The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1600: Unowned Red Clay City

The Green Emerald area is located in the northern part of the Middle Kingdom region, at the end of the Norse Mountains in Norway. The reason why it is called this is because it grows here in the world's most perfect piece of green spruce flora, which is the greenest plant in the world. , the word emerald in any language is derived from this plant, so green emerald has become the name of this area.

Because the green emerald area is divided by the green fir forest as the regional boundary, the green emerald area does not have a unified boundary range, it will change with the expansion and contraction of the green fir forest. The Emerald region covers almost half of the northern mountainous region of the Middle Kingdom, and at its smallest only occupies a tributary valley.

The area of ​​the current green jadeite area is far from being compared with the largest area, only about half of the area at that time, but it occupies a very good location, with four river valleys, seven large and small rivers passing through it, the land is extremely Fertile, much better than the rest of the Middle Kingdom.

Now there are three forces occupying this area, all of them are counties, and these three counties all come from the same family, that is, the original Duke of Emerald Green, but it was only because of the civil strife in the family and the split of the children, which eventually took shape. Lord, and then through continuous wars and annexation, large and small lords gradually disappeared, until now they stabilized into three counties, the power finally stabilized, and the green emerald area also ushered in a rare peace period.

Although the three counties in the Green Emerald region have not attacked each other, the rulers of the counties are unwilling to maintain the status quo idly. They feel that since they cannot annex other counties inwards, they simply attack the greens from the outside. The reason for the land outside the Emerald area is also very simple, because when the Green Emerald area expanded the most, the land that does not belong to the Green Emerald area belonged to the Green Emerald area at that time, so they, as the descendants of the Green Emerald Duke, have the right to control these lands.

In recent years, under the influence of Barbarisa's reputation, the Middle Kingdom region has generally been in a state of peace. Only the surrounding areas of the Green Emerald region are still prone to frequent wars. The number of wars that have occurred here almost accounts for the number of wars in the entire Middle Kingdom region. more than half of the total.

And in this more than half of the wars, the war between the Rorohir and the West Green Emerald Counties accounted for more than half. The reason why so many wars occurred is entirely because the Rorohir and the Green Emerald can be said to be It's a feud, and it's the irreconcilable kind.

The word Rorohir in the northern languages ​​of the Middle Kingdom means a person who wears shackles, which means that the Rorohir were originally slaves, slaves of the green emerald nobles.

The green jadeite area is rich in products, but lacks iron ore. However, a long time ago, the green jadeite nobles sent people to find several hidden iron ore mines in the northern mountainous area, so every time the green jadeite nobles went out to fight, they would The captives were brought back and sent to the northern mountains as slave miners, which is where the Rorohir came from.

Later, during a civil strife among the emerald nobles, their power was greatly reduced, and they lost control of the mines in the northern mountainous area. The slave miners in the mines rebelled and killed the mine owners and guards, and then built city walls and castles on the mountain road in and out. , and gradually formed the current city of Rorohill.

The emerald nobles are naturally reluctant to lose such an important resource, so they have always sent people to attack the Rorohir people, or blocked the road from the outside world, isolating the Rorohir from the outside world, while the Rorohir People will also use their knowledge of the mountains from time to time to come out from other hidden mountain roads and attack villages and towns in the green jade area. You come and I go down, which gradually deepens the enmity between the two sides, and eventually turns into a death that is absolutely irreconcilable. hatred.

After Barbarisa was canonized by the Church of the True God, he also hoped to use his reputation to quell this deadly feud, but in the end he didn't have time to do it, and learned that a village of the Rorohir was led by the Count of West Green Jade. It was slaughtered, and the method of slaughter was extremely cruel, which made him, the Rorohir, feel extremely angry, and naturally put out the idea of ​​​​quitting the revenge, and even in secret, he would use some of his privileges to help Rorohir people, that's why the conflict between Rorohir and the emerald nobles has always prevailed over the years.

The junction of the war between Rollo Hill and West Green Jade is called Weinan, which is named after a Weinan River that flows through this place. It stands to reason that as a battlefield between the two forces, it should be sparsely populated and inaccessible.

However, in fact, there is one of the most prosperous cities in the northern part of the Middle Kingdom, Red Clay City.

The blood-stained land in Weinan is the origin of the city's name, but compared to the official name of Red Clay City, other people who are familiar with the city prefer the city to be Puta City. The word Puta is used locally. It means wild dog, which means that people living in the city are like wild dogs who can't eat anything, and they are also fierce and cruel like wild dogs.

Most of the people living in this city are outlaws and wanted criminals from other Middle Kingdom regions, and even some foreign fugitives will come here to live in seclusion. It is a place outside the law, so even though they often fight with each other, the protection of the sanctuary of the Red Clay City is very unified. Anyone who tries to destroy the city will become their mortal enemy, and they will also give up all their grievances. , kill the mortal enemy first.

It is precisely because the interior of the Red Clay City is very united, and there are many outlaws hidden in the city, including some extraordinary people with special abilities, so whether it is Roro Hill or Green Jade, no matter how you look at this city, it is an eyesore. No one would be willing to take the initiative to attack it, and even at some point, it was necessary to rely on the city's special channels to obtain some items that they continued.

The obvious livelihood of the residents of Clay City is to collect the corpses of the people who died on the battlefield on both sides of Luo Luo Xier and Green Jade. Every time the two sides fight, they will leave a large number of corpses. They retreat to their respective territories before they can be cleaned up. The vast majority are mutilated, and among them are the corpses of nobles.

