The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 265: Pirate Earl

   Perhaps because of the departure of the White Deer, the vision that can see the power of the shadow also began to weaken, and finally disappeared completely, and the scene in Leo’s eyes returned to normal again. It's just that although his vision has been restored, his perception has been strengthened. Even if he doesn't use his sight and cooperates with his own perception through the spiritual network, he can clearly feel the change of the power of the star shadow above the camp.

   The power of the star's shadow did not last for too long in the camp of the refugees, and soon disappeared. Then Leo felt that the power of the shadow appeared in the shadow of a large stone beside him.

   As Leo looked over, Su came out of the shadows.

Although she looked very tired at the moment, and her face was very poor, her expression was extremely exciting and full of joy, and the stars of her clothes also became very dim, but this dimness was not that exhausting dimness, It is dim after convergence.

   If the light of the stars represents Su's control over his own shadow power, then Su's control of his own power is now at least several times stronger than before.

But the biggest change in Su's body is her power. Leo hardly needs much attention to feel the power of the surging shadow on Su's body. This force spreads his teeth and claws around Su's body, making Su the whole person like It is a small black hole that absorbs any light and heat. Su just stood beside Leo for a while, and the surrounding temperature dropped by at least a dozen degrees.

   "You succeeded!" Leo turned to look at Su and asked quietly.

  Su did not answer Leo's words, but looked at the place where the white deer stood just now, and seemed to feel something, a trace of doubt appeared on his face.

   After a while, Su Cai turned to look at Leo and said, "Thank you! If you didn't block those clan and monsters in the Black Forest, I might not be able to succeed."

   Leo said something: "Even without me, it will not fail. Some things are doomed from the beginning."

   Obviously, Su didn’t understand Leo’s words. She was completely immersed in the power that she couldn’t control. Her mental power was hard to concentrate, and the whole person was also in a trance.

   Leo saw the current abnormal state of Su, and he moved his heart and asked tentatively: "What is the fluorescence that the divine clan intends to devour just now?"

   "That's the polluter's..." Su responded, but soon became aware, and immediately stopped, looking at Leo slightly displeased.

  Although Su did not have a complete answer, Leo had already obtained the desired answer, polluter.

  The word that Su said is not French or Gamorei, but a tribal language of Mozambique and one of the main languages ​​of Mozambique. Leo remembers that the old Mo Posang had emphasized this tribal language when teaching the Gamore language. He believed that this kind of language with completely different shapes and pronunciation had a certain connection with Gamore language, and made Leo simple. Learned some words, including the word polluter.

These words are derived from an ancient tribal monument. So far, the linguists of the Hearing Society have not understood the specific meaning of these words, but just guessed that these words represent certain things. For example, the word polluter in the interpretation of the old Moposan is a certain A kind of identity tag similar to heresy.

However, from Su’s reaction, Leo now speculates that this polluter should be a certain clan or race, and from what the divine clan does, the role of the polluter is likely to erase some of the supernatural powers. Contracts, such as the asylum contract in the Black Forest.

"You'd better not pay attention to him," Su knew he had said something wrong, and revealed something that should not be disclosed, so he warned Leo, saying: "There is already a powerful existence that I can only look up to. Watch him, if you don’t want to be like Mister’s idiot, it’s best to put away your curiosity, as if you haven’t heard anything."

  Although Su did not say who the powerful being was, Leo felt likely to be a white deer.

   "My harvest this time was great, and it was beyond my expectations." Su felt the surging power in his body and silenced, saying, "I owe you a big favor."

   Leo said flatly: "You have nothing to owe, I have been paid."

"No, that reward is not enough to offset my gains this time." Su is obviously not a person who likes to owe humanity. She thought about it for a moment and said, "Since you are a wizard, you must be interested in the tower. "

   "Do you know where the tower is?" Leo asked with a look of concern.

"I don't know." Su gave a disappointing answer, but then turned around and said: "However, I know that a towering wizard left the tower and married a wife and gave birth outside, and established a family. The family’s home may have the books and notes that the tower wizard had left in the past."

   Leo, without any consideration, directly asked: "Which family is where?"

   "Drake family of the English kingdom."

   When Leo heard the name, one of the most famous Drake families in the Kingdom of England emerged from his mind. He asked, "Drake family in Berkshire?"

   "Yes." Su nodded.

  Leo asked again: "Isn't the tower wizard you said to be Drake the Pirate Earl?"

  Su nodded and admitted Leo's guess.

  After getting an affirmative answer, some information about the Drake family immediately appeared in Leo’s mind.

   There are three famous Drake families in the Kingdom of England, but compared to the other two cavalier families, ordinary civilians are born, and the Drake family with legendary experience is obviously more famous.

There are a lot of legends about Drake not only in the Kingdom of England, but also in other countries.

Up to now, there are dozens of dramas about Drake the Pirate, and there are countless books. In other countries, you just ask a civilian, who is the king of the Inge Kingdom, and the civilian may not know However, if you ask the Pirate Earl, almost any civilian can spell the full name of the Pirate Earl, and even tell countless adventures about the Pirate Earl.

   Back then, in the face of the threat of maritime hegemony and looting of maritime trade in the Kingdom of Sigma, Edward II of the Kingdom of England had to declare a sea ban to protect himself, and at the same time cut off contact with the outside world.

After   , the Kingdom of England was gradually declining for more than a decade, and the links with the three continents of the Velon world were almost completely cut off. Some countries on these three continents had not even heard the name of the Kingdom of England. After the death of Edward II, George II succeeded to the throne. He changed Edward II’s sea ban policy, and he obeyed the suggestion of the protector of the country at that time, implemented the Sea Wolf Warrior, and opened the sea to all people, as long as there was a boat, anyone All can go to sea to fish and trade. Pirate Earl Drake is one of the most legendary and controversial heroes in this environment.

