The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 205: Son of the Swamp

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Leo’s vision ability can easily let his eyes pass through the thick fog to see the appearance of the attacker on the ground, and the other party’s prominent appearance with obvious characteristics, while making him surprised, also I think it is reasonable.

I can see that although the attacker is similar to humans in walking on the lower limbs and standing upright, their upper and lower limbs are not very different, and not only have claws on their palms, but also aquatic birds between their fingers. Some have webbed membranes, and their dorsal ridges have a bone-like dorsal fin.

In addition, his body was covered with moss-like skin, his chest was covered with metal scales, his face had no eyes, but he had a tentacle-like nose and a large toothy mouth.

"Son of the Swamp." Looking at the monster in front of him, Leo murmured about the identity and origin of the attacker from the memory.

The legend of the son of the swamp has been circulated in the city of Miria, but no one has ever believed that only some women like to use the story about the son of the swamp as a child’s pillow story, or they will be in When teaching children, say what the children of the swamp will take away the bad children.

In the legend of the story, before the appearance of Miria City, this area is a huge swamp. The tribes here believe in various gods related to the swamp, and the son of the swamp is the swamp god. The servant race is also called the **** servant group.

However, with the emergence of the city of Miria, the Orthodox Court cleaned up the beliefs of the tribes in the swamp area, the army of the French Empire subdued the ethnic groups of the swamp tribe, and finally swept all these swamp myths into true and false legends Among them, the sons of the swamps who were servants of these gods naturally disappeared from the swamps in the area around the city of Milia.

It is not clear to the old man of Rembrandt whether the son of the swamp really exists, because according to the construction records of the city of Milia, the legendary war between the orthodox court and the swamp gods, the French Empire Army vs. the son of the swamp, and so on are all stories is fake.

Although some troubles were encountered in the construction of Miria City, most of those troubles were only caused by the humans of the swamp tribe, and no supernatural things appeared. This is not only recorded in the official construction materials of Miria City , Also recorded in secret organizations like dark night organizations such as the watchman organization, the strange smell society.

But the old man of Rembrandt can’t deny the existence of the son of the swamp, because in the construction of the foundation of the city of Miria, a large number of ancient civilization ruins were found, and among these ruins, some uprights that were very different from humans were found. Humanoid bones, many scholars believe that these remains should belong to the son of the swamp.

However, many scholars disagree, because the bones found are mixed with the bones of some other animals, so there is also a view that some people may deliberately use various bones to artificially make the body of a swamp son, Through the reputation of the son of the swamp in the city of Milia, create influence and gain fame and fortune.

Although there is no public opinion in the academic world because of the existence of the Swamp Child, there is one point that all scholars agree that regardless of the existence of the Swamp Child, it is now extinct.

However, it seems that this public theory recognized by the academic community has become a fallacy. The son of the swamp has not disappeared, but has also developed into a ethnic group, because Leo just found through the spiritual network that at least a dozen came to this hotel. The children of the swamp, except for the one that was killed by Leo, the rest of the children of the swamp are killing the French soldiers who stayed in the hotel and rested.

In addition, he also found that in the aristocratic villa estate not far from the street opposite the hotel, many residents of the village have already gathered in the manor, like what ceremony is being held, and the most striking thing in this ceremony is the display An idol in front of everyone, this idol is the mother of Leo who is very familiar with Leo.

The mother of the public is one of the most mysterious ancient gods in the Velon world. The religious sect about her is also mysterious. There are very few texts handed down. The only certainty is that as long as there are snakes, lizards and other reptiles, There must be the faith of the mothers of the people.

The big swamp in Miria City is naturally no exception, and it has been clearly recorded in the construction materials that in this big swamp tribe, the people who believe in the mothers of the people occupy the majority, so the servant race swamp she controls Sons are naturally the most.

Judging from the current situation, it is clear that the villagers in this village are performing some kind of sacrifice, and this kind of sacrifice has attracted these swamp children. As for the sacrifice, he and those outsiders who lived in the hotel.

While sensing the scene of the sacrificial ritual through the spiritual network, Leo also discovered the source of the chaotic psionic fluctuations he had previously sensed. This source was the statue of the mother of the masses.

It's a pity that Leo can only swim through the outer periphery of the ceremony through the spiritual network, and can't penetrate into the interior and lift up to the idol, because he feels that if he does this, he may encounter a very fatal danger, even Even the mysterious blood on his body may not save him.

So after a little consideration, Leo gave up on the sacrificial ritual exploration of those village names, but closed the spiritual net and turned his head to deal with the son of the swamp in his hand.

Leo moved the son of the swamp to the haystack, then opened the door, went out, and performed a very simple cleaning technique to remove all the odors from his body. Afterwards, he used the spirit net to monitor the swamp children in the hotel, carefully avoided these swamp children, and silently entered the hotel room, where he found some jars and knives.

After finding the tool, Leo returned to the warehouse, closed the door again, and then dissected the swamp son on the haystack in turn. Soon the swamp son was completely decomposed by Leo. During the dissection process, the swamp son The blood was filled into the jar by Leo, because there are a lot of potions in alchemy that need some substances containing psionic energy, and the blood on the swamp child contains psionic fluctuations, although this fluctuation is not strong, But it is enough to assist in making psionic potions.

After a series of anatomy, Leo soon had a deep understanding of this species, the son of the swamp.

No matter whether this swamp child is born with this species, or like the villagers who are making sacrifice consciousness in the noble villa estate, humans have gradually transformed into family members. In short, they are now completely irrelevant to humans.

