The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1553: Boot Seed

Time and space are the two most profound and mysterious forces in the universe. Ordinary high-level psionicists think that they can tear apart a space crack and move in space to master space power, but for those ancient existences in the universe. In other words, this kind of spatial displacement is only the most superficial manifestation of space power, and it is not even a space power, let alone master it.

For the ancient existence, the highest manifestation of space power is to create the universe, and only by creating a complete universe can it be regarded as mastering the space power.

And until the day Leo died, there was no omega-level high-level life in the universe that could have done such a great feat earlier, including the top ones in the highest council of the universe, and all they could do was catch a certain Some warp fragments, create a small world according to their own ideas.

The power of space is still like this, let alone the power of time. Although space and time are often mentioned together, everyone knows that the power of time is mysterious and profound, far exceeding the power of space. In any psychic energy in the universe In the dominant civilization, there are no psionic skills related to time, and even the supreme beings of the Supreme Council of the universe do not have any power related to time.

However, the weird thing is that in such a cosmic psionic system that is completely insulated from the power of time, there is a time-related strategic psionic skill that exists in the highest council of the universe.

Through the inheritance of the alien civilization's psionic energy system before, Leo learned some secret things that he had never touched in the past, and the strategic-level psionic skills related to time power is one of the secrets.

What is the specific name of this strategic-level psionic skill, who created it, etc. All information is not recorded in the psionic inheritance. The only thing that can be determined is that this psionic skill can be used to make time go back.

What's even weirder is that this is the only psionic skill that is clearly related to time mastered by the Supreme Council of the Universe, but the supreme beings of the Supreme Council of the Universe have not learned this psionic skill, nor have they studied its principles, but instead are like It is sealed up like a taboo, but it is extremely paradoxical that the Supreme Council of the universe has not prevented the spread of various rumors about this time psionic skills in the universe, and it is because of this that Leo can get from this alien. From the knowledge of civilization psionic inheritance, I learned that there is such a legendary strategic-level psionic skill.

The reason why Leo would associate this psionic skill after seeing the restoration of the golden slate that he deliberately smashed just now is mainly because the process of restoring the slate is very similar to the concept of time rewind. According to his observation, the restoration of the slate is completely The slate fragmentation process is reversed, like rewinding a video, every detail is exactly the same.

As for the other thought of psionic skills rather than divine power, it is because at the moment when the slate was restored, I felt an incomparably obvious psychic energy shrouded around the slate, and if this psychic energy was divided according to the level of life, absolutely It belongs to the psychic energy of an omega-level high-level life body. As for which level of an omega-level high-level life body, it is not something that a seventh-level psionicist like him can judge.

"Do you know the origin of these golden books? For example, who made them?" After guessing that the golden books are likely to contain the protection of the legendary psionic skills used by Omega-level advanced life forms, Leo couldn't help but ask Thomas Court. long, asked curiously.

"The legend is from the gods," Dean Thomas quickly gave the answer, but the conversation changed and he denied: "But I don't believe it, because if it really comes from the true God, then the church should organize a special church. It is right for the wise men to study the eternal truths in these golden books. After all, these eternal truths represent the true meaning of the gods, and only after thorough research can they be closer to the gods. But in fact, the church's attitude toward this golden book is more like a kind of heresy taboo , As long as the golden books are collected, they will be completely sealed, and it is extremely contradictory that the church does not prohibit others from finding golden books and researching golden books."

Hearing Dean Thomas' words, Leo also showed interest.

Dean Thomas continued: "According to the number of these golden books I have caused, basically every country on the source continent has them, but where did the golden books come from, there is no news from the outside world, but from the Judging from the fact that the kingdom can collect such a large number of golden books for special research, the golden books may be related to the relics of prehistoric civilizations.”

"Why?" Leo asked.

Dean Thomas explained: "Because every time the royal family discovers a new prehistoric civilization relic, they will come to the academy to recruit a group of scholars who study prehistoric civilization, and most of the selected scholars are more or less They have studied golden books at least, and according to my calculations, there are more scholars who study golden books for the royal family than there are experts who study prehistoric civilizations.”

Leo asked suspiciously: "These golden books are incomprehensible, how to study them?"

Dean Thomas shook his head and said, "I'm not very clear about this aspect, but I can be sure that the royal family's research on golden books is the same as the research on the remains of prehistoric civilization, and the research results far exceed those of other countries and countries. Organization." After speaking, he hesitated for a while, and then said: "I heard a rumor before, but I don't know the truth."

"What rumor?" Leo asked.

Dean Thomas thought for a moment and said, "It is rumored that since the golden books cannot be read with normal methods, they should be read with abnormal methods, such as touching the surface of these golden books with a blind person."

"Are you blind?" Leo thought about it and tried it directly. He closed his eyes, put it on the golden book, and slowly stroked the surface of the golden book, as if he could see the golden book. Feeling the words on the surface of the golden book, his hand can also feel the nicks of the words on the golden book by touching, but even if he feels the nicks, he still cannot combine these nicks into intelligible words. Obviously Thomas The dean's method was of no use.

Seeing that the method he provided was useless, Dean Thomas was not too surprised. After all, if a method to interpret the golden book could be found so easily, then the truth of the eternal mark contained in the golden book might have already been interpreted by others.

So Dean Thomas suggested: "You may ask Her Majesty directly, she should be able to answer your doubts, after all, in terms of reading the golden book, Teresa's kingdom is far beyond other kingdoms, if not It is impossible to do this with a set of effective reading methods."

Undoubtedly, Dean Thomas' suggestion should be the most direct and effective suggestion, but Leo did not intend to follow it, because he could already guess that even if he asked, he would not be able to get any useful information from the Royal Teresa. Reply, if Her Majesty Queen Teresa is willing to give Leo the method to interpret the golden book, then she will give it to him directly together with the golden book, and there is no need for him to ask unnecessary questions.

