The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1743: Gains and losses

The latest website: "Mr. Leo, can you destroy them for me?" After struggling and hesitating for a long time, Mimidore seemed to have made a decision and asked Leo.

Leo did not agree to Mimidor's request, but turned to Mimidor very seriously and said, "Sorry, if you don't want to see them, you can come by yourself. This is your own business. If you Think that your race should be forever enslaved by its Creator, and you cut off your own hope."

After finishing speaking, he no longer waited for Mimiddle to make a choice, and walked out of this laboratory room, and walked towards the laboratory room with the subspace engine generator.

After Leo left, Mimidor walked quickly to the breeding warehouse with the original Muniyom who was closest to him, while walking the energy weapon in his hand while accumulating energy, it seemed that he wanted to To destroy this huge temptation, however, when he walked up to the cultivation cabin, he couldn't even raise the weapon in his hand, because as Leo said, this is probably the time they got rid of. The only opportunity to be enslaved by the creator, once destroyed, they will never be able to stand up again, a sense of responsibility and mission that has never been felt in Mimidor's heart, and once again confronted his obedience instinct derived from genes , causing him to fall into contemplation again.

After entering that laboratory, Leo no longer cared about Mimidor's matter. He scanned the situation of the laboratory. What was different from the relative cleanliness outside was that the inside of the laboratory was It can be described as a mess, with damaged equipment and devices everywhere. Some dried-up substances are spread in various places in the room, forming a hard shell. In every corner of the room, there are seven insects of different sizes and colors. Nest skin sac, the skin sac is covered with abscesses, and there is still a seductive aroma emanating from the abscesses, which makes people have a strong appetite for it.

Although most of the equipment in the room has been destroyed, the subspace engine generating device that Leo valued is still relatively well preserved. Except for some grooves and cracks in the outer shell, the components inside can be seen from the surface. and not damaged.

Leo took a closer look at this subspace engine generator, and inferred from its barrel shape and half-human height that this subspace engine generator should have originated from a commercial subspace spacecraft of the Earth Federation. The identification number on it has been worn out and it is impossible to know which chamber of commerce it belongs to, but from the two initials that can still be recognized, it can be determined that the engine manufacturer should be the product of the Spark Group, the first three spaceship engine manufacturers in the Earth Federation, and this company The company exclusively monopolizes the supplier orders for all spaceship engines in the seventeenth sector, and the galaxy where the Nine Worlds lived in their previous lives is in the seventeenth sector.

Although the subspace engine generating device appears to be completely disassembled from the subspace spacecraft, its interior has also been modified by the Midgards. As for the modification method, it should be the ability of the difference fusion system. Because Leo was able to find many functional modules and control panels that should not belong to this device from the device, it is this modification that allows this device to be used alone.

Although the device has undergone later modifications, most of the basic functions of the device itself have been preserved, especially the independent data storage has not been removed.

Although Leo didn't know much about subspace engine generating devices, he was very proficient in storage devices, and he easily found the location of the storage devices from many complex functional modules. Fortunately, the interface type of the storage devices In the interface type list of the general recorder, he can directly use the general recorder to crack and read the data.

For Leo, cracking and reading encrypted data is already commonplace, not to mention that this data system is the civilian version of the Earth Federation, and there is a backdoor interface that the Earth Federation compulsorily installs, which makes it easy for him to crack the storage module All of the firewalls directly read the core data, and even used the storage module as a springboard to directly enter the main control system of the engine, gaining complete control of the device.

Leo activated the self-inspection program of the control system to check the damage of the equipment. Although from the appearance, the equipment only suffered a little impact damage on the outside, but how many components inside were damaged? Whether the device can still operate normally depends I don't know at all, if it can still function normally, Leo needs to find a way to take it away. If there is a chance, maybe he can assemble a small subspace shuttle, so that he may have a chance to escape from the world formed by the world tree. The law of the subspace, to reach the outer subspace, to view the status of the world tree and the supreme council of the universe in a more comprehensive manner as a bystander.

During the self-inspection of the system, Leo was not idle, and continued to read the data in the memory according to the original plan, but he was disappointed that the relevant data of the Earth Federation was not recorded in the memory. The data content is a restart self-test data, and then the test data. From the content of these two pieces of data, it is not difficult to judge that this is the device reset data of the subspace engine generator after the transformation of the differential fusion system capability, so All previous data was erased.

Although he didn't get the data he wanted, it didn't mean that he didn't gain anything. In fact, the usage data of his modified device contained something that surprised him.

Why are the builders of this base so confident in building this laboratory, and want to use this device to open and restore the passage to other worlds in the Nine Realms? It is because they have successfully opened space rifts 14 times before. experience.

From the test summary made by the person in charge of the tail end laboratory of each successful opening of space rifts, seven of the fourteen space rifts lead to different worlds, and these seven worlds are suitable for The world inhabited by humans is also extremely dangerous, and the seven expeditionary teams dispatched all ended in annihilation.

What's interesting is that in the description of one of the related worlds, Leo found that that world is likely to be the wasteland of the world of Velen, because in several of the descriptions about local vegetation and animals, we can see the unique species of the wasteland of the world of Velen. shadow.

In addition to these seven space rifts that are suitable for human habitation, there are seven world rifts that are completely unsuitable for human habitation. Five of them are obviously the outer space of the subspace, and ordinary people cannot survive after entering it. The life-support device can survive in the outer space of the subspace for a short period of time, and will also be eroded by the energy of the subspace, and will eventually produce double mutations in spirit and body, and the mutation situation is uncontrollable, unpredictable and unpredictable.

