The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1612: little movement

The latest website: Qingshui Bieyuan is the largest villa under the name of the Earl of Xilu Jade. It is built next to Qingshui Town in the central area of ​​Xilv Jade. If the villa area and the surrounding forests belonging to the villa area are counted, the entire Qingshui Town is divided into three parts. The second part of the land belongs to Qingshui Bieyuan, so some people joked that the reason why such a Qingshui Town was built in the depths of the West Green Emerald Forest was entirely to serve the owner of Qingshui Bieyuan.

Although the Earl of West Green Emerald is the nominal owner of Qingshui Bieyuan, in fact, this Bieyuan belongs to the Earl's daughter, West Green Jade Light Devina, and the reason why this villa was built is also for the Countess, From the day the villa was built, the countess has been living here. No matter the servants and workers working in the villa, or the townspeople in Qingshui Town who specialize in serving the villa, they all think that Devina is The owner of the villa is also their owner.

Just like most of the townspeople in Qingshui Town, Lawson Bob, the housekeeper of Qingshui Bieyuan, moved from other places after the establishment of Qingshui Town more than ten years ago, and he is also moving like other townspeople in the town After coming here, he was recruited by Bieyuan and became a servant of Bieyuan, serving their master Dewenna.

Over the past ten years, he has gradually been promoted from an ordinary manservant to a steward of the other garden, and has become one of Devina's trusted subordinates. Don't ask about other things, no matter how weird they are, turn a blind eye and listen but don't hear, just like what is happening in the pavilion by the pond now, even if he sees it, before Devina has a clear instruction, he will There is no plan to go to check the situation.

He had known that Devena had an invisible friend long ago, when he was a valet carrying trays and delivering food, and he had seen how Devena moved towards a pile of air. Talking, as if there is something invisible in the pile of air.

At that time, he just felt sorry for the beautiful and kind-hearted little girl in front of him. Even though this little girl had a family background far beyond ordinary people, she would never have to worry about life problems, but she would never be able to see anything like ordinary people, nor would she be able to see anything like ordinary people. Ordinary people walk normally, and they can't make friends like normal people. They lived in the depths of this forest away from society since childhood, surrounded by servants and subordinates, so lonely that this little girl began to create a fake in her mind. friends.

Or maybe it was because he had seen Devina's secret, but kept his mouth shut strictly according to the rules of a servant, and did not reveal any information to the outside world. After a month, he broke the rules and was promoted from a low-level male servant to an internal affairs officer. The position of the steward's assistant is to assist the villa housekeeper in handling some internal affairs of the villa. Until the housekeeper retired two years ago, he successfully took over the housekeeper's position.

Even after taking over the position of housekeeper, Lawson still abides by the rules of servants and will not talk about anything related to Devina, but many things are no longer what he wants to do in his status, especially In the past two years, Miss Devena has been sick more and more, and she doesn't worry about the people around her when she gets sick. Many people in the villa already know that Miss Devina has an invisible friend.

Although he used his power to block the mouths of the servants in the villa as much as possible so that the news could not reach the countess, there is no impenetrable wall in this world. There was news leaked out, and the Countess knew about Miss Devena's recent situation. Just now, he had received the news that the Countess had secretly come to Qingshui Town and was heading towards the villa. It seemed that it was for Devina's sake. The lady's illness came.

"Lord Lawson, do we need to do something?" When Lawson felt a headache for the countess' arrival, one of his assistants came forward and asked in a low voice.

"What to do?" Lawson glanced at his subordinates coldly and said, "What can we do?"

The butler assistant cautiously pointed to Miss Devina who was talking to the air in the pavilion, and said, "Remind miss..."

"Remind Miss?" Lawson glared at his subordinates, and said, "Then will you be held accountable by Madam?"

The assistant immediately lowered his head when he heard the words, and the other people around him also stopped talking. They all knew in their hearts that although their owner was Miss Devena, the person who hired them was the countess. Maybe they offended Miss Devena. Just being reprimanded, or losing his job, and being right with the countess is a fatal thing. The famous emerald emerald dignitaries in the past are the best proof, and now those people have become graves.

At this time, the captain of the guard who was in charge of the security of the main building area of ​​the villa opened the door and walked in. He said to Lawson, "Master Lawson, Madam's carriage has entered the front door."

"Let's go! All of us go to the main entrance to meet Madam." Hearing this, Lawson immediately gave orders to other people around him, but when he reached the door, he stopped slightly and said to his assistant : "Everyone I'm talking about is everyone except protecting Miss Devena, including the maid who is in charge of serving Miss Devena outside the pavilion, do you understand?"

The assistant was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood Lawson's meaning, nodded, and said, "Yes, I understand, Lord Lawson."

After speaking, he separated from Lawson, went to the open space near the pavilion, directed them to the maids and male servants who were waiting there and were ready to be called by Devina at any time, and ordered them to line up at the main entrance of the villa in the front yard, and I'm afraid I can't hear the same from the pavilion, the voice is very loud, even if there is no clear order for the maids and male servants to wait in line, but anyone who has a little bit of command knows that the servants in the villa are waiting in line. Apart from Miss Devina of the villa, there is only the countess, the real owner of the villa.

Although the butler assistant tried to make his behavior as eye-catching as possible, it is very likely that Devina's attention in the pavilion is completely focused on another important thing for her at the moment.

