The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1552: golden book

Remember [New] for a second,! The fact that a civilization actually includes several high-level civilizations in the universe and an unknown number of medium-level civilizations is completely beyond Leo's cognition, and this kind of thing will never happen in the universe order under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council of the universe.

However, because a lot of things that seemed unimaginable in the past have been deduced from various materials, Leo has become a little numb to such things and news, and it is difficult to have too strong emotional fluctuations, just Curious about what happened to this Linde civilization? How did it form? How does it work inside?

You must know that unless there is an absolutely powerful power like the Supreme Council of the Universe, let alone the fusion of several high-level civilizations, even if two low-level universe civilizations are brought together, it is impossible to live in peace, and there will definitely be conflicts. and friction.

So after seeing these news, Leo had a feeling that this Linde civilization might be another central organization of civilization that replaced the Supreme Council of the Universe after the disappearance of the Supreme Council of the Universe, but it did not inherit the Supreme Council of the Universe for some reason. name, but to call it civilization.

It's a pity that Leo's luck seems to have been used up in the first few days of sorting out the collection. After that, the equipment of those alien civilizations is either completely broken or partially intact, but the intact part is only some functions. module, there is no data logging function.

Although these disassembled alien civilization equipment is no longer useful to Leo, it is like a treasure for the scholars in the warehouse, because the disassembled parts can make these people better understand and I discovered the working principle of these devices, and some of them even reassembled some intact parts into a working device. Even if the device was short-circuited and burned out immediately after it started to work, it still worked for a few seconds. , can be said to be very remarkable.

You must know that although these scholars and experts specially dispatched by the Academic City and the Theresa Royal Family are considered to be the smartest, wisest, and most learned people in the world, their basic knowledge is very primitive after all, even the old In the earth age, the subject knowledge of intra-terrestrial physics, chemistry, etc. has not been thoroughly studied, let alone the physical laws between the galaxies in the universe. In this case, some scattered alien parts can be pieced together. The device of seconds, this kind of thing is impossible to happen under normal circumstances.

So after learning that these scholars and experts used the alien parts and functional modules they disassembled to piece together a device that could be activated for a short time, Leo was also surprised, and in the next day or two, he separated Part of the focus is on the academics and experts in the warehouse.

Soon, he discovered some interesting things. For example, experts from the royal family were better at recombining the scattered parts than discussing the origin, craftsmanship, and principles of these items. The short-lived device is actually a combination of experts from the royal family.

However, what is inversely proportional to their practical ability is that their theoretical knowledge is very little, far from being able to compare with the scholars in the academic city.

Moreover, when they were talking, Leo heard some specialized words that should not have been heard from their mouths, such as energy wires, bus interfaces, equivalent power, etc. related to the assembly of equipment parts, and the words they used were They are all Teresan, but they are only pronounced in Teresa. In fact, these vocabulary words should be the seventh set of Federal languages ​​that Earth Federation basic engineers like to use.

Although it's just some scattered information, Leo has reason to believe that there is at least one learning device in the hands of the Royal Teresa for training basic equipment maintenance personnel, and these experts and scholars should have all learned through the device system. Knowledge of maintenance and assembly of basic equipment.

However, these training devices are usually aimed at quasi-engineers who have completed all the basic disciplines, so the training content does not involve any basic knowledge, only the relevant knowledge of the disassembly and assembly of various devices, so those royal families The experts and scholars of the Earth can directly assemble the extraterrestrial equipment parts that do not even belong to the Earth Federation into a short-run device.

It is also fortunate that the parts produced by these alien civilizations are manufactured according to the standard specifications set by the Supreme Council of the Universe. Except for the differences in appearance, these alien products in the core are not much different from the equipment produced by the earth, especially Most of the connection interfaces are general-purpose interfaces, and even the function marks are general marks formulated by the Supreme Council. To assemble these temporary buildings, you only need to connect the different modules in the normal order like building blocks. Because of this, the half-baked experts in the royal family who do not even know the principle can assemble these parts into a so-called device.

After discovering this situation, Leo was going to contact the experts and scholars of these royal families to see if he could get some useful information from them, but at this time, the first batch collected by Queen Teresa was related to the gods of this world. The various secret materials of the royal family were sent to the book town by the knights directly under the royal family. Because these materials are very precious, Leo can only read and copy them under the protection of the knights. Once he has read all these materials, these materials still need Return to the royal family's secret vault for archiving.

Leo was originally a little dissatisfied with the fact that he could only read and transcribe under the surveillance of the Knights, but after he saw the real objects of these hidden materials, he felt that Queen Teresa's actions were not excessive, because these Most of the materials are golden slates. These slates are like book pages that record various secret and precious materials. Other materials are only a few normal books, and other books are some unknown animal skins or other leathers with special powers. Build, the value of all the information is added up, enough to make any poor person into the richest man in the world.

It would be great to have such a huge amount of information on the surface that Queen Teresa can send someone to the bookstore for Leo to read. If you put yourself in Queen Teresa's position, Leo feels himself It may be directly asked to read, transcribe, or even go overboard.

"Are these golden books?" Dean Thomas, who heard the news, came to the room where these materials were stored after being reviewed by the Knights. Although he was allowed to enter the room, he was not allowed to touch those materials. , after seeing those golden slates, he was still unable to restrain his emotional excitement.

