The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 284: The underground city of Venaya

"You have made a decision?" In the early morning, when the study door was knocked, Leo opened the door and looked at Aisha, who was tired in the doorway, and saw the look no longer hesitated on the other person's face. {Щww{suimеng][lā}

"Yes." Aisha nodded and said, "I have made a good decision and decided to join the Holy Blood."

"Well!" Leo nodded blandly, turned his head to look at the balcony, and said, "If you have made a decision, go in and send the potted flowers to inform the people of the Holy Blood."

"Oh, I almost forgot." Aisha said, embarrassed, and hurried to the balcony, moved the potted flower into the room, and then sat on the sofa in the room, waiting nervously for the Holy Blood to come. .

Leo ignored Isa, who was in a complex mood at the moment. He went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then came out to think that the waiter had asked a little earlier. While eating, he looked at the items on the table.

Aisha was always hunted down in the Kingdom of Maris, but she never gave up her hobby. Even on the hunt, she also carried some of the most valuable antiquities he thought were, the pottery that Leo saw before The pot is one. Now the other two antiques on the table are the things she thinks are the most precious, and so far she has not studied what these two items are, but only knows that these two items are very old, before the civilization of Minsk .

Perhaps it was to pass the boring time, or perhaps to ease the somewhat deserted atmosphere in the room. Aisha saw Leo concerned about the two ancient objects he brought from the Kingdom of Marais, and took the initiative to introduce: "This I bought two items from the castle fair when I was a kid, which is why I chose archaeology."

Leo reached out and picked up one of the objects. This was the base of a statue. The statue above was partially broken, leaving only a fine base. The material is a kind of granite unique to the Kingdom of Marais. It can be seen that the craftsman who made this base was very attentive. The entire statue did not use tools such as chisels, but was polished a little bit by a sanding process.

Leo also did not know the origin and origin of the statue. The pattern on the base is not any kind of variant text, just a decorative pattern, but the reason why this base will attract him is because the base contains a very strong Psionic energy fluctuates. This kind of psionic energy should be called divine power.

The granite used to make the statue is a kind of special stone that is most resistant to corrosion. Even if the stone carving made of this stone has been exposed to wind and rain for thousands of years, it can still keep the whole intact. Only the surface will be subject to some corrosion.

And now the traces of corrosion on the remaining base indicate that the statue has been damaged at least five or six thousand years ago, and such a long time has passed, so that the base can still have such a strong divine psionic power, which is undoubtedly proving that the statue was originally It may be a sacred object of a certain spiritual church, and it may be created by the direct infusion of divine power.

The appearance of this base also made Leo couldn't help but think of the blood of the clan on Aisha. It stands to reason that the blood of the clan on Aisha has been separated from the blood of the real rock son. I don’t know how many bags. The purity of the blood should be very low, even if it is Excited, it will only cause some small mutations in the body, it is impossible to be as pure as the son of the rock king of ancient hills like now. Moreover, the bloodline of the Son of Rock has been cursed by the King of the Hill, and the power of the curse at the moment when the bloodline was excited should also appear, but there is no cursing power on the lovely Shasha.

All the anomalies falling on Aisha can only show that there is some change in Aisha's bloodline of the Son of Rock under the influence of external forces, and now it seems that this external force may be the base of this unknown statue.

To confirm his guess, Leo asked: "Professor Aisha, do you often carry this base with you?"

"Yes." Aisha nodded. "My initial plan to study archaeology was to know the origin of the base of this statue, so I have been with me since childhood, and I will take it out and study it when I am free." With that, she waved the granite base and said with a smile: "And it's still a good weapon, isn't it? This thing has helped me run away the bad guys several times before!"

This not very funny joking did not make Leo smile a little. He looked thoughtfully at the base of the statue held by Aisha at the moment. Although it was only a small change, he could still feel the right The moment Aisha took the pedestal in her hand, the pulsation fluctuations contained in the pedestal had extremely subtle changes, and Aisha also radiated a divine psionic energy that Leo had not felt before.

"What's wrong? Do you know the origin of this thing?" Aisha felt Leo's sight keenly and asked curiously.

Leo shook his head and said honestly: "I don't know the origin of this thing, but I know that this thing is good for you. It is best to carry this thing with you at any time as before."

Aisha thoughtfully looked at the base of the statue in her hand, without asking too much, and put it back in her satchel.

After that, the two were speechless and looked at the books in their hands. About half an hour later, a knock came from the door, and Aisha could not wait to stand up and opened the door.

I saw yesterday that the family member named Brown stood outside, saluted Aisha and Leo, and then said: "Professor Aisha, Mr. Leo Dodd, can the two now leave?"

"Please wait." Aisha quickly returned to the room, packed the table into her backpack, then ran back and nodded, "It's all right now."

Leo also got up, walked out of the room, closed the door, and said, "Lead the way!"

Brown did not talk nonsense, and led Leo and Aisha out of the Oak Hotel quickly. He did not let Leo and Aisha leave the Oak Hotel room. He walked to the door of the hotel and called a carriage. After getting on the bus, he told the driver a place, and then sat quietly in the car.

Leo had no intention of talking to Brown. The purpose of his trip was to go towards the crow, in order to know the origin and secret of the unknown blood in his body. As for other people and things, he did not care.

Compared to Leo’s silence, Aisha, who was in a very complicated mood, was a little unable to sit still. She was both looking forward to and afraid of her decision to join the Holy Blood, and her inner uneasiness made her couldn’t help wanting. Know more about the Holy Blood Society to calm down some uneasy emotions.

