The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1454: social difference

Latest URL: "Dean!"

"The dean is here!"

"Great, those guys should get out!"

"Will the dean also..."

"Shut up! What nonsense you say, the dean is on our side."

Not long after the fundamentalists entered the office of Professor Ranko Byronville, a commotion suddenly came from outside the teacher's office building, and the crowd blocking the back spontaneously gave way.

Then, an old man wearing the robe of the Spirit of Knowledge walked into the office building surrounded by several church clergymen, and walked upstairs to the office of Ranko Byronville under the gaze of everyone go.

This old man is the current dean of the Holy Prayer House and College at Cape West, the Holy Teacher of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge, Satos Gilman, and the person with the highest teaching position in the entire Cape West region.

In this old continent where the gods ruled absolutely, the main reason why various colleges were able to open and survive in various countries and cities was the maintenance of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge.

The Spirit of Knowledge is an extremely ancient god. It is said to be one of the first gods to come into contact with humans, and his attitude towards humans is also extremely kind. In the barbaric period recorded in some church books, ignorant humans got the Spirit of Knowledge. Attunement was able to unlock wisdom, and gradually established kingdoms and civilizations one by one.

Moreover, the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge is very special. They don't care about the spread of teachings, and they don't care whether the believers are pious. The favor of the spirit.

The clergy of the Spirit of Knowledge Church are not priests, priests, etc. like other churches. They are all mentors. Low-level mentors will be given corresponding mentor names according to the different knowledge they impart. For example, the mentor who imparts agricultural knowledge is called Agricultural tutors, tutors who teach mechanical manufacturing are called mechanical tutors. Only high-level tutors will be awarded ribbons of different colors, and their status in the church will be determined according to the different colors of the ribbons.

Among the teachers of the Spirit of Knowledge Church, the Holy Teacher has the highest status, which is equivalent to the archbishop of each church, but the actual status and rights are higher than that of the archbishop, and sometimes the rights held by the Holy Teacher are equivalent to The highest ranking pope of a church.

The number of Holy Teachers in the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge is not fixed. To become a Holy Teacher is not to be promoted from the ribbon mentors below, but to see the favor of the Spirit of Knowledge. Only those who are qualified to become holy teachers, that is to say, even the lowest-ranked karma tutors, if because of a certain act of spreading knowledge, they are favored by the spirit of knowledge, bestowed with holy enlightenment, and let them open up the temple of knowledge, then this name The clergy position of the teaching tutor in the church will also be directly promoted from the lowest level to the highest level.

In the teaching history of the Spirit of Knowledge in the past, there are countless examples of soaring to the sky, and there have even been examples of mentors and apprentices who have just joined the job transformed into holy mentors overnight.

Although it seems easy to become a Holy Teacher, all you need is to win the favor of the Spirit of Knowledge, but in fact it is very difficult to become a Holy Teacher. Most of the time, the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge is in a state without a Holy Teacher. It has never happened in the past that there are four holy teachers in the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge at the same time, so many people think that the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge in this period is the most powerful period.

Although the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge does not aim at preaching, nor does it deliberately develop believers, and even allows its own believers to believe in other gods, but this does not mean that the power and influence of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge are inferior to other churches. In fact, the entire Among the various churches in the world, there are only a handful of churches that can rival the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge in terms of influence, but the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge never uses these powers and influences, so it looks very inconspicuous in the eyes of outsiders , no different from an ordinary small church.

It is also this kind of view and mentality of ordinary people that made Satos Gilman, the holy teacher of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge, come to Cape West, a border area far away from the center of civilization in the Old World, to serve as the dean of the Holy Prayer House and When he was the dean of the college, the management and the people of the entire Cape West Port just thought it was just a simple job transfer, and they didn't understand how incredible it was, let alone how it happened in various places. How much attention has been aroused among the church.

Although it was only five short years since Sartos Gilman came to Cape Ziwangyang, he has already become the most respected clergyman in Cape Ziwangyang by virtue of his personal charm and behavior, even those who The anti-church underground organization has no dissatisfaction or hostility towards him.

However, some sane people also know that no matter how close Satos Gilman is to the people and how much he values ​​the spread of knowledge, he is still a priest of the Spirit of Knowledge Church, and what he values ​​most is still the sacred status of the Spirit of Knowledge , and the content of Professor Ranko Byronville's open class just denied the most important doctrine that the spirit of knowledge is the enlightenment of human wisdom, so when Satos Gilman appeared, many students thought that the other party was the same as Fundamentalist believers are also here to ask questions.

Different from those students' views, Leo and Sylvia already knew that the other party was not here to question the content of the open class before Satoru Gilman appeared near the office building, because they could clearly feel that Sator The divine power on S Gilman's body was very peaceful, without any trace of irritation.

Therefore, when the people around showed nervous and worried emotions, the calm attitude of the two of them seemed a bit abrupt, so that when Satos Gilman passed by them upstairs, he couldn't help but glance at them, It's just that both Leo and Sylvia perfectly restrained their extraordinary power, and he didn't see any clues.

On the contrary, Leo and Sylvia discovered some interesting things from the other party's entourage, and because of this, they had some guesses about the Holy Teacher of the Spirit of Knowledge.

As for, the reason for the two people's speculation is that they found the middle-aged man who connected with Hailesa and took away the box among the priests accompanying the holy teacher. Although the middle-aged man changed his clothes, And some of the camouflage on his face was also wiped off, but Leo and Silvia could still easily recognize him.

