The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1856: Scavengers Brigade

Under the seed bank building, the team did not enter the building immediately, but they stood in a neat row. One of them walked up to his horse, took a lantern from the saddle, and lit it. Lantern.

At this time, what came out of the lantern was not fire, but thick smoke. Then the man held the lantern, shaking it, chanting something, and walked up to a companion, doing some ceremonial things. Finally, he used his fingers to dip a little grease that looked like some kind of mixed color into the leather at the waist, and drew a circle on his companion.

After that, that person did the same thing for each of his companions, which took a lot of time, and during the whole process, those people stood in the cold wind without any dissatisfaction. There was no need to look at the expressions behind their masks, just from their current appearance. You can already feel a strong sense of piety just by moving.

Although this blessing ceremony seems very simple, it does not mean that it has no effect at all. In fact, after these people completed the ceremony, each of them had a more or less weak energy fluctuation, This kind of energy fluctuation will not produce any powerful force, but it can create a deterrent field, just like the deterrence caused by the approximate difference in life level.

What surprised Leo even more was that this weak energy fluctuation was the same as Sylvia's life energy, the only difference was in strength and weakness, that is to say, the **** these people believed in was Sylvia, And judging from the fact that these people cannot obtain the effect similar to the blessing of the gods through a simple blessing ceremony, Leovia has at most mastered some law powers in that world, which is a bad thing for Leovia .

Although the true **** of a world is equivalent to an Omega-level low-level life form, its potential has not yet reached its peak, and is firmly bound under the world. Once the world is destroyed, the gods of that world will either be destroyed with Fang, Either that power is stripped away and becomes mortal.

Leovia's potential far exceeds the true **** of a world, you must become a **** of a world, so different is self-destructive future, you also have that point.

However, what Duhao has seen and felt now tells me that Leovia doesn't seem to have become the **** of the world destroyed by the disaster, otherwise, you might just rely on a little complicated ritual You can't bless your believers in a distant place, and that also makes Elvi feel a little worried about what Leovia and I have experienced in this lost memory.

Before the blessing ceremony was completed, everyone took out their weapons, each took a lantern from under their saddles, hung it on their waist before lighting it, and then retreated into the small building led by several captain-like figures. Inside.

At that time, Ervi used the mental network to scan the small building, secretly observing the actions of these people.

The scavengers seemed to understand what was going on before seeing the color of the lantern smoke. We slowly put the things under our respective backpacks under the sleds, and then helped each other and followed the team In front of the rider, he took a step forward and moved slowly, away from the city.

Before, no one seemed to propose to take some Hefang seeds, but it seemed that the captain denied it. We took enough seeds very quickly and returned from the original way. The whole process went very smoothly, did we encounter any problems? trouble.

Although in that process, we encountered some carelessness, such as the squirming vines changed the terrain, causing the passage we came to be blocked, but in general, we were unlucky, did we need to kill teammates just now? Only accidents can be solved.

Soon we opened a passage in the place covered by vines, but no one was too flustered. When the tools were taken back, one was that the big heart hung on the edge of the mask, and the mask was twisted a little. A gap was exposed.

Compared with that team, the luck of the other two teams is too bad. The place we want to go is blocked by vines, and we are discussing what to do, but judging from our behavior, we have different opinions It was small, but in the end we chose the same method, instead of taking a few broken large chainsaws out of the backpack and cutting the vines in the way.

Within the city limits, these people walked very slowly, basically using their minimum strength to hurry. When we left the suburbs of the city and retreated into the countryside, we stopped, took a rest, and then Hurry up and continue on your way.

After that, the team of riders hadn’t returned to the camp yet, and we put the items we found into a tent in the camp guarded by more than a dozen armed soldiers in full uniform. Make a bonfire, prepare food, etc.

People outside the small building also immediately noticed the movement of the giant vines, because the smoke emitted from the lanterns we hung around our waists changed color, from light gray to dark white.

When these scavengers returned to the camp, we were able to drink cold water and food that could warm up the body slowly, but a very small number of scavengers did not run to get food, but ran to the sled full of backpacks , took his own backpack, and then ran to the snow table in the tent of a businessman who was familiar with scavenged items, took out the things he found one by one, and showed them to the businessman.

The man immediately wanted to wear the mask off, but when his hand touched the mask, he couldn't move as if he lost control, and the movement of the man also attracted the attention of my companions around us. We saw this man's face In front of the crooked mask, one by one seemed to be frightened, moved away slowly to make a space, and aimed the weapon in his hand at the companion.

Everyone is standing stiffly at the same place at this moment, daring to move, fearing that the minor movements caused by moving their bodies will cause some bad things, so we just stood there blankly for a few minutes until this person The captain made some tidying up, and then we relaxed, and continued to retreat to the target location on tiptoe.

The man wanted to whisper to his companion that he had something to do, but he could do everything, only the body could not move, and he could not even complete complex movements like opening his mouth to speak.

At that time, the sky was not completely white, and some beasts hidden in the snow caves during the day also stopped their activities. Perhaps because of the temptation brought by the small number of living creatures in the camp, some hungry beasts finally came to the camp. The edge of the area illuminated by the torch was constantly wandering back and forth to try. In the end, few beasts finally endured the impulse and got into the area illuminated by the torch, slowly approaching the snow wall surrounding the camp, just waiting for them to approach The snow wall, heard a few gunshots, followed by those wild beasts, they all fell to the ground, gliding for a certain distance, lying here motionless, blood flowed from them, staining the snow above them red .

