The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1751: high dimensional life

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The news Leo brought to Mimidor shocked him for a long time, during which time Leo did not bother him, but waited by to let him recover by himself.

After a while, he slowly came back to his senses, then stood up, walked back and forth a few times, and said to Leo abruptly, "Do you know that Saint Lauder can do it?"

"That doomsday religious fanatic organization?" Leo quickly knew what Mimidor was talking about.

Although the earth civilization has entered the sequence of cosmic civilizations for thousands of years, and technology and culture have reached unprecedented heights, it is reasonable to say that no one should believe in religious things anymore, but in fact the opposite is true. Starting from the old earth, all All kinds of religions occupy an extremely important position in the civilization of the earth. Even if they become a medium-sized cosmic civilization, religions are still an important part of the various power groups of the Earth Federation.

In addition to the most mainstream religious denominations, the Earth Federation has a plethora of emerging religions. It can even be said that there are as many religions as there are colonies on Earth. Among these religions, the popularity of doomsday religions has always been enduring. , Several times even some doomsday religions have become one of the mainstream religions of the Earth Federation.

Although the doomsday religion is so popular, it has a huge flaw, that is, timeliness. Once the doomsday declared by the doomsday religion does not come on time, no matter how well the religion is explained afterwards, a large number of its core believers will be lost and eventually decline. replaced by other doomsday religions.

The doomsday religion of the Saint Lauder Society is an outlier among all doomsday religions. It appeared very early, and it existed when the Earth Federation just stepped into the ranks of cosmic civilization.

It is said that St. Lauder, who founded this religion, was originally just an ordinary spaceship mechanic. During a cargo mission, his spaceship was attacked by space pirates. He was lucky enough to board the lifeboat in time and fled to a nearby planet to wait for rescue.

According to the Doomsday Book of the Saint Lauder Society, while waiting for rescue, Saint Lauder accidentally encountered a high-dimensional creature staying on this planet, and was inspired by this creature, saw the Earth Federation and even The future and the end of the entire universe, so when he was rescued, he became a preacher of the doomsday religion, spreading his doomsday theory while recording everything he saw when he got the revelation, and finally finished it before he died He wrote a tome called the Doomsday Book.

After the death of St. Lauder, the earliest believers who followed him took the Doomsday Book as the core religious text and established a formal doomsday religion.

Different from other doomsday sects, the doomsday predicted by the Saint Lauder Society is almost always accurate. The doomsday time of a large number of planets is recorded in the doomsday book. Every time the doomsday of a certain planet is about to appear, the Saint Lauder Society will appear On that planet, the rescue is carried out, so the Saint Lauder Society is also nicknamed the Doomsday Rescue Society, and even the Earth Federation officials often cooperate with the Saint Lauder Society in various ways related to the Doomsday Rescue.

Because of this, the Saint Lauder Society has been able to exist for such a long time. Although no one has actually counted it, almost everyone who knows the Saint Lauder Society guesses that the influence of the Saint Lauder Society should have been comparable to those of the mainstream almost the same religion.

Now that he heard the name Saint Lauder Society from Mimidor, Leo immediately thought of Saint Lauder Society’s pursuit of the doomsday. If the Saint Lauder Society’s doomsday book really recorded the end of the universe, then The Saint Lauders are sure to do something before the end comes.

At this time, Mimidore explained to Leo, saying: "For a long time, Saint Lauder will prepare for the final doomsday. They have a plan called rebirth. It is said that this plan was written by Saint Lauder at the end of the Doomsday book. The content of the chapter is also the task that the Saint Lauder Society has been performing since its establishment. The specific content of this plan is only known to the apostles of the Doomsday of the Saint Lauder Society, and others can only know some fragments. Next, I know that the fringe colonial star Asgard is one of the important experimental bases for this plan. If my guess is correct, the current Nine Worlds should be the federal people who survived the colonial star Asgard through the rebirth plan. Descendant."

