The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 187: Loss and gain

Hearing the words of the Duke of White Boots, Leo couldn't help but stunned. He didn't expect the method of the wizard's wonder that had troubled him for a while, and he suddenly had an answer.

"Do you know how to use this thing?" Leo spread his hands towards the Duke of White Boots and confirmed again.

"Of course I know that no one in this world knows how to use this thing better than I do." The Duke of White Boots nodded, revealing what he was supposed to do.

Its anthropomorphic look is so cute that Jiwei Aier can't help but reach out and touch its head. It's just that Javier's behavior makes it very disliked, so she glared at Javier angrily, but unfortunately this kind of attitude not only has no deterrent effect, but makes Javier more like to tease it.

"Here, stop it! I have something serious here." Leo could see that the Duke of White Boots was unhappy with Javier's movements, so he stopped her, and then continued to ask the Duke of White Boots: "This The scarcity of things has always been kept in the treasure trove of the Nowitzki family. How do you know how to use this thing?"

"This thing was created by me, how could I not know how to use it." The Duke of White Boots, free from harassment, glared at Javier and then continued the narrative: "Nowsky The current head of the family accidentally obtained a piece of skin that mysteriously shed, but I have never found a way to use this piece of skin. For this reason, the Nowitzki family has offered a huge reward. Finally, my master Received this offer, and helped the owner of the Nowitzki family make the piece of skin into five pieces of sorcerer's artifacts." Then, it paused and said: "But I remember the names of the five sorcerer's artifacts. What is the space blade called, it should be a pure combat magic weapon, and it can't be used to collect things?"

Leo heard the words and could not help revealing the color of contemplation. The White Boots Duke revealed two important messages.

One thing is that the Duke of White Boots is far more complicated than its appearance, both in itself and in the background.

Leo remembered that when Witzmir introduced the wizard's singularity, he mentioned that it was made when the Nowitzki family was still in its heyday.

If it is estimated according to the rise and fall of the noble family in Hushang Town, the Nowitzki family must have lived in the first lake town when it was heyday, and as the family business declined, it would move from the first lake town to the second lake town. If it continues to decline, the place of residence will gradually decrease and eventually settle in the current Seventh Lake Town.

Based on this estimate, the time for the Nowitzki family to make this sorcerer's wonder was at least one or two hundred years ago.

And now the Duke of White Boots actually said that he saw how this thing was made, so it means that the Duke of White Boots is at least one hundred years old.

Previously, Leo’s Spirit Net had been checked on the Duke of White Boots more than once and found that its body cell viability was analyzed according to the Earth Federation cytology, which was only a dozen years at most, which was left to the time it claimed.

In addition, the second point is the owner of the Duke of White Boots. Leo remembers very well that the person who made this wizard is the first chief of the wizarding association. Calculated in this way, the first chief is the so-called master of the Duke of White Boots, and may even be the one who let it produce wisdom.

In addition to these two important messages, Leo was also puzzled by the other thing revealed by the Duke of White Boots. This thing is that it claims that this wizard artifact is a combat artifact, and it cannot be used to collect things at all. This is completely different from the function and problems encountered by Leo in the hands of the wizard artifact.

Leo thought for a moment, and did not fully believe what Duke White Boots said, but he still made Duke White Boots speak out the magic method of the wizard named Space Blade to confirm what Duke White Boots said. Whether the space blade and the magical object in his hand are an item.

The Duke of White Boots was a little annoyed that Leo didn’t believe him, but for the remains of the spirits of the dream to be patient, he spoke of the use of the magical space blade of the wizard.

After listening to what the Duke of White Boots said, Leo fell silent and fell into contemplation.

In fact, in half of the words of the Duke of White Boots, Leo was already very sure that the method mentioned by the Duke of White Boots could not be directly applied to the wizards in his own hands, but at the same time he could also confirm that the Duke of White Boots did not lie. A magical object of the wizard is indeed the magic weapon of the so-called space blade.

Leo had accidentally created a space turbulence in the small space in order to take out the objects collected in the space in the palm, and guided the turbulence out of the space in the palm, forming a shock wave similar to psionic shock.

It's a pity that the whole process was just an accident, coupled with unknown knowledge such as the spatial principle and the structure of wizards and strange objects, even if he was assisted by the auxiliary brain system, he couldn't perform that kind of spatial shock wave again.

But now, the method described by the Duke of White Boots just solved this problem. After the simulation analysis of the auxiliary brain system, Leo can be sure that this method can be used in the palm space with only a slight modification, when there is space turbulence, Use very little psionic power to turn it into a powerful space shock wave.

However, this method can not be directly applied, because Leo found that this method is only applicable to the situation where the internal space of this wizard is full of turbulence, so there is no guidance chaos in the use method. Naturally, there is no way to store any objects inside the wizard's wonder.

In addition, the space shock waves released by this method are necessarily powerful and uncontrollable, and will directly tear the space and form space cracks, rather than creating a shock wave-like outward form. This phenomenon of tearing the space is like someone cutting the space with a knife. Leo guessed that this may be the main reason why this wizard's singularity will have the name of the space blade.

The reason why Leo's analysis occurs is probably related to the change in the internal space of this wizard.

At the beginning, when the first chief wizard at that time made the piece of omega-class advanced creature's skin into five space blade wizard artifacts, the internal space of the wizard artifact was a chaotic space full of turbulence.

However, with the frequent use afterwards, the turbulence in the interior space of the wonder was released, and the interior space began to stabilize, so this wizard wonder could no longer be used for combat.

Although the method of use described by the Duke of White Boots is indeed the method of using this wizard's singular object, it is no longer applicable to this singular object. The only thing that can be thankful is that there are many places that this method of use can learn from In the light of some doubts of Leo, I believe that I will soon be able to find out the real method of using this wizard.

