The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1575: stargazer wizard

Leo was a little surprised when he heard the middle-aged man claiming that he might have become a god, but soon he thought of the golden meat in his hand again, and some guesses could not help but emerge in his mind.

"You should have a lot of questions now, I hope I can answer them." The middle-aged man seemed to be able to see Leo's expression, and directly said Leo's current thoughts, but he changed his words and said: "Unfortunately these questions are You can only find it yourself, I don't have so much time to answer it for you, and now I will only say what I want to say, whether you want to listen or not is up to you."

After the middle-aged man expressed his attitude, he was silent for a while, as if waiting for Leo to make a decision. After he felt that Leo had made a decision, he explained what he was going to do.

What the middle-aged man was talking about was not particularly complicated. At the beginning, he was talking about his origin. As Leo had guessed, the middle-aged man in front of him was indeed a member of the Van Meer family. His name was Truss. T. Van Meer was born in the early days of the Third French Empire. At that time, the Van Meer family had not been wiped out by the church, and was still a big noble family in the French Empire, and he was the eldest son of the Van Meer family.

When he was very young, he was spotted by a tower wizard named Lance the stargazer at the time, and he was accepted as a disciple and brought to his own wizard tower to study.

In his adult life, he is already an official tower wizard, and he also inherits the wizard tower of his teacher, who travels to other worlds to find the origin of the tower wizard.

When Leo heard this, he was a little surprised, because for so long in the past, he thought that the tower wizard was a native product of the world of Velen, and the traces left by the tower wizards in other worlds were also Velen. Left by the wizard of the world's tower.

However, now this concept has been broken, the tower wizard was not formed in the world of Velen, but an outsider, which also made Leo realize that his previous inferences about the tower wizard may have great problems, such as his previous Discovery of the High Tower Wizarding Academy.

In the past, Leo thought that the wizarding academy of the warp plane was built after the high tower wizard left the world of Velen. Now it seems that this inference is likely to be wrong, and the relationship between the two may need to be reversed, that is, the wizarding college's The wizard of the tower created the wizarding heritage of the world of Velen, and the wizarding school he saw before may be the origin of the wizard of the tower.

In this way, it makes sense to have such a powerful guardian force in the wizard tower at the entrance of the wizarding academy. After all, it may be the origin of the tower wizard, and no matter how strong the guardian force is, it is not surprising.

While thinking, Leo also separated his consciousness and continued to listen to the middle-aged man in front of him narrating what happened later.

Just like most extraordinary people from noble families, after inheriting his teacher's wizard tower, Trust Van Meer returned to his family to help his family develop.

Although the Van Meer family, with its support, expanded its overall power several times and became one of the top aristocrats in the area, but Trust Van Meer was tired of this kind of aristocratic intrigue, and then he unloaded himself With all his family duties, he moved back to the Wizard's Tower and continued the research topic he set in the early years, which was to create gods.

In fact, the research on gods did not start with him. Many of his teachers and former tower wizards were studying gods, but few people thought of creating gods arrogantly. It should be the first person among the tower wizards to put the gods into action.

Because he inherited a lot of research materials about gods from previous tower wizards, he went very smoothly in the creation of gods, but this smoothness was only theoretical, not practical.

Every time he used his theoretical speculations for practical experiments, he created some monsters with a hint of divine aura, and he had never been able to get the correct results according to his assumptions.

At first, he thought it was his own reasons that led to the failure of the experiment, but after many repeated attempts and verifications, he found that the problem was not caused by himself, but because the structure of the gods in the world of Velen was really solid. It is almost impossible to add an artificial deity to such a solid deity architecture.

This discovery also reminded him of his teacher, and felt that leaving the world of Velen was the right thing to do.

So, he left his wizarding heritage and all the information on the creation of gods in the wizard tower, and taught the key to open the wizard tower to the person he trusted in the family, and told that person if he found a suitable person , teach that person the key of the wizard's tower, and let that person inherit his inheritance.

After arranging the wizard's tower, he left the world of Velen along the stargazing path left by his teacher, and then traveled through different worlds for several years, and finally came to the current world.

Hearing this, Leo also thought of the disappearance of the Van Meer family. There is no doubt that what Trust Van Meer left in the family was leaked later, and for any church, the creation of gods They are the greatest blasphemy, so the Van Meer family is well-deserved to be called the blasphemous family.

After coming to this world, he soon discovered the traces left by his teacher, the stargazer, and while searching for the traces, he joined a secret organization in this world.

The reason why he joined that organization was not only that the organization was also studying the creation of gods, but more importantly, his teacher was also a member of that organization in the past, and later he found some information that his teacher had left in that organization, and found it according to the clues. how to get to the origin of the tower wizard.

After joining that organization, he also made a breakthrough in the creation of gods. He found that the blood of the Belmont family in this world has special power. Turn it into a piece of divine flesh with vitality.

Since it is possible to create a piece of divine flesh with vitality, it should be theoretically feasible to create a divine spirit in this way.

Valley map

After that, he cooperated with the Belmont family to try artificial gods based on the members of the Belmont family.

The final result is naturally self-evident, it ended in failure, and the artificial gods also got out of control and turned into divine monsters, and neither Trust Van Meer nor the Belmont family could completely eliminate them. Divine monsters can only be sealed up, and the source of the monster's divinity can be taken away, and sealed separately in the stone ball of the **** of prisoners unique to the wizard of the tower.