"Golden book?" Leo was stunned when he heard Dean Thomas' surprised words. He quickly thought of what the golden book meant by Dean Thomas, and pointed to the golden slate with some doubts, saying: "These are the books of eternal truth mentioned in the books of the Church of True God? Don't they say books compiled with golden pages? These are just gold on the surface of knowledge, and there should be some kind of rock inside, right? This is also considered gold. book?"

Dean Thomas shook his head and said: "You must know that some objects recorded in books are often recorded with exaggerated descriptions, especially those things that are related to gods, such as the Holy Relic Judgment Helm of the Justice Church. , was originally just an ordinary knight's helmet, and the helmet was smashed, but in the description of the Justice Church, this helmet is full of legends and mysteries from the material to the manufacturing process, so anyone who heard the relevant description No one will recognize the Helm of Judgment when they see it, like you see these golden books now."

Leo listened to Dean Thomas's words, looked at the golden slate, and the description of the golden book also appeared in his mind.

When the Otto Federation just came into contact with the religious books of this world, Leo had already noticed the golden books recorded in these books. Almost all the ancient books of the church stated that this was the source of the golden books without exception. After listening to the words of the gods, the saints of the church write down the eternal truths, no matter what the carrier used to record these eternal truths is, these carriers will eventually become golden pages, and the saints will also become golden pages after writing the eternal truth. a part of.

Also because the descriptions of the golden books in those classics are too exaggerated, with a lot of religious worship, so Leo subconsciously thinks that this is just a kind of sacred creation, just like those legends in the church have all kinds of magic. like a divine gift of power.

Seeing Dean Thomas' emotions now, Leo realizes that his previous judgment may have been wrong, and that these golden books may not be just artificial relics for religious worship as he thought.

So, he walked to the nearest wooden platform where the golden slate was placed, looked down at the neatly placed slate by the knights, and looked at the clearly engraved words on it.

However, Leo soon discovered that something was wrong, because he could not understand the engraved text on the golden slate. This incomprehension was not incomprehensible at the intellectual level. Although the text was complex and used some ancient Grammar, but for Leo, he can still analyze the meaning of these words from the rules of writing and some familiar usage of words, but the problem is that although he thinks these words are very simple, he can't understand them at all. There is a concept called "Unintelligible" rule, even if these words are written in the most familiar words to the reader, the reader will still be unable to understand a sentence.

"Mr. Dean, come and take a look at these slates and tell me what is written on them." Leo thought for a while after discovering the abnormality of the slates, and then turned to Dean Thomas, who was looking curiously here. , said.

"Can I see it?" Dean Thomas wondered for a moment, then looked at the knight captain next to him.

The captain of the knight team frowned and said, "Her Majesty said that these slates can only be..."

Leo interrupted him and said, "I will handle these things before sending them back. I think your majesty should have made this clear."

The knight team leader did not refute, he was silent for a while, and then took a step back, indicating that Dean Thomas can read the slate.

Dean Thomas, who couldn't wait for a long time, stepped forward quickly, and without saying anything to Leodoro, he looked at the slate, but after seeing the slate, he had a blank look on his face, and then his eyes lit up. With strong doubts, he turned to Leo and asked, "Mr. Leo, what did you see on the slate?"

"I didn't see anything, I couldn't understand it at all." Leo answered truthfully.

Dean Thomas breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turns out that you are the same, and I don't understand it at all. It's just... but, the words on these slates are... again, how to describe it?"

Leo told him what he felt in his heart: "It's so familiar and simple, I feel that I can understand what it means at a glance."

"Yes, yes, this is the case." Dean Thomas nodded again and again, and then he was a little surprised, saying: "So the legend is true, these golden books really record the truth of eternity."

"What legend?" Leo asked curiously.

"A legend that only circulates within the Church of the True God," Dean Thomas explained truthfully: "It is said that the real golden book has two eternal characteristics because it records eternal truth, and these two eternal characteristics are also the only way to judge the authenticity of the golden book. Criteria, one property is indestructibility, and one property is inability to read, these two properties just represent the unknowable and indestructible of divinity."

"Can't it be destroyed?" Leo heard the words and suddenly raised his hand and patted the golden slate in front of him. As he patted it with his palm, the slate did not show extraordinary hardness. It was easily broken into dozens of pieces under the impact of Leo's own power.

Because Leo's movements were too sudden and too fast, Dean Thomas and the knight team leader on the side couldn't stop them. , completely bewildered.

However, before they could ask Leo why he did this, the shattered slate was instantly restored to its intact state in front of their eyes, as if everything that had just happened was just an illusion they saw.

"It's really indestructible." Dean Thomas couldn't help but marvel at the sight in front of him.

The knight team leader was also shocked by the restoration of the slate, and was in awe at the same time. He seemed to think that all this was related to the mighty power of the gods. If it weren't for the inappropriate occasion, he might have knelt on the ground and used the most pious tone. To praise the gods he thinks are worth believing in.

However, for Leo, the restoration of the slate has nothing to do with the power of the gods, because he did not feel any divine aura on it, but instead he felt the powerful psionic energy, and this psionic energy made him I couldn't help but think of a near-legendary strategic-level psionic skill.

Chapter 1552 Golden Book