After Leo denied it, Dean Thomas made another proposal that Leo would also not agree to, that is to find the Church of True God.

Although the True God Church forbids the study of golden books, the True God Church, especially the ancient True God Churches with deep roots and ancient traditions, must have collected the method of reading the golden books, because Dean Thomas knew that it happened more than once in the True God Church. Clergy and even bishop-level clerics were severely punished by the church for researching and interpreting the golden book. All research materials were sealed together with the golden book. If they hadn’t really deciphered some of the content, it would have been impossible for the church to do so. scandals like imprisoning senior clergymen.

Unfortunately, this proposal was also rejected, not to mention whether the church would provide him with a way to interpret the golden book. Even if it did, I am afraid that Leo would not dare to use it on the golden book. After all, who can guarantee that the church provides it? Whether the method is correct, will the church play tricks in it.

After rejecting the two proposals, Dean Thomas finally mentioned the Transcendence Organization. He was very clear that the Transcendence Organization also coveted the eternal truths recorded in the golden book. After all, these eternal truths might contain the ultimate goal of the Transcendence Organization's establishment. The goal, but he also said that he didn't know much about the detached organization, maybe even less than Leo, so he was not sure whether the detached organization had mastered the method of correctly interpreting the golden book.

For this proposal, after thinking about it, Leo asked Dean Thomas to use his channel to inform the detached organization that he had a batch of golden books on hand to study to see if the detached organization was interested.

Before understanding the core circle of the detached organization, Leo might not choose the detached organization to cooperate to interpret the golden book, but he knows that the core circle of the detached organization is related to the high-level alien civilization in the universe, and even many of them have passed The method of implants has transformed into an alien race, and these golden books contain the psionic power of Omega-level advanced life forms and the legendary strategic-level psychic skills, so the participation of the Transcendence Organization may be able to produce some Wonderful effect.

In addition, Leo can also obtain more information about the detached organization from those assigned members of the detached organization.

Seeing that Leo had made a decision, Dean Thomas didn't say much. He said that he needed a little time to contact the detached organization. It also takes time to make a decision. It also takes time to organize the manpower. In the end, it may take ten days and a half months for the detached organization. Only the people sent can reach the book town.

When Leo heard the words, he just asked Dean Thomas to contact him as soon as possible, and signaled that Dean Thomas could leave.

For the next few days, Leo stayed in the room where the golden book was stored, and he made no progress in deciphering the golden book. In his eyes, the golden book was still indecipherable. Interpreting the contents of the golden book is only secondary to him, and the psionic energy contained in the golden book is his main research object these days.

It belongs to the pure psionic energy of omega-level higher life forms, and this psionic energy will not cause a backlash effect when Leo studies it. This is simply the most perfect research object for Leo.

After becoming a seventh-level psionicist, Leo found that in terms of the skills of using psionic energy, although he could still obtain other knowledge from the set of psionic inheritance knowledge he obtained, he was still struggling with how to improve his psionic energy level and allow himself to evolve. When it comes to higher life forms, passing on knowledge provides much less help.

It's not that the inheritance knowledge lacks the ascension experience of 7th-level psionicists and above, but because these ascension experiences all come from the alien races that created this inheritance knowledge, and the various life-enhancing forms used by them. The methods are also aimed at the body structure and bloodline characteristics of the alien race. If Leo safely copies this experience, I am afraid that before he can complete a higher level of evolution, he will have died in a certain abnormal life form promotion. method.

But now that there is a golden book containing omega-level high-level life body psychic energy, it is different. Leo does not need to master any specific methods. The difference in form will lead Leo's psychic energy to spontaneously transform towards the psionic energy on the golden book, even if this transformation is very subtle and slow, in the end as long as Leo has a trace of psychic energy to complete this transformation, then he You can use this trace of psychic energy as an introduction to guide other psychic energies in the body to transform together, and finally complete the evolution of life forms.

There is no precedent for this method. Everyone's psionic energy is unique in the universe. Using the psychic energy of other higher life forms as the lead to transform one's own psychic energy may eventually turn into a disaster. Or an accident, but Leo is a little different from a normal psionicist. His system and spirit are very special. Those imprints of the gods hidden in his body are the best manifestation, and psionic power is just another kind of It is just a supernatural power similar to divine power, and different psychic powers can also exist in the same body.

In fact, this high-level psychic guides low-level psychic energy, and the method of generating guidance seeds is very effective for Leo. In just a few days, he has already felt a trace of transformed psychic energy in his body. UU Reading is just that this trace of spiritual energy is very weak, and it is not enough to become a guiding seed.

Just when Leo was about to make persistent efforts to speed up the formation of the guiding seeds in his body, Sylvia sent a message that interrupted Leo's subterranean cultivation. The news showed that Penny and Joan were missing, and their disappearance seemed to be related to detachment. It has nothing to do with the organization, because the news of the disappearance was sent directly to Sylvia by the organization of the detached, and it did not pass through Thomas. Obviously, the person who provided the information and the person who is now in contact with Leo should belong to the detached. Organize different factions.

"Is there no place for them on the universal recorder?" Leo asked Sylvia after learning about the situation.

Sylvia shook her head and said, "I tried your method and didn't see their mark."

When sending Joann and Penny out, Leo specially made two signal generators for them to carry with them. As long as they are within the receiving range of the Universal Universal Recorder, their positions can be checked by the recorder.

After listening to Sylvia's statement, Leo judged that the two might no longer be in this world, but had entered a subspace half-plane, so he tried to sense the psionic energy left on the two of them. imprint.