Because this incident was too big, it was known by the Church of the True God. Because the Belmont family has the Kingdom of Teresa as the support, there is no big problem. It only needs to let the family members serve as heretical hunters of the church for a period of time. , and Trust Van Meer was on the list of heretics of the Church of True God.

In this case, he could only choose to leave this world. It happened that he had already found a way to go to the origin of the tower wizard, but he had been hesitant to go. The appearance of the Church of True God just made him make up his mind.

However, before leaving, he made himself a key to the origin of the tower wizard, and through some kind of magic that was extremely powerful and could even affect fate, so that the key could eventually fall to the inheritance of the tower wizard. In the hands of the person, and led it here to find this stone ball, and all the images he recorded and his inheritance were left in the stone ball.

Only those who have the ability to open the stone ball of the prisoner have the ability to clean up the divine monsters he created, and only by cleaning up the original divinity of the divine monsters in the stone ball, can he obtain the stargazer lineage he left in the stone ball. of the wizarding heritage.

In the end, he hopes that the person who gets the Stargazer's wizarding heritage will not go to the origin of the tower wizard, and help him pass on the Stargazer's wizarding heritage.

After listening to what Trust Van Meer told, Leo couldn't help but fall into his thoughts. Although Trust said a lot, compared to the outside world, it was only a moment. Ross Belmont only saw that Leo touched the forehead of the altar keeper with his hand and moved away, and then fell into contemplation.

Ross wanted to ask what happened to Leo, but was stopped by Sylvia with a wave, and followed Sylvia to signal everyone to leave, leaving Leo to think about things in front of the altar.

Although Leo was in deep thought, he was still able to sense Sylvia's actions, but he didn't have the mind to pay attention to it so much. He was now answering the various questions that popped up in his mind bit by bit based on the information just now.

First of all, it is naturally the inheritance of Stargazer, a tower wizard. Leo once saw the content about Stargazer wizard in the notebook of a tower wizard, but there is very little information, just know that this is a powerful and mysterious The wizard system, because the stargazers of the past generations are all passed down from master to apprentice, so even if it is powerful, it is not the core inheritance in the group of tower wizards.

Now it seems that the records of the stargazer wizards he has seen in the past are very real, and even a little depreciated, because just from the sorcery that can control fate, the stargazer wizard heritage has far surpassed The tower wizards that Leo had come into contact with before were inherited.

In the beginning, Trust Van Meer called him a wizard who spied on memory images, and Leo felt a little strange, because there are many abilities in this world that can spy on memories, and not all abilities are the same as witchcraft. What's more, the method he used to spy on memory was psionic skills, so he just thought it was just a misunderstanding at the time.

But later, when Trust said that he made a key to the origin of the tower wizard, Leo immediately thought that he had obtained the key, and later claimed to have placed a key on the key that could control the direction of fate. Witchcraft, only those who have the inheritance of wizards can really use that key, and while using it, it also inspires the power of destiny in the key, and will eventually come here no matter what, seeing Trust leave this world and stay behind. down image.

If what Trust Van Meer said is true, and the power of fate on the key can really sway the fate of a part of people like Leo, then the wizarding heritage of the stargazer is very terrifying.

However, even if he is the best example, Leo is still skeptical about this witchcraft that controls fate, mainly because this ability is a bit too extraordinary. The fate of the person for a period of time, even in the universe, this ability is very magical and terrifying, and I have never heard of that Omega-level high-level life form has such an ability, and a person who faces the heretical pursuit of the Church of True God, The wizard who could only choose to escape actually mastered this kind of power.

Although he did not fully believe in this ability, Leo did not completely deny it. He felt that there might be some unknown skills in it. For example, the so-called manipulation of fate was actually just seeing some kind of image of the future.

You must know that compared with manipulating fate, it is not difficult to feed back the light and shadow of time and space through some special methods, and see some fragments of the future. When it comes to some things that will happen at the altar in the future, I know that Leo will come here and get the stone ball, so he will pretend to say something like magic that controls fate.

For this, Leo did not have a reliable answer. Only by cracking the stone ball of the prisoner, solving a part of the abscess flesh and blood that was sealed inside, and finding out the inheritance of the star-gazer wizards, he could only know the line of star-gazers. Whether there really is a witchcraft that can change destiny in the witchcraft.

In addition to being most concerned about the inheritance of the Stargazer wizards, Leo also cares about the place called the origin of the tower wizards.

From the images left by Trust, it can be confirmed that the wizarding academy that Leo went to before should be the origin of the tower wizards, provided that Trust is not mistaken.

In addition, there may be even greater dangers lurking in that wizarding academy, because Trust discovered the location of the wizarding academy from the clues left by his teacher a long time ago, but he has always been looking for the origin of the tower wizard. But he didn't go immediately, but stayed in this world. When he had to leave, he decided to go to the wizarding academy, and it was easy to hear from his words that he was not optimistic about the trip to the wizarding academy. The legacy of the Star Wizards has been left, and the last paragraph is more like a warning and a last word, so Leo has reason to believe that Trust Van Meer may have died as he said, And he died in the wizarding academy on that warp plane.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help but re-plan his plans and exploration plans for the wizarding academy in the future. Obviously, the previous plan was not suitable for such a dangerous place.

For this reason, he has also decided that the trip to the Wizarding Academy needs to be put on hold for the time being until he has cracked the stone ball of the prisoner, mastered the inheritance of the Stargazer wizard, and mastered the ability to fully use the Gamorei language in other worlds. Considering whether it should be time to let Sylvia go.