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From what Mimidor said, it is not difficult for Leo to hear that the identity of this consciousness from the Earth Federation is probably not simple, otherwise, it is impossible to know so much confidential information about the Saint Lauder Society, and it is also impossible It is not difficult to hear that this person is probably not a member of the Saint Lauder Society, otherwise he would not appear so plain when the Saint Lauder Society is mentioned.

While guessing the identity of the other party, Leo also asked with some doubts: "Since the doomsday recorded in the doomsday book is so accurate, why doesn't the federal government start directly from the doomsday book, so that we can know the time and situation of the final end of the universe? .”

"Of course the federal government wants to know the contents of the Doomsday Book, but no one has actually seen the Doomsday Book except for the few Doomsday apostles of the St. After Lauder finished writing the Doomsday Book, he placed the Doomsday Book in a cracked plane that would never disappear in the subspace, and opened this cracked plane and the authority to read the Doomsday Book in a very mysterious way of thinking and concept It was directly passed on to his followers, that is, the later apostles of doom. Therefore, the doomsday books placed by the St. Lauder Church are just some daily words and deeds of the apostles and records of the doomsday of some planets in the past, not the real doomsday Book, the real doomsday book can only be read by the apostles of the doomsday, and when the apostles of the doomsday die, the authority of their control will be in the form of another person in the form of a concept, so the apostles of the doomsday of the St. Lauder Society do not look at qualifications and beliefs, It's to see if they have the ability to open that gap plane and read the doomsday book."

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, as if he was recalling something. After a while, he continued: "The federal government has used many methods to try to obtain the permission to read the Doomsday Book, even including imprisoning the Doomsday Apostles, and indirectly controlling the Doomsday Apostles through psychic power. Read the doomsday book, but all failed in the end, and the worst thing is that the abnormal death of every doomsday apostle will cause a very large disaster."

"Disaster?" Leo sensed the details of the other party's words, and said in a deep voice, "Shouldn't the backlash that occurred when the apostle of the doomsday died be destruction?"

"No, you made a mistake. There will be no backlash when the apostle of doom dies. His death is no different from the death of a normal person." Mimidor shook his head and said, "It's just that the apostle of doom has completed the doom every time in the past. During rescue missions, a supernatural power will be accumulated in the body. This power is not formed with any energy, but it can affect luck on anything. We call this power the power of disaster. Once the doomsday messenger In the case of abnormal death, the catastrophic power in the messenger of doom cannot be transferred to the book of doom in the cracked plane in a special way, but will be released directly, affecting the planet, galaxy and even the country where the messenger of doom is located. , For example, the Earth Federation has a catastrophic impact. Many seemingly ordinary natural disasters or turmoil in the Earth Federation are caused by the abnormal death of the Doomsday Messenger.”

"Are there many doomsday messengers who died abnormally?" Leo heard some clues and asked.

Mimidor quickly gave an answer: "Before the Earth Federation discovered the disaster and the abnormal death of the Doomsday messenger, a total of 173 Doomsday messengers died abnormally in imprisonment."

Hearing Mimidor's answer, Leo was slightly taken aback. He was not surprised that so many doomsday messengers died in the hands of the Earth Federation Government, but that Mimidor knew such an accurate number of deaths. He was surprised, which made him involuntarily elevate the status of that past consciousness in the Earth Federation Government again.

"You asked me before, what happened to those omega-level advanced life forms that did not use psionic energy as their core strength in the cosmic catastrophe, I can tell you now, I don't know, because I had already entered the closed base at that time, and carried out the last step The consciousness has shifted." Mimidor answered Leo's previous question, but this answer was not what Leo wanted, maybe because he thought the answer was too simple, he added: "However, what I know is When the psykers of the Earth Federation experienced psychic backlash, the Messenger of Doom from the Saint Lauder Society was fine and still alive and well."

"Is the doomsday messenger an Omega-level advanced life form that has not evolved spiritually?" Leo was stunned and asked.

