The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1417: Universe observer

When the navigator's mental interface touched Leo and Sylvia's foreheads, it easily blended in. At the same time, both Leo and Sylvia had very strong feelings.

For a long time, Leo and Sylvia have encountered similar problems. Both of them have increased their strength extremely fast, fast beyond common sense, but the corresponding spiritual power has increased by one level or more. This As a result, when they use their own power, they often have a clear feeling that the power is in the body, but there is a feeling that they are unable to use their power.

Leo was aware of his problems very early, so he would do special training in control every day, and would also look for ways to exercise his mental power from non-psychic methods such as witchcraft.

Compared with Leo, Sylvia’s situation is much worse. After all, her power is mainly bloodline power, and her mental power is not strong enough, which will cause the power in the bloodline to backlash, so Leo during this period Most of the time I was working with Sylvia to improve his control and mental power.

However, even so, Leo and Sylvia's problems cannot be solved overnight. It will take a long time to slowly improve before they can solve the problem of lack of mental power.

However, now the navigator uses his mental interface to instantly turn Leo and Sylvia into a pseudo-Omega-level higher life form. Even if they can’t use any Omega-level higher life form abilities, they are just a kind of The imitation of life forms, but this imitation also includes their most missing spiritual aspects.

Therefore, at the moment they were transformed into pseudo-Omega-level higher beings, their control of their own power reached the limit, and they instantly understood their own flaws and how to correct them with the most effective methods, even many. Questions that hadn't been figured out before have also been answered at this moment, such as how Leo fuses various powers in his body, and how Sylvia separates the power of the abyssal dragon of the inheritance system from the power of the witch bloodline of his own system, and so on.

But there are also some questions, even if they reach the level of Omega-class advanced life forms, they still can't find the answer, such as why Leo's body can perfectly accommodate so much power without conflict.

Leo and Sylvia did not stay in this near-enlightened state for too long. It was not that they could not maintain this state, but that there was no need to maintain it, because after entering this state, they wanted All kinds of questions that I know are answered in an instant. If you continue to maintain it, it is impossible to get a more perfect answer, and the mystery of the real Omega-level higher life forms is not accessible to them in this disguised state, so continue to maintain it. This state becomes redundant.

After leaving the state of enlightenment, both of them invariably looked at the double spiral galaxy ahead, and saw that at this moment, the double spiral galaxy was no longer a simple galaxy diagram, but turned into an illusory image, just in the light of thunder. This image is different in the eyes of Ou and Sylvia.

In Sylvia's eyes, the image of the other person is a woman with a vague face. She doesn't know who this woman is, but it gives her a mother-like intimacy.

In Leo's eyes, the other party is the master-controlling brain of the biochemical factory cultivation tank, an intelligent system that almost all biochemical fighters call the mother.

At this time, the mysterious being in front of him said: "In the eyes of both of you, it doesn’t matter what form it is. This is just for the convenience of talking with the two of them, and is based on the form created by the two most kind people in my heart. My actual form is completely complete. It is beyond the cognition of the two, and it is inconvenient to directly appear in front of the two."

Although the other party seemed to be talking, there was no voice in fact, and the two of them got what the other party said directly in their minds.

To Sylvia, this sentence was nothing special, but to Leo, this sentence told him one thing, that is, the mysterious existence in front of him did not know that he was in the hearts of both of them. What does the illusioned image look like.

"Who are you?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"You don't need to speak. Sound wave transmission is the lowest way to transmit information. It is faster and more effective to transmit information with spirit. This is not difficult for you." The other party corrected Sylvia's way of transmitting information, and then Answering his question: "In this world, I have many names. Sometimes I am Salma Lynch, sometimes I am the light of wisdom, and more often I like to be in this world as an observer. While standing outside of this world to observe this world."

Hearing the self-introduction of each other, Leo and Sylvia both showed a surprised look. Although they both knew that the other party must be some mysterious and powerful existence, they did not expect that the other party would be so famous, and Leo and Sylvia The direction of surprise is also different.

The Light of Wisdom is the true God of this world, and it is a very old true God, and there are many believers. Whether it is in the New World or the Old World, the Church of the Light of Wisdom can easily rank in the top five, basically all countries Both national and private colleges will set up statues of the Light of Wisdom, and a chapel of the Light of Wisdom will also be built in the colleges.

As for Salma Lynch’s fame alone, it’s not much worse than the light of wisdom. There are even signs of surpassing in the last 100 years. Lynch is an ordinary person, but he is not ordinary, because he His wisdom opened the enlightenment of scientific and technological civilization in this world. The steamships, steam trains and other technology-related things used in this world are all derived from Lynch, the science-related academies and researches in the old and new world countries. The courtyard is more or less related to him, so he also has the title of enlightenment in this world.

Compared to the two famous true gods and celebrities in this world, the Light of Wisdom and Salma Lynch, the identity of the observer has no reputation in this world, but in the universe where Leo lives The reputation of the observer in the middle is extremely loud, and even in some cases and certain stellar regions, it is more famous than the Supreme Council of the universe.

The observer is not the name of a higher life entity, but the name of a ethnic group. This ethnic group is called an observer, and the name of each ethnic group in the ethnic group is also an observer. Someone once suspected that an observer is actually another kind Higher life community.

Although their bodies are different, they have the same will, common thoughts, and common life goals. Anyone who has been in contact with an observer can discover that no matter what form of observer they come into contact with, the observer is It is an Omega-class advanced life form.