"Duke White Boots, the method you said is very helpful to me, but it needs to be modified a little. You and Javier will take a break here now, and I will pay you back after I find the correct way to use it." Leo felt that this is not a suitable place for thinking, so he told the Duke of White Boots and Javier, and then walked out of the room, went to the upstairs bedroom, sat on the chair, and his mind sank into his side. In the system, the use method of the palm space is analyzed and organized together with the accessory brain system.

Because of the primitive usage method, Leo made a one-off, reverse analysis of the construction of this magical object in the palm space through the auxiliary brain system, and found the control that was engraved on the surface of the magical object with extremely clever engraving Rune magic circle.

Although the runes on the magic circle are all high-level magic circle runes, which are very different from the lower-level magic circles learned by Leo in the study here, whether the two are an overall magic circle or a single rune is the basic principle. All are consistent. This also allows him to use this homology to find alternatives from the basic roots of the Camoray language, and also to refer to some combinations of Turing roots.

Because he feared that directly altering the rune magic circle would cause an abnormality in the internal space and destroy the things stored in the space, Leo had to think about it and write it in other blank places on the surface of the wizard’s wonders, using ordinary techniques. He created a special magic array created by combining Turing roots and runes here.

The effect of this magic circle is very simple, it is to connect the exported runes in the control runes, and the exported objects are all tangible and intangible objects in the space. It's just that, compared to the slightly brutal release technique of controlling runes, some simple Turing roots composed of a combination of three basic roots are added to this magic array. The meaning and role of these three basic roots are all stable.

After modifying the control rune magic array on the wizard's magical object, Leo checked it again and again, and after confirming that there were no errors, he began to analyze the modified control method according to his guide to guide a box in the palm space. Trait bullet, take it out of space.

Almost as Leo completed the final boot step, he felt his palm sink slightly, with an additional item, and the box of special bullets previously stored in the space in his palm reappeared in Leo's hands intact.

Seeing that the things were taken out smoothly, Leo always relaxed a little bit nervously, but he did not seem too happy, because taking out the things was only the first step. Whether the taking out remained intact was the most important thing.

Thinking of this, Leo immediately pulled out the queen in the waist holster, and then took a bullet from the box to replace the bullet in the magazine. Without thinking, he shot directly at the wall.

However, what happened most that Leo did not want to see happened. After the striker hit the bullet, there was no response, which made him feel slightly sinking.

Later, he took out all the other good quality bullets in the queen's magazine and replaced the bullets just removed from the palm space. The final result can be said to be very bad. No bullet can be used, and all of them have become dumb bullets. .

After completing the test, Leo sat gloomy for a while, and then sorted out the various items stored in the palm space one by one according to the previous method, and checked the intactness in turn.

After the inspection, he felt a little thankful for the loss at the same time, and he was relieved.

Like the trait bullets that were taken out before, all the trait bullets that stored the space in the palm of the road were also discarded.

At the same time, the wreckage harvested from the spirit of the dream is also seriously damaged. Most of them will not even cause the detection response of the paracranial system. Only a few can still sense a small amount of non-absorbable high-energy substances through the paracranial system.

In other words, all non-absorbable high-energy substances or psionic items made with such substances are eroded by the space in the palm, and the energy contained in them is also rapidly reduced, and finally completely abolished.

Compared to these high-energy materials and their psionic items, other items that are in the space of the palm are also well preserved, such as the wizard notes, the three pieces of psionic items with unknown functions, and so on.

Among all the objects, the beacon ball pointing to the Velon World Silver Moon Tower and the leaves of the mother of the plants behaved most abnormally. These two objects not only did not cause any damage, but seemed to have injected a certain force, and the surface appeared slightly. The light is bright, and the color becomes more vivid.

Leo can feel the position of Yinyue Tower more easily by touching the beacon circle ball, and even feel that Yinyue Tower has a traction force on this beacon circle ball. Out of the illusion of this dream world.

Under the analysis of the secondary brain system, Leo realized that this traction from the Silver Moon Tower was not an illusion. He estimated that as long as the beacon orb had enough power, even if he did not find a way to leave here, the beacon orb It can also be used to send him back to the Silver Moon Tower in the world of Velon.

In addition, the leaf of the mother of the plant has become very useful. Leo can not only find the exact location of the hoofed foot by touching the leaf, but also can touch the leaf, the will, the spirit Waiting for the daily value will be slowly restored, and the mind will become more clear.

If the changes in the leaves of the mother of plants and the ball of the beacon are a surprise to then Leo feels very surprised by the three alien cells that are integrated into the remains of the mysterious animal skin. Because when Leo touched these alien cells with his hand, the side brain system immediately gave a line of information. Incomplete omega-level higher biological cells can be absorbed and fused.

If the analysis result of the para-brain system is just an appetizer, then these three alien cells resonate with the body of the dream, and make the black mysterious patterns representing the body of the dream work, which is a real meal. .

While the mysterious black pattern started to work, Leo’s spirit net skills also automatically activated, and wanted to expand, and the coverage of the spirit net is the scope of the black pattern power, a lot of nightmare power sleeps from each house The person from the body pulled out and injected into Leo's body.

Leo promptly called up the personal data interface and found that the value of Nightmare Force had changed. Not only did the daily value of the various tests consumed before the quick recovery, even the basic value of 100 points also increased by 50 points.

This is not over yet. After the daily value of the nightmare power has been fully supplemented, the nightmare power that has flowed in has not stopped, but continues to be injected into his body. At the same time, there is no ability description text behind the item of the dream column body in the talent bar. Also began to complete.