The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 277: Business goddess

The Port of Venaya has two main piers, one facing the estuary of the Pompo River and the other facing the sea. The two piers are nominally controlled by the Governors of the Three Kingdoms, but the control of the piers is actually in the hands of the United Kingdom General Chamber of Commerce. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

For ordinary people, the General Chamber of Commerce of the United Kingdom is a business organization of the United Kingdom Government, because the president and founder of the General Chamber of Commerce is the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rupert Fitz, but those who really understand the structure of the General Chamber of Commerce know The General Chamber of Commerce is a purely commercial organization that is completely independent of governments and composed entirely of businessmen.

In this organization, the chamber of commerce members decide the chamber of commerce, and even the president and founder, Rupert Fitz, cannot carry out his plan.

The earliest members of the Chamber of Commerce were only more than 30, mainly Lanxi factory owners. But with the establishment of the United Kingdom, Rupert Fitz perfected the rules of the General Chamber of Commerce, and voluntarily handed over most of the power of the General Chamber of Commerce, inviting chambers of commerce from other countries to join, so that the number of members of the General Chamber of Commerce has increased slightly. After 130 seats, it became an international chamber of commerce organization.

In the last month, the General Chamber of Commerce is also discussing whether the title of the United Kingdom should be changed to the Vinylon International Chamber of Commerce.

The reason why the General Chamber of Commerce was able to obtain the control of these two important terminals is mainly because they provided important assistance during the peace talks at the Port of Vinaya five years ago, and they invested a lot of money in the subsequent urban reconstruction. After the restoration of Wieneraya Port was completed, they obtained 50 years of control of the Wieneraya terminal and a quarter of the tax power.

Leo’s steam cargo ship is a sea trading company under the name of a member of the General Chamber of Commerce. When the ship was about to approach the dock, the captain ordered the crew to hang the flag of the General Chamber of Commerce on the flagpole, and then a small boat Approaching, talking to the chief officer of the ship, leading the ship to dock slowly at the scheduled dock in front.

Although steamer ships with faster speeds and larger loading capacity have been invented and applied, due to production capacity and other unknown reasons, there are not many sea trading companies that really own steamer ships. It can be seen from sails and semi-mechanical ships that steam engine ships made of all-steel are still a novelty for many people.

After the ship approached the port, Leo said goodbye to the captain, stepped off the ship, and walked toward the city. After watching Leo leave, the captain and the first officer could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because it is a free port, urban control is not very strict. Unidentified outsiders like Leo only need to spend some money at the general chamber of commerce office to obtain a temporary resident certificate.

Only Leo must go to the local General Chamber of Commerce bank to exchange the currency used in the port of Vinaya.

Five years ago, under the control of the Inge Kingdom, the currency in circulation was mainly the legal currency of the two countries, the French Empire and the Inge Kingdom. Of course, currencies such as the United States of America and the Sigma Kingdom can sometimes be used.

It's just that as the port of Vinaya enters the era of the three governors, the general chamber of commerce that dominates the port's commercial trade proposes to issue a currency that only circulates in the port of Vinaya, in order to reduce the losses caused by the large number of currencies and the confusion of currency value. Trouble, so Wieneryacoin came into being.

The three currency exchange points set up by the General Chamber of Commerce at the two terminals are specially designed to exchange currency for merchants going to and from the port of Vinaya, and there is also a trading market at the currency exchange point. Almost all merchants here do not need to enter Vinaya The inner city of the port will be able to complete various transactions and leave the goods.

However, the vast majority of people who arrive at the Port of Venaya will still enter the city, because the convenience of the special business environment of the Port of Venaya allows the shops in the urban area to buy all the common and rare The merchandise, the monthly auction house organized by the General Chamber of Commerce of Port Vinaya is merchants all over the world. A feast for nobles and collectors.

If the former Melia City was the center of the world's political culture, then the current Wienerya City is the world's commercial and trade center, and with the promotion of telegraph technology, the pure trade of goods is no longer enough to meet Wienerya Hong Kong’s business model, so institutions similar to the stock exchange market have also been established in the city of Vinaya in the past two years.

