The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1647: Barbarisa's transformation

"Even the sea of ​​​​trees knows it. It seems that the White Deer Cultist came to see me with a premeditated plan." Although he was calculated by the White Deer, Leo did not seem too miraculous, but looked at it. Barbarisa, said solemnly, "How are you doing now? How much has Bailu told you to be secretive?"


Although the Barbarisa in front of him looks the same as before, Leo can feel that the bloodline belonging to the White Deer has become much thicker in Barbarisa, and there is still an energy in his body that should belong to the White Deer. , This energy can not only protect Barbarisa when needed, but also can subtly change Barbarisa's physique in normal times.


"I'm fine now, I've never been better." Barbarisa answered Leo's question calmly, and said, "As for the secrets I know, I won't know more than you, but there is one thing I may know better than you. A little more, and that is I know what my mission is."


Leo asked, "Mission? Can you talk about it?"


Barbarisa shook his head and said: "Sorry, this can't be said," and then worried about Leo's misunderstanding, he added: "It's not that I don't want to say it, but I can't say it, because these contents have prohibitive power, I don't It may be said, even in the face of the gods, it is impossible to say a word related to the mission."


Seeing what Barbarisa said, Leo didn't ask any further questions. He could easily hear from Barbarisa's words just now that although White Deer had calculated him, he just wanted him to be a messenger, not a messenger. He got involved in the affairs of this world, especially the affairs of Barbarisa, and even threw out the bait that he had to pay attention to.


After experiencing the transformation of the Stone Throne caused by the two fragments of Lake Narnia, Leo naturally couldn't ignore any information related to the Stone Throne, so even if Barbarisa didn't say that, he would still inform the White Deer. That sea of ​​trees world is regarded as the next world to enter, and the coordinates of that world have been stored on the dead branches taken out by the White Deer Cultists.


"I'm a little curious why Bailu attaches so much importance to this world that can fall into the abyss at any time?" Although Leo did not directly ask Barbarisa about the mission, he still asked a question that he was somewhat concerned about, and then added : "If this matter is related to your mission, you can leave it unanswered."


After listening to Barbarisa, he thought for a while and said, "Although this matter has nothing to do with my mission, I am not very clear about my Lord's thoughts, and the knowledge she passed on to me has nothing to do with it. However, I can tell you another hypothesis that I heard in the New World, and this hypothesis may be related to the fact that the Lord attaches great importance to this world."


"What hypothesis?" Leo asked in a deep voice.


"It's the outsider hypothesis. You may have heard of this hypothesis," Barbarisa replied.


"I did." Leo nodded, and the contents of the outsider hypothesis appeared in his mind.


In fact, when Leo and Sylvia just entered this world and saw the first humans in this world, they heard this hypothesis in the small town where those people lived. This hypothesis originated from a man in the New World. Primitive religions that have arisen in the fringes, because this religion has found a lot of ancient relics in the forest that are contrary to human aesthetics, so it is believed that there was a prosperous prehistoric civilization in this world. Humans are the later outsiders, and this prehistoric civilization accepts It was the first human beings who came to this world, but human beings, an outsider, destroyed this prehistoric civilization, so human beings are born with original sin.


At that time, Leo and Sylvia were not interested in this religion. They were more concerned about the civilized society established by human beings in the New World, so they left without reaching out to explore this religion. Later, they learned that in the depths of the virgin forest in the New World, there was a group of There are non-human races, so they feel that this religion that developed on the fringes of the civilization of the New World may be done by those non-human races, in order to make humans feel guilty, so that at some point in the future they and human beings When you have to make contact, you can use this guilt to gain some negotiating or other advantages.


Now hearing Barbarisa mention this outsider hypothesis again, Leo can't help but recall the content, trying to find out why White Deer values ​​this world.


But the result was nothing. No matter how he analyzed it, he could not see that the outsider hypothesis put forward by the religion had anything to do with Bailu's attention to this world. The value of , otherwise, those people may have been transferred out of this world by Bailu.


