The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1692: The plan of the abyss

Latest website: "How is the situation over there now? Naturally, what decision will the shaman make?" Leo asked the Belmont family member who reported the news after he could not sense the existence of Sylvia.

"Now the Natural Shaman Society has organized all people to go to the refugee temporary settlement to search for the whereabouts of the Great Shaman Vera." The person who reported the letter said truthfully: "We just discussed the result here, and only two people are left to guard , other family members will lead the people who can be summoned in the city to the refugee temporary settlement."

After hearing this, Leo did not express his attitude immediately, but thought about it calmly.

Although Sylvia is likely to be trapped at this moment, or not in this world, he is not worried about Sylvia's safety, because he knows how strong Sylvia is. It wasn't a **** or an equivalent omega-level high-level life form who would end up in person, no matter how dangerous the enemy she faced, she would be able to deal with it calmly.

As for Vera Töttmuller, as long as she stayed by Sylvia's side, she shouldn't be in any danger.

However, this is only Leo who has sufficient confidence in Sylvia's strength, because he knows Sylvia very well, but it is another matter in the eyes of others. People who have been to Sylvia's ability, but still showed panic after Sylvia disappeared, and planned to call all the people to search for her whereabouts. Presumably, other people would not think that Sylvia had the ability to protect the same The missing Vera Töttermüller is gone.

Compared with Sylvia's current importance to the Belmont family, Vera Thothmuller's importance to the Nature Shaman Society is obviously greater. It is no exaggeration to say that Vera is equivalent to the Nature Shaman Society. Manhui, any abnormal situation that happened to her will have a huge impact on the entire natural shaman society. Now that Vera has disappeared suddenly, the impact on the natural shaman society can be said to be related to survival, and they will naturally feel summoned. First Time to organize the search for manpower, even at the expense of using all the manpower that can be directly or indirectly recruited in Huajing City.

Thinking of this, Leo suddenly realized something, spread out the spiritual network, scanned the situation in Huajing City, and showed a smile on his face following the scan data fed back.

"Just do it according to your own decision! The remaining two will also be sent out together. I will stay here and look after your home." After Leo took back the spiritual net, he turned towards the members of the Belmont family who were waiting for their response. commanded.

Hearing Leo's response, the man froze for a moment. Although he felt strange, he didn't ask the reason, but left after answering.

About half an hour later, the people of the Belmont family led some of the people they gathered to leave the liaison office, went outside the city, and went to the refugee temporary settlement together with the second batch of search personnel organized by the natural shaman society.

In addition, the lord of Huajing City and the Management Council issued a high reward for finding the missing Great Shaman Vera. People, adventurers, and other capable people also became eager to move. They packed their bags and left Huajing City. They followed the two leading teams and went to the refugee temporary settlement to try their luck together.

At this moment, the defense force in Huajing City has become extremely empty. This emptiness does not refer to the conventional forces in Huajing City. In fact, as the conflicts between the surrounding city-states and tribes become more intense, Huajing City also feels that the situation is very critical, so As early as a few days ago, the recruitment of the militia corps had started, and with the support of sufficient funds, the militia corps formed so far has twice the role of the standing city guards, and is equipped with sophisticated weapons, which is enough to deal with It's a medium-sized war.

Now the truly empty defense force in Huajing City is the supernatural power. In the past, the most important and core supernatural power in Huajing City was the natural shaman society, followed by those secret forces that were attracted by the comfortable environment of Huajing City and set up branches and strongholds. , such as the Belmont family and so on.

But now, in order to find the missing Vera Thothmuller, the Nature Shaman Society has almost exhausted its manpower in the Flower Mirror City, and recruited a group of secret forces who have a good relationship with the Nature Shaman Society to work in the Flower Mirror City. The manpower, and the bounty offered by the city lord and the management committee attracted another group of people, and the Belmont family also transferred people from Huajing City and recruited a group of people in order to find Sylvia, and finally made the present situation in Huajing City All the supernatural beings and people with supernatural powers went to the refugee temporary settlement.

Obviously, the management of Huajing City did not consider the problem of the emptiness of extraordinary power. In their eyes, enough troops can ensure the safety of the city, so that they ignore that if extraordinary people want to make trouble, the army may not be able to contain it. role.

Badipa came to Huajing City four days ago, because he entered the city as a grain merchant, not a refugee, so he was not hindered in any way, but received a lot of courtesy, even on the night after he checked in. An official in charge of food reserves in the city brought his subordinates to meet him in person, making him almost think that his identity had been exposed. It can be seen that now in Huajing City or the entire conflict area, food has become a hard currency with extremely high value.


After taking out some of the food he brought over and selling it to Huajing City at double the price, Badiba was successfully upgraded from an ordinary outsider to a partner of Huajing City Management Association, which allowed him to own some even in Huajing City. Privileges that the locals do not have.

Compared with Budiba, other colleagues who were dispatched by the organization were not as lucky as him. Except for a few of them who had the official status of a certain city-state, the others entered as tourists, mercenaries, etc. People in Huajing City have been strictly checked, and some people know that they are still locked in the hotel rented by the management committee, waiting for the identity verification to be completed.

Fortunately, the process was a bit unexpected, but it did not completely deviate from their expected plan. It is just because of the identity verification that the plan execution time needs to be set back by one day. As long as Vera Thothmuller does not appear on this day, then Their plan can be executed perfectly, and those stupid guys in Huajing City haven't noticed anything wrong.

