The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1716: last trip

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The mysterious world under steampunk Chapter 1716 The final itinerary

"God hunter?" Sylvia sat on the boat, supporting her head with her hands, staring blankly at the scenery on the river bank outside the window, muttering a word in her mouth.

"It's been three days, are you still thinking about the white deer?" Leo, who was sitting on the side, picked up the fruit wine on the table, poured a glass for Sylvia, and made a few ice cubes with witchcraft into the wine glass.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Leo felt that since he had that frank meeting with Bailu, he felt that his proficiency in using various powers in his body was rapidly improving, not to mention the core power of psionic energy. , He can even use magic and other powers at will, and most of the powers do not even need any additional gestures, spells, or even rituals.

Only the power of the Stone Throne is still in a state of groping. The slight improvement is that the power of the Stone Throne is called faster and easier.

Sylvia took the wine glass that Leo handed over and took a sip. She didn't know if the fruit wine tasted good or if the ice cubes had the effect. She recovered from that dazed state and said to Leo. : "Do you think the original bloodline of the Belmont family is really so strong? It is possible to hunt gods, and to have such a name, there must be more than one **** to be hunted, and the bloodline of the gods on the spot is really beyond mine. Cognitive range."

Leo smiled and said: "Actually, this is not difficult to understand, just like you and I have experienced over the years, it seems that there are more than one gods killed or injured by us, and we can also be called hunting. A god, isn't it?" After speaking, he also took a sip of wine and continued: "Actually, you only have a wrong concept because of the white deer, thinking that the worst of the so-called gods is a demigod like the white deer, but In fact, many times gods, especially primitive gods, are just some lucky monsters who know how to use the power of faith."

"I don't think the hunting gods that White Deer refers to are hunting monsters. The gods mentioned by existences like her are the real gods." Sylvia rolled Leo's eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Leo's hunting of his original blood. The gods were interpreted as monster hunters, which directly lowered several levels.

Facing Sylvia's dissatisfaction, Leo just smiled and didn't continue talking, but as if changing the subject, he said, "You really don't need to go to the Kingdom of Teresa? Get out of this world. , we probably won't be coming back."

"It's not necessary, we're not very familiar with each other anyway." Sylvia shook her head, and then asked Leo: "What about you? Don't you want to see Penny and the others? They can be said to be your students. It doesn't seem to make sense not to meet them when you leave."

"It's not necessary, we have already promised Bai Lu, it's not good to break the contract in the middle." Leo also gave the same answer, saying: "Also, Bai Lu has arranged for them, and it may affect me if I go to see them now. To the string of their destiny, let their future destiny undergo an unknown deflection, don't forget, Bailu said that our special state will have an irregular impact on the people around us all the time, this impact may be good , but it's more likely to be bad, I don't want to see the students and make the whole world go to ruin"

In Leo's eyes, Penny is just a natural psionicist, and his psionic talent makes him extremely envious, while Joan is an unlucky subject, although the hidden danger of implants has been eliminated, But the various abnormalities brought about by the implants may affect his life. He never thought that there was anything special about these two people, nor did he think that these two people would have any impact on the world.

But Bai Lu changed his mind, because when Bai Lu left, he specifically mentioned that he hoped Leo and Sylvia would stop seeing Penny and Joan before leaving this world, and Lei Ou asked the reason, but she did not give a specific explanation, just told Leo that his two students would have a very important influence on the world, and if he went to see them, he would not be affected by the law of the world tree. It will cause the fate of the two to shift, just like the gravitational pull between the planet and the satellite, and this shift is more likely to lead to the destruction of the world.

Leo and Sylvia did not think that what Bai Lu said was alarmist, because when Bai Lu said these words, his expression was so serious that Leo and Sylvia felt that if they objected, she would immediately take action against the two. Man sent out of this world.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

However, Leo and Sylvia didn't pay too much attention to the threat of the white deer. If the white deer came to this world as a real body, they might have some concerns, but the white deer that appeared in front of them was obviously just an incarnation. , and it is still an avatar projected from outside the world with the ring in their hands as the coordinates, not to mention Leo, even Sylvia, whose bloodline power is banned, can also deal with her, but they did nothing. Rebellious behavior, but agreed to Bai Lu's request, promising not to meet Penny and the others again.

Sylvia also knew that Leo would say so, tasted the wine in his hand, and said with no interest: "In this case, why do we need to go to the academic city again, we can just leave, there is nothing worthwhile here anyway. Continue to commemorate people and things."

Leo explained: "No, there is one thing in the academic city of UU reading that I am interested in. Before leaving, see if it is the same as what I guessed. If it is what I think, I may have to put it. It takes away."

"What?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"An ancient human skull." Leo replied.

"Ancient human skull? Is it the one placed in the main hall of the Forbidden Books Building?" Sylvia asked in a confirmed manner. Seeing Leo nodded and admitted, he was puzzled: "What's the point of that?"

Leo said: "It doesn't matter if it's just an ordinary ancient human skull, but what if it's the head of the head of a wizarding college?"

"Why is the wizarding academy involved again?" Sylvia became more and more dazed and questioned.

Leo then explained: "The book recorded in the wizard tower mentioned that the dean of the early wizard academy would undergo some special treatment after death, and his body would be made into a statue and placed in the academy. However, his skull will be taken down and made into a special magical item for wizards, which will be handed over to the next head of the wizard academy for use, and the skull of the previous head of the wizard academy will be sent into the void. The ancient human skull in the main hall of the Forbidden Book Building in the Academic City has a symbol mark on its forehead. I thought it was just a symbol mark of some primitive belief, but after reading the book of the Wizard Tower, I found that the symbol was a symbol. This kind of identity symbol, only wizards who have reached the fourth ring level in the wizarding academy are qualified to engrave such a symbol on their foreheads, and according to the books there, only the director of the wizarding college is a fourth-ring wizard, so I will doubt it. That skull belongs to the head of a certain wizarding academy, this skull should have been sent into the void, it fell into this world for some reason, and then it was collected as the skull of an ancient human."