The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1484: church in action

The latest website: "Senior is dead. He died after triggering the implant's confidentiality restriction. According to the induction signal that was finally transmitted to the Holy Land, the place of death should be at Cape West Port." Satos will organize The most important members of Wangyangjiao Harbor gathered together and told them the news he had just obtained from the Holy Land of the organization.

After everyone heard this, expressions of surprise, worry, etc. appeared on their faces. In their eyes, the people in the inner circle were all big shots like Satos, but such a big shot was kidnapped to Cape West Port and died in the After getting here, they felt that the organization might make a big move here, and they didn't know what arrangements these members of the organization's inner circle would have.

"Master Satos, do we need to do something?" A middle-aged man dressed as a heretic hunting team asked in a deep voice.

Sartos looked very calm at the moment, and said: "There is no need to do anything, just follow the original plan to find the filthy believers hiding in the city."

"Master Nacinir..." Someone asked tentatively.

Satos said in a deep voice: "There is no need to use extra strength to find him. Under the effect of the restriction, he has completely turned into dust."

Another worried: "Master Senior died here, will the organization treat us..."

Satos frowned and said: "The cause of his death was trying to reveal the secrets of the organization, which triggered the secrecy ban. What does it have to do with us? Don't worry about these things. Instead of worrying about the punishment of the organization, you should worry about it." They are the real threat," he said, looking at the middle-aged heretic hunter with great dissatisfaction, and said: "And we haven't found any clues until now, that's what we should worry about, and you don't want to While you were sleeping, you were sacrificed by those filthy believers, right?"

"My lord, we have tried our best to search, and even used the hunting artifact of the Justice Church, but there is still nothing to gain." The heresy hunter tried his best to defend, and then asked cautiously: "Could it be that those filthy believers have escaped? , not in the city?"

Sartos didn't answer right away, but fell into deep thought. In fact, it wasn't just the middle-aged heretic hunter guessing that the Foul Cultists had escaped. He actually thought so, because he knew very well that the city hall and the church had already used After using all kinds of forces, he still failed to find any clues. The only useful clues were provided by the underground intelligence organization, but those clues were only related to Joan and did not involve the Dirty Cultists, so he also suspected that the Dirty Cultists had actually already left.

Just when Sartos also began to gradually doubt whether the Filthy Cultist was still in Cape West Port, there was a hasty knock on the door, and then under his command, the door opened from the outside, and a Justice Church who served as his assistant The clergyman hurried in, saluted Sartos briefly, and said directly, without taking into account the other people around him: "The filthy cultists have appeared, and they are in the mayor's mansion."

Hearing this sentence, not only Sartos was stunned, but also the other people on the side were also stunned. They were still suspecting that the Filthy Cultist had left Cape West Port just now. News, what a coincidence.

Just when Sartos and others were shocked by the news of the appearance of the filthy believers, a large number of people gathered outside the mayor's mansion in a few districts away from the Holy Prayer House, although the police in the city hall and the city guard had blocked the city. The street where the official residence is located, and made a move to disperse the crowd, but the crowd gathered not only did not decrease but increased.

Even if these crowds were dispersed to both ends of the street, and the houses near the street were also emptied, they could not see the mayor's mansion at all from their location, but they still couldn't reduce their mood of watching the excitement, even when they saw the mayor's mansion before. The people who were in the mansion did not leave immediately, but became the center of the public, repeatedly telling the people who asked about what they saw, and enjoyed the fun of being the center of attention once in a while.

They have no idea what the things they see represent. After all, so many years have passed since the atrocities committed by the filthy believers, and the people now have completely forgotten the horror of the filthy believers, and even blocked the mayor's mansion and The street police and city guards didn't understand why the church didn't rescue the mayor immediately after seeing the mayor's tragic situation, but asked them to empty and close the entire street, and put everyone in the mayor's mansion They all brought righteous teachings, and then came more than a dozen bishop-level clergy from different churches, performing various incomprehensible religious ceremonies in the mayor's mansion, as if they were dispersing something.