After driving a long distance in the carriage, she couldn't help but ask Brown about some things about the Holy Blood Society, such as who established the Holy Blood Society, what systems are in place, etc.

Because the questions asked did not involve the confidentiality of the Holy Blood, even if Leo was on the side, Brown did not hide these things, but answered these questions carefully, letting Aisha and Leo to the Holy Blood With a comprehensive and systematic understanding.

According to Brown, the Holy Blood Society was co-founded by some big people in order to provide a refuge for family members who are not harmful to the world. There are now more than 2,000 full members of the Holy Blood Society, most of which are Only ordinary family members with very little bloodline variation have very few family members with strong strength like Brown, with fewer than thirty people.

Because blood vessel variation is small, the power gained is also small, and the non-human variation in the body is also very slight. As long as it is not the face and other bare parts that mutate, these family members are almost the same as ordinary people.

These family members did not understand their situation before they came to the Port of Venaya to join the Holy Blood. They also knew that the variants on the body were deformed by some kind of disease, just like leprosy. , So they are all discriminated against locally, and the vast majority have been miserable.

It wasn’t until the Holy Blood discovered them and brought them to the Port of Vinaya that they lived as if they were a single person, so even if these people have no extraordinary power, they are extremely loyal to the Holy Blood, and only a little training can be To become a qualified warrior, if you then stimulate the power of the clan in the bleeding veins, then their combat effectiveness will be doubled.

It is for this reason that when Brown mentioned the development potential of the Holy Blood Society, he showed extraordinary self-confidence and was proud of being a member of the Holy Blood Society. ..

Regarding the internal system of the Holy Blood, Brown did not introduce it in detail, but only briefly mentioned it. In his introduction, ordinary members of the Holy Blood don’t need to do anything for the Holy Blood. Will have a good life in the work that will be arranged, and internal core members like Brown will need to send out some tasks from time to time. Of course, each task will have a lot of rewards, and with the success rate of the task within the Holy Blood Society The position will be promoted accordingly.

For example, Brown’s current identity is the guide of the Holy Blood Society, which is specifically responsible for contacting and recruiting family members with extraordinary potential, such as Aisha, because his guide way identity allows him to share the blood within a certain limit. The resources of the country and other continents can hardly be said to be limited.

An ordinary member wants to become a core member not only needs to contribute to the Holy Blood Society, but also needs to develop and control the blood power of his family. In this regard, Brown did not elaborate, but only told Aisha that after joining the Holy Blood Society, someone would teach her to master the power of her blood.

The horse-drawn carriage traveled around the city's streets for about half an hour, and soon came to a water plant in the United Kingdom's control zone.

There is no natural water source in the port of Venaya. All water must be purified from seawater. The earliest seawater purification technology is an ancient distillation method. With the development of various technologies, botanists of the medical school discovered a kind of algae from Mosang continent. This algae can decompose the salt and other substances in the sea water and turn the sea water into fresh water. The five water plants use this algae to purify seawater and provide fresh water to the entire urban area. Therefore, these water plants also have shares in medical schools.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the water plant. Brown led the two of them down and walked towards the water plant. The guard at the gate and Brown knew each other well, and nodded to Brown and let him in.

"Family!" Leo easily recognized that the guards at the gate of the water plant were all dependents, except that the variants on their bodies were not exposed, and the physical condition of these dependents was only slightly better than that of ordinary people. It is an ordinary member of the Holy Blood.

Under the leadership of Brown, the two entered the water plant, walked along the sedimentation tank inside the water plant, to the cliff outside the water plant, and then walked down the spiral ladder of the pumping pipe, and soon reached the cliff The middle part, from the entrance of a ruined bunker, enters the underground world of the urban area of ​​the port of Vinaya.

The urban area of ​​Wienaya Port is very special. It is built up from the ruins of each urban area, and these urban ruins form the strange base of the 30-meter-high and leaking wind in the current Wienaya city area. There are some places in this foundation that are not completely buried. The fortified fortifications are like pillars, supporting the covering above the head, forming a honeycomb underground in the urban area of ​​Port Vilnaya Underground maze.

The municipal managers of the Port of Vinaya have effectively used these underground mazes. For example, some unknown suitable passages have been built into huge sewers to ensure that the urban area will not be flooded. In addition, some areas have been built as refuges. Therefore, in order to provide a safe place for the citizens to avoid the storm when there is a strong sea storm, there are even some places with larger space that are rented by banks and grain merchants, and they have been specially converted into bank safes and storage. Grain cellar. UU reading

It's just that even if the municipal administrators use these underground spaces as much as possible, there is still a lot of space that has not been used. After some underground forces have entered, these spaces have become an underground city, and this is also Wiener The darkest place in Asiaport.

This passage that Brown took is a special passage. You don’t have to go through the areas controlled by the underground forces. You can directly reach the place controlled by the Holy Blood. On both sides of this passage, some houses have been opened. Inside and outside the houses are installed. Now very popular Electric lights, and the people living in these houses are some family members whose bodies have very obvious mutations and are no longer suitable for normal social life.

Aisha didn't know that these people were also clan at first, so when she saw a faceless person with no facial features on her face, she couldn't help but exclaimed. After seeing all kinds of weird clan to make her feel I feel like I am in a scary forest in a fairy tale. It was only when Brown told her that these people were all clan, her flustered mood was slightly stabilized, and her determination to master her bloodline power became more firm. After all, she didn’t want to be a monster like this and live underground in the city all her life. .

The group of people did not walk in the passage for a long time, and soon came to a huge spherical space. At the same time, a loud noise and a dull heat came to the two people and wrapped them in it.