The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1756: Dendrome and Stelae Square

When Mimidor narrated the tree-shaped celestial body and the stone pillar square, he didn't talk about a lot of content, because at that time the cosmic catastrophe had erupted, the star area where the Earth Federation was located was also affected by the catastrophe, and many colonial stars began to disintegrate, and he Also entered the closed base, waiting for the final step of the rebirth plan, all the things about the tree-shaped celestial body were heard from other channels.

According to the news he heard, the tree-shaped celestial body will appear on the planet fuj that is about to or has already been affected by the cosmic catastrophe. Disintegrated planet, and then swallowed it, of course, some people think that it is not a planet that is swallowed, but the entire cosmic space where the planet is located,

Because, after this phenomenon happened, some highly intelligent alien races whose technological civilization reached a very high level measured the volume of that cosmic space, and found that the cosmic space was much smaller than before, and the small part happened to be The planet swallowed by the tree-like celestial body and the surrounding space.

Therefore, some people think that the tree-shaped celestial body is actually the projection of high-dimensional life in the real universe. The purpose is to take advantage of the cosmic catastrophe to seize the cosmic fragments containing laws, which also makes the tree-shaped celestial body a symbol of disaster.

Because the tree-like celestial body is all information obtained from other channels by Mimidor's internal consciousness, the information is fragmented and incomplete, and some content is even inconsistent. Even if Leo repeatedly asks, the information revealed is very little, and even he cannot describe it. The specific shape of the tree-like celestial body is just that Leo still instinctively connects the tree-like celestial body with the current world tree.

"There is not only one tree-shaped celestial body." When he felt that Leo was interested in tree-shaped celestial bodies, Mimidore tried to recall again and said.

"What?" Leo was taken aback when he heard that.

Mimidor explained: "According to the information I have obtained, there are actually many tree-like celestial bodies, and the tree-like celestial bodies that appear in each civilization-controlled star area are different, so I think it is a type of high-dimensional creature in the collective Devour the universe."

Hearing this, Leo thought of the current situation of the fruits of different worlds on the World Tree. Although there are relics of alien civilizations in some worlds, or races left by alien civilizations, what is certain is that The civilizations bred in all the world fruits on this world tree are dominated by humans. Even if the world of the witcher was dominated by elf civilization in the past, the elf civilization was soon replaced by human civilization.

If this situation is combined with what Mimidor said about the appearance of tree-like celestial bodies, then it can almost be concluded that this world tree is the exclusive world tree for the cosmic civilization of the Earth Federation.

Although this view seems reasonable, Leo feels that it is not that simple. There must be other deeper mysteries in it, but with the information he currently has, there is no way to further deduce an analysis that is closer to the answer. and guesswork.

Different from the tree-like celestial body, Mimidor's description of the Stone Pillar Square is much more detailed, because he has seen what the Stone Pillar Square looks like with his own eyes, not only he has seen it, but according to what he knows, during the cosmic catastrophe, All intelligent races in the cosmic civilization have seen the Stone Pillar Square, because the Stone Pillar Square will appear in the space in front of each intelligent creature from time to time. The spirit can clearly see every detail on the stone pillar square, just like observing with a magnifying glass at close range, but the stone pillar square seen by each intelligent creature is different.

For example, the square of stone pillars seen by the consciousness in Mimidor's body is a square platform suspended in space. Not only are there neatly arranged stone pillars outside the platform, but also a large number of stone pillars are arranged in a criss-cross pattern inside the platform, which is interesting. But although he can clearly see the shape and size of the stone pillar square, see the details of the shape of each stone pillar, and even the damage on the surface of the stone pillars, but he still can't count the number of stone pillars clearly, as if the stone pillars The concept of an infinite number is imposed generally.

The square of stone pillars seen by the consciousness in Mimidor's body is square and neat, but the square of stone pillars seen by his colleagues is broken. According to the description of his colleagues, the square he saw is a piece of broken land. There are stone pillars that are broken or collapsed, as if they have experienced a war.