"Yes." Mimidor replied very positively: "There was once a great existence who was curious about the Doomsday Book, and specially sneaked into the base where the Doomsday Messenger was imprisoned as a human being, and participated in related research. When he left, he revealed his identity and told the federal government that the Doomsday Messenger is actually an Omega-level advanced life form with the same level of life form as him, but the Doomsday Messenger did not evolve spiritually, but There is another more mysterious power, but he didn't say what kind of power it is, and he can only know from his reaction that that power is very rare and high."

After listening carefully, Leo asked: "You just said that the doomsday messenger is an Omega-level advanced life form equal to him. Is it true for every doomsday messenger?"

Mimidor shook his head and said, "No, you're mistaken! There is only one real doomsday messenger, but this power is distributed among several people. The moment those people become doomsday messengers, they are already doomsday messengers. part of the whole."

Leo guessed: "Saint Lauder, the messenger of doom is Saint Lauder."

Mimidor replied: "There is indeed such a guess that Saint Lauder did not die, but survived in the form of several doomsday messengers, but this guess has not been confirmed."

Leo asked curiously: "Because of the Saint Lauder Society, the Earth Federation has already started preparing for the cosmic catastrophe, so what about other cosmic civilizations?"

Mimidor's tone was not too sure, and said: "Since even the Earth Federation has similar preparations, other cosmic civilizations should also have the same preparations, but just as such preparations are highly classified within the federal government, in other Such affairs in cosmic civilization should also be classified as one of the secrets, and it is difficult for the federal government to inquire about the relevant situation, but..."

Seeing that Mimidor suddenly stopped in the middle of his words, Leo questioned, "But what?"

Mimidor thought for a while and said: "However, there is a rumor that is said to come from a higher civilization. The rumor mentioned that the great beings in the Supreme Council of the universe had contacted a high dimension from outside the universe a long time ago. Life, and because of some information revealed by this high-dimensional life, stopped the expansion of the universe and started to develop the subspace. It is said that the supreme council of the universe has established a cosmic refuge in the subspace.”

"Cosmic Sanctuary?" Although Leo felt that this name was a name created by some third-rate rumors that could not withstand any scrutiny, he couldn't help but think of the World Tree in his mind. After thinking about it for a while, he Asked: "What is that high-dimensional life? Is it the same as the high-dimensional creature that Saint Lauder has come into contact with in the legend?"

Mimidor Hanhu replied: "This question also troubled the federal government at the time, but there has been no answer, but many people think it should be the same high-dimensional life."

Leo felt that Mimidor really couldn't figure out this matter, so he didn't continue to ask this question, and then an inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and this inspiration turned into a thread , Connected some seemingly unrelated things together, so he followed the question raised by this thread and asked: "Is the federal government's cyborg plan back then also a part of the federal government's response to the cosmic catastrophe?"

Hearing Leo's question, Mimidor's eyes widened, his eyes full of surprise, after UU Reading looked Leo up and down, he couldn't help asking: "Who are you? What I'm talking about is what is your identity in the Earth Federation?"

Leo didn't answer, but asked along the line, "Where is Li Hongmei? What role does Li Hongmei play in the response plan?"

Although he had the experience of hearing amazing words just now, when he heard the same shocking question again, Mimidore's emotions did not weaken at all, and he was even so shocked that he took a few steps back involuntarily.

Although Mimidor didn't answer, his expression had already given Leo the corresponding answer. Just when Leo was about to chase after the victory and ask a more critical question, Mimidor suddenly fell to the ground, his body couldn't help it. trembling.

Seeing this situation, Leo's face became slightly gloomy, and he didn't step forward to check Mimidor's situation, but just sat there and looked at Mimidor with dissatisfaction.

Soon Mimidor returned to normal, then sat up from the ground, and asked Leo in a flat tone: "Your Excellency Leo, what did you ask just now? Why is he so much more scared?" ?”