The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1749: Conscious Symbiotic Life Project

Latest URL: During this period of time, when Leo was researching Mimidor's anti-psychic power, it was inevitable that he also had to study the tumor-like diseased variant that produced this power, just because the mental network could not be used normally. , Leo can only use other methods to scan or examine this diseased variant, and although those methods can also check out some details, it is difficult to go deep into the cell or even the gene level like the mental network, which makes Leo very sensitive to this disease. The study of diseased variants has never progressed.

The only doubtful thing is that there is a completely independent consciousness in this lesion tumor, and when Leo uses various methods to check, it can produce similar emotional feedback, such as disgust, pain, like and other emotions.

Leo used common sense to communicate with this consciousness, but the other party did not give feedback. If he acts forcefully, the various reactions that will follow will be directly reflected on Mimidor, as if Mimidor himself produced This feeling is the same.

Leo did not hide the results of his examination, but directly told Mimidor, so when Leo now told Mimidor that the diseased consciousness in the spinal cord had begun to affect his consciousness through dreams However, Mimidor was not too surprised or frightened, but asked Leo very calmly if there was a solution.

Facing Mimidor's inquiry, Leo said nothing, not that he couldn't solve this problem, but that he was not sure whether the Mimidor who was talking to him was still the one who intended to die, The Myonyom who brought freedom to the tribe.

Leo, who has the power of nightmares, knows very well that the dominant consciousness in the dream is the main consciousness and the core consciousness, while the daily consciousness is only the surface consciousness. The master-slave relationship between the two is very clear, and now the dream of Mimidor Occupied by the consciousness of the diseased variant, it dominates the creation of the entire dream, and Mimidor can only accept it passively, which also means that the consciousness of the diseased variant has gradually become Mimidor's main consciousness. In this way, now It is difficult to judge whether any thinking made by Mimidor originated from himself or from the consciousness of the diseased variant. Let alone Leo cannot judge, even Mimidor himself may not be able to judge. , just like he just took those dreams as his own.

Although Leo didn't say anything, Mimidor seemed to have guessed Leo's thoughts. He was silent for a while and said, "Whether the current consciousness is me or the consciousness produced in the tumor, I am still me. My original intention has not changed, and I will perform the ceremony after arriving at the Dixing City."

"I think it's best for you not to do that, at least not until the diseased tumor on your body is completely resolved." Leo shook his head and said, "You don't know whether this diseased tumor will follow your body." Body cells, pass them on to those fellows who participate in the ceremony and eat your body, if this diseased tumor can also be passed on through eating, or through eating to stimulate similar diseased tumors that exist in the body of your people, I..."

When Leo was persuading Mimidor, halfway through his words, he suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, with a pensive expression on his face. Although Mimidor was puzzled, he didn't bother him, but Watching quietly from the side.

After a while, the pensive look on Leo's face faded away, and he looked at Mimidor with a strange look, and at the same time said in a deep voice: "I know what's going on with the tumor on your body. !"

Mimidor was stunned, waiting for Leo's next words, but Leo seemed to have lost interest in continuing the conversation, didn't say anything, just lay down on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing Leo like this, it was rare for Mimidor to show obvious displeasure on his face. Apparently, Leo suddenly stopped talking halfway through the topic, raised people's curiosity, but did not let go of his bad behavior. , annoyed him, a Miaonyyom who didn't have much emotion in the first place.

However, even though he was dissatisfied with Leo's behavior, Mimidore had no way to say anything, so he could only go to the side and sit down, fiddling with the bonfire boredly.

Just when Mimidor thought that tonight would pass like this, Leo suddenly said with closed eyes, "Number lm78504398ad7..."

When a string of more than fifty numbers and letters came out of Leo's mouth, Mimideole's face was completely puzzled, and he didn't understand what Leo was talking about, but When Leo fully uttered the serial number, a look of surprise flashed across Mimidor's face, but this look changed so quickly that most people would not be able to see the clue even if they stared at his face.

However, Leo has already captured this slight change in Mimidor's expression through other methods, and it is also this slight change in expression, which allows him to be sure that his guess about the tumor on Mimidor's body is correct.

However, while confirming the origin of the diseased tumor, Leo also knew that the methods he thought of to peel off the diseased tumor before were useless. This kind of diseased tumor or parasite is innate, even if the tumor is completely removed now Now, other organs in Mimidor's body will regenerate similar conscious tumors, and this kind of thing is not so much a tumor as a symbiotic life form.

The series of numbers reported by Leo are the abandoned project numbers in the Earth Federation Experimental Project Library in his memory, and the project corresponding to this number is the consciousness symbiosis project.

For a long time, human beings have never stopped exploring their own existence. No matter what the results of the exploration are, all self-cognition about human beings can be divided into three categories, the body category, the consciousness category and the soul category.

Originally, there were only two types of body and soul, but with the subsequent development of science and technology, scientists discovered that before human death, consciousness can be uploaded to a special device, allowing human consciousness to continue to survive in the world built by the device.

However, this kind of survival has not been legally recognized by the Earth Federation. Federal laws and most people believe that the consciousness in this device is actually some kind of intelligent data, not a real human being, but there are still many people who think that This kind of consciousness is human beings themselves. Many of these people are some powerful people. They hope to let themselves continue to enjoy the power they control in this way, so even if the federal law prohibits them, they still use various methods. Forcibly promote related research, and the consciousness symbiotic life form is one of the very famous experimental projects.