As for the stone pillar squares seen by other intelligent creatures, they are all completely different, but even if they see different stone pillar squares, at the moment they see the stone pillar squares, all intelligent creatures can vaguely see that there is a big snake entrenched on the stone pillar squares , Even alien races who have never seen a snake before saw the big snake, and some more concepts related to the snake appeared in their minds, and this big snake also had a name, called the cosmic snake.

The appearance of the Stone Pillar Square was too miraculous, and when it appeared, it happened to be when the Supreme Council of the universe disappeared, so soon there was an unconfirmed rumor circulating among the surviving civilizations in the universe. This rumor said that the Stone Pillar Square was actually It is a fragment of the supreme council of the universe, and it is also a refuge for the great beings of the supreme council of the universe to preserve some civilizations when the universe collapses. As long as they enter the stone pillar square, they can avoid the catastrophe of the universe.

If such a rumor is normal, no one will believe it. After all, if the Supreme Council of the universe has this kind of refuge that can avoid the catastrophe of the universe, why use it in the first place, why not use it yourself?

However, at the time when the catastrophe of the universe would fall on them at any time, and civilization and races would disappear at any time, not many people could think normally anymore, so many intelligent creatures tried to approach them in various ways to see The stone pillar square, but the result is without exception, no matter what kind of aircraft they use, even the subspace spacecraft, they cannot get close to the stone pillar square. Every time the stone pillar square will appear in the air in front of them, as if they are moving. Same goes for moving in general.

After hearing the narration about the Stone Pillar Square, because this Stone Pillar Square is associated with the disappearance of the Supreme Council of the Universe, he immediately thought of the stone throne on the fragment of the Supreme Council of the Universe at the top of the World Tree, and continued to think of his Stone Pillar square.

However, after carefully listening to Mimidor’s various descriptions about the stone pillar square, especially the shape of the stone pillar bases in the stone pillar square, he realized that he might have guessed wrong, and these stone pillar squares were not the stone pillars in his mind now. The square, but the ruined square of stone pillars he saw when he entered that mysterious space when he first activated his psionic ability, because he remembered very clearly that there were also snake-like objects on the square of stone pillars, but he didn’t look like it. After seeing the snake like that, Mimidor will gain the conceptual knowledge about the snake and get the name of a cosmic snake.

This allowed him to further confirm that he should be alive when the cosmic catastrophe appeared, and he also saw the Stone Pillar Square like everyone else, but he had no memory related to it, and the matter of the Stone Pillar Square was among those he discarded. The resonance response caused by the memory fragments is also very small. Don’t compare it with the tree-shaped celestial body. Even the fragment memory resonance reaction caused by the news of the cosmic advanced civilization melee is much stronger than the memory resonance reaction caused by the stone pillar square.

After listening to the related narration, Leo thought for a while, and suddenly asked again: "Can biochemical people also see the Stone Pillar Square?"

After hearing this question, Mimidor was stunned for a moment, and then remained silent for a moment, as if he was considering whether the question involving biochemical humans could be answered. After a while, he got the answer and said, "You can see, But they are different from us, according to our investigation, all the cyborgs see the same square of stone pillars."

"The same?" Leo raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can you describe it in detail?"

After hearing this, Mimidore nodded, and then described very carefully what the biochemical man saw in the Stone Pillar Square. Maybe it was because he participated in the related investigation, or maybe because he was able to view the relevant files. Eucalyptus, all in all, the content he described was more and more detailed than the content related to the stone pillar square he saw before. Through these materials, Leo easily constructed in his mind except the stone pillar seen by a cyborg. The complete form of the square.

Although many parts are wrong, Leo can still be sure that the square of stone pillars seen by the biochemical man is the same as the square of stone pillars he saw after stimulating his spiritual power, but the square of stone pillars seen by the biochemical man is smaller Much more, and the patterns on the stone pillars are not that complicated.