However, when the church performed various religious ceremonies and used divine power to disperse the filthy power that shrouded the mayor's mansion, the miserable and ridiculous mayor was still hung on the top of the mayor's mansion's civic hall, and was not released. Fortunately, the mayor was still in a coma, otherwise he might not be scared to death when he saw his current appearance, but would also die of embarrassment.

I saw that on the top of the civic hall of the mayor's mansion, some fleshy things like tree roots and vines covered the dome, forming a very mysterious pattern. In the center of that pattern, the mayor was hung by the extended tentacles. He flew into the air, and was completely naked, with unknown blood written all over his body, which in the eyes of the church was blasphemy.

I don't know if the blasphemous words written on the mayor's body are too taboo, or the mayor's meat mountain-like body is too unsightly, or the pattern composed of fleshy objects is full of extremely polluting substances. The blasphemous power of power, in short, all the bishops who are responsible for suppressing and cleaning up the filthy power in the hall dare not look up. The only thing they can do is to use their divine power to dispel the filthy power gathered on the mayor again and again.



At this time, two incomparably majestic voices came in from the entrance of the mayor's mansion at the same time, and two majestic divine powers came in together with the voices. These two divine powers dispelled the filthy power instantly like the scorching sun. And the fleshy vines covering the roof and the blasphemous words on the mayor's body turned to hungry ashes like ignited paper.

The mayor, who lost his traction, fell directly from the sky, and a force field composed of several divine powers appeared under the mayor, supporting him, but the mayor's heavy body was too heavy for the bishops who cast the divine force field. Some struggled, and his face turned red a lot. It wasn't until the mayor was put on the ground that he breathed a sigh of relief, and his face returned to normal.

At this time, two old men wearing the costumes of the archbishop came in from outside the mansion. One of them was wearing the costume of the Archbishop of the Justice Church, and the other was wearing the costume of the Archbishop of the Holy Heart.

The Justice Church and the Holy Heart Church are rare companion churches among various churches. The two churches can be said to be one with two sides, and the priests of the two churches can even be interchanged. The bishops of the other churches who were present were not surprised at the election ceremony, so the two church archbishops appeared at the mayor's mansion at the same time, and the magic spells they performed were also coordinated.

"Have you checked other places in the mansion?" The Archbishop of Justice asked the others without any nonsense.

Although they belonged to different churches, the bishops of other churches did not dare to neglect the Archbishop of Justice's question in the face of the disparity in the level of priesthood, and quickly reported the current situation of the mayor's mansion.

"The few of us are here to suppress the power of the filthy mark and prevent the spread of the filthy power. The Bishop of the Pleasure and the Bishop of the Sea Dancer are in charge of other places. Now..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the Bishop of the Church of Pleasure and the Bishop of the Sea Dancer Church coming in through the side door leading to the back garden, and said, "The power of filth in other places has been cleaned up, and no other marks of filth have been found. "

The Archbishop of Justice turned to look at the mayor lying on the ground, and said, "I'm going to take him to the church and see if I can find out the whereabouts of the filthy believers from him."

The Bishop of Pleasure frowned and said, "I'm afraid this is not good? After all, he is the mayor, so he just took him directly to the Justice Church..."

"Mayor? Do you think we need to care about this status?" The Archbishop of Justice gave the Bishop of Pleasure a cold look, and then said disdainfully: "And you think that after this incident, he can continue to be the mayor Is it? I heard that there were quite a few citizens waiting to be received by the mayor at the civic hall."

Having said that, the archbishop of the Holy Heart Church suddenly asked: "Are all the citizens who saw the mark of filth under control now?"

Hearing this question, all the bishops looked at each other in blank dismay, and only Bishop Joyful thought for a while and said, "When we came, the city guards and the police were dispersing the crowd. I only paid attention to the mark of filth, and didn't pay attention to other things. However, we ordered the city guards to restrain everyone, but they seemed to have misunderstood what we meant, and only detained the people in the mayor's mansion, as for ordinary citizens It seems to have been dispelled."

