The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1655: northern continent

For those who live in the old continent, there is still no conclusion about how big the old continent is. There have been a large number of adventurers, geologists and cartographers who have done adventures around the continent more than once, surveyed and mapped the continent, and calculated the area of ​​the continent. , but what is puzzling is that the results of each of them are different, some are big, some are small, this situation even happened to two scholars in the same adventure team, they feel that they have a cognition of the size of the continent Problems arose.

Not only the surveying and mapping of the entire Old Continent, but also the surveying and mapping of the land area, border location, etc. of each country in the Continent. There is no unified and accurate answer. Therefore, so many conflicts broke out in the Old Continent. And war, half of it stems from the issue of land area and national borders.

However, the so-called territorial issue is generally not a problem in the face of powerful countries. For a regional power such as Teresa, its national boundaries are completely designated according to its standards, and the surrounding countries are only qualified to obey.

However, the vast majority of such powerful countries are from the east and west sides of the mainland, close to the coastal areas, and the northern part of the mainland's stacked mountains and the densely forested south have not appeared for so many years. Has an influence on the entire northern region powerful countries, not even those in small regions.

The southern continent is relatively better. Because of the barrier of the primitive jungle, most of the southern countries are separated. The so-called national border is a whole piece of primitive jungle with no people and wild beasts. There is nothing less or more. the difference.

But most of the northern continents are mountainous areas. Although these mountainous areas have barren land and dangerous roads, they are not suitable for human habitation. However, there are a large number of mineral deposits in these high mountains, and most of these deposits are open-pit mines that are easy to mine.

The original political structure of the northern continent was an alliance established by one by one mine owners. Only after countless ruptures and reorganizations, countries were finally formed. No matter what beliefs these northern countries have, no matter what the ethnic group of the people is. , supporting the economic pillars of these countries without exception are all kinds of metals, precious stones and various raw materials.

It is precisely because of this that these countries attach great importance to the mines they control, deliberately modifying their borders in order to occupy newly discovered mines, and then go to war with other countries.

The behavior of these countries has also caused other countries in the old continent to use ironic words such as "any agreement signed by these countries can be thrown away like toilet paper" when they refer to the mountains in the northern part of the continent. Behavior.

After Leo left the Middle Kingdom, he entered the countries of the northern continent. Although he had a clear understanding of the mountains and countries in the northern continent from various sources, it was only after he really entered these mountain countries that he really did. I learned that the descriptions of these countries in those materials are not exaggerated at all, and there is no discrimination or even the suspicion of beautification.

If the old continent is divided according to the level of civilization, the country civilization on the east and west continents is the most enlightened and has the highest level, followed by the Middle Kingdom region and surrounding countries, which are equivalent to feudal kingdoms, while the countries on the southern continent are more like primitive societies and state systems. It is still established according to the oldest lord system, and the whole is more like a tribal civilization.

On the other hand, the countries in the northern part of the continent are completely like uncivilized savages. There are only two things they love to do every day, robbery and drinking.

Leo has seen more than fifty robberies along the way, seven of which turned out to be local noble lords who led people to rob the passing caravans, and the caravans to the northern mainland seem to have come to understand this. The robbers they encountered were either killed by the gangsters or killed all the gangsters, and the robbers pretending to be noble lords were no exception.

Like other places where noble lords are caught, they can also be redeemed through ransoms, etc., and if a noble lord here is caught, his position will be immediately replaced by his direct descendants. A successor is selected from the strongest nobles in the territory, so no one will be willing to redeem a former lord. Even if he is redeemed, he will kill it on the spot and use it to sacrifice to the gods.

The robbers that can be seen everywhere are one of the characteristics of the mountainous country in the northern continent, and another characteristic is also very special, it is the underground church of evil gods.

Along the way, although the big cities in the northern mountainous countries all have temples and churches of the Church of the True God, but outside the big cities, in the villages and towns in the mountains, the Church of the Heretic God occupies an absolute advantage, which is different from other places. , The Evil God Church in these villages and towns is an open mission, and often the entire town is a believer.

Leo once secretly observed the process of the sacrifice ceremony performed by the Evil God Church in one of the towns. This Evil God calls himself the God of the Earth, and his church power is not small among the many underground Evil God churches in the Old Continent. It is considered one of the primitive religions of the Old Continent. one.

The sacrifice ceremony in that town is mainly to pray for a bumper harvest of food in the coming year, and their sacrifice is not the sacrifice of livestock, but the sacrifice of living people. , as well as some passionate activities that are considered extremely evil, which is one of the main reasons why the Church of the Earth God is considered a cult.

What's interesting is that in this sacrifice, the so-called **** of the earth did appear at the sacrifice site, and he also possessed one of his own believers to perform certain celestial movements.

At that time, Leo almost couldn't help wanting to capture the incarnation of the **** of the earth with his tentacles, and put it by his side to study the mysteries of the gods, because the aura of power displayed by the **** of the earth was not strong, and Leo was completely sure of it. capture.

But in the end, he resisted the urge, because he found that the earth **** may be inextricably linked with the earth mother of the shadow world, because the divine power fluctuations emitted by the earth **** and the divine power fluctuations of the earth mother in the shadow world Very similar, almost can be regarded as the same kind of divine power.

After giving up on capturing the incarnation of the **** of the earth, Leo also found that the sacrifice ceremony of the evil **** in front of him looked extremely evil even if it used human sacrifices and carried out some passionate activities, but the degree of evil was not as good as that of other places in the old continent. Compared to the evil rituals performed by the believers of the Heretic God, they seemed so insignificant, and even in terms of casualties caused by the rituals, they were even better than the religious rituals of some True God Church.

