The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1687: take the lead

Latest URL: Although the power that Leo and Sylvia possess now is vastly different from when they left the world of Velen, even gods may not be able to erase a piece of their memory silently. can do it.

Not to mention Sylvia, the stone throne on Leo's body alone is enough to help him resist attacks at the spiritual and soul levels. This attack strength can even be that of gods or omega-level advanced life forms. This has been faced in the past. The sea **** of that water world has already been confirmed.

So Leo felt that the relevant memory must exist, but he and Sylvia sealed it up in some way, which formed the illusion of memory loss.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't wait to sort out his memory bank to see if it was as he had guessed.

However, at this time, Vera Thothmuller coughed lightly twice, making him realize that now does not seem to be a good time to do these things.

Sylvia also realized this, and signaled: "After dealing with the matter here, go back and study it!"

Leo nodded after hearing this, then turned his head to look at Vera and Elf Teresa, whose expressions on their faces had become completely different from the original, and said, "You also heard from the White Deer just now that the abyss here is huge. The devil is not a big deal, even if we don't deal with her, there won't be any problem, what are your thoughts now?"

"We still think it's better to get rid of her." Before Vera could speak, the elf Teresa rushed to say: "She may not be a big deal in the eyes of the gods, but to mortals, she is a disaster. Once she escapes , then the entire Huajing City and even the entire polar mountains may be destroyed, and mortals should not judge a matter with the eyes of gods."

The elf Teresa expressed her attitude so anxiously, obviously because she was used as a substitute by Tokatni. Once Tokatni escapes, she will definitely lose her self-awareness completely, which is no different from death, so if you don’t Get rid of the abyss monster under Huajing City, she should be the most dangerous one among the four in the room.

Although the elf Teresa expressed her attitude because of her own safety, Vera Thothmuller on the side also had the same idea. She also believed that she could not act according to the ideas of the gods, even if the gods were the ones she feared very much. avatar.

Seeing the two express their attitudes, Sylvia and Leo glanced at each other, but did not express their views on the attitudes of the two, but as if changing the subject, Leo asked: "Ms. Vera , I have a question I want to ask?"

"Please speak." At this moment, Vera did not dare to regard Leo as a well-known scholar at all, and her tone became more respectful. After all, who in the world can talk freely when facing a god, just like It was the same as talking to a friend, which obviously put herself on the same level as a god, so in her view, the ordinary appearance of the scholar in front of her was just a disguise.

Leo asked directly: "Are those totem poles all over the city made by your shaman inheritance? Are they specially used to suppress the underground abyssal demon, or do they have other functions?"

Vera was stunned, obviously Leo's question surprised her a little, but she still thought about it seriously and replied: "These totem poles were specially made by the great shaman back then to suppress the abyssal demon. But it should be the method created by the great shaman back then, and this method is somewhat inconsistent with most of the shaman spells in my lineage of shaman inheritance."

"Are all these totem poles made by the great shaman himself?" Leo asked again.

"I don't know about that." Vera said with doubts on her face, "The great shaman died before he could hand over these totem poles and the method of suppressing the abyss demon to his disciples. The one who found the collected totem pole and the method, and then used this method to suppress the Abyss Demon, completed the unfinished great work of the great shaman." Then, she looked at Leo in puzzlement, and asked: "Why did you ask about the totem pole? Is there something wrong with the totem pole?"

Leo didn't answer, but turned his head to look at Sylvia, signaling to leave the matter to her, and Sylvia didn't talk nonsense, and directly told them what they found after studying these totem poles before. He looked at the two people in front of him, and also explained the sacrificial method of the abyss, the sacrificial pillars, and some situations of the upper group of the abyss, Tokatni.

After hearing Sylvia's words, Vera and the elf Teresa froze in place, and hadn't recovered for a long time. After all, what Sylvia said had really impacted them too much. It completely overturned all their previous cognition.

Before, they always believed that the function of those totem poles was to suppress the underground abyssal demons. For this reason, the great shamans of the free shaman society in the past would follow the method passed down every time when the totem poles showed signs of loosening. The totem pole even used some primitive blood sacrifice methods to strengthen the effect of the totem pole, and the result of doing so was indeed very effective. For so many years, Huajing City has always been the most stable city-state in the polar mountains.

But now someone told them that the function of those totem poles was actually for a grand sacrifice, and everything within the range of the totem poles was a sacrifice, including the abyss monster who was suppressed underground. It is the will of the abyss that has never been heard before. In the end, not only will the entire Huajing City be destroyed, but a stable abyss fissure will also be established, allowing all kinds of terrible monsters in the abyss to crawl into this world from the fissure, polluting the world. this world.

If it was in the past, Vera and the elf Teresa would have thought that this person was either a lunatic or an alarmist conspirator when they heard such words, and they would completely ignore what such people said, but the situation is different now By the way, the people who said these words were Sylvia and Leo, two mysterious beings with extraordinary abilities and identities. May be true.

After thinking about it seriously, the elf Teresa couldn't help wondering: "Isn't that right? Didn't the incarnation of the great existence just now say that even if we don't care about the abyssal monster underground? He also said that this world is more powerful than ours. What do you want to be more solid? Now the two of you are telling me that the Abyssal Demon will hold a huge sacrifice and destroy the entire world. Isn’t this contrary to what that great being said.”

