The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1845: White Deer ID Card

Before, it was not that Leo had never tried to test the suppression of the power of gods and gods in this world, including the power of the White Deer, but his tests were all done by the master of the gods on the stone square or imitated by himself with the power of the succubus. He has never tried to directly stimulate the most original divine power.

Now he directly tried to activate the divine power of the white deer in the wedding ring, but there was a completely different reaction from before. The ring emitted a faint light under the influence of the divine power of the white deer, and the surrounding trees grew rapidly under the light.

Seeing this situation, Leo did not stop stimulating the divine power of the white deer, and the changes in the surrounding trees also stopped, but only the changes in the surroundings stimulated by the light of the divine power of the white deer stopped, and the divine power of the white deer had no influence on Leo. Stopping, he could clearly feel the divine power of the White Deer covering his body, and then gathered on his forehead, forming a divine imprint.

"This..." When Leo felt the mark of the white deer, he also felt the changes in himself. This change was not caused by the mark of the white deer, but that the existence of the mark of the white deer lifted his body. Some suppression from the world, or the white deer mark is a proof of identity, a proof of identity that allows him to exercise some privileges in this world.

At this moment, all kinds of superpowers that Leo had suppressed were also released under the effect of the White Deer Mark. Although the suppression from the world still exists, some released superpowers can be used, but the mighty power is slightly weaker. Just a little.

Leo tried to cast a psychic skill, a psychic lightning condensed in his hand, and then fanned out to one side like a whip. If it was before, this psychic lightning could easily destroy the enemies within the coverage of the fan. Turn everything into ashes, but now it can only form a little charred marks on the surrounding trees, or ignite some relatively dry branches and leaves.

Afterwards, he tried other extraordinary powers separately, and the results were weakened like psionic power, which was roughly equivalent to the level of a fourth-level psychic, and it was cut by more than half. The only thing that remained unchanged was the power of the stone throne. He was greatly restricted, as if the laws of this world were aimed at the stone throne.

Just after Leo conducted a test for a period of time, he felt that the mark of the white deer on his forehead was weakening. It seemed that the spell-casting status granted by the mark of the white deer was only temporary, and there were differences in size, frequency and time when he used his extraordinary power. Restriction, the stronger the power, the more times it has the greater impact on the White Deer Mark, and it also shortens the existence time of the White Deer Mark.

Thinking of this, Leo felt the power of the white deer in the wedding ring. Although judging from the power of the white deer contained in the wedding ring, it can only be stimulated twice at most to form two marks of power, but because the wedding ring has been affected The White Deer Blessing is considered an artifact made by the White Deer, so as long as it is within the scope of the World Tree, the divine power contained in the ring will slowly recover. Although this world is weird, it is still part of the World Tree, so even if the ring in the wedding ring When the divine power is exhausted, it will only take a few days at most before the divine power can be restored automatically.

Now Leo can confirm two things. One thing is that the gods of the Black Forest Department, or the gods directly governed by the World Tree can exert extraordinary power in this world, and the other thing is the existence of the abyss snake that sneaked into this world. It is indeed a **** belonging to the World Tree, which means that this abyssal snake is still living underground, and can use part of the power of the gods.

However, Leo was a little curious about the relationship between the young abyss serpent that died in the divine power crystal and this abyss serpent that became a god, and he was even more puzzled why the abyss serpent gave the divine power crystal to the shepherds and put it in the statue You must know that the juvenile abyss serpent in the divine power crystal is undergoing transformation. Once the transformation is completed, it will become an existence that even the abyss serpent itself fears. It stands to reason that this divine power crystal should be destroyed or properly preserved. Why is it released? On some ordinary people who may have the blood of the abyss serpent.

All kinds of doubts made Leo want to go to the underground world to meet the abyss snake who became a god.

In the next few days, the Nature Association sent a few more people to the camp of the pioneering group and formed a new pioneering group. It seems that as long as the pioneering group led by Bernando returns news, they will set off .

Matou Bay also dispatched manpower, and also formed a pioneering group. Obviously, the previous conflict caused by the crystallization of divine power has subsided, and Matou Bay can also spare people because of the retreat of the indigenous tribes, and Judging from the elite level of manpower dispatched by Matouwan, Matouwan has already attached great importance to Bernando's development plan. Presumably, he has heard rumors about gold.

Due to the influx of a large number of people, the original temporary camp was overcrowded. For this reason, Matouwan proposed to expand the temporary camp and merge it with the previous camp in Matouwan. I can't come up with a better simplicity, so I can only agree. In this way, the camp of the pioneering group has increased several times, and because of the increase in personnel and the change of plans, the temporary camp has also become a permanent camp and continues to be used. Tents are no longer suitable as living places, so simple wooden houses appeared in the open space of the camp.

As a consultant who was especially valued by Bernando, Leo was naturally allocated one of the wooden houses after it was built, and because he required the location of the wooden house to be located at the edge of the camp, it was much cleaner than the environment where people came and went in the middle of the camp. , and Bernando's books were also moved to the room next to him for storage.

Although the wooden huts on the edge of the camp seem dangerous, in fact there are so many heavily armed warriors and hunters in the camp, no matter how reckless the indigenous tribes are, they will not attack the camp in this situation, and because of the construction of wooden huts For the sake of the camp, all the trees around the camp were cut down, exposing a isolation zone with a wide view, and there will be no opportunities for any attackers, and there will be no dangerous animals hiding around, so the edge of the camp is actually quite large. Safety.

Many scholars who are also consultants have also realized this. They also think that the middle area of ​​the camp is too noisy, so they all moved here, and soon this area became the residential area of ​​consultant scholars.