It is not difficult to see from some sacrificial ceremonies performed by the God of the Earth that these underground evil gods also know the importance of the believers' clan. Almost most religious ceremonies are related to livelihood and fertility. This method helps believers in the northern group. To survive in such a harsh environment as the mountain, and to multiply and prepare believers in large numbers, is completely different from the evil events that are full of destruction, death, and destruction, which are dominated by the Church of the Evil God in other parts of the continent.

Leo became curious about the underground cults in the northern mountains and countries for a while, so after a few days of delay, he observed the activities of several churches of the evil gods in secret, and in the end he was a little confused between the churches of the true gods and the churches of the evil gods. difference, because there are so many similarities between the two.

It is precisely because of Leo's delay in the past few days that his original plan to follow the snowfield caravan to Movit Road was canceled, because when he crossed the northern mountains and entered the snowfield, all the snowfield caravans were It has already set off, and in the end Leo can only go alone.

Leo didn't know the exact location of the Belmont family's migration place. When he was in his territory, the Duke of Belmont didn't tell him that the reason why he determined that the Belmont family's migration place was in the extremely low mountains north of the snowfield. , because he sensed that Sylvia's position was here.

However, I don't know if it was because of the interference of some mysterious power in the extremely low mountains in the north, or because there was a problem with the psionic mark he left in Sylvia's body. After entering the snow field, his sense of motion became a little blurry, he could only sense a general direction, and it was a little erratic, as if Sylvia was moving, which also caused him to enter the snow field several times. I got lost every time, and I wasted a lot of time. In the end, I didn't get out of the snow field before the black storm that ravaged the snow field.

After encountering the black storm, Leo originally did not plan to find a suitable refuge to avoid the black storm. After all, this black storm, which is extremely dangerous to ordinary people, has no great lethality in Leo's place, it is similar to the breeze.

But while he was on his way, while memorizing the books scanned in the universal recorder, the universal recorder suddenly received a signal, which should have originated from an alien spaceship, and Leo did not recognize the display on the universal recorder. Signal text.

To this end, Leo tracked the position of the signal through the universal recorder, and finally came to the palm rock, which is quite famous in the snow field.

Through the mental network scan, Leo found that the hill that looked like a huge palm was actually a fallen warp spaceship, and what was even more amazing was that the spaceship as a whole remained intact, even the spaceship's warp engine It's not bad, it's still running normally, which is why there is heat under the palm rock. All the geothermal heat that melts the ice and snow comes from the subspace engine.

This spaceship is very advanced in Leo's view, and it is many times more advanced than the best spaceship in the Earth Federation, and the spaceship is also equipped with interference devices for psionicists, with the powerful side of Leo's eighth-level psionicists The interference with this device was still helpless, and in the end, his scan was only a matter of scanning the outermost layer of the spacecraft.

Different from the initial judgment, after analyzing the surface of the spacecraft, the spacecraft did not fall to the ground, so there was no damage caused by the impact of the spacecraft as a whole, and the spacecraft can still remain intact after so many years, at least Leo. No visible damage was seen anywhere scanned, which surprised Leo as well.

What was even more surprising was that he had no idea what material the spacecraft was made of. It looked like rock on the surface, but it would be a fool to think that the spacecraft was made of rock.

In any case, this spaceship cannot be manufactured by a medium-sized cosmic civilization, so there may be some secrets from higher cosmic civilizations hidden in this spaceship.

While Leo was curious about the spaceship, he was also a little hesitant to explore the spaceship, because he could feel that there was something in the spaceship that threatened him, and the intensity of this threat was not much worse than that of the wizard tower.

At that time, he considered whether to find someone to make a pathfinder stone. As a result, his bonfire was seen by the bandits who were also avoiding the black storm and rushed over to take over the bonfire. As for Leo, he tried to use what he had just learned. The sorcery that hides his sense of existence, as if it had disappeared before the eyes of these people.

After that, Leo considered finding a suitable opportunity to let these bandits know that the palm rock behind him contained a treasure, and leaked the entrance to them, so that they could become his own pathfinder stones.

As a result, before Leo started to act, he felt a strong presence coming from the outskirts of the woods, and then he saw Philolia riding an ice bear. UU Reading

Leo felt a little bit of curiosity about Filolia. This curiosity was not because of her status as a war bear priest, nor because of her companion beast, the ice bear, but because Leo felt a little white in Filolia. Deer breath.

Leo is no stranger to War Bear Priest. On the way after he entered the snowfield, he also accidentally encountered a tribe living in the snowfield, and that tribe also had War Bear Priest, but because of his age, this War Bear The priest's companion beast, the Ice Bear, was very old, and the aura of power that Leo felt from this war bear priest was more of an ice-like energy fluctuation.

Now Leo felt the flow of ice energy in Filolia, and also felt the special power of nature from the white deer running in his body, and this power of nature he only used in the tree demon felt it.

It is precisely because of the curiosity and doubts caused by the power of nature in Filoria that Leo failed to stop Filoria in time to solve all the bandits he was going to use as a pathfinder.

However, it doesn't matter if there is no Pathfinder Stone, Leo has found a better substitute, this substitute is the current Philolia, or more correctly, the nature in Philolia's body. force.

So after introducing himself, Leo asked bluntly: "This palm rock contains a treasure of an ancient civilization. Are you interested in exploring it together? Priest Philolia."

"What did you say? Treasure?" Hearing Leo's question, Filoria was stunned. She stared at Leo in astonishment, as if Leo's question was a shocking question. After returning to normal, he couldn't help but wonder: "Mr. Leo Dodd, are you sure you know what you are talking about?"