The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1638: Creation Remodeling

The latest website: "Change eyes and legs?" Leo couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the tree demon Lutaxi, then he seemed to think of something, looked at the tree demon Lutaxi in surprise, and asked: "You already understand How did you create it?"

"Yes, I just mastered it today. It's a bit difficult, but it's okay." Leo's surprised expression made the dryad Lutaxi feel inexplicably satisfied. She fully expressed her inner pride.

Leo didn't care about the emotions and attitudes of the tree demon Lutaxi. Instead, he looked at the tree demon Lutaxi again as if he was looking at a stranger, and he also vaguely realized that the incarnation of the white deer appeared in this place that would fall at any time. Entering the world of the abyss, to tap the blood memory of the dryad in front of him, is not random, but the dryad itself is very unusual, even in the deer park in the Black Forest.

Creation is an innate ability unique to the dryad. This ability is not bestowed by the white deer, but a gift from the golden giant deer. In theory, every dryad has this ability, but in reality there are only a very small number of them. Only the dryad can activate this innate ability in his lifetime, and the dryad who activates the talent of creation has also been promoted to become a dryad, second only to the white stag in the black forest.

When Leo was in the Black Forest, he only knew that there were two tree spirits in the deer park as the servants of the white deer, but he had never seen these two tree spirits, but he had seen these two tree spirits pass through the creation. An extraordinary creature created by the ability, that extraordinary creature has the body of a beast, the wings of a bird of prey, the strength of a giant beast, and the skin of a rock, not counting the extraordinary power it possesses, its physical strength alone is comparable to a fourth-level Psyker.

Because of this, Leo paid great attention to this creation ability derived from the golden giant deer, and collected a lot of relevant information.

Now the tree demon Lutaxi claims that she also has the ability to create, which makes Leo, a person who knows the details of the ability, not surprised, but he also has a little doubt in addition to being surprised, because as far as he knows, As long as the tree demon activates its creation ability, it will inevitably evolve into a tree spirit. Although he has never seen what a tree spirit looks like, it can be seen from the various materials collected that the lower body of the tree spirit is no longer a deer. Instead of the body, it has become the lower body of a human. That is to say, except for the pair of antlers, the appearance of other body parts of the tree spirit is not much different from that of a human.

But now the tree demon Lutaxi is still in the form of a tree demon, which obviously does not match the relevant information that Leo knows.

So, Leo directly expressed the doubts in his heart.

The dryad Lutaxi was also stunned after hearing this, then looked down at his lower body, and asked a series of questions: "Will it really become a human lower body? How ugly is that? Is evolution Isn't it more beautiful as it changes? It should evolve into the form of my lord, right?"

Seeing that the dryad Lutaxi was completely off the track, Leo couldn't help coughing a few times, pulling her thinking direction back.

The dryad Lutaxi who was reminded smiled awkwardly, but she didn't know how to answer Leo's question, so after thinking about it, she bent down and picked a shrub branch from her side, and put it on the In his hands, he put his hands together on his chest, and his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was performing some kind of sacred prayer ceremony.

Immediately afterwards, she saw the antlers on her head emitting colorful glazed light, and at the same time her hands were also glowing with white light. This vision did not last for too long, and soon disappeared, and when the vision disappeared, For a moment, she also opened her eyes, and then spread her hands towards Leo, showing the branch and leaf of the shrub in her palm in front of Leo.

I saw that just a moment ago it was a shrub branch that grew naturally in the shadow world, but now it has been endowed with another life, turning into a small tree man the size of a palm, and the tree man seems to be at a loss for his own changes , curled up in the palm of the dryad Lutaxi, and covered the head with the branches and leaves that had turned into limbs, but the leaves moved a gap, and looked around cautiously.