The Swamp Son's skin is extremely stretchable, like rubber, it can extend six or seven meters, and his muscles are also the same. In order to match this special organ, the Swamp Son's arm except for the two main arm bones In addition, there are some auxiliary bones stacked together.

It can be speculated from these special limbs and organs that there are probably many ways to attack the target by suddenly extending the arm in the way of the swamp's attack. In addition to the special arm, there is a venomous gland in the palm of the son of the swamp. This venom gland produces venom, which is injected into the prey through the claws of the palm.

In addition to the skeletal accident of the arm, the internal organs of the Swamp Child are completely different from humans. The chest bone of the Swamp Child is a complete container, which protects the internal organs of the Swamp Child in a solid bone. These bones are even as strong as steel. If Leo attacked the opponent's head rather than the opponent's body just now, his fist may not be able to break its body bones and kill him.

The body bones of the son of the swamp grow like this because its internal organs are extremely special and extremely fragile. It does not have essential organs such as heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, large and small intestine. His internal organs are a huge organ of countless alveolar organs. This organ is not only the organs such as breathing and blood, but also the digestive organs.

However, this organ is extremely fragile. When Leo disassembles the outer protective bone and cuts the outer protective film of the organ, the entire organ will be corrupted and gasified in the blink of an eye, and Leo is too late to save it by other means. .

However, judging from the various residual foods in this organ that have not had time to digest, these swampy children seem to have changed their habits, and the large number of plant fruits only in the mountains and the meat of some land animals indicate that the area where they live has moved into the area. land.

It is not without reason that these swamp children can be called **** servant races. They are like the ancestral people in the dream world. They also have magic-like spells on them, covering the whole village, even the spiritual vision ability cannot penetrate. The dense fog was created by them using their own spell-like spells.

This kind of spell is very practical, whether in the swamp or in the mountains, this kind of spell can provide great help to the survival of these swamp children, and can also prevent the enemy from attacking them.

However, the spell-like spells of these swamp children are different from those of the clan with psionic skills. The clan-like spells of the clan are derived from the blood of mutation, which is somewhat similar to the witch. Although the blood of the Swamp Child contains psionic energy, the psionic energy in the blood is only a spell-like appendage, and their spell-like spells all originate from their skulls.

A large number of Turing roots were densely covered on the inner wall of the skull of the Son of the Swamp, roughly counted, about 500 or more. None of these Turing roots are within the basic roots of Gamore, but a new basic root.

These basic radicals have very strong psionic fluctuations themselves, and these psionic fluctuations are some negative psionic fluctuations, like the rune magic circle of the dream world, which affects everything around them at all times.

Even Leo's long-term gaze at these basic roots will produce some discomfort, such as nausea and dizziness, and the surrounding temperature will be inexplicably cold, and there will even be an illusion that a certain existence in the void is staring at itself.

In addition, these roots are not artificially carved, but are born, just like the natural bone patterns on the bones.

Judging from the many basic roots and complex Turing roots on these skulls, according to the common sense, the spell-like spells possessed by the son of swamp will definitely not have only one kind of dense fog. Psionic enhancement, you can get new spell-like psionics from the Turing roots on the skull.

Leo has no time and thought to concentrate on the new Turing roots on the skull. He must find out whether the Turing roots on the skull of each swamp son are different or all before the children of the swamp leave. same.

So, he cleaned up the debris that had been thoroughly dissected and put the earthenware pots full of blood into the storage space to confirm that the storage space transformed from the space in the palm would not absorb the content contained in the object. Psionic energy, on the contrary, exerts some protective effect on the psionic material, and restrains the distribution of psionic energy.

Although this change has made the space stable and convenient for storing items, it is not without its drawbacks, because Leo found that he can no longer create a turbulent space in the space by psionic interference alone as before. , Used for attacks.

After losing an effective and powerful attacking method, he has obtained a stable storage space, which cannot be judged for a while.

After putting all kinds of things into the storage space, Leo performed a cleansing technique for himself to clean up the smell and blood stains on his body, and then opened the door to go out and dived silently into the dense fog.

It didn't take long for him to see that he had grabbed a dead swamp son and returned to the forage warehouse. He had to reanalyze again just now, and also packed blood and other spiritual materials into the storage space. Only this time, he carefully preserved the complete internal organs of the son of the swamp, and collected it into the storage space, waiting for the opportunity to study carefully. Leo removed the skull of the swamp son, and then took out the previous skull, quickly compared it, and thus determined all the roots on the two skulls All are exactly the same, like copying.

Seeing this, a bold guess immediately appeared in Leo’s mind. These swamp children are probably artificially created, and the existence of these swamp children has also written those Turing roots into the genes of the swamp children. inside.

Leo, who had already figured out a question, took both skulls into the storage space, then opened the door directly, walked out, and quickly left the village without disturbing anyone.

He didn't have much trouble. He went to the manor of the noble villa to peep at the sacrificial rituals of those villagers. Apart from feeling that the idol threatened him, he also felt that there was no need to ignore these mortal villagers.

It is conceivable that if the sons of the swamps are wise, they will definitely avenge the villagers for the death of their companions. Even if the sons of the swamps do not retaliate, the French Empire will also trace the disappearance of the entire patrol, and these villagers will also be unavoidable to die. .

So Leo chose not much, and left the strange village before the villagers and the son of the swamp discovered the anomaly.