The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1589: brain in cylinder

Latest website: Just as the two were talking, they saw the old duke returning to the room with a metal box and placing the box directly on the table.

Leo and Sylvia both looked at the box on the table in unison. Sylvia couldn't see the origin of the box, but Leo recognized at a glance that this box was often used by some secret departments in the early Earth Federation to transport. The box of special items, the box itself has a genetic-level recognition system, and a small neutron bomb is built in. Once someone violently opens the box, or opens the box in the wrong way, the built-in self-destruction device will immediately detonate the neutron bomb, and the box will be together with the inside. Destroy everything and people around you.

So at the moment of recognizing the origin of this box, Leo instinctively grabbed Sylvia's arm, took a few steps back, and at the same time blocked his body in front of Sylvia.

If it was in the universe, when there was no limit to the power of the psionicist, Leo would not be so nervous, because even if the power of the neutron bomb was huge, there was no way to cause fatality to a high-level psionicist. Damage, after all, it takes more than a minute for the power of the neutron bomb to fully explode. This time is enough for any high-level psionicist who controls space movement to move to a safe area. If you can't hit the target, the power of the weapon is useless. .

Not to mention demigods like Sylvia, whose powerful bodies make them immune to damage even if they are hit by a neutron bomb.

But if it is in a special environment where this kind of power is greatly weakened and suppressed, with Leo's understanding of this kind of neutron bomb, whether it is a psionicist like him or a demigod like Sylvia, facing the The lethality of neutron bombs will threaten life. After all, this thing is the best weapon for the Earth Federation to deal with ordinary psionicists in the early days.

When he saw Leo's reaction, the old duke was not only stunned, but he soon thought of something and asked in surprise, "Do you know what this is?"

Leo didn't answer, but instead asked: "How did this thing get into your hands? What's in it?"

Although Sylvia, who was guarded by Leo behind her, didn't understand why Leo had such a big reaction and made such a move, she also knew very well that it should be related to the metal box brought by the old duke. Watching the old duke vigilantly, at the same time, he began to slowly mobilize his strength so that he could take action in time in the event of an emergency.

There was a hint of questioning tone in Leo's rhetorical question. The old duke frowned slightly after hearing this, but he knew very well that it was not the time for him to be upset. If he felt that if he didn't explain clearly, he would probably face it. Leo and Sylvia attacked like a storm.

So he quickly suppressed his displeasure and replied: "This is brought by the ancestors of the family from the world of Velen. It is said that it came from a wizard. Now it seems that this statement is not wrong. You wizard can recognize this thing at a glance. Yes. As for what's inside, you'll find out later."

As he spoke, he saw that he put his hand on the top surface of the metal box, and then saw that five hair-sized needles suddenly emerged from the smooth surface and plunged into the fingers of the old duke, each absorbing a drop blood.

Immediately after the needle was retracted into the metal surface, there was a very slight mechanical movement sound inside the box, and then a gap was opened on the top surface of the box, and a condensed mist emerged from the gap, like a waterfall. The outer wall of the box flows onto the table.

The old duke opened the lid of the box naturally, then stretched his hands into the box, carefully took out the contents of the box, and placed it in front of the two of them.

"Brain in a vat?" Leo couldn't help saying in Earth Federation language when he saw the items taken out from the box.

And Sylvia frowned at the same time, a disgusting look on her face.

I saw that the item that the old duke took out of the box was a round transparent metal jar, which was filled with an unknown liquid, and a shrunken brain was soaked in the liquid. Some hair-like threads were connected to different parts of the brain. And it extends to the bottom, and is connected with the life support and main control device at the bottom.

Leo is very familiar with this thing in front of him. It can be said that the first task he was created was to guard the warehouse where this thing was stored.

This thing is called brain in a vat. It is a whimsical life-extending technology in the early days of the Earth Federation. The authorities at that time thought it was a pity that some scientists who had made outstanding contributions to science and technology died like this. The imaginary technology has created this kind of brain-in-a-jar device. After the scientist dies, the brain is transferred into it, so that it can continue to survive in this special form, and one day can create a body that matches it. The brain can then be transferred to the new body so that it can be regenerated.

This technology has been popular for a long time in the early days of the Earth Federation. Not only scientists will try to make themselves a brain in a vat after death, but some powerful and famous people will also spend a lot of money to complete the transfer of their brains when they are about to die. For this reason, the Earth Federation even set up a department dedicated to the management and maintenance of the brain in the tank, which still existed until Leo's time.

Although the technology of brain in a vat is very mature, even if the collected brain is stored for thousands of years, it will not be damaged without external force, achieving longevity in a sense, but this technology also has fatal flaws , that is, the brain will not be damaged, but it will decline. Generally, a few hundred years is enough for a brain to completely decline into a baby brain without any information. In this case, even if a new body is created, the The brain has been in the past, and it cannot be regarded as rebirth.

Therefore, a long time ago, the scientists of the Earth Federation researched related technologies began to think of ways to make up for this defect, but in the end, the defect was still not solved until Leo's era, not even the process of creating a body for rebirth. A success story.

Although scientists have created different bodies by various methods, all of them will have a strong rejection reaction after the brain transplant.

However, in the process of various failed researches, scientists have found a new use of the brain in a vat. They can connect the brain in a vat with an intelligent computer to create a super artificial intelligence that can learn and think by itself, in the universe. Under the circumstance that the Supreme Council restricts artificial intelligence technology, this kind of super artificial intelligence does not violate the laws of the Supreme Council of the universe, and can play a very huge role in various fields of technology.

