The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1471: Kidnappers and kidnappers

"There really is a problem, there really is a problem!" After Leo sewed the Nordahan's body, he took out a bottle of wizard healing potion and poured it on him to speed up the healing of the wound, and then looked at the solution on the side. Plan the record and talk to himself.

   "What's the problem?" At this time, only Sylvia's questioning sounded from the room.

Leo turned his head to look at the sound source in confusion, and saw Sylvia drinking a cup of hot drink elegantly at a small table not far away. When he saw Leo looking over, he turned to Lei. Ou raised his cup and asked, "Would you like a drink? I brought the hot drink from the shop on Yuwei Street when I came back."

   Leo nodded, using his psionic energy to remove the stains on his body during the planing process, took the cup from Sylvia, took a sip, and asked, "When did you come back?"

"I just came back," Sylvia wiped her mouth, then stood up and walked to the edge of the planing table, and saw the Naodahan who had been stitched together, and said: "When I came back, I saw that you were concentrating on planing, so Did not disturb you."

   Leo looked at the slightly shining sky outside the window, and said, "I don’t know when it’s dawn. I seem to be a bit too focused."

   "What is this? Why does my head look like an octopus in the sea?" Sylvia asked.

"This is a Nordahan." Leo responded, and then told Sylvia about the information about the Nordahan, and also told the story of Joan and Penny's mission last night. .

   Sylvia was stunned after listening, and smiled: "I didn't expect that the little fellow Petunia looked so solemn, and she did things so cruelly that hundreds of people would be killed by them like this."

   Leo said disapprovingly: "She just appeared to be conscientious in front of us, don't forget, she dared to hunt in the deep mountains and jungles by herself at first, but now she is just letting her return to her nature."

Petunia also nodded in agreement with Leo's opinion, and then pointed to the Nodahan on the planing platform, and asked: "You have been so focused on planing all night, have you found anything special about this higher race? "

   Leo said disdainfully: "Higher race? He is not a high race, just a fake."

   "Counterfeit?" Petunia was stunned, she quickly understood, and said, "The modified one?"

   "Yeah." Leo nodded.

   Although Leo’s solution last night can be said to have been a huge gain, he was also disappointed because he discovered that the Nordahan was actually a fake.

In fact, before the planing started, Leo realized that he could detect the physical condition of the Nodahan in front of him through the mental network, and he felt something was wrong, but he was just a little confused and did not really confirm the Nodahan. It is false. After all, all public information about the Nordahan people in the Earth Federation is a variety of rumors collected from other civilizations. The truth of these rumors cannot be verified. Maybe the Nordahan people have natural resistance to psychic energy. It may be a false rumor at all.

However, when he unscrambled the Nodahan and checked the structure of its internal organs, he found that the Nodahan’s body organs were actually similar to human organs, but most of the organs had mutated into another type. Appearance, but it is still possible to judge the appearance of these organs before they mutated from certain characteristics.

   Reminiscent of the experimental living body of Qiao An, and thinking about the technology mastered in the production of pseudo-Ability cells, Leo is almost certain that this Nordahan was actually formed by human mutations implanted with Nordahan's body cells.

   As for why he had to mutate to become a Nordahan, Leo thought of the place where the fake Nordahan appeared, and he could vaguely guess the reason for doing so, nothing more than to be able to experiment under the eyes of the real eye.

It is said that some evolutionary races of higher civilizations have the ability to look directly at Omega-class higher life forms even if they do not have the spiritual power. If this legend is true, then ordinary people will mutate into Nordahan through implants. After that, he should also have the ability to look directly at the Omega-class advanced life forms, as for the demigod of the real eye, naturally.

Leo is also very curious about where the huge cave platform formed by the roots of the tree is. Judging from the special aura leaked from the roots, it should be somewhere in this world, and that place can directly touch the foundation of this world. World branches and leaves.

He guessed that the place was not a certain place in the geographical location, but more like a gap in a certain space, and the gap in the space should be connected to the outside world through the power of the real eye, as long as the person with the power of the real eye reaches a certain place. A special location can open the channel to that platform through the power of the real eye.

   This is why Qiao An directly enters the platform space when using the power of the implant.

As for the locations leading to the gap in space, they should be distributed all over the mainland, and the secret organization does not know how many such locations exist in the world, let alone the clear location of each location, but they still have some methods to find out. , Judging from the fact that the upper has only started to build a fixed station in the past few years, this location should have been discovered only in the past few years.

   In addition, Leo also discovered more secrets about the pseudo-Ability cell implants by solving the fake Nordahan, which made him more interested in the mysterious organization that mastered this technology.

Of course, he is also more interested in the resources in the hands of this organization. After all, even in the universe, he has never heard of any cosmic civilization that can get a Nordahan’s body for experimentation, not to mention that this organization can be used There is more than one advanced civilization race in the experiment.

   Judging from the operators of the seemingly monster test equipment on the platform, this organization should have mastered the bodies of many advanced civilized races, and can use these bodies to make enough implants.

When Leo told Sylvia about his findings one by one, he couldn't help but smile, "Seriously, I almost couldn't help but want to actively join this organization just now. After all, this organization has knowledge. The materials and materials are so tempting. Gods and higher races are all used by them for experiments. This is really incredible."

   "Why is it just about?" Sylvia asked.

Gu </span>   "Because I am scared!" Leo said his feelings without hesitation, and said: "You think such a mysterious organization with extraordinary knowledge and huge resources can be established by ordinary humans. Is it? Especially on such a land shrouded by the laws of the gods."

   Sylvia heard the words and guessed: "You mean that there is a **** behind it."