It is impossible for a group of people to be Omega-class higher beings, because this violates the law of conservation of energy in the universe. If there is such a group, then the entire universe may collapse due to energy imbalance, so the observer group is Through some methods that other cosmic civilizations and higher life forms don't know, each tribe can reach the state of Omega-level higher life forms, and even exert the power of Omega-level higher life forms.

It is this powerful racial talent that makes observers extremely mysterious in the eyes of all civilizations and higher life forms. Many higher civilizations and higher life forms in the universe have tried to explore the origins of observers and analyze the specific conditions of this ethnic group. In the end, it was all over with just a touch of fur.

Until the time Leo was in, the various civilizations and higher life forms in the universe didn't know much about the observer race.

No one knows exactly when the observer race appeared or which galaxy it came from. Even the Supreme Council of the universe did not know this, so some people suspected that the observer existed before the Supreme Council of the universe appeared. Now, some people even boldly speculate that the observer is actually a legacy race from the previous universe.

The Supreme Council of the Universe also invited observers to join, but was rejected by the observers because the Supreme Council of the Universe violated the core ideas of the observer group.

Although the observer is an extremely powerful cosmic race, they have never participated in any changes in the universe. What they do is to observe the changes in the universe in secret, observe the emergence, development, and demise of civilization, and record Download everything they saw, and the information recorded by them is stored in a mysterious place called the source library. Only observers can go to that place. Other cosmic life, even the top of the highest council of the universe. Those few have no way to reach the source library.

Yes, those at the top of the Supreme Council of the Universe all know the location of the source library, but they cannot reach it. This is recorded in the publicly available information of the Supreme Council of the Universe.

No one knows how many people there are in this group of observers. The only thing that can be determined is that every cosmic civilization, even the primitive civilization of the lowest planet, will have an observer hidden near the civilization to observe the development of civilization.

The Earth Federation also has an observer, and the image of that observer is an ordinary human being, and the contact between the Earth Federation and the observer even predates contact with other alien civilizations, and the Earth Federation began to build the first place on Mars. This observer appeared in the images recorded by the staff of the extraterrestrial base when he was in an extraterrestrial base.

At that time, this image caused a great sensation. Many people tried to find out that the image was forged, but in the end they could not find any flaws. This also made many people believe that there is life on Mars, and made many people believe that there is life on Mars. It is believed that there are powerful life forms such as superheroes on the earth.

Later, in the development of the earth’s civilization, this observer will appear at every turning point and explosion point. It was not until the Earth Federation came into contact with the Supreme Council of the Universe that it learned about the observer race from the public information of the Supreme Council of the Universe. It is judged that the person recorded in the data is the observer.

In addition, the observer race has a fixed characteristic, that is, what is the object of his observation, what is his appearance, and there will be no change in his life, even if the object of his observation is destroyed, his image will not change. Therefore, there are many civilizations that have disappeared from the universe, and they can find corresponding images in observers.

But the observer who appeared in front of Leo and Sylvia right now was in the form of a cosmic galaxy, which means that the object of this observer must be a complete galaxy.

Although according to the information published by the Supreme Council, there is no hierarchy within the observers, and each observer is absolutely equal, but the various civilizations of the universe like to divide observers into different levels according to the different objects of observation.

For example, observers who observe a single ethnic group are the lowest, followed by a civilization, then a planetary civilization, etc., while the highest are observers at the cosmic level such as galaxies, star fields, and stellar regions. It is said that the whole There is also an observer in the universe, who is also recognized as the most advanced observer in all civilizations in the universe.

The observer in front of him appeared as a galaxy, and he should also be an advanced observer.

It’s just that Leo’s speculation is still not completely certain, because from the self-introduction just now, Leo also found a huge loophole. If the other party is really an observer, then he shouldn’t interfere with any of this world’s civilization. The process is to hide from the world and observe in secret.

But the fact is that this observer turned into a civilization enlightenment and a **** who guides wisdom, and participated in the evolution of world civilization. This obviously violates the ideological norms of the observer race, and Leo can't help but doubt himself. The speculation is wrong.

"Are you an observer?" Leo didn't hide his doubts after having doubts, but asked directly.

Sylvia on the side didn't know what the observer was, but she knew that Leo took the initiative to ask, which meant that this question was very important, so she stayed quietly to observe the situation.

"Do you know the observer?" The other party was obviously surprised.

"I met that in the capital of the Otter Federation, and stayed on the top of Mount Trub." Leo randomly found an excuse and was deliberately vague. UU Reading used this to test the mystery in front of him. How much does existence know about the secrets of this world?

After hearing Leo’s words, the miniature galaxy on the opposite side shone, and then I heard the other’s message appearing in my mind, saying: “It turns out to be them, a powerful race from the lower abyss, a self-evolving intelligence. Life, I did observe them secretly. I didn’t expect them to perceive me and understand my identity. It seems that I have not observed them enough, and they have hidden many secrets.” He paused after speaking. , And continued to Renault: "As you guessed, I am indeed an observer."

"Since you claim to be an observer, as far as I know, the observer will not intervene in the development of any civilization, but will only hide it. When a bystander, even if civilization is destroyed, he will not intervene." Leo then questioned. "But your Excellency himself said just now that disguised as a civilized enlightenment and a **** to participate in the process of civilization, it can even be said that it has changed the direction of civilization, then your code of conduct seems to be very different from that of the observer. How can this be explained?"

The miniature star field flickered a few times, and it felt like a smile. Then Leo’s mind came up with a message saying: “If I am the only observer of this race, then my code of conduct is not observation. Is there a code of conduct for a person?"