The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 162: Bionics

Leo turned his head and looked at the normal human next to him. Obviously he was the only one who could help King Galin to interpret the content and knowledge points in this cosmology introduction. This also made Leo very curious about this normal-looking human being. What is it.

Just when Leo was puzzled, a rush of footsteps came in from outside the hall, and then he saw the attendant arranged for Leo bringing the library manager over for the second time.

In the eyes of the library manager, although Leo was not as mad as he guessed, the situation seemed not so good, because Leo’s actions showed that he seemed to be reading a book that he didn’t have, and he still looked at the next one from time to time. As if there was a person sitting there.

The managers don't know what happened to the people who saw weird things in the library in the previous legends, but those people in those legends have no good results, even people who come into close contact.

Thinking of this, the library manager not only did not come forward to ask Leo what was going on, but instead pulled the attendant back from the hall, and then said to the attendant very seriously: "I don't know about this, you don't know, you You just need to follow the rules of the library like an ordinary attendant and serve him. As for other things, you don't need to bother or care about it."

After that, regardless of the attendant’s reaction, he turned and left the library entrance hall, leaving only the attendant standing there in a daze. It took a while for the attendant to return to normal, standing there hesitated for a while, and then came cautiously. When I arrived at the entrance of the banned book library on the second floor, I stood aside far away, without any thought of moving forward.

The small actions of the library managers and attendants naturally did not escape Leo's perception. He ignored these things, instead focusing on the immediate things.

I saw that he suddenly reported a series of serial codes to the seemingly normal human in the seat next to him. After the last symbol of the password came out of his mouth, the seemingly normal human also wanted to try to respond. Similarly, another serial code was reported.

After hearing this normal human report the sequence code he guessed, Leo showed a smile on his face, and at the same time appeared a lot of excitement, and after the other party’s sequence code was reported, he reported another sequence code.

After the password was reported this time, the normal human said: "The identity has been confirmed, the authority has been confirmed, and the secondary management authority has been obtained. Under this authority, the following actions can be performed..."

Hearing what the seemingly normal human said in front of him, the last trace of doubt in Leo's eyes disappeared, replaced by a look of excitement.

Just now, Leo carefully analyzed some of the behaviors of this human being after seeing this human being invisible to other people, and finally judged that this human being is not a human being, it is probably some kind of bionic human.

For this reason, he used the public identity of the bionic person and the secondary authority code to test, and the result was an immediate response.

The bionics can be said to be the pre-existence of the bionics. At first the emergence of the bionics was created by the rich for some special needs. However, with the occurrence of some special events, the Earth Federation needed more bionics. Engage in some low-level services in order to free up enough population for more important things.

The overall structure of the bionic human is still different from that of the biochemical human. The bones of the bionic human are a special kind of bio-metal. The muscles, internal organs and skin are also bionic materials, which are almost the same as normal creatures, but the bionic materials are not from time to time. Real biological materials, so from this point of view they are more like robots.

In addition, because of the vigilance of artificial intelligence, the brains installed by the Earth Federation for bionics are the brains of low-intelligence systems, and can only engage in some repetitive and targeted tasks, such as librarians, drivers of public transportation, etc. Wait.

In the civilization process of the Earth Federation, the emergence of bionics only took up a short period of time, less than a hundred years before and after, and had little effect on the entire Earth Federation. This also made the bionics a record of the history of science and technology in the Earth Federation. In, there is only a short article, and half of this article is still the public permission code.

After that, the Earth Federation has entered a long period of space development. At this time, more intelligent and more adaptable auxiliary labor is needed to assist humans in opening up the starry sky. In this way, the biochemical people who have been strictly controlled by their lifespan and intelligence, body structure and real people are the same. Appeared.

Because the bionic is the predecessor of the biochemical man, Leo also paid attention to the relevant information at the beginning, and these information were naturally recorded, and then the current permission code was obtained.

"Review the area diagram." After Leo confirmed that he was a bionic person, he issued the first authority instruction.

Following Leo's instructions, the bionic man responded programmatically, and then opened his hand in front of Leo, followed by a holographic projection coming out of his hand, and appeared in front of Leo.

I saw that this holographic projection showed a three-dimensional structure diagram. This structure diagram showed that the place where the bionic person was located was a large library. According to the scale of facilities marked on the drawing, the library was very large enough to be called a The book city is now, estimated on this scale, it should be a planet-level super large library.

Leo’s focus was not on the facilities of the library, but on the label of the holographic structure map of the library, and saw the text of the Earth Federation written on the First National Library of Thebes.

After seeing this label, Leo couldn't help but was stunned, because the star of Thebes had already been destroyed in his memory.

The Thebes is not prominent among the large and small colonial stars of the Earth Federation. It is neither an immigrant star suitable for human habitation nor a resource type containing various precious minerals. It is only a transit star with a harsh environment. The biggest role is to provide azimuth coordinates for the spacecraft of the Earth Federation in the universe, so as to avoid the spacecraft of the Earth Federation from wasting resources and manpower because of going wrong.

However, even if it is only a transit star, the various facilities here are very complete. There are as many as one million people living here. Therefore, the facilities that a colonial star should have are also available here, such as this planet-level central city. library.

However, it is precisely because it is a transit star, so when the Earth Federation and alien civilizations conflict, there will be a large number of attacks against them, in order to cut off the cosmic route of the Earth Federation and slow down the Earth Federation. The speed of reinforcements.