From the appearance of this person in Satos Gilman's entourage, it can be seen how close the relationship between him and Satos Gilman is, and people like Satos Gilman are also It is absolutely impossible not to see the hidden identity of the other party, but even so, he is still treated as a confidant, so there is only one possibility, this holy teacher is also a member of the secret organization that masters the production and implantation technology of alien **** cells , and is a high-status member.

Thinking about it carefully, this is completely reasonable. A secret organization with such powerful technology and profound background is unknown to outsiders. It’s okay for ordinary people not to know. Even the church is completely unaware of the existence of such a secret organization. Apparently, there is a powerful force covering this organization, completely covering up its existence traces, and there are not many churches in the whole world with this ability, and the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge happens to be one of them.

After discovering this, Leo and Sylvia looked at each other, then turned and walked out of the waiting line, went downstairs and left the teacher's office building.

The reason why they didn't wait any longer was because they all felt that the original purpose had been achieved. They had already discovered the clues of this secret organization and the identities of the suspected important members. What's more, now is definitely not the best time to meet them. , so there is no need to stay here and waste time.

After leaving the office building, Leo and Sylvia did not return to the Beloved immediately, but walked around the campus of the college, found out the address of Ranco Byronville in the city, and then went to The Holy Prayer House, and various churches in the city, have a little understanding of the situation here.

What makes them interesting is that if the church is excluded, there are very few people with extraordinary power in the city, less than forty people in total, and most of them are on the foreign ships at the port wharf. There are only eleven people with extraordinary power.

On the other hand, there are a large number of people with extraordinary power in various churches in the city. Even the smallest church has more than a dozen people with extraordinary power. Counting it in, the final number of people will be very staggering.

Although Xiwangyangjiao Port is an important port city, the size of the city is not very large, and in such a small city, the number of non-spiritual supernatural beings has far exceeded that of any big city in the New World. Ten times or even ten times.

It can be seen from this that in the special environment of the Old Continent, which is completely shrouded by the laws of gods and is always influenced by divine energy, ordinary people are especially prone to produce extraordinary people, and the church also seems to be consciously controlling the number of folk extraordinary people. Those who were born will be included in the church and incorporated into the order of church knights.

The Knight of Original Sin seems to be the identity of this kind of non-spiritual transcendent in the church, and the theory of original sin is also the difference between the Church of the Old World and the Church of the New World. Even if it is the same church, there is no mention of the theory of original sin when preaching in the New World content.

For this purpose, Leo and Sylvia took several church books related to the theory of original sin from the preaching places of different churches, and compared them a little, and found that although each church has different views on the theory of original sin, original sin The main dogma of the theory is the same.

The core content of the theory of original sin is that everyone is born with original sin, but the degree of original sin is different for each person, and those who have deep original sin will produce something different from ordinary people, that is, extraordinary power. Only the way of atonement can wash away the original sin on the body.

Although it is not known who invented the original sin theory, it is certain that the person who invented the original sin theory must be very hostile to the extraordinary, and the original sin theory is just in line with the interests of the church, which makes this argument become the mainstream argument of the church one.

As for why the New World did not spread the theory of original sin, I am afraid it is also related to the special environment of the New World. If the theory of original sin is also spread in the New World, then there will be significantly fewer extraordinary people in the New World than in the Old World, and this phenomenon is likely to directly lead to Another rumor emerged, that is, the New World is a land of salvation, no matter how deep the original sin is, people who come to the New World will be saved and so on.

At that time, I am afraid that people who believe in the theory of original sin in the old continent will try their best to run to the new continent, and the situation in the entire old continent may be in chaos.

The discovery of the original sin theory of the church and the current situation of the supernatural beings in the Old World made both Leo and Sylvia aware of a problem. If they analyze and think about the various situations and conditions in the Old World based on the relevant information they obtained from various New Worlds before they came to the Old World If not, I am afraid that there will be a large number of misjudgments, and this misjudgment may eventually lead to some fatal mistakes.

Fortunately, it is not too late for them to discover this problem, and they can remedy it. Now they think that the best way to remedy it is to integrate into the social life of the Old Continent, and let themselves understand the situation of the Old Continent as much as possible from the bottom of society. .

As a result, the two of them who originally wanted to know a little about the church situation in the Old Continent wandered around the city like tourists. The district rented a small apartment and, by the way, applied for an identity document for themselves, Joan, and Petunia.

Just like what they did, they decided to live in Cape West Port for a period of time, and after getting acquainted with the social environment of the Old Continent and thoroughly removing traces of outsiders on their, they will continue with the plan journey.

After renting the apartment, the two returned to the Beloved, and then told Joan and Petunia of their decision, and the two had no objection to it.

As for the captain of the Beloved, Heresa, he is even more happy to see Leo and Sylvia make such a decision. After the task of handing over the mysterious box is completed, they are going to do some illegal things related to smuggling. It was really inappropriate for other outsiders to be present during these matters. Before Leo and Sylvia returned to the ship, he was still discussing with his men how to persuade Leo and Sylvia to get off the ship.

So, without waiting until the next day, on the night of that day, Leo and the others had already packed their luggage and left the pier under the watchful eyes of the crew of the Beloved. After completing the supply, we set sail and left Cape West Port.

In the early morning of the next day, the cleric of the House of Prayer who had handed over to Hairesa brought several original sin knights from the church to the pier in a hurry, and asked the pier for the docking position of the Beloved.

But when he learned that the Beloved had left overnight, his face became extremely ugly.