"Damn it!" Hearing what Bishop Joyful said, Archbishop Justice couldn't help cursing. He didn't know whether he was cursing the city guards and police who ignored the wrong orders, or cursing the bishops present, and then he said decisively : "This matter has become a big deal, and the infection of the filthy mark may spread to the whole city along with those citizens. We will immediately issue a city closure order in the name of the church."

Hearing the decision of Archbishop Justice, the bishops of other churches looked at each other and nodded in agreement with the decision. Although they are not archbishops, they are the people with the highest priesthood in their respective churches in Cape Xiwangyang Port, and they have the right to make decisions. such a decision.

The most important thing now is to find out all the people who may be infected by the mark of filth after the city is closed, and the final affiliation of Mr. Mayor is not so important. The other bishops did not say anything, and let the righteous archbishop send Take the mayor away, and then immediately return to their respective churches, and start sending church knights to completely blockade the entire city.

At the same time, accusations against the Church of the Dead Chaser followed, because the Church of the Dead Chaser was right next to the mayor's mansion, and after the incident, not only did the Church of the Dead Chaser not send people to the mayor's mansion immediately, even after People from other churches showed up to deal with the matter, and did not send anyone until the matter was settled. The Church of the Dead Chaser obviously had a major responsibility for defiled believers attacking the mayor's mansion.

However, the response given by the Church of the Dead was that they were having a mass on the Day of the Dead at that time. Although some priests of the Dead Chaser were in the world of the dead, they knew nothing about what happened outside.

For the explanation of the Church of the Dead, other churches feel ridiculous, because there is still more than a month before the Day of the Dead, the major festival of the Church of the Dead.

Hearing the news, the members of the Death Chaser Church were also surprised, and after confirming the date, they were all extremely angry, and said that they had obviously encountered an attack, and the result of the attack was that their time cognition appeared to be different. Mistake, the day when the mayor's mansion was attacked was mistaken for the Day of the Dead. All the clergy, including the church knights, entered the world of the dead during the mass to receive experience.

The other churches did not fully believe the explanation of the Church of the Dead Chaser, but they could not do any interrogation of the Church of the Dead Chaser. Church leaders discussed how to handle the matter.

Obviously, the various church churches and temples in Cape West Harbor are not going to let go of the accountability of the Church of the Death Chaser, and want to make the Church of the Death Chaser the main person responsible for the filthy church accidents, so as to reduce their own responsibilities, after all The filthy believers actually did this kind of thing under their noses. They all need to bear some responsibility. The accusations from the church's main church and temple are inevitable. All they can do is to alleviate their own pain. guilt, and the Church of the Dead Chaser has obviously become their common scapegoat.

The city closure order jointly issued by all the churches caused quite a commotion in Cape West. Almost everyone has never encountered such a thing in their lives. Their understanding of the church closure order comes from some legends~www ~ only this time they are part of the story.

Although no one has ever encountered a church closure order, they all know what this means. Only when the most serious heresy incident occurs in the city, the church will issue this kind of extremely influential city closure order. At the moment of the release, all the powers of the city are in the hands of the church, not to mention the power of the city hall, even the power of the king is also in the hands of the church until the closure of the city is over.

It was precisely because they knew the seriousness of the matter that when the church clergy and church knights took over the rights of various departments of the city hall, the officials of the city hall all cooperated with their utmost, for fear that if they did something wrong, they would be charged with heresy.

At the same time, the dignitaries in the city did not dare to do anything presumptuous. Even the church knights demanded a thorough inspection of the manors of those dignitaries. Some things related to heresy, and the corresponding dignitaries naturally became guests in the church prison.

Under the influence of the church closure order, the entire Port of Cape West has become deserted like never before. Walking on the street seems to have entered a dead city.