After obtaining temporary identification documents, Leo stepped up from the gate of war and the 578-story bone ladder behind, and entered the city of Wienerya.

The gate of war and the bone ladder at the port of Wieneraya are the two most important landmarks in Wieneraya.

The Gate of War is a steel arch made of molten weapons abandoned in the port of Vinaya, and it is not known whether it is because of the casting itself or because it has been affected by some unpredictable forces. After the arch was cast, the surface began to show some rust marks with the erosion of the sea breeze, and these rust marks looked like faces with angry expressions and roaring loudly.

If the rusty faces on the gates of war are special effects that were inadvertently produced, then the bone ladder is the scene that the caster deliberately made.

After more than a hundred years of war, there are tens of thousands of people who died in the city of Venaya. The vast majority of these people, even the corpses, did not converge, and all were left in the city of Venaya. Later, the city forgers of the Inge Kingdom collected these bones and mixed them with the stucco to form the bone ladder that they now see.

Legend has it that the two bone ladders at the north and south ends contain powerful power and mysterious knowledge. Those walking on it may have the opportunity to spy on the mystery of death and gain knowledge of detached death.

At first, when the captain introduced the various attractions of the port of Venaya like Leo, he talked about the bone ladder. At that time, he was also very curious about the bone ladder. He guessed whether there was a magic circle in the bone ladder. , Can affect people's minds and produce the so-called illusion of death. But when he walked on the bone ladder, he knew that his judgment was wrong. This is a common ladder that can see human bones.

However, walking on this ladder can still bring shock to the minds of ordinary people. After all, for most ordinary people who have not seen the dead a few times, stepping on countless bones under their feet is like Walk with death in general, so the rumor that can understand the mystery of death is not groundless.

Perhaps the authorities of Port Wienerya also knew that this road was too shocking for ordinary people, so they built an ordinary stepped road next to them, which was designed for ordinary people with bad mentality.

However, the construction of this ordinary ladder not only did not reduce other people to take the bone ladder, but also made many people who were not very suitable for this bone ladder also brave to go up. After all, no man would be willing to be underestimated.

What is interesting is that some smart businessmen also saw the business opportunities inside, and simply contracted the right to prove this ladder to the General Chamber of Commerce. They made some beautiful certification badges for this ladder, as long as they walked through this for the first time. People on the ladder can buy a fine silver badge here, and people wearing this badge can get discounts in some pubs and hotels in the city.

Just like the bone ladder, everything that can be used for business operations in the entire city of Wieneraya has been thoroughly developed. The moment you enter the city, you can feel the extremely strong business atmosphere.

Roadside stalls, shops, hotels, hotels, horse-drawn carriages, newsboys running around, street salesmen who sell stock purchase certificates, etc. people and things make people who come and go dare not receive the commercial atmosphere.

It is also because of the special business atmosphere of the Port of Vinaya that some bored people are uncomfortable. They created a business goddess in the name of art and made a statue of the business goddess to the Port of Vinaya.

The statue of the goddess of business is all cast from a coin of various countries. This woman is blindfolded, holding a purse in one hand, and a balance that leans toward the purse in one hand, as if ironizing Vinaya The Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong only values ​​money, not fairness.

In the face of this near-humiliating statue, the General Chamber of Commerce as the commercial controller of Port of Vinaya was not annoyed. Instead, it placed this statue generously at the entrance of the urban area near the sea pier, and even built a commercial nearby The church of the goddess, and to find a special religious scholar to perfect the doctrine of the business goddess, simply turned this ridiculous thing into a new religion.

Although the business goddess church has not yet been recognized by the Orthodox Court, from the perspective of the chambers of commerce of various countries that currently have trade relations with the port of Vinaya, I believe that it will not be long before this business goddess will be included in the orthodox Within the roster.

