A group of cowardly Jerry mice will have no time to avoid human gatherings. How can they still form a tide of mice and attack humans."

Sylvia heard the words, thought about it for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "It seems that our priest Tovia is not as loyal and pure as he appears on the surface."

Leo soon wanted to understand why Sylvia said that, and he nodded in approval, feeling that the sudden rat tide attack was indeed very strange, and it was probably a pre-set stage play.

If you think about it carefully, this mutant rat tide is about to end. Now the Ruth Principality and several neighboring Principalities are empty. There are vacancies in secular power, population, and so on. Leave it alone. The positions of these Principalities Vacancies will definitely be replenished in the shortest time.

Although Father Tovia performed extremely well in the process of this rat tide, he not only saved his own life, but also saved many survivors, but also preserved the purifying fire of this parish. Such a feat. It will inevitably allow Father Tovia to get a lot of promotion in the office of the church.

However, his promotion in position may not necessarily satisfy him. Even if his position is promoted, the clergy without any backstage will be promoted to some nominal positions and cannot become the master of a diocese at all. Priest.

Tovia should be very clear about where his weaknesses are. The Ruth Principality and the surrounding Principalities, where the rat tide has not completely ended, have now become fat in the eyes of many people, and they have a lot of qualifications in the Purification Fire Church. People with profound backgrounds are waiting to fill a fatness. If he wants to stand out among these people and avoid rising and falling, he must find a way to make himself an irreplaceable existence in the eyes of the church.

What kind of existence cannot be replaced? Naturally, it is a hero. The reconstruction of the Duchy of Ruth is inevitable. The Church of Purification Fire should choose one person from other nobles who have blood relations with Ruth IX to succeed as the Grand Duchy, and one will confront the rat tide and save a large number of people. The survivor’s heroes participating in the new Grand Duke’s enthronement ceremony will undoubtedly bring a lot of convenience to the reconstruction work, so what Tovia needs to do now is to raise his reputation to the next level, so as to be enough to be called a hero. Degree.

Create a fake rat tide, and then use his magic and the power of the fire of purification to drive away the rat tide, save the refuge that has been painstakingly established, and protect the last survivor of the Ruth Principality. Once such a deed is passed on Open, his heroic identity will naturally come to pass.

However, Leo is now curious about how the other party will create this rat tide, because Leo has taken Petistan to the surrounding forests and mountains in the past few days, killing all the rats he saw. Now, there are no rat swarms around the town at all, and the rat swarms are not natural and can't create rat tides.

It's just that, looking at Tovia's appearance, it seems to be fake, which also makes Leo more interested in the follow-up actions of the priest of the Purifying Fire.

Time soon arrived in the middle of the night. Because of Father Tovia’s warning, the people in the town did not rest. All men, women and children, all took up useful weapons and stood on the temporary wooden wall. , The elderly and children are tightly leaning around the purifying fire container, while the others are guarding other places on the wooden wall.

It was the Tafman knight who was in charge of the front line, and Father Tovia led the two surviving little churchmen to kneel before the source of the fire of purification in the middle of the town, as if performing some kind of religious ceremony. The same prayed while throwing some branches and the like into the campfire.

At this time, Leo’s spiritual net was completely released, enveloping the entire town, and checking the situation in the town, he soon discovered that with Father Tovia’s prayers, the source of the fire of purification seemed to be the source of fire. Under certain suppression, the power began to weaken.

The weakening of the source fire is also like a chain reaction, affecting the purifying fire on the surrounding wooden walls, causing their power to begin to weaken. The most intuitive manifestation is that the flames begin to become a little dim and irregular. Of jitter.

Seeing this, even the dull people can detect something wrong. Under the command of the Tafman Knight, everyone clenched their weapons, and some experienced hunters in the crowd shot a shot. Only the rocket ignited the illuminated bonfire set up outside the wall.

When the bonfire was lit, the dark environment outside was occupied by the firelight, and everyone could see the situation outside through the firelight.

However, what puzzled everyone was that there were no traces of rats outside, and everything seemed normal.

Everyone thought that maybe the rats hadn't approached, so they waited for a while, but they saw that the bonfire began to darken gradually, and they still didn't find any traces of the rats, which made them wonder.

The Tafman Knight was also puzzled, and ordered his deputy to take his command task temporarily, and then he returned to the fire source of purification in the town. When he saw Tovia who was still praying, he couldn’t wait to see the situation. Tell it to Tovia.

Tovia was also stunned after hearing this. This was obviously different from what he expected, but he did not express his emotions. He just said that perhaps the rat tide sensed the power of the fire of purification and avoided the town. Kind of words, then tell the Tafman Knight not to relax too much, and continue to stay on the fence to avoid any accidents.

After the Tafman Knights left, Tovia did not continue the religious rituals. Instead, he separated the two little followers. He used the magic of the fire watcher to connect the spirit and the fire of purification to see what happened. what's up.

At this time, Leo had already retracted the spiritual net. He already knew that Father Tovia’s trick was nothing more than suppressing the power of the fire of purification, giving the rats outside the city a chance to take advantage of them, and to lure some of them. The special plants are thrown into the fire of purification and burned, so that the peculiar smell of the plants is emitted, and the rats are guided to attack the town.

As long as the rats are lured out, he will be able to use the ability of the fire watcher to make the purifying fire burst out with stronger power to drive away the rats. In that case, he will become a rescuer of survivors and rescue small towns of refuge. The hero, then spread this deed, his reputation also reached an unprecedented height, and the church will definitely give him more attention in rebuilding the diocese of the Duchy of Ruth.

I have to say that without Leo and others, Tovia's plan can indeed be realized, but it is a pity that Leo asked Peristan to evacuate the Jerry Rats around the other protagonist of his drama in the past two days. Light, lost this important role, the big drama he directed was over before it even started.

Now Father Tovia is communicating with the fire of purification, trying to use the power of the fire of purification to remedy this drama. The result can be imagined. Until the next day dawn, the rat tide predicted by UU reading did not appear. The crisis has not come.

Although during this period Father Tovia’s shelter and treatment of survivors and the stability of the people’s hearts in the town of refuge have played a significant role, the thousands of people who have survived have become faithful believers in the fire of purification. It also gained a lot of prestige, but what was done still caused some people to have some dissatisfaction with Father Tovia, thinking that Father Tovia was deliberately creating panic and relying on his own prestige.

This made Father Tovia's reputation not only did not improve, but declined a bit, but the Tafman Knights who had been waiting on the wall with survivors all day gained a lot of prestige.

Father Tovia was still at a loss at this moment, not knowing why his plan failed, but he soon thought of Leo, because Leo seemed to be the only one who took Penistan out of the town before. The forest, I don't know what to do, but now the rat group outside the town does not appear, undoubtedly it is related to Leo and Penistan.

Although thinking of this, Father Tovia dared not do anything to Leo, because he knew very well that if he got into trouble, he might have disappeared mysteriously before the church sent someone over, so he just I can hope that when the church sends people over, I can use the power of the church to teach Leo.