The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1869: big news

"Mysterious World Under Steampunk"

Just when everyone was panicked by the appearance of the Redemption Order, they saw another figure rushing out of the giant airship, and then falling towards them like a meteorite.

As the figure approached, they gradually saw clearly that the falling figure turned out to be a golden armored knight with a giant figure, and some of those who knew the Order of Redemption immediately thought of the identity of this golden armored knight.

"Go! Go!" So, the priest at the head of the crowd yelled in panic, and then he couldn't wait to ride one of the few horses in the sacrificial team, and ran towards the outside of the city. People followed immediately, and the rest of the people who didn't understand followed like a flock of sheep following the leader. Only those who were sacrificed stood there blankly.

However, although these cultists who believed in the abyss race reacted quickly, they were already targeted and still could not escape the hunt of the hunters.

Seeing that the golden armored knight who descended from the sky saw his target trying to escape, he immediately adjusted his body so that his falling speed was several times faster, and he landed on the ground in the blink of an eye.

However, although this huge golden armored knight fell to the ground, he did not smash the ground into a big hole as heavily as everyone thought. Instead, he fell to the ground lightly like a weightless feather. Not even a little snowflake was stirred up, and immediately after his figure transitioned from extremely quiet to extremely dynamic, his whole body was like a cannonball, ending at the end of the fleeing sacrificial team and rushing all the way to the end. The bodies of the people I didn't touch were like bombs that were detonated, and they were blown to pieces, and those torn flesh and blood hit the bodies of other people around me that I didn't touch, tearing our bodies apart. His body was riddled with holes.

In the blink of an eye, the hundreds of sacrificial teams turned into a piece of flying flesh on the impact of the Knights of Hill, only the priest who ran at the end was still alive, because the moment I was hit, I used my obtained The abyss talisman blocked the impact of the work.

It's just that the impact force only blocked part of it, and it didn't fall on me much. Although it didn't kill him immediately, it also knocked me into a near-death state, and all the bones in my body were crushed. It was smashed, the flesh was torn, and the pain beyond the limit of human beings spread to any part of my body that I could still feel. At this moment, I may be worse than death.

However, the priest who should have died was affected by an abyssal force in his body at this moment. While the force was urgently relieving the wounds under me, it was mutating and distorting my body, causing my body to slowly twist and deform into a monster. It looks like a monster like a leech.

It's just that the mutation under the priest's body has just been completed, and before I have time to adapt to the new body, a huge sword shining with golden flames was swung by Knight Hill, and fell on my body, and my body was instantly crushed. It was cut in half, and the golden flame penetrated into my body, burning it to ashes in an instant after I let out a scream.

Although the implant understood what surprised the captain of the airship, you still reacted slowly and moved towards the neck, and soon you touched the holy emblem necklace of the Lord of Redemption on the neck , and feel the true authorship emanating from under the necklace pendant.

Where the light swept across, these believers of the Lord of Redemption could not feel that their bodies and minds were inspired by a force, and some of the original diseases and injuries in their bodies were instantly cured, and these cultists and heretic blasphemers Except for those who were unlucky and hid on the ground, where the light irradiated, all of them burned violently like a lighted torch at the moment the light swept across. There is also a way to go out in the lake.

The moving speed of the halo was extremely slow. It swept across the city of New Rand within a minute, and swept into the Miral Plain in less than two minutes. The light came to the Holy City of Salvation eight or less minutes ago.

As a bystander, the golden armor didn't have the idea of ​​not intervening. I hid in the nearby building and watched what Knight Hill was doing, while my mental net swept across Knight Hill's body at a slow speed. , without Knight Hill noticing, mastered all the mysteries of the giant's body.

Before that, the Tribunal came out to search for heretics and blasphemers in the Holy City. A small number of heretics and blasphemers who had spontaneously combusted had not had time to respond to the sudden situation. Wait for the clues to be uncovered. Among those people, there are some low-level politicians and celebrities, and whether our identities have any effect in front of the trial court.

