The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 274: Good and Wakanha

  The Gude family is an old family of Mosang mainland. They are not the same as other Mosang mainland families. They are not a family established by the conquerors, but a native tribe of Mosang mainland, which can also be called a tribal family.

As one of the earliest Mosang mainland tribes in contact with the Sigma Expedition Fleet, the Good family and other tribes have completely different attitudes to the outside world. They are very willing to contact these foreign civilizations, and even actively learn the language of the Sigma Kingdom, and also carry out with the Sigma Fleet. Normal commercial trade, and even later sent tribe children to join the Sigma fleet, intermarry with Sigma and other foreign kingdoms.

It is precisely because of the positive and friendly attitude of the Good family that when the Kingdom of Sigma began to invade the Mosang continent, it did not destroy the tribe of the Good family, but strongly supported the Good family as an important force to conquer the Mosang continent. The Gude family also started from that time, from tribe to family.

In the war of aggression against the Wakkanha civilization by Sigma adventurers, the Good family was not a main force, but it was also one of the participants. Later, it was specifically responsible for the elimination of the Wakkanha people and the like. To understanding.

For others, the Wakkanha people have long disappeared with the disappearance of the Wakkanha civilization, but the Good family knows that the Wakhanha people have always been alive and live well, even in Mosang All countries on the mainland have established underground organizations with considerable influence.

   The reason why the Wakanha people did not become extinct was mainly because the Good family did not want the Wakanha people to become extinct.

The Gude tribe and the Wakhanha people are feuds, and the children of the tribe are often captured by the Wakhanha tribe as sacrifices. Therefore, in the process of assisting the Sigma army to invade Wakhanha, they will not only be guilty, but very incomparable. Be active, and sometimes even fight on the front line.

   But as the Great Plague completely destroyed the Wakkanha people, the Sigma Kingdom has become the ruler on the Mosang continent, and the attitude of the Sigmars towards the Good family has also begun to change.

At that time, the policy makers of the Gude family were very keenly aware that the situation was not good, so they slowed down the arrest of the remaining Wakanha people and secretly supported the Wakanha people to help them contact other people who were destroyed by the Sigma Kingdom. The tribe even assisted them to assassinate Sigma officials.

  Because of this method of keeping his own weight, the Sigma Kingdom had to continue to rely on the Good family, and did not do other adverse things, so that the power of the Good family could be successfully continued.

After many conflicts and secret contacts with the Gude family, the underground organization of the Wakanha people also knew the mind of the Gude family. Although they hated the Gude family, they hated the Sigma kingdom even more, so they were also willing to cooperate with Gude. The German family acted to strengthen themselves.

After almost a hundred years, the Wakkanha people also began to marry foreigners. The increase in inter-ethnic interracial and the contact with the civilizations of other mainland countries have a very shallow understanding of Wakhanha’s civilization. Without such deep hatred, the same is true of the Good family.

   It's just that there are always exceptions. In the underground organization of Wakhanha, there is a Wakhanha revival organization. This organization is aimed at reviving the Wakhanha civilization and is hostile to all the people and forces involved in the destruction of Wakhanha civilization. The Gude family played an important role in the process of the destruction of the Wakkanha civilization, and even one of the leaders. Naturally, they were also the targets of their hatred. Nearly half of the Gude family members who died unexpectedly were by this organization. Assassinated.

It's just that the Wakhanha Renaissance organization transferred its attack targets to other forces more than two decades ago, and the mediation of other Wakhanha underground organizations has greatly strengthened the relationship between the Good family and this organization. Ease, and there are no more people in the family who were assassinated by this organization.

And now, now the killer of Wakkanha appears again, shot against the Good family, although the assassination target is not a person of the Good family, but it is an important person related to the Good family plan, this is definitely directed at the Good family Here.

  Spikegood now considers whether the forces planning the assassination plan are only a very few of the defenders of the Wakkanha civilization, or the underground organizations like Wakhan, or the Wakhan Renaissance organization.

   If it is just the defender of civilization and the general underground organization of Wakhanha, he will encounter some troubles, but it will not be fatal, but if it is the Wakhanha Renaissance Organization, he will be in danger.

  Although Spike was born shortly after, the Goode family and the Wakkanha Renaissance Organization ceased to fight, but Spike was still able to feel the shadow brought by the Wakhanha Renaissance Brotherhood Assassins. Seventeen of his fathers and grandparents died in the hands of these assassins. He must have received a lot of anti-assassination training since he was sensible. The results of these trainings have formed his habits, which have affected his life. When he was sleeping, a weapon would be placed under the pillow.

   The emergence of the Wakanda killer now undoubtedly caused Spike's childhood shadow and made him think of many bad things.

   "Boss, what's the matter with you?" After Diego saw Spike listening to his words, his face became very ugly, and his eyes were full of panic.

   "Pour me a glass of water." Spike didn't answer, but just commanded, and when receiving the water delivered by Diego, he asked, "What about the body? Where is the killer's body?"

   "Should it be in the woods near Wuwan Town?" Diago speculated and said: "Dior did not say this, nor did Leo mention it."

After thinking about it, Spike lifted the hand and pulled the rope beside the sofa. Soon, several middle-aged people in different clothes came in, took off their hats, and greeted Spike, then stood quietly. next to.

  Spike instructed a middle-aged man wearing an ordinary cotton jacket

: "Mouse tail, let your mice move. I will know at this time tomorrow how many people are in the Port of Lyon from the mainland of Mozambique, what kind of people are those people, and what are they doing here."

   "Okay, boss."

Spike turned around again to a man in a police uniform and said, "Berent, you immediately go back to the police station, mobilize the horses, and look along the road leading to the town of Wuwan, especially the forest on both sides of the road. Take the body of a foreigner, send it over."