   Leo nodded and said, "There may be more than one god, but many gods."

   Sylvia frowned, and asked in doubt: "If the gods are behind them, what do they want to do?"

   "I don't know either." Leo shook his head slightly, then pointed to the fake Nordahan on the planing table, and said, "Perhaps he knows."

Sinil Osvid hasn’t slept as peacefully as it is now for a long time, even if his brain is gradually out of sleep, he still won’t be far away from his eyes and woke up, the last time in his memory like now. Sleep without any nightmares has been decades ago, when he had not been implanted into a part of the monster's body.

"Wait, implant!" Sinil suddenly woke up. He remembered what had happened to him before he fell asleep. He remembered that he was conducting an experiment in the Holy Land, and suddenly there was an unsuccessful one next to him. Any normal human being disguised as a defense, he was curious at the time. He stretched out his hand to catch the person and wanted to inquire about the person, but was suddenly taken away from the Holy Land by that person, and then attacked by someone, causing him to fall into a coma.

   "Assault? I was assaulted! Where am I now?" Sinil, who recovered his consciousness, immediately opened his eyes and looked around.

   I saw, surrounded by red brick walls, there was only one iron door for entrance and exit, and there was a skylight on the top, and some green grass could be seen from the edge of the skylight.

"It's long sawgrass. There is growth in the southern area. No human activity can be heard outside, but there are many sounds of birds and beasts. It seems that they should not be in the city. This is a cellar. This method is only used in the southwest. The bricks used are black mud bricks. This is the building material used in the Mitte triangle area. There is only one anchor point in the Mitte triangle area that has only been discovered recently. It seems that I should now It’s on the outskirts of West Point Ocean Point." Sinil quickly made a judgment on his situation with his own knowledge.

Then he moved his somewhat stiff body slightly and slowly got up from the ground. At this moment, he suddenly felt some discomfort in his chest. Then he looked down slightly and saw a very light white mark extending from the bottom of his neck. To the abdomen.

"I was deplaned?" He recognized what the white mark was about at a glance. He was very familiar with this type of imprint. To judge, he should have been unplaned for a long time, otherwise the wound would not have healed to such a degree.

Although he found that he was distracted by others, he did not appear to be very flustered. This is not to say that he is not afraid, but the impact of the implant on his personality, which caused him to lose a lot of emotions, including fear. And he also felt that since he hadn't become a corpse now, it meant that the people who knew how to plan him didn't want to kill him, and he wouldn't be in danger at least for a short time.

He stood up from the ground because the cellar was so low that he had to lower his head, which made him very uncomfortable, so he controlled the implant, slowly undoing the abnormal changes in the body, and with a familiar pain From all parts of the body, he gradually changed from the form of the starry man back to the normal human form.

   "It's terrible!" Sinier, who returned to his normal human form, felt very strong discomfort. This discomfort was not just physical discomfort, but more psychological discomfort.

For the past two years, he has maintained the form of a starry sky person. In that form, he seems to have become an omnipotent **** who overlooks the earth. Now he has returned to a human form. This kind of mentality is thinking. The height difference made him feel nauseous of falling into a cesspool. Although he was mentally prepared, he still couldn't help but muttered in his heart and suppressed the urge to change back to the form of a starry sky.

He doesn’t know who the person who kidnapped him and solved him was, but it is certain that the other party must be a human being. In this case, show the other party that he is also a human, instead of using the inhuman form of the starry sky. Communication will be of great help to improving his current situation.

Moreover, he can tell from the unplaning wound on his chest and the absence of any discomfort in his body. The person who unplans himself has extremely amazing unplaning skills, even in the organization, it is extremely rare, and perhaps only the few unplaning masters use it. The Starry Sky user's device can outperform him. The organization needs such talents. He feels that if he can talk to that person, with the deep and mysterious knowledge that the organization has, he will definitely be able to persuade that person to join the organization.

Persuading a person who kidnapped and planed himself to join his organization. If someone else knows about it, he will definitely think that the person who has this idea is a lunatic, but Sinil is obviously not a lunatic, he is a lunatic instead. On the other hand, an extremely rational scholar, and the idea of ​​persuading the kidnappers to join the organization is also the best answer he can think of to get out of the predicament after a rational analysis.

   "I know you are watching me, I want to talk to you." After determining his thoughts, Sinil walked to the only entrance and shouted toward the small window on the iron door.

   When Sinier’s voice came out, and while waiting for a response, someone behind him suddenly said, “Don’t be so loud, we’ve always been by UU reading”

Sinil was shocked, and immediately turned his head and looked at the cellar behind him. I don’t know when there were two more people dressed in the style of the Mitte triangle in the cellar where no one else was originally. What he was puzzled was that he could not see the faces of these two people clearly, no matter how he observed the faces of each other, the influence formed in his mind was blurred.

   "God is not visible." Sinil immediately had such a sentence in his mind, and this sentence also gave him an amazing guess.

When this speculation was formed, he was a little panicked, who had remained calm from beginning to end. Although he tried hard to return himself to the original calm state, because he knew that panic would be very detrimental to him, the more he took the initiative to adjust The mentality, the more uncontrollable the mentality, even the flustered mentality also affected his body, for example, his fingers began to tremble involuntarily.

   "You are scared." At this moment, the mysterious man dressed in women's clothing seemed to see through the state of Sinier at the moment and said.

   Sinil took a deep breath, maintaining his dignity as a scholar, letting himself respond calmly: "As long as you are a normal person, you will be afraid in this situation."

   "But you are not a normal person." The man said, "You are a fake Nordahan."


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