The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1433: The incompetent protector of the country

Obviously, the Barbarisas, who were dazzled by the news of the battle, have not completely lost their minds. Although they have decided to continue to take the petting ship and travel to the Black Reef waters together to witness this great battle that will shock the world, they have not yet lost their minds. Plan to let his family take risks.

   After they made the decision to stay, they summoned their housekeeper and the chief maid, gave their children to them, and let the servants and bodyguards disembark with them.

He didn’t just leave these people on the roundabout, but directly found an office set up here by an old coast country on the roundabout, but he would identify the officials of the office and entrust his children to it. The office in this country allows them to find another ship, or directly use the official ship of this country to send the two children back to the country.

If ordinary people make such a somewhat absurd request, they will definitely be driven out by the staff of the office, but after knowing the identity of the Barbarisas and confirming their identities, the director of the coastal country office immediately asked Baba personally. The Lisa couple ensured the safety of their children, and also promised to notify the domestic side to send warships over to send their children back to China.

   In addition, he also hired some reliable mercenaries in front of the Barbarisa couple to provide extra protection for their children.

Leo and Sylvia also knew the identity of the couple, although for Leo and Sylvia, even if the king of any country in the world stood in front of them, they would not cause any shock. Feelings, but they are still a little surprised at the true identities of the Barbarisas.

The Central Kingdom area of ​​the Old World is called the origin of world civilization, because the world’s earliest city-state civilization appeared in this area, the earliest kingdom civilization also appeared here, and even the earliest empire originated here, although that empire depends on the area of ​​the country. It's a bit of a misnomer, but in terms of unifying the surrounding city-states and kingdoms, it is well-deserved.

   Therefore, the Central Kingdom region has always had a very special meaning in the minds of people in this world.

No matter what kind of powerful country appears in the Old Continent, as long as this country tries to raise its status to the level of an empire, it will have to complete the rule of the Central Kingdom area without exception, even if it is a nominal rule, otherwise, even this The country unified all other Old Continent areas in the Central Kingdom area, and it did not qualify as an empire.

It is precisely this special status and role that has indirectly caused the Central Kingdom region to be in constant war and chaos, and countries supported by various forces emerge in an endless stream. No one wants a country to unify the Central Kingdom region. The best way is to bring the Central Kingdom region. The kingdom area was cut into pieces.

  This fragmented state has lasted for thousands of years. People who have been to the Central Kingdom area for a long time have forgotten that they used to belong to the same country and nation. On the contrary, because of the constant wars of large and small countries, each other is feuding each other.

This situation has only turned around in the last few decades. A powerful country appeared in the Central Kingdom region, annexed and absorbed more than a dozen city-states around it, and then with amazing political wisdom, it became relatively powerful with several other countries in the Central Kingdom region. The countries formed an alliance and threatened the rest of the countries to join the alliance. Finally, before other countries in the Old Continent could react, they completed the integration of power in the Central Kingdom region, allowing the Central Kingdom region to form a relatively unified alliance system, ending the continuous Thousands of wars.

Although this kind of alliance system is somewhat loose, and this kind of mandatory alliance cannot completely eliminate some of the feuds between the allied countries, there will still be conflicts between the allied countries because of some old things, but because there is a unified system for suppression, As a result, even if conflicts occur between the allied countries, such conflicts are only small frictions of a few thousand people, and they have not developed to the extent of large-scale wars, allowing the people in the Central Kingdom region to obtain a rare peace.

The person who accomplished this feat was the ancient noble named Porta XVII. The surname Porta had a special status in the Central Kingdom region, because the imperial family of the world’s first empire was the surname Porta, although the Central Kingdom later In order to prove their legitimacy, the countries in the region claimed that their blood originated from the Porta royal family, and gave themselves the name of Porta, but there are still several bloodlines that are recognized as the royal bloodline of Porta, this name is Porta. The seventeenth generation originated from one of the bloodlines.

Because the Porta XVII brought relative peace and unity to the Central Kingdom region, and the addition of his bloodline factor, the Porta XVII was honored and protected by all the participating nations in the Central Kingdom region. The Lord of the Country was given a very special identity and status, and the identity of the Lord Protector was also recognized by other countries in the Old Continent. In recent years, even the countries of the New World have successively recognized the noble status of the Lord Protector of the Country.

Some people think that in terms of the coverage of the noble status of the protector of the country, this protector can definitely be called the world's No. 1 noble, but the protector of the country resigned all his possessions after the alliance was established. He is a public office, and rarely attends some public banquets, so he has very little relevant information, and even his name other than the title has not been recorded.

Celebrities with such a special status in the politics and history of the Old World countries, Leo and Sylvia will naturally not miss it when reading related materials, but in their opinion, people with such a special status should be restricted to Within the area of ​​the Central Kingdom, properly protect it so as not to be used by some forces and countries with ulterior motives.

But what surprised them was that the protector of the country took an old trot to the New World to travel, and he was only accompanied by a dozen ordinary bodyguards and servants, not even an extraordinary person with special powers. By his side, I don't know if he is too big, thinking that his special identity can solve all the troubles, or he has no fear, and there are other protections.

However, if you think about it carefully, a person who can promote the relative unity of the Central Kingdom and can be respected as a saint by the major churches of the Old Continent while alive should not be the kind of person who is stupid enough to think that identity can suppress everything. There are other defenders who can protect themselves, but Leo and Sylvia hadn't noticed them before.

   Leo and Sylvia did not use extraordinary means to find the Barbarisa couple to protect themselves, but directly asked them.