What Leo noticed was that these five cracks in subspace and outer space were sent to explore, and the exploration team all wore survival devices, and they also lived in outer space for a period of time. After collecting some data, they returned, but the supervisor in charge of these explorations did not conduct any inspections on these returned people.

There are very few records of these exploration teams in the subsequent data, but Leo saw some clues from the names of the leaders of the exploration teams revealed in a few small details. These names and the work logs he saw The names of the directors of the base laboratory and the person in charge of the project recorded in the book are the same. Does this mean that the captains of the exploration teams who have been in the subspace for a long time finally became the directors of the base laboratory and scientific research projects? person in charge.

If this is the case, Leo has reason to suspect that the experiment that opened the rift leading to the abyss and led to the fall of the base was not accidental, but intentional.

However, the previous data are not enough to cause Leo's heart to fluctuate too much. After all, these things are not particularly important to him, and some of them have nothing to do with him. What really makes Leo's heart fluctuate is the remaining The following two space rifts recorded data, because he saw from those data that the place corresponding to these two space rifts should be the vacuum of the universe. In the summary, the person in charge of this record called it a dead place.

Although there are many similarities between the outer space of the subspace and the cosmic vacuum, the two are actually quite different. For example, although there are various energies reverberating in the cosmic space, most of those energies are It is invisible to human naked eyes, but the outer space of the subspace is different. All the energy is presented in various brilliant colors visible to the naked eye. This is why the people of the Earth Federation who first entered the subspace called the subspace the oil painting universe. reason.

Anyone who normally enters the vacuum of the universe will have the same feeling, dead silence and weightlessness, this feeling is very special and will never be forgotten once experienced.

Leo's biochemical memory has a memory of combat training. During that training, he was placed in a fully transparent and simple life-support cabin, and then let the spacecraft drop him on a planet without any surroundings and not in the main In the deep space of the route, let the cyborgs survive in this dead environment.

Although the cyborgs don't have any emotions, they will still have some mood swings in the face of the absolutely dead environment. If this kind of mood swings were placed on ordinary people, it would be enough to make people completely crazy.

When Leo read the exploration data of these two space rifts, the description of the environment there made him involuntarily wake up the memory of the biochemical man surviving alone in the vacuum of the universe, which is also the reason for his strong emotional fluctuations , He felt that he might be able to reopen the two space rifts and go to the vacuum of the universe on the other side of the rift. In this way, he might be able to know what the universe is like now.

It's just a pity for Leo that in these archived data, only one complete experiment process of opening a space rift with a subspace engine generator was recorded, and the space rift opened that time was in the outer space of the subspace. There is no record of the three experiments, probably because the methods and processes used in the other thirteen experiments are the same, so there is no need to repeat the record. If that is the case, it is not good news for Leo, because this means that using this The space rift opened by the set of equipment is completely random, not controllable, so even if he uses the device according to the method of data recording, the space rift opened in the end may not be what he wants.

In this slightly disappointed mood, Leo exited the data reading interface and was about to check the feedback results of the previously activated self-inspection system, but suddenly he seemed to remember something, stopped, and then returned to the The data reading interface of the memory, and then carefully checked some memory, and confirmed that the data recorded in the memory is only the data of thirteen engine installation experiments, and there is no trace of deletion.

"What's going on here? Did I guess wrong?" Leo suddenly felt puzzled.

Before this, Leo had always thought that it was the space rift leading to the abyss opened by this subspace engine generating device, which led to the Steele bug entering this world and occupying the entire base, but now the memory data from the device can be It can be seen that this device has never opened the abyss rift at all, which means that it is actually something else that opened the abyss rift.

In this way, Leo felt that the construction of this base might not be as simple as described in the previous work log records. Perhaps the creator of this world was right to suspect the Midgards who built the base, and maybe.

Leo didn't get too entangled in the purpose of building the base and who opened the abyss rift. For him, he was just a passer-by in this world. Explore the world and find some useful clues to get his own. Whatever he wants, he will leave here, so he is not interested in how the world will develop.

Leo, who exited from the data reading interface again, called up the results of the self-test program, and carefully checked each piece of he had expected this in his heart, he was still a little disappointed because the engine Several main functional modules of the generating device were completely damaged, and several key energy control chips on the main control panel were also damaged, and more critically, the relevant control modules that were the most important source energy core of the device were gone. It should have been dismantled, but the only good news is that the source energy core is still there, and its energy is still above 97%, which is not much different from the new one.

After learning about the condition of the device, Leo had already given up the idea of ​​taking the device away, and after activating the device's energy box to exit the program, he removed the connection of the universal recorder.

At the same time, an opening was opened on the top of the device, followed by a tray slowly rising, and a cube with exquisite decorative patterns on the surface was suspended in the middle of the tray. A large amount of energy rays overflowed from the gaps on the surface of the cube, blending with the surrounding nature. The power merged together, turning into pieces of colorful mist and spreading towards the surroundings.

Just when this special energy mist was about to touch Leo, Leo picked up the totem pole scepter in his hand and directly touched the cube with the top of the scepter, and then saw the wood on the top of the scepter open. A big hand wrapped the cube, suppressed the scattered energy, and then put it together again, turning the cube into a decoration on the top of the totem pole scepter.