The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1435: Give up resistance

Since receiving the mission to board the smuggling ship composed of pirates, Jason has never had a good night’s sleep. He knows very well what will happen in the Black Reef in the near future, even if he has already done everything. This kind of preparation, but he still doesn't have the confidence to complete the task alive, after all, it is a legendary battle.

A few months ago, the organization passed down the task, and in the task information, the reason for the task was recorded in detail. The colleagues who saw the task at that time all felt that it was someone joking with them, and even compiled the task. Few jokes.

   But when they learned that the mission was not a joke, and everything was true, they all agreed whether the person posting the mission was crazy, and even dared to make small moves in the battle of God.

   They didn't seriously consider the execability of the task until they knew that the task publisher was the president.

There is no doubt that most people think that there is no difference between carrying out this task and sending to death. Even if it is a task issued by the chairman himself, no one is willing to take it, but there are exceptions to everything. There are always some rewards for the task. The extremely coveted person felt that he was lucky, an exception, so he took the task. Jason was such a person, at least he thought so before he took the task.

However, when he learned more detailed mission details, his original idea immediately turned a hundred and eighty degrees. He felt that he was dead this time. Even if he had the favor of the non-existent Goddess of Luck, he might not be able to live. mission accomplished.

Now for Jason, the only hope for survival is that the talents of the Yuanhuo clan can be used in front of the gods. For this reason, he even exchanged all his belongings for resources before triggering, and then invested in Yuanhuo. Let Yuanhuo have sufficient power to withstand the aftermath of the **** war.

It’s just that compared to his current state, Jason sympathizes with the pirates on the ship. I don't know if this ship still exists after the war of gods, and how many people on the ship will survive.

"Jason, talk back! Jason, talk back!" When Jason was nervous again, when he habitually checked the equipment used for the task, the sudden noise of the communicator shocked him and made him almost touch the equipment in his hand. Fell.

After placing the device carefully, Jason picked up the communicator, calmed down the irritation he had just produced, and then asked the mission partner opposite the communicator: "Rose, what's the matter? Why did you use the communicator to contact you suddenly? Don’t you know that the communicator can only be used in an emergency?"

   "I think it's an emergency now." The other person obviously didn't take Jason's words seriously. He simply defended him and said, "Do you remember how many people took the task?"

   "Four people." Jason replied, with some questions: "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

   "But we now have five boats here." The other side said in a deep voice.

   Jason was stunned when he heard the words, and then resisted all the discomforts in his heart, quickly left the cabin that he hadn't walked out of for many days, and came to the deck under the curious gaze of the sailors in the cabin aisle.

He knew very well why these sailors would look at themselves with this line of sight, because if he were not the person involved, he would also have such a line of sight. After all, a person stays in the cabin for a month on board and leaves the cabin only a few times. , No matter how you look at it, it feels weird, even if this person is an employer.

   However, in Jason's mind, his own weird behavior is the most effective protective measure, because for him, every time he leaves the cabin is a dangerous behavior that exposes his identity.

Although he is very willing to believe in the disguised body provided by the organization and does not think he may be dismantled, he is not a lurking person specially trained by the organization after all. He has sufficient human behavior training. He has only received less than a month of relevant training. It's just training. He doesn't think that he is so genius that he can perfectly disguise himself as a human in less than a month of training and hide his usual non-human habits.

For him, pretending to be human is simply a disaster, especially since he has to spend some time in the dirty toilet on the ship every day in order to pretend to be more like a human. This makes him almost unable to bear the cleanliness every time. I want to give up the task, and then burn the entire ship.

Now he has survived the long sea voyage, endured all the bad things that can be tolerated, and arrived at the first mission point mentioned in the information. It only takes a few days to reach the second mission point, and he can be completely Freed, whether it is completing the task or dying on the task is a relief for him, so for him, the most reluctant to hear now is that there is an abnormal situation in the task, but the abnormal situation has just appeared.

According to the information provided by the president, Horseshoe Reef should have only their four ships, but now that one more ship is added, it is equivalent to an unpredictable variable, although this variable has been predicted by the president in the past. It's not that it hasn't appeared before, but it's the first time that such a variable is as big as a ship.

   After getting on the deck, Jason almost didn't need to spend time to identify, and easily recognized the variable ship.

Just like the ships they hired according to the instructions, the variable ship is also a sail-steam dual-powered ship. According to their understanding, the vast majority of people who use this type of ship at sea are in disguise. Smugglers and pirates who have become fishing boats, cargo ships or passenger ships, at least on the four ships they employ.

The pirate ship is not a terrible thing. Even if there is a conflict, Jason does not think that the other ship can beat the four of them, but this ship appeared in this sea area at this time, and it was hidden in it. The danger is far more serious than pirates.

"That's Hareza's Pet." At this time, the captain of the ship walked to Jason with a pipe in his mouth, pointed at the ship Jason saw, and introduced: "And the other people who followed us during this period of time. Like the three ships, this ship is also a pirate ship in disguise, and Heresa is also an extremely cunning pirate. If he doesn't see enough benefits, he will not take action." He said, he used those pupils. The small, wide-eyed eyes glared at Jason, and asked tentatively: "We have reached the first location. Should you tell me what you plan to do? So that I can cooperate with you."

   Jason looked at the captain he hired, didn't say anything, then turned and left the deck and walked to his cabin, the whole process seemed extremely contemptuous.

