The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1568: Rupert's Memories

Latest URL: Although Ambott did not disclose any details about the immortality device and the technology of stealing the divine power from the gods, even when mentioning these two things, he used hints, but these are enough to make Leo have the necessary associations.

According to Ambott, the most primitive detachment faction is basically the faction with the smallest number of all inner circle factions. Most of the members are related to bloodline inheritance, and only a few joined later.

However, from the tone of voice and some small details revealed, it is not difficult to hear that the detachment faction holds the core power of the entire detachment organization. In a force like the detachment organization, it is absolutely impossible to obtain such a large power only by relying on ancient blood. The only thing that can be used as the cornerstone of power is real strength, not to mention the immortality device that is extremely important to the vast majority of people in the core circle of the detached people organization. The technology that can steal the power of gods and gods alone can make the detached people faction always against The inner circle maintains strong influence and control.

"Are you from the Transcendence faction?" Sylvia could naturally hear Ambott's admiration for the Transcendence faction, so she asked.

"Unfortunately, I am not." Ambert shook his head and responded.

Although he said he was sorry, he didn't show much regret, and before Sylvia continued to ask, he took the initiative to reveal his identity and said: "I am a member of an origin faction, attached to the detachment faction of the detached, but not of the faction of the detached.”

"The origin faction? You founded it?" Sylvia asked curiously.

Ambow nodded and said, "Yes, I created it after I joined the inner circle. After so many years of development, my faction and myself only have five members, which is not bad among the factions in the inner circle. "As he said, he paused for a moment, and said to Leo: "I took the initiative to take over the task of contacting Lord Leo and Ms. Sylvia this time, hoping to use this opportunity to persuade the two of you to join After the inner circle, you can join my faction."

Seeing Ambert uttering his purpose so directly, Sylvia couldn't help but smiled, and after exchanging glances with Leo, he said, "What good does it do us to join a bottom faction with only a few people? "

"Of course there are benefits, and the benefits are greater than the two of you imagined. To some extent, we should be regarded as like-minded partners." Ambert looked at Leo and Sylvia seriously, and said: "Mastering the primordial power of the starry sky A powerful wizard, a witch with abyssal blood, these two special identities and situations can only be developed correctly if they join our faction."

Hearing Ambott's words, no matter how calm Leo and Sylvia were, no matter how good their mentality was, they would inevitably have surprised expressions on their faces.

They wouldn't be too surprised if Ambot only guessed that Leo was a wizard and Sylvia had the blood of the abyss.

After all, there are high-tower wizards in this world, and the high-tower wizards must have left some inheritance, and Leo has shown some wizard-specific knowledge in the academic city, and he can collect relevant information with a little inquiry. People who see this situation will not cause any abnormalities, but people who also have wizard knowledge will definitely see something.

As for the relationship between Sylvia, Teresa's royal family, and the Belmont family, it is no longer a secret to many people, so anyone who knows the details of the Belmont family must know the blood of the abyss.

But the problem is that Ambott not only pointed out Leo's identity as a wizard and Sylvia's abyssal blood, but also pointed out two things that ordinary people are absolutely impossible to know. One is the witch blood that belongs exclusively to Sylvia and has nothing to do with the Belmont family.

"How do you know these things?" Leo asked seriously.

"If you want to know why, just join us." Ambot saw that he had successfully aroused the curiosity of Leo and Sylvia, and he also smiled on his face, and didn't continue talking, but It is a conditional way.

Leo didn't respond, he was silent for a while, and asked: "Are you the only faction in the entire inner circle who value us particularly?"

Ambot shook his head regretfully, and said truthfully: "Unfortunately, we are not the only faction that is interested in the two. After all, the talents of the two are so dazzling that even a blind person can see it. I just move Hurry up, contact the two of you in advance, I believe it will not take long, at most tomorrow, other factions in the inner circle will come to contact you two one after another."

After hearing this, Sylvia said on behalf of Leo and herself: "I am also very sorry, after all, the matter about the inner circle is only said by your Excellency, and we cannot know whether it is true or false, so we need to see other factions. People, really understand the situation of other factions before making a decision, after all, this is related to our future life."

"Of course there's no problem. It's normal for Ms. Sylvia to think so. I also think you two should think carefully." Ambot said, standing up, and said, "In that case, I won't bother you two. If If the two of you have made a decision, or if you need me to do something for you, you can send someone to the Baihua Hotel in Book Town to find me."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to the two of them, turned and walked out of the room.

After Ambert left, Dean Thomas, Joan, Penny and others who were guarding the door also came in, and Dean Thomas couldn't wait to ask after entering: "Are you really planning to join the inner circle? ? Already ready to transform the body..."

"Dean Thomas, you misunderstood." Leo interrupted Dean Thomas, and said: "Joining the inner circle does not mean transforming into a non-human, maintaining the current situation, joining the inner circle is also possible, and Nothing wrong."

"Is that so?" Dean Thomas hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "I remember that when I was qualified to join the inner circle, the investigator said that those who join the inner circle must accept reform."

"Either he doesn't know the transformation of the core circle himself, or he is likely to deliberately mislead the transformation and scare you, but judging from the current situation, the effect is indeed good." Sylvia said inexplicably He looked at Dean Thomas with a smile, and said, "Ambert just mentioned the transformation. He said that the transformation was done voluntarily, and not all transformations turned into inhumans. Some transformations were only for certain people. It's just an organ." As she spoke, she asked with a little deep meaning: "Will you offend the observers in the inner circle who are in charge of receiving you?"