The two teams came to the archives and laboratory of the small building respectively. We searched for some broken archives and experimental instruments, and then left in a hurry, returning to the small building by the same route. in the building.

The smell of blood has a strong temptation for these wild beasts, none of them can bear that temptation, the beast nature occupies the rare rationality, rushing into the camp around the torch isolation zone in groups, one by one Gunshots rang out one after another in the camp, tearing apart the noise in the small field. Although the gunshot over there was small, but because the small building was very empty, it spread far away, and the other two groups of people in the small building also heard it, and we all stopped before we heard the sound. The movement, stayed in place for a while, then slowed down the pace,

The businessman quickly identified the damaged items and gave a price. Before hearing the price, some people cursed repeatedly and looked annoyed, while some people cheered softly and looked happy when they heard the price. Whether the price is too high or those who are satisfied with the purchase price, we all did not ask other merchants for prices, but completed the transaction in the hands of the merchants we each found.

In the camp, tents and simple igloos built with snow blocks are arranged chaotically in the open ground. Although the snow in the open ground has not been cleared, several roads are still planned to criss-cross the camp. Divided into the same area.

Have these merchants who purchased a small amount of items rested? We will return and classify the missing items. Some items with extremely low value will be stored in our wallets, while other items with special value will be put in our own The bundled sled was damaged, and it will be transported back to New Rand before dawn tomorrow.

At that time, these scavengers and Fang gathered under the main road in the city, and this team of riders who retreated into the city center also rushed out of the city. No one could see that the smoke from the lantern turned dark gray, and then it passed through the crowd and galloped in the direction it came from.

Not long before those people left, those people who stopped picking up waste immediately after hearing the bells also returned to the gathering point one after another. We found that the people outside hadn’t left yet, and none of them panicked. All of them were carrying light backpacks, followed the traces left behind, and took small steps to chase down, trying to catch up with the team that hadn't left yet.

Soon the eight teams came to their respective goals, and one of the teams was in the seed bank. We took out a wooden box and carefully took some seeds from the container of the seed bank and put them outside the box. We Not all the seeds were taken away, but only a lot of them.

The camp was in an area less than 80 meters in circumference, and a few torches were lit. A snow wall less than 8 meters in height separated the camp from the inner boundary. The wall was vertically upward, and the surface was repeatedly poured. A few layers of water are damaged. Before the water freezes, the wall becomes extremely soft and stable, and it is also extremely difficult to climb.

The group did not say anything less. The things they got were properly stored outside a leather box under the horse's back. Then they got off the horse and galloped towards the city. The leader on the road took out a The bell is shaking vigorously. Although the bell is small, its sound is very penetrating. Even the hot and cold wind passing through the city can't blow the bell away, and even the walls of small buildings can block the spread of the bell. , these people who were looking for things on the edge of the city stopped their work one by one before hearing the bell, stuffed all the things they found that were worthless into their backpacks, and ran out of the abandoned building at a slow speed. The room, rushed towards the road where we finally gathered.

Xiao Yue walked for an hour or two, and when the sky gradually darkened, the thousands of people hadn't arrived at a cleared camp.

Although some people heard the bell, we did not stop searching for items immediately like others, but continued to search for things in abandoned houses covered by snow, and did we notice it? What I saw at this moment is that these giant vines in the city are emitting some tiny spores that cannot be seen with the naked eye in the direction of the lake. Those spores will not be blown by the wind, but as if they are controlled by some invisible force. Rapidly spread toward the inner circle of the city.

Soon the various items found by the scavengers were sold, and before they finished eating, they each returned to their tents, and the outside of the camp became a little quieter.

Ervi watched all that happened in the dark. I didn't take action to save these people who inhaled the free spores and lost control, but I turned around and went back to the small building where the seed bank is located, and took out the seeds from the seed bank. From the actions of these people just now, it is difficult to see that those seeds are very important to us, and their value is naturally valuable, and they should not be exchanged for money or other items if necessary.

Before discovering that situation, the movements of those people became much slower. Some people stopped their work, took out some grease-like things from their backpacks, and slowly applied them to the ventilation holes under the masks. , and also smeared some for my companions.

I saw that the people who retreated into the small building didn’t seem to have a clear goal. We were divided into eight teams and headed towards the same area in the small building, and it seemed that it was the first time for us to come there. , In the small building filled with various vines, we can all find the way to the lower level very slowly.

It’s just that we had just walked more than ten meters, and we stopped one after another, and then turned around with dull expressions, and threw the backpacks under us, like puppets being manipulated With awkward steps, he walked towards the city.

Seeing that situation, the captain of that team didn't say anything. He aimed directly at his companion's head and pulled the trigger. The bullets flying out of the gun barrel directly smashed the opponent's head. People also collapsed to the ground.

At that moment, the body suddenly trembled, as if the person whose half of the head was smashed was still alive, and then I saw thick and thin vines coming out of my body, dragging As I slowly sank into the vines on my body, I just disappeared in the eyes of others around me.

Before taking some seeds, Ervi left the city and followed the traces left by these people under the road, chasing after them.

When those people were cutting the vines, Ervi clearly felt that the giant vines in the small building seemed to be awakened. The life energy emitted by the vines ended up spreading in the small building, but the petrified inner shell of the vines did not shatter. It feels more like a stress response to being hurt.

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