The planet of Thebes was destroyed in the war between the Earth Federation and other cosmic civilizations in such a big environment, just like thousands of other transit stars.

Leo even remembered the time when Thebes was destroyed, because according to that time, the same day after the past ten Earth years was the first armistice agreement signed between the Earth Federation and the alien civilization. This matter was included. History annals, and wrote a lot of color.

Under normal circumstances, this first library should have turned into cosmic dust along with Thebes, but it is now here.

"Open the city map." Leo thought of this and ordered.

Hearing this, the bionic man responded, and after a while, he responded: "Data failure, unable to connect to the city map host, unable to contact the backup server..."

Following the release of a series of unreachable error messages, Leo has roughly analyzed some situations in his mind.

"Open the library facility function check." Leo ordered again.

This time the feedback information will be available soon. The holographic diagram of the library soon showed a large number of red warning signs showing failures. Only three places in the entire library are well preserved, one is the main library and the other is the backup server. In the computer room, the last one is the projection network system.

Leo didn't know exactly what the situation was in this library now, and how it overlapped with this taboo library, but when he saw that the spare server room was still well preserved, he knew that what he wanted to understand had been done.

So he issued another instruction: "Recall the library monitoring backup data."

As his instructions fell, the holographic image in front of Leo did not show the image he wanted. Instead, the original code data that covered the entire holographic image frame and continuously moved downward appeared.

Leo was stunned for a moment, and said to the bionic man: "Transcoding."

The bionic person responded: "Transcoding requires first-level permission."

Leo frowned, then took out the universal universal recorder, and controlled the direct recording of the source code data on the holographic image in the form of an image. When he has time, he can write a transcoding program to convert the source code. Data transformation city image information.

"Screen conversion, monitor the device with the main library." After Leo recorded all the source code data, he put the things away, and then ordered.

However, facing this instruction, the bionic man was silent for a while, looking like a normal person was thinking, and then said to Leo: "The instruction cannot be executed."

Leo asked puzzledly: "Why? Is the authority insufficient?"

The bionic man replied: "The authority is already available, but the instruction violates the third basic law of federal intelligent behavior and is classified as an obsolete instruction."

"The third basic law of federal intelligent behavior?" Leo was stunned. The basic laws of federal intelligent behavior were so familiar to him, because when he was a biochemical man, the top level of his brain database was the basic federal intelligent behavior. Law, this set of behavior laws regulates all his behaviors, even his death behavior.

The third basic law is very simple, that is, it is not allowed to execute any instructions that are harmful to human life. Such instructions will be classified as abandoned instructions, and no authority is allowed to execute them.

Although it was later discovered that there was a loophole in this third fundamental law, the instruction issuer could bypass this instruction through other methods and let the bionics execute such instructions that harm humans. The Earth Federation added a supplementary law to make up for the loopholes. Even so, it is still full of other loopholes. In the end, this set of federal basic laws of intelligent behavior has become a set of basic instructions for the code of conduct, rather than a law.

Obviously, the basic law of federal intelligent behavior of this bionic person has not been modified or supplemented. It is the original basic law of federal intelligent behavior. Therefore, it refuses to execute Leo’s instructions on the grounds of the third basic law, which means that when the monitoring screen is holographic When the way of projection appeared in front of Leo's eyes, Leo's life would be in danger.

Leo does not think that this is a misjudgment by a bionic, because according to the strict restrictions on artificial intelligence at the time, any instruction that violates the basic laws will be strictly reviewed and carefully analyzed by all artificial intelligence products. The review and analysis are strict and far away. Far from being the kind of ritualized review analysis of biochemical people later, so the probability of errors is infinitely close to zero.

Just let people see images that can kill people. Not to mention the worlds of Vinylon and Poseidon, which have various mysterious existences. Even in the universe, there are many similar situations. The spacecraft has to open the image during the flight. Masking and modifying the device to screen out images that are harmful to humans and other ordinary alien races, so that humans can safely observe the entire universe.

Otherwise, those cosmic observers will either go crazy during the observation, or die during the observation, and there will be no third way.

Therefore, Leo believes that the judgment made by the bionic person should be correct, and the monitoring screen will have a fatal effect, but even if it is correct, he does not intend to execute this judgment, and is still ready to turn on the monitoring by bypassing the third fundamental law. Video to see what is going on inside the library.

The reason why he did this was not because he was not afraid of but because he felt that the judgment made by bionics might not apply to him, because the earth federation could be used while bionics was still in use. Without psionics, the basic human values ​​in the third basic law of bionics are actually analyzed based on the comprehensive qualities of ordinary people.

But Leo is now half a seventh-level psionicist, and his life form level and psionic level have reached an inhuman state. When placed in the universe, he is a powerful person who can fight against warships alone. In this case , The images that are fatal to ordinary people may not have any effect on him.

Thinking of this, Leo began to try to use loopholes to circumvent the third fundamental law. The method he used was very simple. He covered his body with psychic energy to shield all the subtle fluctuations generated by human body functions on his body, and disguised himself as An inhuman existence.

After completing all this, Leo re-reported a string of identity and permission codes. This time it was a first-level permission code. As he expected, the permission code was passed quickly, and then he directly ordered: "Screen conversion, monitoring by the main library Device."

This time, the bionic was also silent for a moment, and then did not report any authority as before, but completely converted the screen to the library's monitoring device as Leo thought, and changed the library's current environment Shown in front of Leo.