Joe also holds the title of consultant, so he also lives in this area, but because the house has not yet been built, he can only live in a tent. I don’t know if his ability to make friends is too strong, or because of other factors. The reason, all in all, in just a few days, he changed from a despised big talker to the general representative of consultant scholars, and because of some support from the Nature Association, he also formed a team in the camp that only He is in charge, nominally, of an armed regiment that protects scholar advisors.

Just as the construction of the pioneer camp was in full swing, the news from the depths of the jungle also disrupted everyone's rhythm. A transport team composed of 500 people transported a carload of gold back to the pioneer camp, and sent to the pioneer camp. Everyone explained their experiences these days, and the shock of seeing the golden lake, the entire pioneering camp was in an instant commotion, and everyone became extremely impatient, wishing to get ready to go into the jungle immediately.

The gold that was transported back was temporarily stored in the warehouse that had been built, and was protected by an independent armed force jointly formed by Matou Bay and the Natural Society, while the scholars and consultants in the camp took the opportunity to study the gold from the indigenous tribes Although the Matouwan side is a little reluctant to agree to the request of the scholar consultant, the Nature Association expressed its support and required that all research materials must be backed up by the Nature Association. Obviously, gold is enough for the Nature Association. , but the civilization information contained in gold products is also one of the things they value.

As one of the consultants, Leo was naturally invited to study these gold products, and Leo just glanced at it, and didn't look at it any more, because the gold products that were brought back this time were nothing. The golden sacrificial object is the fragments of the abyss serpent statue cut by Leo, and these fragments are not complete, and the part of the base that preserves the crystal of divine power is not among them.

On the contrary, after seeing the pile of broken Abyss Serpent statues, Joe's face became extremely ugly. It seemed that he knew what the original appearance of these golds was, and he also had special thoughts about the Abyss Serpent statues.

That same night, Joe knocked on the door of Leo's residence again.

"What's the matter?" Leo opened the door, looked at Joe, and asked.

Joe looked around and saw patrolling soldiers and consultant scholars walking not far away, so he suggested, "Go in and talk."

Leo let Joe in, closed the door, and motioned him to do whatever he wanted, then asked again: "Is it because of the pile of gold that was delivered?"

Joe didn't answer right away, but was silent for a while, and asked: "Your Excellency Leo, when you went to the shepherds, was the big snake statue in the temple still in good condition?"

"Yes." Leo nodded, and responded briefly, but he didn't finish talking about destroying the statue and finding the crystallization of divine power.

Obviously, Leo's half-answered answer caused some bad associations in Joe's mind. His face became more and more gloomy, and there was a trace of hesitation on his face, as if he was considering whether he should take the thoughts in his heart. Tell Leo about it.

Leo did not open his mouth to urge or expose the other party's ideas, but sat quietly opposite Joe, waiting for Joe's own choice.

After a while, Qiao said in a deep voice: "This time, the large migration of the indigenous tribes in the coastal area is probably not to deal with the colonists of the Novat continent, but to deal with the shepherds."

"To deal with the Mumu tribe? Who?" Leo didn't hesitate too much after hearing this, and said in a deep voice: "The Paho tribe?"

Qiao nodded when he heard this, and seemed not surprised that Leo could guess the answer.

In fact, Leo had similar thoughts when he came back from the Shepherds. In the previous conversation with Joe, he learned that the Mums came from the world of Velen and came to this continent from the underground world. The idea became more clear, and now Joe's words only made him more sure of this guess.

In fact, when he first learned that the indigenous tribes along the coast began to migrate to the depths of the jungle under a certain order, Leo felt it was very strange. Think about it, if these indigenous tribes are allowed to stay at the front and use their knowledge of the terrain to continuously harass and attack the colonies, the colonies will have to passively defend and cannot provide effective support with other colonies, while the Paho tribe will It is obviously more effective to directly concentrate forces, deal with a certain colony, and destroy these colonies one by one.

As for whether the indigenous tribes of the New World would think of such a tactic, Leo has no doubts about it, because with the current level of civilization in the New World and the frequent war conflicts between the indigenous tribes, as a large tribe like the Paho tribe, it must be There is no shortage of those military talents, and it should not be difficult to think of similar tactics.

However, the Paho tribe made a very abnormal move. Without large-scale conflicts with the colonies of the New World, they directly summoned all the indigenous tribes in the coastal areas to the depths of the jungle, and gave up the land in the coastal areas in vain. To the colonists, this is obviously unreasonable.

So when Leo went to the Mumu tribe, he had an idea in his mind. The reason why the Paho tribe did this was to transfer all the indigenous tribes who were protectors of the Mumu tribe, and to control a large number of tribes. The golden herds are exposed to the eyes of the colony, let the colony deal with the herds The reason why Leo came up with this idea is that the herds left too hastily, although from the herds Judging from the various conditions within the tribe, it seems that the Shepherds walked very calmly, because all kinds of living utensils were taken away, and all kinds of items that were not suitable for taking away were also neatly placed, and it seemed that they left peacefully , but in the tribe, there was one extremely important thing of the Mumu tribe that was not taken away. This thing was the statue of the abyss serpent.

This undoubtedly shows that when the shepherds realized that they were exposed to the front of the colony, it was already after the migration of other indigenous tribes. They did not get the news in advance to prepare, and at this time they all knew that they had no time to take away the statue. They can only put it in the tribe, and maybe wait for the opportunity to come back and take it away, because the place where the statue is placed is not suitable for transportation, they probably think that even if it is occupied by colonists, the statue cannot be removed, so there is still Lots of chances to retrieve the Idol.

Judging from all the circumstances, it should be that the Pahuo tribe plotted against the Mumu tribe, which made Leo curious about the relationship between the two indigenous tribes.

"Can you tell me more about the relationship between the Paho tribe and the Shepherd tribe?" Leo didn't intend to let go of this opportunity to obtain useful information, so he asked Joe.

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