After Leo climbed the stairs, the first thing he saw was the business goddess created by ridicule and now a symbol of Venaya. Although the external name is the business goddess, the locals and businessmen in Venaya are more It is customary to call it the Goddess of Venaya.

"There is a psionic reaction?" In the eyes of ordinary people, it is just a statue of a business goddess. In Leo's eyes, it is a very powerful wizard. He can feel the strong fluctuations of psionic energy on the statue. According to his estimation, this Psionic energy fluctuates at least six levels or more.

The anomaly of the statue aroused Leo’s interest. After looking around the statue, he soon discovered something interesting from the base of the statue, a magic circle composed of Turing roots. And from the edge of the magic circle, you will find that the magic circle spreads all over again. The streets and houses seem to be part of the magic circle. All the contents related to the magic circle are hidden in the decorative relief of the walls and pavements in the form of decoration. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t recognize it.

Seeing this scene, Leo couldn't help but take a breath of relief, because he was already sure that the entire city of Vinaya port might be hiding a large magic circle, and what the role of this magic circle is, Leo temporarily It's not very clear, but it is certain that the people who buried this magic circle are not small.

Although it is not known who designed the magic circle, Leo was sure that the person who built it was definitely the United Kingdom General Chamber of Commerce. Because only the General Chamber of Commerce in charge of the reconstruction of the urban area has the ability to arrange such a large-scale magic array. In addition, this statue that looks like some people humiliating the port of Vinaya may have been secretly planned by the General Chamber of Commerce in order to establish the statue in the eyes of the magic circle in order to make the business goddess smooth. The church appears.

Because of the conjecture in his heart, Leo couldn't help but have a strong curiosity. Instead of finding a hotel to settle in, he went directly to the church of the goddess of business not far from the statue of the goddess of business.

Although the appearance of the goddess of business seems to be derived from a mocking joke, the General Chamber of Commerce does not treat this matter as a joke, whether it is to write a doctrine or build a church, recruiting clergy, The General Chamber of Commerce has established the Church of the Goddess of Commerce as a true church.

The shape of the Church of the Goddess of Commerce is a church with three antique goddesses of wealth. The fifteen pillar statues around the church have been transformed from the original three goddesses of wealth into fifteen business goddesses with different postures, and each statue is inlaid with a different surface. National coins correspond to fifteen different countries in the Velon world.

Although the appearance looks like the three goddess of wealth, the interior is quite different. Except for the church used mainly for prayer, the rest of the business goddess is more like a bank, and it is indeed a bank here, because the tenth of the General Chamber of Commerce The Five Nations Union Bank is located here, and there is a huge vault under the bank, which is specially used to store the valuables of merchants in the city.

Among the gods in the world of there have never been business-related gods, but there have been wealth-related gods. However, the three goddess of wealth does not involve business. They are only for the wealth itself. There is no requirement for how to get wealth. For example, the wealth obtained by illegal means such as robbery to obtain wealth and theft of wealth is also in the wealth of the three goddesses. Blessed.

Perhaps it is because of this paranoid doctrine of wealth itself that after a period of prosperity, the Three Goddess of Wealth was quickly banned by governments of all countries, and even the Orthodox Church removed the Three Goddesses from the roster of righteous gods, thereby making The Three Goddess of Wealth soon disappeared from the religion of the Velen world, not even an underground church.

After Leo entered the church, he entered the prayer hall of the goddess of wealth directly with other people. At this time, the priest of the goddess of wealth was preparing for daily routines. There were many people sitting in the prayer hall. From the look of clothing, it should be all businessmen, and so many people will waste precious time listening to people's sermons, which really makes Leo feel a little surprised.

It’s just that the accident didn’t last long. When the priest started the official sermon, he understood that the doctrine of the so-called goddess of wealth is a business instruction manual dedicated to teaching others how to do business, and the most interesting thing is at the end of the sermon. A valuable commercial message will also be attached. For example, this time it will tell everyone that there has been a famine in the United States and Canada, and the price of food will increase significantly.