Just as the golden armor was scanning Knight Hill, the airship in the sky ended up and down in a hurry, and seemed to be planning to take Knight Hill back, but when the airship descended to a certain distance, Qu Si suddenly sensed the presence of the airship. There was a burst of energy fluctuations, which was the power of Leovia's demon man, but the energy fluctuations were not as strong, and there was no small gap between Leovia's strength.

The figure of this woman who suddenly appeared out of my mind made everyone in the airship feel puzzled. We knew who that person was, and we had never seen that person before, but when we thought about the process of obtaining that piece of information, we couldn't help but wonder. Immediately understand that the woman should not be the savior. It is the savior of our faith who provides us with clues to find.

After speaking, you slowly ran out of the cabin, came to the observation deck, stood on the edge of the guardrail, and looked at the lost city above.

However, when Knight Hill came up to us, he didn't retreat to treat us as we hoped, but directly waved his fist at those people, and killed us on the spot after we didn't react.

"Little Qu Siji, your neck..." The captain of the airship who was waiting for orders suddenly turned pale and pointed at the neck of the implant.

Jin Jia didn't pay attention to the implant's salute, but picked up the holy emblem necklace in the implant's hand, and as my hand touched the holy emblem necklace, a dazzling light burst out from the necklace, and then It forms a halo with a diameter of less than ten meters, which clings to the ground and pushes back towards the seven weeks like a water wave, and in the process of spreading, does the light weaken a little, as if some kind of scanning energy specially sweeps the encounter to everything.

Then, he saw the implant remove the necklace from his neck and put it behind everyone.

Just when the paladin was about to step down and stop behind the decent implant, and questioned the identity of the golden armor, the implant took the initiative to move towards the golden armor, using the lowest level of the Redemption Order, which was specially used to ask the eight male gods and the Lord of Redemption. In the etiquette of prayer, salute towards the golden armor, and in very standard French, said: "The implant of my lord's servant has seen the savior!"

I saw that the holy emblem pendant of the necklace was emitting a slight white light at this moment, and it seemed to be breathing, and it was retracted. Everyone who was illuminated by the white light felt their own breathing and even the blood flow in their bodies, just like the holy emblem. Breathing like rays of light, and finally reached a state of synchronization, followed by rays of light emitting from everyone's body, and everyone's body and mind fell into an extremely intense state, and a woman's image appeared outside our minds. figure.

Before finishing the sacrificial team, the Qu Si knight inserted the giant sword back into the scabbard at his waist as if he had done a trivial thing, and then turned to face the The sacrificial person walked away.

Facing the approaching giants, these sacrifices who escaped the fate of being sacrificed showed joyful expressions on their faces, and knelt down on the ground one after another, reciting the name of the Lord of Redemption.

At the same time, the statue of the Lord of Redemption and the eight male gods under the lowest Marian Peak in the Holy City of Redemption emitted a weak light as if it had received some kind of signal. The phantom of the divine power of the Lord of Redemption appeared in the sky, and those who did not witness it, from the Pope down to the refugees, all knelt down on the ground in one case, and whispered the name of the Lord of Redemption.

Jin Jia looked at the man under the airship, who was holding a strange object exuding the power of a demon man, jumped into the air and flew towards him. He didn't leave, but stood there and waited.

At the same time that the holy city was making a fuss because of the appearance of the Lord of Redemption, in a lost city in the Miral Plain, Jin Jia returned the sacred emblem necklace of redemption that had been restored to the implant, and then asked : "Is he a low-level clergyman of the Order of Redemption?"

And the halo also swept across the holy city at that time, and spontaneous combustion occurred in various parts of the holy city in an instant, and some information appeared in the minds of these devout clergymen in the holy city, and those information also Let us immediately understand what is happening to these people who spontaneously combust in the light.

"Why are such clues passed on now, could it be..." The implant suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately ordered in a low voice: "Slow down, go up immediately!"

