The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 166: The True Eye Church

The reason why the True Eye Church can have such a strong influence within the Lake District Alliance is that, in addition to the glasses that can inherit civilization, it is because of some potions produced by the True Eye Church.

For example, some potions that can help soldiers see invisible fog monsters, potions that can help ordinary people successfully complete ancestralization, and so on.

Although the Wizards Association and the Pharmacists Association will also produce some similar drugs, the effect is significantly weaker than that of the real eye church.

What's more important is that some devout True Eye church believers will produce some witchcraft-like abilities, and these abilities are all directed at the mist monsters, and they have played an extraordinary role in the discovery and elimination of the mist monsters.

It wouldn't surprise Leo too much if he only made potions or special glasses, but Leo feels a little bit strange to give believers some psionic abilities.

This is because according to his books on religion, deities, etc. in the Velon world, the standard used by the Orthodox Church to judge whether there is a deity behind a church in the past is whether a devout church can gain some power from the deity.

If judged according to this standard, there is clearly a real deity behind the True Eye church now, and even some other small churches have gods, because from the data, almost all small churches with slight influence have the ability to give The power of piety.

"If there is a true eye spirit behind this true eye church, then what is the one on the outskirts of Miria?" Leo was puzzled when he saw the data compiled by the deputy brain.

Because the Eye of Truth Church is also very aware of the concerns and vigilance of the Union Council, they do not have a book within the church that promotes doctrine. All doctrines have only one sentence, and everything exists as truth.

Perhaps it is precisely because their doctrines are so simple that even those who are not the real eye followers know this sentence at the time. Instead, the real eye has become the most widely spread and most known church.

Leo has also seen this sentence in many books. Now, almost everyone in the Lake Union has regarded this sentence as a kind of proverb or saying, which shows the influence of the True Eye church.

In addition to the people at the bottom, the nobles, soldiers, chambers of commerce, guilds of the Lake Union, and even within the wizarding association, there are many believers of the True Eye Church. No wonder Leo just expressed doubts about the True Eye Church. Reyk will be so cautious and concerned. From the above data, the True Eye Church is indeed a behemoth.

However, the rights within the True Eye Church are intertwined, chaotic and complex. Even though its power is very large, it is not a rigorous and powerful organization, and all forces have penetrated into the True Eye Church to act as a high-level, so the Union Parliament The concerns of the True Eye Church are only at the monitoring stage, and they have never thought of eradicating the True Eye Church like the chaos meeting.

Leo is also very clear that the True Eye church is not easy to provoke, but he does not want to confront it positively, but just finds some small mistakes in this church, and this kind of mistakes that the church with chaotic internal management and intertwined forces can find. There are too many.

It took almost no experience, and the para-brain system found some useful information from some intelligence materials.

"Did you find something?" Marek, who was sitting opposite Leo, had already drank a whole bottle of wine, and when Leo returned to normal from his closed eyes, he could not wait to ask.

"Some discoveries." Leo nodded, but again, as if he had concerns, he said nothing.

"Is there really a problem?" Marek's face also became a lot darker. Seeing Leo seemed unwilling to say, he guessed, "Did it involve a lot?"

Leo nodded again and said, "You have collected a lot of information, which is very detailed. I found several suspicious points from it. Most of these suspicious points are only related to some small chambers of commerce and forces in the seventh lake town. Only One place may involve the Ten Towns Merchants Association, the Mechanics Guild, the Airship Transportation General Chamber of Commerce, the foggy area guarding the castle’s upper floors, the Alliance’s high-level military aristocracy and the Wizards’ Association."

"What? There are so many forces involved?" Marek was completely stunned by Leo's words. At first, he thought that this matter was only related to one or two forces on the seventh lake, but he never thought that it would involve so much. This made him wonder whether Leo was exaggerating.

Leo did not explain much, but picked up an archive directly, quickly turned to the middle page, and then pointed to a detailed shipping list above and handed it to Marek.

Marek took a look at it. He remembered that the freight list was collected by the people under his hands. It was not very important. In the past years, almost every freight trade between the airship and the night watchman organization and the fog castle guard castle. The Chamber of Commerce will carefully record a list of shipments, and the intelligence personnel of the Parliament in the Chamber of Commerce will also copy a list and submit it.

In Marek's view, this list is just a piece of information about routine work, so he and other people sitting in the same position generally compile this list of routines into the file, never thinking I have found something suspicious in this list.

Although Leo now points out that there are problems in this list, but after a careful review, Marek still found no abnormalities.

Before Marek asked, Leo directed and said, "Time."

Marek heard the words and immediately followed Leo’s instructions to carefully look at the shipping time on the list. At first, he did not find the problem, but when he looked at the second time, he quickly noticed, Found the doubtful point Leo said.

In all cargo airships, there are always only four airships that are fixed at four to five scales during the rest period, and this scale is also returned when returning. Within the time frame of this scale, the people in the town on the lake have completely rested, even if the city guards are only routinely patrolling the urban area, no one will carefully check whether the cargo transported to the port by airship during this period is what.

These four airships belong to the Chamber of Commerce organization of a ten-town federation of chambers of commerce, but the president and main members of this chamber of commerce are true-eye piety devotees. What's more interesting is that these people's ancestors happened to be in the same chaotic society. traitor. From the intelligence point of view, the gold owner of this chamber of commerce is not only the real eye, but also the chambers, guilds and nobles mentioned by Leo, and the most notable of all the gold masters behind the scenes is the Wizards Association. The eighth chief.

Marek became a bit heavier and said, "They are probably transporting some contraband secretly, and it cannot be said that they are related to chaos."