Seeing an ordinary tree branch in front of his eyes, endowed with intelligent life by the tree demon Rutaxi's creation ability, Leo was also very surprised, and what surprised him even more was that the tree demon Rutaxi was using the creation ability At that time, he was unable to capture the energy produced by this creation ability, and naturally he was unable to form a corresponding stone pillar in his body, let alone imitate and analyze this ability.

This can be said to be the first time that Leo's natural ability has failed. Most of the time in the past, he didn't even need to use any additional power. He only needed to actively perceive a new power to form it in his body. The corresponding imprint is now a stone pillar in the square. Even if he encounters a more advanced power, such as the power of the gods, he can absorb it into the stone throne through the power of devouring, and carry out corresponding treatment on it. parse and absorb.

It can be said that his talent was almost unfavorable in the past, and no power could avoid his analysis, fusion and imitation, but now he encountered an exception, just when the tree demon Lutaxi cast a spell, He has already captured every power in the dryad Lutaxi's body through the spiritual network, perception and spiritual vision, but unexpectedly, the new stone pillar representing the ability of creation that should have been formed on the square did not appear. Even the imprint of power has not been formed, which means that this kind of creative power cannot be copied and imitated by him.

This was the first time Leo encountered such a situation, and it also attracted most of his attention, so that he couldn't arouse much research interest in this little tree man that was forcibly catalyzed.

However, Leo didn't let the dryad Lutaxi show his creation ability again, because he knew very well that since he couldn't absorb and analyze this power just now, even if the dryad Lutaxi showed it a hundred times in front of him, the result would be the same .

At this time, he slightly restrained his divergent attention, returned to Devina's abnormal situation, looked at the tree demon Lutaxi who had placed the little tree figure on the antlers above his head, and said in a deep voice Asked: "Do you want to use your creation ability to recreate a pair of legs and a pair of eyes for Devina?"

"Yes, that's what I thought." The dryad Lutaxi nodded and admitted.

"I'm almost sure." Leo asked again seriously.

"How sure?" The dryad Lutaxi was bewildered, and then he said casually, "Ten percent?"

"100% sure?" Leo could see that the dryad Lutaxi hadn't thought about this question at all, so he continued to ask: "Are you sure that the eyes and legs you made will not be rejected by Devina's body?"

The dryad Lutaxi froze in place for a while unable to answer, and after a long time he said in an uncertain tone: "There should be no rejection! The eyes and legs are made of her own body, logically speaking they should be Won't you reject it?"

Afterwards, the dryad Lutaxi explained in detail how she used her creation ability to help Devina. She didn't want to endow the branch with wisdom and life as just now, creating a kind of treant, but more Like Leo's wizard healing potion, through the creation ability, Devina can grow crystallized organs by herself, and the original crystallized organs can be taken away directly, so this method is not reasonable according to common sense. There should be a rejection reaction.

After hearing the words of the dryad Lutaxi, Leo did not continue to question. Although he felt that there was a problem with the special witch blood power in Devina's body, he felt that these problems might not cause any obstacles, so he seriously After thinking about it, he nodded and said, "You can give it a try."

"How to try?" After being questioned a series of times, the dryad Lutaxi was not as confident in his proposal as it was at the beginning.

"Let's start with her legs!" Leo looked at Devina who was lying on the ground, and landed on her crystallized legs beforehand, and suggested.

Afterwards, Leo talked about his own thoughts. The content was very simple. He directly took off one of Devina's crystallized legs, and then the dryad Lutaxi took over and used the ability of creation to make her legs grow back. When her legs grew out, she was responsible for sorting out the fusion and communication between Devina's body blood power and the newly grown organs, so as to prevent Devina's blood power from mistakenly treating the newly grown organs as intruders.

If all goes well, Devina should be able to get a new leg. Even if it fails and Devina loses a leg, Leo can find a way to re-transplant the original crystallized leg back to avoid an unmanageable situation.