In order to test whether Huajing City is aware of the anomalies in the city now, after the last batch of searchers left in the afternoon, he went to the Huajing City Management Committee to inquire about the news on the pretext of processing the last batch of food, and the result was as he hoped. As you can see, the management of Huajing City did not notice any abnormalities in the city. They were more concerned about the conflicts between the surrounding city-states and tribes.

"Master Budiba, someone here has left a message for you." When Budiba returned to the hotel where he was staying after processing the last batch of food on hand from the management committee of Huajing City, the owner of the hotel stopped him and handed him a Unopened envelope.

After Budiba took the envelope, he didn't open it, and didn't check the contents inside. He just looked at the ciphertext in the upper right corner of the envelope at a certain place in **** city, put the envelope in his pocket, turned around Left the hotel again.

In order to prevent leaked information, the information transmission between their organizations is all using ciphertext created by themselves. Even if they leave messages, most of them will only leave some useless words. The really useful content is in those short ciphertexts .

After leaving the hotel, Budiba cautiously did not immediately go to the place indicated in the ciphertext, but went to a very famous clothing store in Huajing City, bought two pieces of clothing, and went to other nearby shops to buy some Local specialty products, it looks like you are buying gifts for your family.

It wasn't until he turned around and made sure that no one was following him that he went to Hongye Park mentioned in the cipher text.

Huajing City has more than a dozen parks of various kinds. Hongye Park is a newly built park last year. It is located on the edge of the city. Because it is planted with some common red-leaf trees, it is inconspicuous among all the parks.

During the refugee conflict a few days ago, because Hongye Park was located on the edge, just in the middle of the refugee conflict, a large number of trees originally planted here were cut down by both sides to make weapons or fortifications. Now the park is a mess, more like It is a wasteland, not a park, so except for a few people who live nearby who will run to pick up some firewood and take it home to make a fire, almost no other people will come here to play.

When Budiba came outside Hongye Park, he raised his hand and drew a symbol in the air, and then he felt a resonant response from a certain direction, so he walked towards that direction.

Soon Badipa came to an open space. At this time, there were already four people standing in the open space. These four people were wearing different costumes. One of them was dressed as a warrior, and his overall demeanor made people think that he should be a mercenary.

"Why are you here so late?" When Budiba appeared in the open space, someone immediately said dissatisfied.

Budiba explained: "I was worried about being followed, so I took a detour, pretending to buy someone a gift, and came here after confirming that there was no danger."

Hearing Budiba's explanation, the four people waiting here couldn't help but rolled their eyes. They had all heard of Budiba's cautious reputation, but what they didn't expect was that the reality was worse than the rumors. No less.

The mercenary gave Badiba a cold look, and said, "Don't be so careful, the city is completely empty now, and then wait for a long time to start immediately tomorrow, regardless of whether people are here or not, things have already dragged on." It's been too long, our forces have arranged for such a long time and paid so much. Now for the smooth implementation of the plan, we have exposed the people hidden in these city-states and tribes. It is time to harvest, otherwise continue If it drags on, someone will be unhappy."

A person dressed as an official objected: "No, if you do it before everyone is here, it is impossible to maximize the benefits, we..."

Before this person finished speaking, the tribal priest-like person interrupted: "I also agree that we will do it tomorrow regardless of whether everyone is present or not. It's enough." He paused for a moment, and said with some seriousness: "To tell you the truth, I feel something is wrong in the past two days. It seems to be going too smoothly. If it continues to drag on, some accidents may really happen. .”

Compared with what the mercenary said just now, the person dressed as a tribal priest obviously spoke with authority, and the others did not discuss this issue any further, but approved the proposal, and followed them to confirm their respective divisions again. Good area coverage, and whether the preparatory work has been completed.

After confirming that they were correct, they prepared to separate and waited for the ceremony to start tomorrow, but when they turned around to leave, Budiba suddenly stopped the others, and said with a little worry: "Although it may be redundant to ask now, But I still want to ask, is there really an abyssal supreme being hidden underground in Huajing City?"

Hearing Budiba's question, everyone showed a look of helplessness at the same time. They knew very well that the reason why Budiba asked this question at this time was entirely due to his cautious character.

According to their own ideas, they don't intend to explain at all, but the problem is that the part that Budiba is responsible for is one of the key parts that can be completed in the plan. If there is something wrong with Budiba, not only the purpose of the plan may not be able to be achieved. Realized, those who participated in the plan may also encounter unforeseen dangers, so they can only explain patiently at this moment.

"You don't have to worry about this issue. Not only a few years ago, the Great Teacher has already passed the abyss ceremony and obtained the revelation. It is clear that there is a supreme existence from the abyss hidden under Huajing City," the tribal priest said very seriously: "Just before I set the Great Instructor held another ceremony, and got the same result. If you are really worried, I can guarantee here that in case something happens underground in Huajing City If there is none, then our Holy Church is willing to double compensate all the resources consumed by your organization to participate in the plan," he said, and he looked at other people, saying: "Your organization also applies to this commitment."

"Really?" The others confirmed with smiles on their faces.

The tribal priest looked extremely confident, and said: "You should be very clear about my character, and the promise I made will definitely be fulfilled, and you should also be very clear about the financial resources of our congregation, and it is impossible to renege on it."

After hearing what this person said, the others felt relieved, and Badiba had no doubts, and walked out of Hongye Park one after another.

It's just that they were all immersed in the huge benefits after the completion of the plan, and they didn't realize at all that when the tribal priest made such a big promise, he had no intention of fulfilling the promise in his mind, not even the promised benefits after the plan was successful. Realize that their organization, the Holy Council, will swallow everything from the very beginning, and even intends to take this opportunity to complete the unification of the scattered abyss forces in the polar mountains.