Leo asked: "Do you think that in these people's status, what contraband products require them to be transported so sneaky?"

Marek didn't answer, as Leo said, not to mention the special status of the eighth chief, even if the other behind-the-scenes gold lords of the Chamber of Commerce wanted to ship some contraband, there was no need to hide it.

Because it involved a chief wizard, Marek had to take it seriously, but shook his head and said, "This evidence is not enough to prove..."

However, before Marek finished, Leo quickly turned a page, pointed to a column in the subsequent list, and said: "Look here to talk."

Marek looked at Leo’s finger and saw that this column was at the end of the list. It was the last time before the month to transport trade materials from the foggy guard castle to Lake Town, and this time specifically mentioned One message is that there are some retired guard soldiers with enough merits to return to the seventh lake with the airship.

There is no problem with this article alone. If you link this piece of information with other intelligence, the problem will be bigger. According to Marek's understanding, this time the guard soldiers sent by the town on the Seventh Lake did not appear to have completed the meritorious service. Naturally, it is impossible for any soldier to retire from the foggy border.

What's even more astounding is that on the day after these meritorious warriors returned, the first murder occurred in the 23rd district, which made Marek's heart imaginable, and the more he thought, the more he felt There is a problem with this matter.

A thick suspicion appeared on Marek's face, and when he repeatedly looked at the suspicious points in the file, Leo's face showed an inexplicable smile.

Just as he forcibly brought together the True Eye Church and chaos in order to understand the Dream Eye Church in this dream world, the so-called doubts of this joint chamber of commerce were all deliberately done by him, taking Marek’s thoughts. The guidance led to a misunderstanding, and the more he doubted, the more he felt that the United Chamber of Commerce and the gold masters behind it really had something to do with chaos. In fact, this was just a simple smuggling case.

The True Eye church is indeed very large, but there is no real core inside, and the power is very dispersed. All forces have spokespersons in it. Because of the rapid expansion, all kinds of people can join them, and everyone Have the opportunity to use the resources of the real church.

The joint chamber of commerce itself may not have any problems. It is just a kind of tie-up cooperative organization created by some behind-the-scenes gold owners for closer ties. It is not even necessarily for business, but just to deliver some fog to the behind-the-scenes gold owners. A novelty that is unique to the district.

And some people in this joint chamber of commerce just happened to use the names of these behind-the-scenes gold owners to smuggle some contraband that is enough for them to make a fortune. Know nothing.

As for the people who were transported for the last time, I am afraid that they are not people with confusion, but real guardians of the fog.

As for why these fighters who have not done enough merits will return to Hushang Town, they should come to pick up some private work, such as visiting guest killers. They were hired to kill a target. Once the target was resolved, they could immediately leave the town on the lake and return to the foggy area to guard the castle.

In this case, with the authority and capabilities of the Hushang Town Guard and the City Guard, I am afraid that it is difficult to find out anything useful.

The reason why Leo can see the doorway so quickly is because in the Earth Federation, there are so many things, it is no longer a secret, and some people with a little brain can easily see that it is greasy.

As an outstanding warrior, if Marek can rely on the huge data of the age of the universe as Leo, he should also be able to see that the matter of the United Chamber of Commerce is not necessarily related to chaos, but his own knowledge limits his Thoughts, coupled with Leo’s guidance, made his thinking fall into misunderstanding, and the deeper and deeper, the more he looked at the information in the file, the more real eyes and chaos would be related, and his face became more and more gloomy .

"Slap!" Marek closed the file hard, took a deep breath, and then warned Zhao Leo very seriously: "Your Excellency Dodd, please forget all about this matter. I don't want to hear it out there. Any rumors related to this."

Leo smiled: "Please be assured that I don't want to cause trouble, especially at this time."

Marek nodded and then silenced, asking: "Your Excellency Dodd, are you interested in serving as a consultant in my department?"

"Consultant? Is it the same as Peter?" Leo asked.

"No, it's different." Marek stressed: "It's my department."

Leo understands that the department that Marek said is not the 23rd District Security Bureau, but the secret agent that the Union Parliament has set up to monitor all regions.

Leo thought for a while, and Shen Sheng asked, "What do I need to do to become a consultant?"

Marek said: "There is no need to do anything, just help me analyze the data in my hands."

Leo said that he looked at Marek thoughtfully and smiled, "It seems that heroes are not omnipotent."

Obviously, Marek, who is good at fighting head-to-head with enemies, is not good at civilian work, not to mention that this civilian work requires frequent dealings with some thoughtful guys, so that even if he has held a position for several years, he still has not been able to get started.

Leo's demonstrated ability can just help him a lot, so he suddenly asked Leo for his intentions.

Marek's complexion was immediately embarrassed. UU reading wanted to refute, but he lacked confidence. He coughed twice and asked in shame: "If you talk less nonsense, just tell Can't I agree?"

Leo also knew that it was enough, otherwise the other party would definitely be annoyed, so he turned the topic back to a practical question and asked, "What benefits can I get?"

"Get my friendship." Marekley said sternly.

"Sir Marek, are you kidding?" Leo looked at Marek indifferently and said, "But this joke is not funny at all."

Marek smiled: "Of course, in addition to my friendship, you can also get a lot of rewards, and these rewards can also buy things that are not available to the outside world, such as medicines, weapons, etc."

Leo Rao looked at Marek with interest and said, "Do you know what I am doing here?"

"I didn't know before that so many outsiders appeared at the same time, so I had to investigate, but I never found out why." Marek shook his head and said: "It wasn't until you mentioned the abandoned capital just now. Understand your purpose."