Soon the implant landed in front of me, almost at the same time the knight Melina hadn't arrived yet, but the paladin was stunned when he saw the golden armor, I didn't know him The golden armor, but I didn't realize that no one else existed there, and because of the heretics just now, I immediately assumed the identity of the golden armor.

"Divine Grace?" Jin Jia quickly recognized that the giant Hill knight used divine grace technology, and that set of divine grace contained a small amount of divine grace technology that I have studied in the future. It's just that the technology used now is more mature, but its root should come from my technology.

Knight Melina, who was waiting for the airship to land on the ground, also saw the implant jumping out of the airship. A look of bewilderment appeared on my face, but I still instinctively ran towards the place where Qu Siji was gliding up and down, avoiding the implant. What is the meaning of the body.

In fact, when Xia Jinjia asked that question, he didn't have an answer, because I felt the power of a hunter of gods hidden in the opponent's body under the implanted body. Obviously, the person behind my eyes should not be Lei. Ovia's scroller. Jin Jia is not surprised by this. After all, I am not sure that the Lord of Redemption in that world is not Leovia, and I will tell Qu Siwei about technologies like Divine Grace before they are not practical. Ya, the giant knight with the holy emblem of the Lord of Redemption under his armor is suspected to be not the Holy Grace Warrior cultivated by Leovia based on my skills, but judging from the current skills of Qu Siji under the knight, I lost In addition to the time corresponding to this memory, I should have also done some research on the technology of divine grace, and pushed back my original technology by a long distance.

"Yes." Implant replied immediately, and the author introduced his identity.

Once it's over, you don't see what you want to see, so your eyes scan back and forth in the city, and soon a figure walking out of an abandoned house falls into your eyes, and in your eyes At the same time as seeing this figure, this figure also seemed to sense your gaze, and looked up at you, or to be more precise, looked at the holy emblem necklace in my hand that was still emitting light.

Knight Melina was stunned when she saw that scene, but I hesitated a little when I heard the words of the implant, and stood in front of the implant, saluting to the golden armor.

Regarding whether the trial court went through the procedure and directly conducted a small search of the holy city, the lower level of the religious order did not say anything about it. As the seven people with the lowest priesthood, at the moment when the incarnation of the Lord of Redemption appeared in the sky of the holy city, UU Reading www. retreated into their respective exclusive prayer rooms, praying to the Lord of Redemption and the eight male gods to obtain fewer oracles, but all you got was a figure, a person you don’t even have a deep memory of. figure.

At the same time, under the airship, the implant listened to the observer's report on the situation above, and was about to give orders to go back to the cultist camp before taking Melina Knight back, and before completely eradicating it, Then go to New Rand City to learn about the specific things related to the Savior. After all, the eight male **** priests in New Rand City are the first to receive the Savior's oracle. Maybe they can get some useless things from the eight priests. Clues, even if it is seen from the information that the eight priests have never had contact with the savior, are still important.

Although the distance is not far away, and there is no wind and snow to block your view, you still see the appearance of this figure clearly, and your heart is also excited by it, completely forgetting that your purpose that time was to verify the authenticity of the Savior. At the moment when the emblem shines brightly, you have not yet made up your mind.

However, only the implants who have never been to the Hall of Sages know that the image of the woman that appears outside the brain is not the mysterious woman painted outside the Hall of Sages, and what surprised Qu Siji is not the woman painted by the Hall of Sages Derived from the hand of St. Mary Anlia, the works have been painted for decades. If it is sure that the woman is not the savior, then St. Mary Anlia may have predicted the appearance of the savior in the works back then, and gave to the predecessors There are clues left, but those who have seen the painting understand the meaning of the painting.

Perhaps it was because the speed of the airship ascending and descending was too fast, the implant body climbed over the fence and jumped into the air amidst the exclamation of the attendants in front of it, and then you opened your arms, and the whole person appeared in the shape of a cross, and a divine force flowed from you The body surges out, giving you the ability to glide in the air, and under your control, fly towards the position of this figure.