Perhaps seeing Leo's confusion, Barbarisa didn't wait for Leo to ask, and then took the initiative to explain: "If the outsiders mentioned in the outsider hypothesis are not only humans, but include everything in this world. Woolen cloth?"


Lei Ou was stunned when he heard the words, and soon realized something, and said to himself, "Is this a super-large biological testing ground?"


Barbarisa heard Leo's self-talk, but because Leo's language was Earth Federation, he didn't understand its meaning at all, but he could still see from Leo's expression that Leo should be What did you learn from his words.


The biological testing ground mentioned by Leo is not a rare thing. The biological scientific research community of the Earth Federation has more than once singled out one of the many planets controlled by the Earth Federation as a testing ground for their research on biological evolution, but those are used as testing grounds. Except for a very small number of planets that are completely inanimate, other experimental planets will have some microorganisms more or less, and observers will put some species from the earth or other planets on these experimental planets to observe these Natural evolution of experimental planets.


If, as Barbarisa said, everything in this world is really outsiders, then this world is in line with the setting of a biological laboratory, and it makes sense for White Deer to attach importance to this world.


However, Leo did not fully believe Barbarisa's statement, not because he thought Barbarisa was lying, but because he felt that since the White Deer did not clearly tell Barbarisa why he valued the world, then Barbarisa The guess is not necessarily correct, and it may even be that Bai Lu is deliberately misleading. After all, Bai Lu has calculated the two of them before, and now using Barbarisa as bait, it is not difficult to calculate again, even he I feel that everything related to the world of Velen, such as the Belmont family, the tower wizard, etc., came to this world, and it was also controlled by Bailu secretly. In this case, any information that Bailu revealed intentionally or unintentionally is worthwhile. Suspect.


Although Leo was still curious about why White Deer attaches importance to this world, he also knew that it was impossible and unreliable to get an answer directly or indirectly from White Deer, so he did not continue to ask Barbarisa about this question. Turn to inquire about the upcoming battle in the southern part of the Middle Kingdom.

"Before, I already had an 80% chance of winning, and now I have almost no chance of losing." Barbarisa seemed extremely confident, but then he hesitated a little and said, "It's just that what will happen after winning I can’t speculate a little, the only thing that is certain is that if I really want to unify the Middle Kingdom region and establish a real Middle Kingdom, I’m afraid it will be a little difficult, at least there will definitely be a church from the Church of the True God to organize.”


Leo asked a little puzzled: "Why stop the Middle Kingdom from establishing a unified country?"


"Because some churches believe that if the Middle Kingdom region is unified into one country, it will bring destruction to the world." Barbarisa replied as if joking, but then added: "But this kind of statement has long been lost. People believed it, and now they just think that the Middle Kingdom region should not be unified into one country."


After Leo heard it, he just nodded and didn't say anything like he needed help.


At this moment, Barbarisa seemed to remember something and said, "I have collected a batch of those gems from Lake Narnia that you wanted before and stored them in the warehouse. Are you going to pick them up now?"


"Fairy Wood"


"It's not necessary anymore, I don't need it now." Leo shook his head and continued, "You may be able to sell those gems to the Chasing Light Church, they..."


"Ah?" Before Leo could finish speaking, Barbarisa was stunned for a moment and interrupted, "But I bought those gems from the Chasing Light Church?"


When Leo heard the words, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He didn't expect it to be such a coincidence that the Chasing Light Church would be involved with Barbarisa, but he was also puzzled at the same time, because according to his understanding of the Chasing Light Church, The crystals from the bottom of the lake excavated by the Chasing Light Church should not be sold out. Even Barbarisa, the canonized person of the Church of the True God, should not let them change their attention.


