The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1693: you count me

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When the abyss organizations that secretly sneaked into Huajing City were secretly planning their abyss rituals, Leo had been hiding in the dark to see their every move, but he did not come forward to stop them immediately, but observed them secretly. , and wait for the plans of these abyss organizations to surface before taking action.

In fact, just before someone from the Belmont family came to tell him that Sylvia and Vera Thothmuller were missing, and now that Flower Mirror City, the Nature Shaman Society, and the Belmont family are all organizing a search, he It was already faintly felt that something was wrong.

Especially when he heard that the Natural Shaman Society, the Belmont Family and the Huajing City Management Association have organized a large number of people with extraordinary power to go to the refugee temporary settlement to search for the missing two people, he immediately felt that something was wrong, and he communicated with the surrounding people. Ongoing conflicts and wars are linked together to generate some amazing ideas.

Leo thought that perhaps the frictions and wars between the city-states and tribes in the surrounding area of ​​​​Huajing City were actually caused by someone secretly making troubles, deliberately creating disputes, and even expanding those small frictions to turn them into wars.

However, the disappearance of Sylvia and Vera was not accidental. It must have been calculated by someone. These two seemingly unrelated things are actually the pre-planning of one thing, and the person who made such a plan The target is actually Huajingcheng.

Think about it, the city-states and tribes around Huajing City are now involved in conflicts and wars. The high-level officials of these city-states and tribes will naturally pay attention to the war that is taking place now, and there is no extra energy to pay attention to Huajing. What happened in the city, even if an astonishing disaster occurred in Huajing City, I am afraid that they would have to wait until their conflict was over before it was possible to send someone to assist.

As for the people with extraordinary power in these city-states and tribes, without exception, they must solve the current war before they can have the time and energy to deal with the affairs of Huajing City. By then, it may have been ten days and a half months.

In the same way, the disappearance of Sylvia and Vera is also to make all the extraordinary powers in Huajing City go to the place of disappearance, so that the extraordinary power in Huajing City is empty and it is convenient for them to do it.

After making such a guess, Leo immediately checked the situation in Huajing City through the mental network.

Although because of the invisible interference in the sacrificial field, the mental network cannot scan too subtle situations, but it is still very easy to distinguish those people who are ordinary people, who have extraordinary abilities, or those who are related to the abyss organization. one thing.

As a result, as he thought, there were indeed many outsiders in Huajing City with a hint of abyss.

Although the anomaly was discovered and the object that caused the anomaly was also discovered, Leo did not tell the Belmont family about this at that time, but let the Belmont family do it according to their own ideas. The conspirator emptied the city of supernatural power.

As a result, as she expected, after the supernatural powers in the city left, those outsiders who had been lurking in the city immediately moved, and he did not stare at all of them, just stared at one of them with the most powerful The outsider with strong abyss force keeps his every move under surveillance.

The person to be monitored by Leo is named Badiba. On the surface, his identity is a big grain merchant, but his actual identity is the secret fire instructor of an underground force called the Secret Fire Society. This Secret Fire Society is also The abyss believer organization, they believe in a mysterious existence called the source of the secret fire, and what is interesting is that according to Leo's understanding, the identity of the source of the secret fire in the abyss seems to be the abyss dragon.

Although this Badiba looks a little honest and honest on the outside, he is actually very good at disguising. He perfectly hides his powerful strength and cunning under the honest appearance, even the high-level officials of other abyss organizations I didn't see anything unusual about him.

Just when these high-level executives of the abyss organization met in Hongye Park just now, Badiba was a perfect observer, and the object of his observation was the high-level abyss organization called the Holy Society, and he probed out the Holy Society. Attitudes and plans for the abyss superiors underground in Huajing City.

After listening to their brief conversation by stealth, Leo also had a general understanding of what the abyss forces in the polar mountains planned this time.