In fact, he did not deliberately adopt such a contemptuous attitude, it is entirely because he does not know how to communicate with humans. Although the human behavior he has learned also has the content of communicating with humans, he does not think that the things he has learned can deceive. Had a cunning pirate ship captain, so he minimized the conduct of talking with humans, so that he could be superior.

   "Captain, shall we..." After Jason left the deck, the first officer leaned in and made a gesture while asking.

The captain gave a blank glance and said, "Do you know what his background is? Do you know his abilities? Don't think too much if you don't know anything, otherwise it will only cause us trouble. I've seen too many without thinking about it. The guys, they all got into all kinds of troubles in the end. They either died on land or sank into the sea. I don’t want to be one of them," he said with a very serious warning: "Let the following guys give me all Honestly, don't mess around. If anyone can't control their hands, feet and lower body, I don't mind sending them to see the gods of the ocean."

   Hearing the captain's warning, the first officer couldn't help but shrink his neck, and quickly said yes.

   Under the deck, under the various gazes of the sailor, Jason returned to his cabin. After closing the door, his tension eased slightly. He then looked at his own human disguise in the bronze mirror of the cabin, and regretted choosing this disguise, because this disguise was a bit too beautiful by human standards. It was placed in this closed environment where all men were, obviously. It is easy to get into some trouble, even if his disguise is male.

After hesitating for a moment, Jason picked up his communicator and connected to the public line. At the same time, he said to his colleagues on the other ship: "I propose to deal with it according to the third plan, as long as that ship does not make any impact on our follow-up. Don’t interfere too much with the planned behavior, otherwise we will only add more uncontrollable variables."

Someone disagreed with Jason’s issue and said: "Jason, you are too conservative. According to me, the four of us should work together to solve the ship first, and completely erase this variable, so as not to make the mission critical. , It came out to interfere with the mission."

"What you want to do is your business. I will only deal with it according to the plan I propose. I will not interfere too much with what other people want to do. Let this call end like this." Jason responded coldly. After meeting his colleagues’ doubts, he turned off the communicator and decided not to turn on the communicator before the second phase was opened.

After putting the communicator away, Jason is ready to eat some dessert to adjust his mood. Although the disguise of humans makes him feel all kinds of discomfort, he can eat human food and feel the various tastes brought by the food after disguising. A good thing, especially the taste of dessert, can make his bad mood happy every time.

   It's just that when he took out the dessert he bought at the last dock and was ready to feast on it, he suddenly stopped, put the dessert in his hand back on the table, and then looked around suspiciously.

   The cabin is not very big, it is just a standard travel cabin, and you can see everything in the cabin at a glance.

However, what puzzles Jason is that the things in the cabin have not changed from when he just left, but his source of fire is telling him that there seems to be something in the cabin, but the reminder is very vague and not more specific. Content.

   "Could it be that humans took too long to pretend to have caused the source fire to change?" Jason checked the cabin repeatedly but found no problems, and couldn't help but mutter to himself.

What he said is not uncommon in the organization. Many colleagues have been disguised as humans for a long time, contaminated with some characteristics of human behavior, and even some colleagues will think that they are more suitable for human form, thus completely abandoning the real ontology. , Marry and have children with human beings in human form.

Jason never thought that one day he might also be contaminated with human behavior characteristics, such as suspiciousness. In his opinion, those colleagues who are disguised and assimilated by humans are biological entities, which are fundamentally different from the elemental entities of their source fire family. , Logically speaking, the behavior of the organism should not affect the elemental body.

Just when Jason was considering whether he should conduct some behavioral tests to determine whether he was infected by human behavior characteristics, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the room, saying: "It's really interesting, even in the abyss. Flame life is very rare. Although there are related records in the inheritance memory, I couldn't fully believe those contents until I did see it today."

Then a man’s voice followed, saying: “Elemental life is indeed very magical. Among the countless civilizations in the universe, there are only a handful of civilizations composed of elemental life. Each one is protected by the highest council of the universe. This is also the elemental life. Civilization is even more mysterious."

"Who is it?" Jason looked nervously in the direction of the voice, and saw that there was a pair of men and women sitting on the empty sofa before. The man was good to say, but the man was sitting on the sofa. Humans see the extremely beautiful woman but Jason feels extremely dangerous, as if he has seen a natural enemy, and he is like a dessert in the eyes of the other person.

The two in front of them were Leo and Sylvia. They had already dived on the ship, but they had no plans to show up before until they heard the conversation between Jason and others, Only then decided to show up.

"Don't be nervous, we won't do anything to you. We are just a little curious about you and your fellows on other ships. I hope you can answer a few questions and satisfy the curiosity of our husband and wife." Leo calmed his face. Jason is full of nervousness, although this kind of comfort doesn't help.

"Of course you can also choose to refuse to answer our questions. In that case, we may use some means to achieve our goals. I believe you will never be willing to accept those means." Compared to Leo's comfort, Sylvie Ya's threat actually eased the opponent's tension a lot.

At this moment, Jason has completely given up resisting, because he knows that even if he resists, there is no chance of success at all, because Sylvia feels extremely terrifying to him, and even the patriarch of the Yuanhuo clan did not make him so strong. Although Leo on the side didn’t feel as strong as Sylvia, when he saw Leo, he instinctively thought of the mysterious president, which also made him sure of Leo’s The degree of danger will only be higher than the president, not lower.

Although Jason has adjusted his mentality, he is still nervous, but he also has the ability to cope. I saw him sitting in the chair opposite Leo and Sylvia, and calmly said to the two of them: "You can ask! Yes! If you answer, I will naturally answer, and if you cannot answer, I will not say."


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