Driven by curiosity, Leo asked Barbarisa to take him to see the purchased Lake Narnia gems. Barbarisa asked Leo to wait, and he re-summoned servants and guards to take care of and protect them The sleeping wife and children, and then personally took Leo to the warehouse of the castle.


Regarding Leo, a stranger who appeared in the castle inexplicably, although the castle guards and servants were very curious, they did not ask questions. They turned a blind eye to Leo and did their own things.


Soon Leo and Barbarisa came to the warehouse area behind the castle. The moment Barbarisa left the main building of the castle, Leo felt that there were more than a dozen people whose strength was equivalent to third-level or fourth-level psionic energy. The superhuman of the man appeared nearby and moved with Barbarisa's footsteps. In addition, a team of twelve knights followed behind Barbarisa. It seemed that the previous assassination had forced Barbarisa to The level of defense alert is raised to the highest state.


Barbarisa led Leo to the front door of a large warehouse, and then instructed the warehouse supervisor who followed him to open the front door. After the warehouse was opened, sacks were piled up, filling half of the warehouse.


At Barbarisa's suggestion, one of the warehouse workers stepped forward and carried a sack down and put it in front of Leo, then opened the knot on the sack, revealing a large number of pieces inside that were broken into various shapes and sizes. Crystals at the bottom of the lake.


After seeing these crystals at the bottom of the lake, Leo also immediately understood why the Chasing Light Church was willing to sell these crystals from the bottom of the lake to Barbarisa, because the extraordinary power in these crystals had been completely pulled or consumed by the Chasing Light Church, which means that these Crystals are just pure crystalline stones.


Leo did not hide it, and directly told Barbarisa about the real situation of these crystal stones, and also told Barbarisa something about the Chasing Light Church. When he found that he was deceived by the Chasing Light Church, Barbarisa's face changed. very ugly.


However, for the time being, he has no way to seek justice from the Chasing Light Church, so he can only record this matter secretly, and after the war here ends, he is looking for trouble with the Chasing Light Church.


After reading these real Narnia Lake gems, Leo didn't plan to stay in the castle, he was going to leave, go to the Belmont family's place of residence, find Sylvia, and then consider going to the Mage Academy first. On the plane, it is better to go to the sea of ​​​​trees first to see if you can find something related to the stone throne, or to an unknown world pointed to by the coordinates he obtained from the mother of the shadow world.


And just when Leo was about to leave, Barbarisa suddenly thought of something, stopped Leo, and asked: "By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to ask you, Mr. Leo, may I ask my lord Where is the facilitator assigned to me now?"


"Assistant?" Leo was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion, "How could I know where your helper is? Didn't Bai Lu tell you?"


Barbarisa was a little puzzled. UU read and recalled it carefully, and said, "My lord told me that the helper is with you..."


"Ah? I know who the helper you are talking about." Leo immediately showed a sudden realization. He already knew that the helper Barbarisa said was probably the tree demon Lutasi, and at this moment he thought of it. Regarding the situation of the tree demon Lutaxi, she couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Unfortunately, you are too late to ask, your assistant is no longer in this world, she is now in some other world."


Hearing Leo's words, Barbarisa was stunned, looking at Leo who didn't know what to say.


Leo then briefly told Barbarisa what had happened during this period of time, but Barbarisa was a little dumbfounded after hearing it, and there was a trace of sadness on his face.


"Why does not having this helper make you troublesome?" Leo couldn't help asking when he saw Barbarisa's expression.


Barbarisa shook his head slightly, and smiled bitterly: "It's not that troublesome, it's just that some plans made by my lord need to be revised, and I may also need to cooperate with the Church of True God on some things."


Leo had no choice but to wish Barbarisa good luck, and he didn't show it on his face, but in his heart he felt gloating over the misfortune of Bai Lu's plan, although he didn't blame Bai Lu for being right. The couple planned secretly, but they were still somewhat displeased. Being able to see the white deer deflated would at least make him feel a lot more comfortable.