Spike went to the last decent man with gold wire glasses and said, "Joe, you immediately ask your sparrows to investigate one thing for me. Does Rembrandt Mist have a student named Leodord? ."

   "Leodord?" The gold wire glasses seemed to think of something, stunned.

Seeing the look of his men, Spike deduced what his men must know, so he asked, "Joe, do you know Leo Dodd?"

"I don’t know if you are talking about Leodod and the Leodod I know is the same person, but one thing I can be sure that there was indeed a man named Master Blanc is very close. He once lived in that house for a while, but there is no news that he is a student of Master Rembrandt."

Spike frowned, and said in a deep voice: "It was just a name five years ago, you remember it so clearly, I just mentioned it a little, and you remembered who he was, and this person must have a great reputation. Why haven’t I heard this name?"

"Leodord's reputation is not great, and it can even be said that there is no reputation. His name is only occasionally I have heard from the conversation between the other two people," said Jinsi glasses truthfully: "The reason why I will know this name I was so impressed because this Leodord was probably related to the establishment of the United Kingdom."

   "What?" Everyone present was shocked when they heard this.

"How is this possible?" Spike looked suspicious, and then smiled: "It must have been unfounded rumors. I heard some time ago that someone saw the Knight King appearing on the sea, and I don't understand why. Will the Cavaliers go to the sea?"

   Everyone around laughed.

  Golden glasses said quietly: "The two people talking are Earl Mobosang of the Kingdom and Lord Prime Minister."

   The laughter in the room disappeared instantaneously, only the sound of breathing was heard.

After a while, Spike said: "This Leodord does not need to investigate for the time being. It may be a coincidence that he meets Professor Dior, or it may be some arrangements. As long as he does not affect me, don’t investigate him. "He said, he looked at Diago and said, "Don't he ask you to help him get the ticket for tomorrow? I remember the Koroya is also leaving tomorrow, you go to Koroya Shipping Company, Order them a first-class ferry ticket and deliver it. Since the Mr. Leodord will leave tomorrow, there is no need to investigate, so there will be no accidents."

   Diego said: "Yes, boss."

   "I hope there will be no accidents!" Spike waved his hands down and sighed.

   The following day, Spike Good did not worry about things. Since no assassin sneaked into the club to assassinate Dior Browno, there was no assassination against him.

  On this day, Spike Good stayed in the clubhouse, there was very tight security in the clubhouse, and there was a secret road leading to the port of the wealthy area. He could leave the secret road at any time if necessary.

Although he was curious about Leopold’s mysterious origins, he did not take the initiative to meet Leopold, nor did he deliberately make friends, but just looked at Leopold from a distance during the dinner that welcomed Dior Browno A glance at De, and Leodord gave him the impression of only one word, that is trouble.

Yes, when he saw Leodord at first glance, he felt that if he was too close to each other, it would cause a lot of trouble. Although this is just a little feeling without any evidence, he believed in his feeling very much because This feeling helped him many times, so that he could go to today, so at the dinner, he only left Dior Bronno and left immediately, never thinking about staying in the clubhouse restaurant again.

  After the dinner, the mouse tail sent the materials he surveyed during the day to Spike, and Spike just glanced at random, and left them aside.

  Spike never thought that he could rely on a ground snake like a rat tail to investigate the hidden Wakanha assassin. If the Wakanha assassin was really so easy to be discovered, it would not be preserved so far.

The reason why he made the rat-tailed investigation of people from Mossinland is to tell the Vakhan assassins hidden in the Port of Lyon that he already knows their existence and is ready to defend, suggesting that these assassins Don't mess up.

  Although this may make the next assassination more deadly and more difficult to defend, it is the best emergency method he can think of now.

  Assassin's body was not found, which was somewhat contrary to his expectations, but he did not suspect that Leo concealed the body, but believed that it was the people of Vakhan who took the assassin's body away.

This also made him feel that even if there are assassins in Port Lyon, I am afraid that the number is very small, at most there are only one or two, otherwise, the Wakkanha assassin will not only lose one person, just watch the assassination target leave, enter and be more difficult to be assassinated Inside the clubhouse.

  Just as Spike became nervous because of the appearance of the Wakkanha assassin, Leo was completely immersed in the ancient civilization and linguistics described by Dior Browno and quickly accumulated his knowledge base.


However, in the evening when Dior Browno took a break, he secretly left the club and went to the pier in Port Lyon, looking for the Wakkanha assassin that may still exist.

  The matter of finding an assassin is not difficult for Leo, mainly because of the glass crystal left after the death of the Wakanha assassin in his hands. According to his estimation, as long as the Wakanha assassin, there should be such a crystal on his body, and in the witchcraft he knows, there is exactly a way to find the object through some remnants with strong information. The owner and similar items with similar information.

  Almost effortlessly, Leo found two porters who had the same breath as glass crystals in the worker's apartment on the dock, and it took no effort and time to solve these two porters.

Just like the previous killer, once Leo asked any questions from the two porters, even if they only asked some irrelevant questions, they would have the kind of anti-forbidden bite on them, even if Leo was prepared in advance, Using the power of nightmares to imitate higher banned witchcraft can't stop this backlash.

  However, this time Leo did not interrupt the anti-bite before it was fully formed, but quietly waited for the final completion of the anti-bite, and the final scene made him feel a little surprised.

I saw that after the granulations completely wrapped the bodies of the two people, they engulfed themselves, and the last remaining object was no longer a glass crystal, but a fruit, which was still on the fruit. There are some twisted patterns.

   What's more interesting is that Leo has seen this pattern, and those demons in the Demon Library of the Waste Capital have this kind of twisted pattern that makes ordinary people feel sick and uncomfortable when they see it.