"It's not against it." Leo shook his head and said, "You also said just now that you can't replace the thoughts of mortals with the thoughts of gods, so I think that even if the sacrifice is finally successful, and opened up a path leading to the abyss The rift, the gods in this world or the will of the world can also solve this disaster, but the people involved in this disaster may not be able to survive.” Then, he looked at Sylvia and said: "What do you think? Do you want to intervene in this matter?"

Sylvia didn't give an answer right away, but had a pensive look on her face, as if she was calculating the gains and losses of this matter, the success rate and other issues. The atmosphere in the room immediately became a little frozen. Vera and the elf Teresa also looked at Sylvia nervously.

Although Leo was asking about Sylvia's thoughts, in fact they had already made a decision at the very beginning. After all, Sylvia had been eyeing the weak abyss monster under Huajing City from the very beginning. This is a good opportunity for her to improve the blood of the abyss and balance the strength in her body.

It's just that they need to maximize their interests, and they also need to master the command of things, so they need to put on a posture, let Vera and the elf Teresa take the initiative to give in, and take out the command. From the current point of view, the effect is indeed That's right, at least they have controlled the rhythm of this matter. Next, under the influence of the atmosphere, Vera should take the initiative to express her attitude.

Sure enough, when the surrounding atmosphere gradually changed from a little abnormal to tense, Vera, who was used to controlling the dominant power, began to relax a little. After hesitating for a while, she took the initiative to say: "If the two of you can help us solve this big problem Trouble, I am willing to pay enough price," she said, she paused again, and continued: "If you two have the right way to deal with the abyssal monster, I and my people are willing to obey your orders."

Although Sylvia heard Vera's cautiousness in her words, she didn't care much, because once the control of the matter fell into her hands, it was almost impossible for Vera to take it away, after all When it comes to things like political means, Vera is still a lot worse.

"In this case, we agree to participate in this matter." Sylvia nodded in agreement, and then said unceremoniously: "Before we really deal with the underground abyssal monster, we need to understand the specific situation of the totem pole, Wei Wei. Ms. La, you will bring all the information about the totem pole later, especially the so-called method of suppressing the abyss demon left by the great shaman. We need to study what is going on? The other thing It’s best not to let other people know about it, because the one underground has obviously corrupted many people through her power over the years, and has also established a secret sect. This is what we know, those abysses who don’t know There may be more believers, so we'd better keep it a secret, and the four of us can handle this matter."


"Four people? Is it enough?" Teresa the Elf asked suspiciously, but she couldn't help but glanced at Leo when she spoke, although she also knew that Leo was not an ordinary person, and he must have something magical , but compared to Sylvia, who already has a certain reputation and has demonstrated her strength, Leo's current state is obviously not very convincing.

For this, Leo did not explain, nor did he intend to show his strength to the two, but just looked at the two in front of him, waiting for the two to respond.

On the contrary, Vera did not show too much doubt. Now that she has made a decision, she will not change it for the time being, and will cooperate with Sylvia and Leo as decided, so she directly responded: "Okay Yes, I will send you all the relevant information later, will it be sent to the Belmont family's liaison office?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded, and then said that if there are no other questions, the matter will be decided in this way. During the period when she and Leo were studying whether there were problems with the totem pole and the method of suppressing the Abyss Demon, Vera and Teresa the Elf is still living her daily life, don't deliberately deal with things related to the Abyssal Demon, everything is waiting for her to have a result.

Neither Vera nor the elf Teresa had any objection to Sylvia's decision, and the four of them left the room, and Vera personally sent Sylvia to the gate of the Nature Shaman Society. After noticing their situation, they talked about some business cooperation matters, giving people the illusion that the shaman would naturally want to conduct some business cooperation with the Belmont family.

After Leo and Sylvia left the Nature Shaman Club, they returned directly to the Belmont family's liaison office. After Sylvia explained a few words to the staff in charge of the reception in the hall, she and Leo returned to the Belmont family In the detached villa arranged for them.

However, she didn't stay in the villa for a long time, so she made up as a local who can be seen everywhere in Huajing City, told her to investigate how many abyss believers were hidden in Huajing City, and then left the villa.

After only Leo was left in the villa, he sat casually on the sofa in the living room of the villa, lit the stove next to him, and then half-lyed on the sofa with his eyes closed, his spirit had already entered his In the memory database, start looking for possible forbidden memories.

Finding the memory database is very simple for Leo. He often files and organizes the memory fragments in a systematic way. Among them, the important memory fragments will be given special identification This can help him in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the organized memory fragments are not the focus of his search this time, but those memory fragments that are not important to him are the main objects of his search this time.

For these unimportant memories, he will randomly discard them into a separate memory bank, which he jokingly calls a trash can. If he really has a deliberately banned memory, then that memory will definitely be destroyed. Inside this memory trash can.

Searching for a forbidden memory in the memory trash can is definitely not a pleasant thing for Leo. A large number of complicated and chaotic memory fragments constantly affect his spirit and impact his normal cognition. He just needs to relax a little One point, he might fall into mental confusion, so he had to stop searching for the forbidden memory temporarily, but took the initiative to organize and archive these memory fragments that he had previously regarded as useless like the memory fragments in other memory banks , to create a label.

As more and more memory fragments were sorted out by him, his mood also changed from being boring at the beginning to becoming more active, because he found that in his memory bank, which he jokingly called the trash can, there were actually There are many memories that he thought he had forgotten in the past, and at the same time, he also discovered that there is a hidden problem in his memory.