From various indications, it is clear that this abyss organization called the Holy Society is leading

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This action against Huajing City, and their purpose was to go to the abyss superior who was underground in Huajing City at the beginning, and it seemed that they wanted to rescue the abyss superior.

Although it is not clear how much this holy organization knows about the sacrificial field in Huajing City, since they have planned for so long and used various methods to bring down various abyss forces hidden in the polar mountains, there should be a certain amount of them. Be sure, at least judging from the tone and expression of the senior leader of the Holy Society who first held this matter, he was so confident.

It's just that this Holy Society organization should not have thought that among the abyss forces they invited, some people came with other purposes from the beginning, and maybe even planned to destroy the plan of the Holy Society from the beginning, and even if there are only a few such people Not much, but it is enough to cause destructive interference to this plan led by the Holy Society. For example, the secret fire society where Badiba, who is the core force of the plan, is to greatly sabotage the Holy Society plan.

Interestingly, from the mouths of other abyss officials who participated in this meeting, Leo knew that this Secret Fire Society seemed to have a good relationship with the Holy Society. It could be said to be an ally, and they were still discussing the local Secret Fire Society and Holy Society They will join forces in the abyss ceremony tomorrow to attack other abyss forces participating in this plan.

The reason why Leo went to the Secret Fire Society to deliberately disrupt the plan of the Holy Society was because just when a few people were talking, the top of the Holy Society expressed their willingness to give other abyss forces a thorough understanding of the gains in this plan. A malicious sneer flashed across Diba's face, and he looked at the high-ranking saint as if he was looking at a dead man.

The expression on Badiba's face almost flashed by, and he lowered his head slightly, and the people around didn't pay attention to him, so no one saw the subtle change in expression in this scene, but Leo, who was hiding next to him, didn't notice him. But he was always monitoring Badiba, and any slight emotional changes in him were captured immediately, so Leo was so sure that Badiba's secret plan to participate in this holy organization as a senior member of the Secret Fire Society was completely. For the sake of destruction.

However, Badiba's whereabouts after leaving Hongye Park also just confirmed Leo's guess.

Badiba did not cover up like he went to Hongye Park, for fear that someone would follow him, he went directly to see the men of his Secret Fire Society in the city. Each of these Secret Fire Society members had different strengths of the abyss. , and some mutations have occurred in the body, but these mutation parts are not obvious and most of them are in private places, which makes them look no different from normal people.

These people from the Secret Fire Society did not sneak into Huajing City recently, but have been ambushed in the city more than ten years ago, and they all have a certain position in Huajing City, mastering some official power.

From the conversations between Badiba and the people of the Secret Fire Society, Leo learned two things. One is that the Secret Fire Society had an abyss superior in the underground of Huajing City a long time ago, and they all knew this. The abyss superior is the abyss superior race of the Fallen Tongue. What's more, they know that the abyss superior has been seriously injured, so they will be killed by the great shaman of the previous natural shaman and a certain tribe. The high priest joined forces to suppress it in the Flower Mirror City.

Although the reason why Tokatni was underground in Huajing City was wrong, it was not because he was suppressed, but he voluntarily hid in the underground of Huajing City to prepare for sacrifice in the abyss, but the Secret Fire Club had other information about the Tocatini's situation. It is very correct. Obviously, the source of this information is probably not simple. Leo has reason to suspect that the source of the secret fire that this secret fire club believes in may be the adult abyss dragon who injured this Tokatni in that world of destruction.

It is precisely because the Secret Fire Club knows the situation of Huajingcheng very well, and they are concerned about the natural shaman Willa Thothmuller, so they have been lurking, and later they thought of using the current situation in the polar group. The most powerful Holy Society organization in the mountain came to be the first bird, and their Secret Fire Society would hide in the dark to harvest the final result.

Therefore, they half-truthed the situation of Huajing City to the people of the Holy Society, which is why the Holy Society organized this plan against the abyss with great fanfare.