Compared to Leo and Sylvia only showing a little surprise after the Barbarisas’ true identities, the Barbarisas were surprised by the Leo’s reaction, because both of them have a kind of nasty taste and likes. Seeing that their identities were suddenly exposed in front of others, the exaggerated expressions on the faces of others, the exception of Leo and his wife, made them very surprised, and at the same time they became more and more curious about the identities of Leo and his wife.

   "Saints, because we and my wife are saints." Facing Leo's question, Barbarisa answered very frankly and concisely.

And this answer also made Leo and Sylvia realize that in this world, the saint enshrined by the church is not just a name, it must also contain other more mysterious powers. This power is likely to be a higher level. The power of, at least now Leo and Sylvia can't detect it.

Now they also understand why the Barbarisas were so bold. When they knew that a large-scale naval battle might break out, even when a war of gods was involved, they showed excitement instead of panic or even fearlessly. , Obviously they are confident, knowing that there will be no accident.

Hereza also knew that the Barbarissas arranged their children and bodyguards on the round island, and they continued to travel with the boat themselves, which made him feel a little confused and puzzled, but he did not think too much, after all, Baba The Lisa couple’s approach is a good thing for him, at least the pass will not be invalidated because of the Barbarisa couple’s departure.

The Barbarissas did not stay in the same cabin with Leo as they had originally thought, but continued to stay in their own cabin. They asked Leo about the exact location of the smuggled goods and expressed their desire. See if you can take out the smuggled goods carefully stored by Heressa without touching any protective measures.

   Obviously, after the hidden danger on his body has been eliminated, Barbarisa's mentality has completely relaxed, and the previously hidden personality has been released accordingly, making him a lot more lively than before.

Just as Hareza planned, after nightfall, they quietly sailed away from the pier on the roundabout, and the ships leaving the roundabout during this time period were not only one of them, but many ships. Most of them sailed in the same direction as them. Obviously there was more than one person who had the same ideas and practices as Heressa.

In the daytime tomorrow, when the Kakilan gold transport fleet enters the Black Reef, it should be the calm before the storm. Nothing will happen. Leo and Sylvia are not doing other things, but Use small chats to relax their minds. As for the preparations, they have also completed them. Next, they will wait to see if their preparations can achieve the expected results.

In the small talk, Leo and Sylvia agreed that everything that the protector, Porta XVII did, should not be entirely attributed to Barbarissa’s ability, or more arbitrarily, Barbarissa’s ability. Only a small part of the achievements of the guardian of the country, Porta XVII, and even more often acted as a bystander or a puppet who followed the crowd.

   Making such a judgment is not because Leo and Sylvia have any substantive evidence, but an analysis and inference based on Barbarisa's performance and his character these days.

Among other things, Barbarisa only met Leo a few times and believed Leo’s words, agreed with Leo to perform surgery on him, and let Leo be at the mercy of Leo in the process. The person setting of Porta XVII is not consistent.

Although he is so bold or related to the mysterious protection mechanism of the saint, the powerful protection of the saint makes him full of confidence in his safety. In addition, the physical problem has become his heart disease. He is eager to solve this problem, even at no cost. Adventurous, but no matter how you analyze it, this is definitely not the behavior and mentality that a heroic character who can manipulate the complex political environment of the Central Kingdom like a toy should have. No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel that his character is a bit too naive. .

Because of this, Leo and Sylvia had discussed it, and both believed that the merits of Porta XVII should be derived from the mysterious person or force who controlled Barbarisa through the implant. And the fact that the Central Kingdom area can become the current state of alliance should also be inseparable from the power of that mysterious man.

They felt that now that there is already a successful implantation experiment of Barbarissa, then the mysterious person and force will definitely not only create one Barbarissa. They may have secretly controlled the Central Kingdom area through the implant. Most of the powerful and powerful people, so the process of forming alliances between the various kingdoms and city states in the Central Kingdom area will be so smooth and rapid, and it will soon be that the surrounding Old Continent kingdoms have no time to react.

When Leo and Sylvia saw this record, they both felt that the alliance between the countries and city states in the Central Kingdom region was so magical, as if it were a stage play with a script already written. Everyone just needs to act according to it, and now it seems that their feelings are not wrong. Perhaps this great historical event praised by various countries is a drama that has been and therefore, Leo and Sylvia further deduced that the headquarters of the mysterious man and his forces should be in the Central Kingdom area. Otherwise, why should they spend such a large experience to help the countries of the Central Kingdom area form an alliance?

  This also makes the Central Kingdom region be included in the list of regions that Leo and Sylvia will go to.

Although Leo is still not sure whether this mysterious person and force has ever controlled the True Eye and mastered the cells of the strange gods, and whether this force has anything to do with the medical school of Velen World, but from this mysterious person alone The fact that He forces can create implants that produce pure mental power is already worth a trip to the Central Kingdom area for Leo.

Because most of the founders and people of the countries in the New World are aristocrats and scholars who were persecuted in the Old World, and some frustrated in political struggles and national wars. They instinctively rejected the countries of the Old World and their history, so The related books written are also full of prejudice, and the content is not recorded in detail, and areas like the Central Kingdom are regarded as a place of decay. All related records are vague and cannot be used as effective information.

   So after Leo and Sylvia made the decision that they would go to the Central Kingdom area in the future, they directly approached the Barbarisa and his wife, asked them about various things about the Central Kingdom, and supplemented the gaps in relevant information.


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