It is precisely because of this that even if the brain-in-a-jar regenerating technology has never been successful, the Earth Federation department that stores and maintains the brain-in-a-jar has never been released, and a large amount of money is injected into it every year.

After Leo was manufactured, his first official task was to guard the brain-in-a-jar storage warehouse. During the process of guarding, he learned about the technology of the brain-in-a-jar, and he also saw with his own eyes how scientists had completely degraded the brain-in-a-jar. The brain in the tank in the blank state is transformed into a super-artificial intelligence.

It is precisely because of Leo's understanding of brain-in-a-tank technology that when he sees the brain-in-a-tank on the table in front of him, he immediately recognizes its origin, and can also judge the number of the device. The replacement tank midbrain device, whether the super-artificial intelligence technology has been adjusted, and to what extent the brain soaked in the nutrient solution has shrunk and degenerated.

"Do you know what it is?" The old duke could also guess from Leo's reaction that the other party knew what he took out, which surprised him very much, because even he didn't know what it was, just knew it what is inside.

Just the same as before, Leo did not answer the old duke's question, but instead asked, "Whose brain is this?"

The old duke frowned again, but still answered truthfully: "Ambert Belmont, my ancestor."

"Is it the prophecy he made?" Sylvia's nausea quickly subsided, and curiosity prevailed, which made her curiously lean forward, looked at the brain device in the tank, and even couldn't help reaching out He tapped the transparent metal casing and asked.

Seeing Sylvia banging the shell of the brain in the tank like a fish tank, the old duke's eyelids couldn't help jumping, he took a deep breath, suppressed the displeasure in his heart, and replied, "Yes. "

Leo interjected at this time and asked, "How did he put his brain into this device?"

"I want to know too," replied the old duke.

Leo asked again: "Is the prophecy he said before or after the brain is loaded into it?"

"Of course it is later." The old duke quickly replied: "Our ancestors put their brains into this artifact just to gain the ability to predict. Over the years, our family has relied on the prophecies of our ancestors time and time again. able to reproduce to this day..."

"Wait?" When Leo heard this, he immediately interrupted the old duke and said, "You mean the prophecies spoken by your ancestors have been given continuously over the years, including the prophecy made by me and Sylvia? "

The old duke nodded and said: "Yes, the prophecy of Lord Leo and Madam Sylvia appeared a few months ago. At that time, I didn't understand what it meant until I returned from the academic city and re-read the prophecy book. , I realized that the people mentioned in the latest prophecy are two people."

Hearing the old duke's words, Leo thoughtfully looked at the brain in the tank in front of him, then switched to an unknown, looked at a secret lock switch at the base of the brain in the tank, and recognized that the switch had been passive, which means The brain in the vat has completed the system transplantation of the super-artificial intelligence. In this case, the brain in the vat is either the main system of the super-artificial intelligence, or it is a remote extension of a main system. In either case, it represents It is impossible for this brain in a vat to spontaneously give so-called predictions, and more importantly, from the description of the old duke, those predictions are not predictions at all, but more like prediction instructions generated after some kind of data analysis.

Although the prediction of the future development of something through data analysis is nothing new, it has already appeared in the old earth era, but the technology that can achieve high-precision prediction has matured after the brain in a vat was transformed into a super artificial intelligence system Yes, in Leo's era, super-artificial intelligence was almost equated with accurate prediction, and almost 90% of the super-artificial intelligence devices were used for data analysis and accurate prediction.

Although Leo is not very familiar with super-artificial intelligence technology, he also knows the general content of these technologies, so when he saw the current situation of the brain in a vat and the so-called prediction method, he immediately thought of the analysis of the data. Precise predictions.

"What is the prophecy book?" Sylvia asked.

The old duke replied, "A book of prophecies made by our ancestors."

"Now take him out and show us, what do you think?" Sylvia said bluntly: "Do you want us to think that the prophecies against us are true?"

"Of course not." The old duke shook his head and said, "I just put my ancestors in front of the two of them as the prophecy said. As for the later..."

Just as the old duke was explaining, he suddenly stopped, the whole person seemed to be frozen, not only him, but even the sound of rolling lava outside disappeared, and the light reflected by the lava was also fixed. , the surrounding airflow is also no longer flowing, as if time is fixed, only Leo and Sylvia are not affected.

"What's going on?" Sylvia wondered.

"Illusion." Leo calmly looked around, and quickly replied: "The moment we took the brain out of that jar, our spirits were already affected, and it was just that the mental influence had accumulated enough just now. The degree to which we have hallucinations is automatically triggered.”

As soon as Leo's voice, he heard a burst of applause from the living room outside the room, followed by a burst of heavy footsteps, and saw a little giant twice as tall as a normal person. Bent over and got in through the door.

I saw that most of the head of this little giant has been transformed into a dragon. It is not only covered with scales, but also has dragon horns. Even the facial features have begun to show the changes of the dragon's head. Only a faint trace of human form can be seen. .

Compared with the dragon transformation on his head, his body is quite normal, only the limbs and chest have dragon scales, but the gigantic body makes him look more inhuman.

"Ambert Belmonte." Sylvia said affirmatively.

"Salute to you, the powerful blood patron." The dragon giant in front of him was not as brutish as his appearance. When facing Sylvia, he was as polite as a gentleman. It was just his gentlemanly behavior. In his image, but it makes people feel nondescript.

However, after saluting Sylvia, the dragon giant turned his head to look at Leo and said to Leo, "Salute to you, the survivor of the former universe."