The full name of the Pirate Earl is Francis Drake. His origins have not been conclusive. Some people say that he was a slave to the French Empire and fled to the Kingdom of Inge. Others said that he is a descendant of the immigration of Mozambique, but Most people still think he is a civilian in a fishing village in the Kingdom of England.

How did Drake become a seaman and how to become a captain? Few people know that most of the current versions have been recompiled through Drake’s autobiography, but some archaeologists think that even Drake’s autobiography, It is not completely credible, at least the credibility of Drake’s previous experience in the autobiography is very low.

   The thing that really made everyone aware of the name Drake was the Battle of the Stargazing Cape, and it was only after that that someone paid special attention to the story of Drake, and the credibility of various rumors was much higher.

Wangxingjiao is an important place where ships from Mowangsang’s largest port, New Wangyang Port, must go to the other two continents. The Kingdom of Sigma colonized Mosang, and after building the new Wangyang Port, Wangxing was recognized as soon as possible. The importance of the angle, so there are lighthouses and castles built here to provide supplies and channel guidance for ships of the Sigma Kingdom, and also responsible for intercepting the passage of ships from other countries.

It is precisely because of the overbearing behavior of the Sigma Kingdom that many countries are extremely dissatisfied with it, and the pirate forces secretly controlled by the organization have established a joint fleet to raid the Cape of the Stars. This naval battle is named the Cape of the Stars and it is also considered It is the turning point of the decline of the maritime hegemony of the Sigma Kingdom and the rise of the maritime hegemony of the English Kingdom.

As for the course of this naval battle, scholars from all over the world have different opinions, and there is no final conclusion, because that war was annihilated whether it was the navy of the Sigman side, or the pirate coalition forces secretly controlled by various countries. There was only one boat and less than ten people. The little pirate survived the naval battle and possessed all the loot. This pirate was Francis Drake.

After that, with the spoils won by this battle, Francis Drake quickly became a big pirate in the star-falling sea, and in countless adventures, he left a variety of legends, the reputation is great, even the most remote small The town also heard his name.

  Because of his naval warfare capabilities and strong power, the Inge Kingdom immediately sent people to recruit it to the Inge Kingdom Navy, and directly awarded him the title of Baron, and the corresponding territory, let him be specifically responsible for dealing with the Sigman Kingdom Navy.

Later, in the naval battle with the Sigma Kingdom, Francis Drake continued to win, so that the maritime voice of the Inge Kingdom continued to strengthen. Because of a lot of merits, he was naturally promoted to Earl and was awarded the hereditary Governor of the United States by the Inge Royal Family. Real power. The Drake family he created thus became one of the giants of the English kingdom, and created the history of the Drake family's 100-year rule of the United States and California. The Drake family did not move until the independence movement of the United States and California. After leaving Mosang, he returned to the old baronial kingdom of the English kingdom to settle.

Leo not only read a research history about the pirate Drake in the old Rembrandt, but only through Drake’s adventures, he judged that this man’s strength was very strong, so strong The strength of the psionicists is not enough to compete with it.

Now from Su's mouth, he understands why in the legend of Drake, he was able to contend with ancient gods and be able to move freely through the maze and ruins full of various mysterious powers. Powerful high tower wizard.

   "How do you know this kind of thing?" Leo was surprised and couldn't help but doubtful, said: "As far as I know, the origin of Drake doesn't even know the origin of the smell, how do you..."

   "My last name is Stuart." Su replied.

At first Leo did not understand the meaning of the Su dialect, but he quickly thought of the research materials he had seen that he mentioned that Drake had been married twice, one time now the mother of the Drake family, The other is the famous female pirate at that time, and the female pirate's surname seems to be Stuart.

   Leo suddenly realized, saying: "So you are the descendant of Mary Stewart? No wonder you have a war wizard's notes on hand, and you also know the secret of Francis Drake."

Su seemed to be very disgusted with the relationship with the Drake family, and there was a strong disgust in her eyes. After taking a deep breath to restrain her displeasure, she said to Leo: "This news is enough to compensate this relationship. Well, you and I don't owe each other. Bye!"

   finished, she retreated into the shadow of the rock, and the whole person fell into darkness again

In the middle, move through the darkness quickly and away from here in a way that is almost space-shifting.

Su doesn’t know what he thinks is the silent method of moving is very obvious in Leo’s eyes. Obviously as he swallowed the shadow, he not only promoted the power of the shadow, but also It also includes his perception of various dark forces. He believes that the benefits of swallowing the darkness are far more than that, and others may not appear until he becomes more familiar with the power of shadows.

  Although Su, who had achieved his goal, left happily, Leo couldn't leave like this. He promised that the web weaver's business had not been completed. It would not be over until the escape team walked out of the Dibia Mountains.

Leo continued to stay in place to familiarize with the explosive power of shadows, but at the same time he also used the abundant power of shadows to create four shadow avatars, controlling these shadow avatars to quickly dismantle the traps around the refugee camps and reap the dead. Alchemy materials on family and psionic creatures.

  Although the White Deer has left, and the divine clan of the Dark God has also disappeared, there are still some Black Forest clan and monsters who have not left, and they still take these escapers as their prey on the spot. It was just the invisible breath produced by a large number of deaths that scared them, even if the Leo trap was removed, they did not dare to approach, and their inner desire for **** food made them reluctant to leave.

   In the camp of the refugees, the screams made by Leo’s family members and monsters killed by the traps were all terrified. Everyone was not asleep, guarding the campfire, and waiting quietly for the dawn.

  When the first ray of sunlight hit the camp in the early morning, all the people in the camp cheered, but then there were some mournful crying. It was clear that many people did not survive last night.