The second thing Leo understood was that the real plan of the Secret Fire Society was different from the plan of the Holy Society. They did not plan to rescue the abyss superior who was underground in Huajing City. They wanted to use the suppression of Huajing City itself. Strength, combined with the abyss forces such as the Holy Society

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Power, kill the abyss high-ranking person underground, and then sacrifice it to the source of the secret fire that he believes in.

After learning about the true intentions of the Secret Fire Society, Leo felt that the Secret Fire Society was purely seeking death, not to mention whether they could really kill an abyss superior, even if they could, in the absence of With the aid of any powerful means of banning, killing an abyss superior will cause the abyss power condensed in his body to burst out at one time. At that time, there is no need for any abyss sacrifice, and the entire northern polar region will probably be given to the abyss power that erupted. Polluted into an abyss purgatory.

And the more important point is that this daring plan of the Secret Fire Society is completely based on an incomplete intelligence data, and there is absolutely no possibility of success from the beginning, let alone killing the underground abyss superiors, maybe It will also lead to the abyss sacrifice of the abyss superior, because the person of this secret fire must have the power aura of the abyss dragon, and this breath may cause some misunderstandings, so that the abyss superior thinks that the abyss demon dragon It has been pursued, and in the end, the abyss sacrifice method is used to perish.

Although there is only a small probability that a misunderstanding leads to the same death, it does not mean that there is no such possibility.

Leo has already grasped the position of everyone in Huajing City who has the abyss breath. The reason why he didn't solve these people is because he wants to know what the purpose of these abyss believers secretly planning Huajing City is. .

And now he already knows what he wants to know, and clearly understands that these abyss believers have no other follow-up actions, so he plans to solve them at night without giving them a chance to implement any plans.

However, just after Leo made his decision, while waiting for the night to come, the missing Sylvia, Vera Thothmuller and the elf Teresa secretly returned to the Flower Mirror City and appeared in front of him .

"Aren't you missing?" Leo asked in surprise as he watched the three people who walked into the room from the door put down the hoods that covered their faces.

"It makes people think that we are missing." Sylvia, who had no abnormality on her body, said with a smile.

Leo frowned, looked Sylvia up and down, and wondered, "You are right in front of me, why do I sense a connection with you?"

"I think it should be the effect of this thing." Sylvia heard the words and took a delicate brooch away from her body. At this time, Leo also felt the connection between the two reappear.

Out of curiosity, Leo took a look at the brooch. He found that the brooch had no mysterious runes or other extraordinary substances. It was just an ordinary metal brooch, but such a brooch could perfectly shield the brooch. Losing the soul-penetrating connection between him and Sylvia surprised him, but also gave rise to doubts.

Perhaps the expression on Leo's face was too obvious, and Vera Thothmuller and the elf Teresa could easily see through his thoughts, so the brooch provider, the elf Teresa, explained the brooch. origin.

It turns out that this kind of brooch is made of a metal substance extracted from a meteorite by craftsmen in an alien holy land. The brooch itself is not designed with any runes or secret words that will inspire extraordinary power. UU reading really makes the brooch The reason for the effect of disconnecting the soul is this special meteorite metal.

The elf Teresa used this thing to avoid the search of the upper races in the abyss earlier in the world of destruction, but now this thing is useless to her, so she lent it to Sylvia to use it, the purpose is to avoid it. Peeps of Tocatini under the Flowering Mirror City.

"What happened? Can you tell me in detail?" Leo put the brooch back on Sylvia and asked the three of them.

"Before you were analyzing those sacrifice pillars, I didn't bother you, lest you fall short, I should tell you now." Hearing Leo's question, Sylvia did not hide it, and carefully told what happened recently. Listen to Leo.

Leo listened carefully, and didn't say a word during the whole process. He only frowned slightly after Sylvia said the decision she and Vera negotiated, looked at the two of them, and asked : "Aren't you afraid of accidents? You must know that once an accident occurs, the entire Huajing City, and even the entire polar group, may be over."

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