After confirming this, Leo also vaguely guessed that he should also have the relevant memory of the cosmic catastrophe, and it is also the memory of the biochemical person, but this part of the memory has become a pile of discarded memory fragments, just like his brain. It is the same as the discarded parts of other incomplete biochemical memories in the book, but he is very puzzled why he discarded this memory. Logically speaking, the importance of this memory should be much more important than the memories of those biochemicals that he has now. The situation also appeared in the memory related to Li Hongmei, which made him more concerned about sorting out his memory.

Leo asked again at this time: "When the stone pillar square and the tree-like celestial body appeared, how many advanced civilizations are there in the universe..."

Before Leo could finish speaking, Mimidor shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, because the magnetic storm has cut off the connection between all star fields, and it is difficult to maintain normal communication between star fields. Only distance Relatively close small galaxies can maintain stable communication through the subspace. Through this serial communication method, we barely know the situation between the colonization information of the Earth Federation. As for the situation of other cosmic civilizations, we have no contact with them. It's up." He said, and he added: "Even the subspace communication was infected when the cosmic catastrophe approached, and at that time, even the connection with the nearby small galaxies was cut off. The subspace is not only unable to communicate, even spaceships cannot enter, even the best spaceships entering the subspace will be instantly torn apart by the energy storm of the subspace.”

Leo then asked again: "Does every colony have a base for the rebirth plan?"

Mimidore was silent for a moment, as if he was considering whether this issue would be restricted. After confirming that there was no problem, he shook his head and said, "No, almost all fringe colonial stars have rebirth plan bases. The closer The Earth Federation Center, the more the rebirth plan is ignored."

"Didn't you say the rebirth plan led by the federal government before? Why did you say that the closer you are to the center of the federal government, the less attention it gets?" Leo asked puzzled.

Mimidore thought about it again, and explained: "In the beginning, it was indeed taken seriously, but then the high-level federal government seemed to have other plans, and the rebirth plan was classified into other ordinary plans, and the funds for the later rebirth plan came from Because several big chaebols and large groups have little relationship with the federal government, and because of the occupation of certain resources, the relationship between the rebirth plan and the federal government has deteriorated for a while. In order to avoid being affected by the federal government, the center of the rebirth plan were transferred to the fringe colonized galaxies, because these fringes are relatively autonomous."

"These marginal galaxies also include the Chang'an star region where Li Hongmei is located. UU Reading" Leo asked again.

This time Mimidor didn't answer. Obviously, this question has already involved the taboo content. Although there is no restriction on taking the oath, he is worried that if he continues to talk, he may unintentionally start the taboo part of the subspace oath, so what? Neither answer.

Seeing this situation, Leo was also very clear that it was impossible to ask any useful content if he continued to ask, so he changed the question and asked: "How can people like you who joined the rebirth plan wake up? Awakening conditions What is it?"

Mimidore hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

"Does this question involve taboos?" Leo frowned and asked.

Mimidor replied: "This is not a taboo that cannot be said, but I don't know what the awakening conditions are. I am also awakened inexplicably now, but I know that once awakened, I will not sleep again. .”

After listening to Mimidor's words, Leo thought about it for a while, and when he was about to ask other questions, Mimidor suddenly thought of something and said, "By the way, I remembered that the doctor once mentioned that awakening The killer is like a virus, which will be passed on to other people who have met the awakening conditions along with the people who have been exposed to awakening, and then prompt people who have the conditions to wake up." Then, he looked Leo up and down, and said: "I suspect My awakening is also due to this reason, which means that you have come into contact with people similar to me before."

"How is this possible, how could I have been in contact with it..." Leo immediately denied it, but suddenly stopped in the middle of the sentence, and then fell into deep thought again, and the reason why he was like this was because he remembered that he might have really been in contact A person similar to Mimidor, that person is Rupert Fitz.