After hearing what Sylvia said, Dean Thomas was stunned for a long time, and suddenly couldn't help cursing.

Now he seems to understand why the observer who was in charge of his investigation of joining the inner circle said those words and showed that strange attitude. He remembered that he criticized some church beliefs unceremoniously at that time, and he felt as if he was detached. Guess right, so he felt that criticizing some church beliefs should be in line with the thinking of the detachment organization. Now think about the observer after listening to his criticism. After speaking, his face became a little cold, and when he mentioned the inner circle later, he mostly said things that normal people could not accept, which eventually led him to voluntarily give up the idea of ​​joining the inner circle.

After seeing Dean Thomas' anger, Sylvia suggested, "If you still want to join the inner circle, Mr. Dean, maybe..."

Dean Thomas shook his head, interrupted Sylvia, and said: "Forget it! Forget it! Since I have already rejected it, there is no need to think about it, and now I have more important things to do."

After finishing speaking, Dean Thomas asked the two if they would go back to the warehouse. After getting an affirmative answer, he led Leo and the others out of the barracks and back to the warehouse.

After returning to the warehouse, Leo asked Joan and Penny to continue learning from the scholars and experts in the warehouse, while he took Sylvia back to that room.

In the room, Leo talked about what happened to him recently, such as discovering a wizarding academy for wizards in a high tower, discovering Rupert Fitz trapped on a suspected wreckage of a god, etc., Hill After hearing this, Via was shocked. She didn't expect so many interesting things to happen to Leo, and she also regretted why she was no longer with Leo at that time, and said that if Leo went to the Wizarding Academy of the Tower Wizard, Then you must go together.

"Have you extracted the memory fragments of that guy Rupert?" Sylvia asked curiously after making a decision.

"Yeah!" Leo nodded, and said, "It's just extraction and collection, and it hasn't been sorted into a complete information memory."

After receiving an affirmative answer, Sylvia couldn't wait to urge Leo to sort out Rupert's memory fragments as soon as possible.

Seeing Sylvia's active behavior, Leo couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked directly.

After hearing this, Sylvia said very seriously: "I actually want to know if the thick fog that appeared in the capital was related to him?"

Leo froze for a moment, then looked at Sylvia puzzled.

Sylvia explained: "At that time, I accepted the king's secret order to investigate Rupert Fitz's research, because the king thought that guy was researching a dangerous thing that might destroy the entire United Kingdom of France. It was only after I investigated the key locations that dense fog suddenly appeared in the center of the capital, which was completely different from the spread of the dense fog before. Because of this, both inside and outside the capital were caught off guard. In the end, they all died in the dense fog that appeared in the capital, so I really want to know whether the fall of the capital is related to him?"

Although Sylvia looked calm, Leo could hear some hatred and hostility towards Rupert Fitz from her tone.

Seeing this situation, Leo didn't ask any more questions, just found a chair and sat down, and then quickly sorted out the memory fragments of Rupert Fitz collected in his mind.

It took about ten days for Leo to completely sort out those memory fragments into complete or partially complete memory information.

It is not difficult for Leo to sort out the memory fragments. He should be able to sort out these memory fragments in a few days, but there are other things that prevent Leo from sorting out the memory fragments so wholeheartedly. As soon as the warm-up was over, a member of the inner circle of the detachment organization would come to see him. In this way, the tidying up, which could have been completed in a few days, stretched intermittently to about ten days.

After sorting out these memory fragments, Leo also learned a little about Rupert Fitz's life, because most of these memory fragments are some key life experiences of Rupert Fitz, precisely because of these Every experience rewrites his subsequent life, so it is kept so intact in his memory, and it is so easy to be captured and extracted.

However, although the memory fragments of these life experiences are complete, they are not the most important to Leo. He needs to know the unknown secrets of Rupert Fitz, how he left the world of Velen, and how he left Vilon. The experience in the Lun world, and the memory fragments in this area are very fragmented and the content is incomplete.

However, even so, Leo still obtained a lot of useful information from these memory fragments. Among them, the fall of the gray fog in the king's capital that Sylvia was concerned about was indeed related to Rupert Fitz as he thought. It is related, even Rupert Fitz's coming to the present world is related to the events of that year.

Back then, Rupert Fitz had a secret laboratory underground in the capital. He gathered a large number of talents who were capable of researching the gray and managed to capture some living monsters from the gray fog, and put them in the Research in the laboratory, and it seems to have achieved results. As for what the results are, the relevant memory fragments can no longer be recovered. It is just known that he spent a lot of financial and material resources to test this result, and the test time and the king of the United Kingdom of France were all banned. The time when the gray fog annexed almost coincided, so Leo was basically sure that the gray fog would suddenly appear in the capital, which should be related to Rupert Fitz's original test and research results.

Rupert Fitz's memory fragments after coming to this world are very fragmented and incomplete, but among these incomplete memory fragments, there is a period of his experience in the inner circle that is very clear.

In that memory, he seems to have accepted the invitation of the detachment faction, and went to a faction resident transformed from a spaceship wreckage, and used a special device in that resident, under the effect of this device, he His soul flew out of his body, out of this world, even out of the world tree, and flew far enough to see the complete form of the world tree from the perspective of a bystander.

The reason why Leo thinks his experience is real, not some fake fantasy or false conjecture, is because in Rupert Fitz's memory, the top of the World Tree also has the remains of the Supreme Council of the universe and stones. throne.