"What did you just say?" Devina widened her jewel-like eyes, looked at the magical light man in front of her, and said in an extremely excited tone: "What you said is true, can you heal me?"

"Yes." Leo responded briefly.

If other people said such things, Devina would not believe it at all. The problems on her body have been seen by countless people in the past few years. He used the most powerful healing spells in his church, several of which could even revive dying people, but falling on her body not only failed to heal her body, but made her feel even more painful, so For her, it is no longer an extravagant hope to cure herself. She only hopes that her life will not be so painful, and her friends can always stay by her side.

Now a stranger suddenly said something that could cure her. While she was instinctively suspicious, she also developed an inexplicable trust in Leo. The reason for such confidence is not only the dryad Lutaxi who can really relieve her physical pain, but more importantly, Leo's current form and the feeling this form gives her.

After the serious illness that almost killed her, Devina became completely blind and could not see anything at all. After so many years, she had already forgotten what the things in the outside world looked like. However, at this moment, Leo appeared in front of her in the form of a light man, allowing her to "see" things in the true sense again, and more importantly, when she looked at Leo carefully, she was able to see from the edge of his light man form. The blurred light and shadow saw some scenes, those scenes are the scene of the pavilion where they are now, although the image is very blurry, but for her, it is a feeling that she has never had in the past ten years, and she also saw a trace of recovery of vision hope.

In addition to Leo allowing her to "see" things again, Leo's light human form also gave her an inexplicable intimacy. This intimacy is like seeing a very close relative. This kind of intimacy made her have a very strong sense of trust in Leo, and she felt that Leo could be trusted, even if what he said sounded absurd, it was still credible.

"What do I need to do?" Driven by this strong sense of trust, Devina didn't ask Leo what ability he had to heal her, but asked herself very sincerely how to cooperate.

Contrary to Dewenna's trust, it was the tree demon Rutaxi who put her hand on Leo's shoulder and asked Leo very seriously, "Aren't you talking nonsense? You can really heal Dewen. Na?"

The dryad Lutaxi's distrust of Leo is also very normal. After all these years, she has thought of various methods to treat Devina's problems, but in the end she could only relieve Devena's pain. body pain.

After opening the blood memory, she discovered the possible causes of Devena's abnormal body from the knowledge in her mind, and found some corresponding methods.

It's just that those methods can only be done after returning to Luyuan, because with her current power, she can't use those methods at all, because the power required by those methods is too great, she can't afford it now of.

It is precisely because she knows the cause of Devena's blindness and paralysis, and also knows how difficult it is to treat, so when she heard Leo suddenly say that she can treat Devina, she instinctively doubted Leo's words, Even though she knew that Leo must have something special because of Bailu's order, she still thought that Leo's ability was not enough to treat Devina.

However, facing the questioning of the dryad Lutaxi, Leo seemed very calm, and did not even intend to refute the other party, but said to Devina: "You don't need to prepare anything, just to remind you, you will It is very painful, this kind of pain is no less than directly peeling your skin and cutting off your flesh and blood. You must bear this pain and stay awake during the whole treatment process. Follow my instructions and cooperate with me step by step to complete the treatment. Otherwise, once you lose consciousness during the treatment, what awaits you is not only the failure of the treatment, but maybe, no, it should be said that you will definitely die.”

The other two people in the pavilion fell silent when they heard the words. Obviously they were frightened by Leo's words. In their view, no matter how dangerous the treatment was, it was just a failure of the treatment and returning to the original state. But now Leo told them The result of failure is death, which made both of them have to think about it. Dewenna, who was very excited just now, suppressed the urge to immediately agree in her heart, and calmly considered whether she should take this risk.

When both of them were lost in thought, Leo suddenly said again: "I think you should discuss it with someone now."

Devina didn't understand the meaning of Leo's words at first, and looked up at Leo suspiciously, but then the sound of footsteps from a distance made her realize that there were people approaching the pavilion, and there were quite a few of them.

This made her frown involuntarily, but soon she couldn't think of anything, and a look of surprise appeared on her face.

She knows very well that the people in the villa will absolutely obey her orders, and she keeps them away from the pavilion, and they cannot approach the pavilion without hearing her orders. It is absolutely impossible for them to disobey her orders, and the only explanation for this situation is that there are other A more authoritative person canceled his order, and there is only one person with such authority in this villa, and that is her mother, the Countess of West Green Emerald.

Sure enough, as many footsteps stopped not far from the pavilion, the only sound of a single footstep entered the pavilion, and a burst of familiar aroma entered Devina's nose. UU reading

Devina took the initiative to ask at this time: "Mother, didn't you inspect the territory with the palace minister? Why did you come to Qingshui Bieyuan suddenly?"

The countess was not surprised that her daughter could tell her identity even though she couldn't see the surrounding things. She walked up to Devina, sat on the soft bed, and stretched out her hand to shake the strand of hair that fell from Devina's forehead. He fell to the back, and then said with concern: "When I heard the news about you, I stopped patrolling the territory immediately, and came here to verify the authenticity of the news, Devina, tell me honestly now, did you show up? Hallucination?"

"Hallucinations?" Devina immediately understood the reason for her mother's sudden arrival. She was not surprised by it. Her mother knew about it, but she didn't expect that her mother would know about it much later than expected. Presumably, someone in the villa helped her hide it.

"Mother, you misunderstood!" Devina shook her head and said, "That's not an illusion. I really have a good friend. She is by my side now, but you can't see her, and you can't see her." Can't hear her voice."