Red Clay City will close the city when the two sides go to war, and will not come out to clean up the battlefield until the end of the war. In addition to collecting the corpses, the weapons and equipment on the corpses will also be recycled. The cleaned corpses will be notified to both parties to claim them. , will be bought by them to some underground churches, those churches need a lot of corpses for each ceremony, so their goods are in short supply.

However, these are only livelihoods on the surface. In fact, Red Clay City is the smuggling center of the entire Old World. Nearly 30% of the smuggling transactions of the entire Old World countries are negotiated here.

The reason for this is not only because the location of Red Clay City is right in the center of the old continent, and it is a no-man's land, any legal or illegal business can be done here, and because the people living here have different Most of them are some wanted criminals and outlaws from all over the world. They have more or less mastered some resources and channels. After coming here, they did not throw away these resources and channels, but made use of them. The scattered channels and resources were integrated, and finally a network of smuggling and selling of stolen goods centered on the Red Clay City and covering the entire Old Continent was formed.

Although, in the past, countless forces have tried to control this mainland smuggling network, but they all ended in failure, because they want to control this smuggling network, the most critical step is to solve the five dark masters who control the red city, and The identities of these five dark masters are very secret, and even the subordinates of the dark masters do not know, which makes these forces even if they want to do something, but they cannot find a target to do it, and they often die before they can do it. in his own well-protected home.

Because of this, the Dark Lord of Red Clay City also has a good reputation even outside the Middle Kingdom area.

On the third day after Leo left Barbarisa's castle, he came to Clay City, and after paying an entry fee and temporary residence fee like everyone else, he entered the city smoothly. .

The city is surrounded by a circle of high walls for defense, and there are two such high walls. It can be seen that after the city was built, there were two expansions, and the buildings inside the high wall were neatly divided. There are eight urban areas, and each urban area is divided into several communities. Standing on the city wall and looking down, you can feel that the entire city is extremely orderly. City.

I don't know why after seeing this city, Leo couldn't help but think of Ceylon City in the Black Forest. Although it is far from being comparable to Ceylon City in scale, the overall urban layout is so similar to Ceylon City. It made him wonder if the person who originally planned the city had ever been to Ceylon.

After entering the city, Leo called a carriage waiting on the side of the city wall, then reported an address, took out the corresponding fee, and sat quietly in the carriage, watching the scenery that kept flashing outside the car. .

Just like all cities, the hired carriages in Red Clay City will also watch people order the food. If Leo did not provide the corresponding fee after reporting the address just now, then the driver may end up charging a huge amount of fees. It might even be possible to send you directly somewhere, making you one of the missing persons.

People who have just come to Hongtucheng will subconsciously think that this is a city belonging to a civilized area from the urban planning and tidy streets of Hongtucheng, and forget that the people living in this city are all outlaws, wanted criminals, good-hearted There are only a handful of people in this city. If you can't adjust your mentality in time, it will be a matter of time before the new arrivals will be swallowed up by the city.

Although the coachman tried to understand Leo's situation through some words on the road, Leo never paid attention to the other party's words, and did not say a word to the other party, which made the coachman unable to judge Leo's situation for a while, only He can honestly take Leo to where he wants to go, and then let Leo leave, and in his heart he may feel that Leo is lucky to have escaped the disaster, but he does not know that the one who escaped the disaster is himself. .

The address given by Leo is a blacksmith shop in Sequoia District. This blacksmith shop is the largest blacksmith shop in Red Clay City, and its qualifications are very old. It was already there when the Red Clay City was built. It was moved outside in order to better receive customers, and it also allowed the blacksmith shop to have a larger shop area. For example, almost the same land in the Sequoia area now belongs to this blacksmith shop.

The blacksmith shop has a lot of business, but the main business is to repair the various weapons and equipment found on the battlefield by the corpse collectors, and then buy these weapons and equipment back to their original owners as new ones. Although this kind of business can't make a lot of money, but But it can be a long stream. As long as the war between Roro Hill and Green Jade is not over, his business will not be cut off.

After entering the smithy, Leo directly handed a fine badge that Barbarisa gave him to the supervisor in charge of receiving him, and asked him to hand it over to the owner of the smithy.

The owner of the blacksmith's shop was named Kit, a Rorohir man. He was executed for murdering his blood relatives, but he was rescued by his men the night before his death and escaped to Red Clay City, where he became a blacksmith. An apprentice of the former owner of the shop, he gradually improved his status in the blacksmith shop and eventually became the heir of the blacksmith shop. Ten years ago, after the death of the former owner of the blacksmith shop, he became the owner of the blacksmith shop.

On the bright side, Kit, the owner of the blacksmith shop, is one of the many forces in the red earth city, but in fact he is one of the five secret dark masters of the red earth city. This is also the secret identity of the former owner of the blacksmith shop. This identity was also inherited along with the blacksmith shop, and in addition, he was the leader of the spies that Barbarisa buried in the Red Clay City.

The geographical location of the Red Clay City and the huge benefits hidden behind it not only attracted people from other forces, but even Barbarisa could not ignore it. Although he felt that it was impossible for him to grasp the huge interests behind the Red Clay City, he also He didn't want such a huge benefit to fall into the hands of others, so he had secretly sent some spies to sneak into the Red Clay City a long time ago. None of the cities in China had a direct connection with him.

However, what he never imagined was that one of the secret agents he sent out unexpectedly became one of the dark masters of the Red Clay City. possibility.

And this time Leo needs to enter the green emerald forest and go to Lake Narnia deep in the forest, so he has to pass through the red clay city, otherwise he will be blocked and made things difficult by other places. Entering through normal methods, but doing so may make Leo miss some clues, because it is said that some of the green emerald nobles have also studied Lake Narnia, and some useful information may be obtained from the research materials of these people. Clues, saving Leo's own exploration time.