After feeling that there was no problem with Leo's proposal, the dryad Lutaxi controlled the vines in the surrounding woods to grow over, stretched under Devina's body, and gradually intertwined with each other to form a platform, carrying Devina It rose little by little, until it was level with the body of the dryad Lutaxi, which was convenient for her to use the creation ability on Devina, and then stopped.

After getting ready, the dryad Lutaxi took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then nodded to Leo.

Leo didn't make any extra movements, he raised his hand to form a piece of spiritual energy knife, and cut it directly along the junction of Devina's right leg crystal and flesh.

Although the power of the witch in Devena's body instinctively reacted defensively when the spiritual energy knife touched Devina's body, Leo had already expected this to happen. At the moment when the power started to move, he also interfered with the real witch power in Devina's body by imitating the witch power through his stone pillar in the square, making it impossible for her to make any effective defense.

At the same time, Leo's spiritual knife cut off one of Devina's thighs as easily as cutting a cake. A layer of flesh hung on the top of the cut crystallized thigh, and it was frozen immediately. Come to think of it, these are all backhands deliberately prepared by Leo, so that he can reattach this thigh when he fails later.

When Devena's thigh was cut off, Leo also used spiritual energy to seal the blood vessels on Devina's thigh. It was not until the dryad Lutaxi took over that the blockage of spiritual energy was lifted, allowing the blood vessels to begin to flow. Unblock it.

Perhaps because of the first cooperation, the dryad Lutaxi's natural power did not take over from Leo's psionic power in time to control the blood in the veins on Devina's thigh, causing some blood to spurt out, making it look like Quite tragic.

Fortunately, the dryad Lutaxi corrected his wrong method in time, first controlled the blood from the wound, and then used his creation ability to start using the muscles, bones, skin, blood and other basic components of the thigh as the core, Let Devina's leg grow naturally.

If ordinary people see this scene, they will be very surprised, but in Leo's eyes, this scene is very ordinary, because in his memory, the healing device specially used for the repair of residual limbs by the biochemical warriors of the Earth Federation also repairs the incomplete in a similar way Limbs and other organs.

Although Leo is just a bystander now, he has not relaxed his mind a little bit, and still closely monitors any movement of the witch power in Devina through the spiritual network, trying to attack and destroy the tree demon Lutaxi's creation at any time with the witch power. Before the strength, stop it, and use the current-limited witch's power to wash the part of the legs that have grown, so that the new leg muscles, bones and other organs can adapt to Devina's current body.

With the joint efforts of the two, it took about an hour or so to complete the reshaping of Devina's right leg. The shape of the entire leg can be said to be perfect. If Devena's leg is really intact If it has grown without loss so far, it will look like this now.

After the dryad Lutaxi withdrew his creation ability, Leo drained the restricted witch power in his right leg twice, and after feeling that there was no problem, he also took back the restriction on Devina's witch power, allowing Dewena to Wen Na's witch power can freely flow in the newborn's right leg.

"Did we succeed?" The dryad Lutaxi wiped the sweat from his moved the little tree man who was hanging from his eyes, and looked at the tree figure lying on the vine platform with concern. Devina, asked.

"I don't know yet, just wait and see." Leo still used the Spirit Net and Spirit Vision to monitor the changes in Devina's body, especially the fusion of the witch's power in her right leg, and at the same time gave a conservative response.

The dryad Lutaxi didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words, but quietly stood aside and watched Devina's situation.

At the beginning, Devina's face showed a little pain. It was obvious that her body was not able to adapt to her body, especially the power of the witch in her body, but this was not a big problem. Leo's spiritual network found that the witch's The power did not cause serious damage to the right leg, and even if it was damaged, the power of the witch would repair it at the same time.

So the pain on Devina's face quickly subsided, and the newborn right leg was washed away by waves of witch power, completely adapting to her physical condition.

"It seems that we have succeeded, and the other crystalline organs are next." After confirming the condition of the newborn's right leg, Leo also had a smile on his face, and at the same time said to the tree demon Lutaxi who was already impatient.