The purpose of this experiment is to completely transfer the consciousness of one human being to another person, to fuse the consciousness of another person, and achieve the goal of symbiosis.

In fact, the experiment of transferring consciousness to the human body has already been carried out when the theory of consciousness appeared, and the research funds are also very sufficient. Basically, it is invested by big chaebols, big families and groups.

The reason why these rich and powerful people are so keen to invest in this kind of experiment is because they hope to use this to avoid some problems in federal law, as long as the consciousness transfer person transfers his property to the transferee in advance , then the consciousness-transferred person can continue to enjoy wealth and power with a new identity.

Also because this type of scientific experiment has a large amount of capital investment, the technology has also been improved very quickly, and basically the consciousness transfer between human bodies can be perfectly carried out.

It’s just that transfer is one thing, but fusion is another. Almost all experimental subjects will have a very strong rejection reaction after the transfer of consciousness. Consciousness is swallowed up, and then because of the incompatibility of consciousness, it becomes a lunatic.

Therefore, follow-up research on how to make the transfer of consciousness, and still ensure the integrity of the transferred object experimental projects came into being, and the consciousness symbiotic life project is one of the most famous projects.

The initiator of the project was Professor Belwin, a core scholar of the School of Consciousness. This experimental project concentrated almost one-third of the scientists who studied consciousness transplantation, and it was considered the most likely to succeed at the time.

Professor Belvin believes that the reason why there is such a strong rejection reaction when transferring objects is because of the strong aggressiveness of the consciousness itself and the conflict of consciousness caused by the survival instinct. The transferred consciousness wants to become the master of the body and devour the body itself. Even if the owner of the body sincerely agrees to the experiment before the experiment, the consciousness in the body will still follow the survival instinct to resist, eventually leading to the collapse of consciousness.

Therefore, Professor Belvin wants to start from the body itself, so that the two consciousnesses can be in a symbiotic state, and then integrate with each other through self-adaptation, so as to achieve perfect integration and transfer of the body.

This experimental project is very secretive, even the experimental base is extremely confidential, until the federal government designated all related consciousness transfer experiments as illegal experiments due to public pressure, and closed all related laboratories. The experimental base of this consciousness symbiotic life project has not been announced. come out.

It's just a coincidence that Leo's biochemical memory has the memory content of participating in the security work of this experimental project. Because of this, he was able to report the string of project number codes with special meaning, and in his As far as I can remember, there were already successful cases of this experimental project before the federal government declared all consciousness transfer experiments as illegal experimental projects.

And Leo also knows what the experimental process of this project is. Simply put, it is to take some cells from the body of the transfer object, then cultivate a complete organ, and then transfer the consciousness to a single organ, because there is no consciousness in the organ. Therefore, there is no rejection reaction, and the organ is transplanted to the transferee until the consciousness is fully adapted to the organ. At this time, the transferred consciousness is no longer aggressive, and naturally it cannot stimulate the survival instinct of the ontological consciousness. In the end, the two Consciousness will complete the integration after a long period of adaptation.

In this experimental project, some people have tried to directly cultivate an unconscious human body through cell cultivation, and directly transfer consciousness into this body, but the result is that after the body has been stable for a period of time, There will be an irreversible phenomenon of cell collapse, and no matter what method is used, the death of the body cannot be prevented.

Just like my other biochemical memories may have nothing to do with my life experience, this memory of being the security supervisor of the experimental project may also have a problem with its origin, but the content in the memory is not fake. With the understanding of this experimental project, it is very clear that the current situation of Mimidor's body is probably the follow-up extension of that experimental project, and the consciousness existing in the diseased tumor in Mimidor's body should belong to someone who participated in this experimental project. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to react immediately after hearing such a long experiment number code reported by Leo, and only those who have been in contact with this number code for a long time can be so familiar with this series of codes .

After confirming his guess, Leo sat up again, turned his head to look at the bewildered Mimiddle, and said tentatively, "Professor Belvin."

Leo said the name of Professor Belvin, not because he thought that the consciousness in the tumor was Professor Belvin, but wanted to further confirm his inference. As long as the consciousness responds to the name of Professor Belvin, then he will naturally And get the desired feedback.

However, Mimidor's reaction surprised Leo. His surprise was not because Mimidor didn't respond to the name, but because Mimidor's reaction was too great. After hearing the name , all of Mimidor's eyes are wide open, even the blind eyes can see the shocking emotion, and there is also a strong panic expression on the face, the emotions shown are completely beyond Leo's expected.

Just when Leo was about to open his mouth to test further, Mimidore suddenly rolled his eyes and fell straight on the His body twitched violently, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

Seeing this situation, Leo immediately walked to Mimidor's side, raised his hand and pressed it on Mimidor's heart, and then slightly shook the totem pole scepter in his hand. The totem symbols on the scepter were displayed in different combinations. Bright light emerged, and at the same time, a light green mist appeared around the scepter out of thin air, and under Leo's control, it injected into Mimidor's body as Leo's palm pressed.

Almost at the same time that the green mist melted into Mimidor's body, the violent convulsions stopped, but the muscles of the body were still tense, feeling like a stiff corpse.

Leo did not use shaman spells to heal Mimidor, but sat back to the original place, quietly waiting for Mimidor to return to normal.

The reason why he didn't continue to rescue was because he distinguished that the reason for Mimidor's abnormal situation was not any problem with his body, but a problem with his consciousness, which is what happened when the consciousness shifted and rejected The situation, that is to say, there is now a situation where two consciousnesses are competing for sovereignty in Mimidor's body.

(end of this chapter)