The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 311: Weird island

"A small village that believes in corpse collectors but is afraid of corpse collectors?" Leo closed the textbook in his hand and quickly organized the harvested information in his mind.

Obviously this village is a native tribe of Mosang mainland. From the perspective of the decay of the houses in the village, this village should be built for at least two hundred years, that is, during the period of the great voyage.

During the period of the great voyage, more than half of the ships traveling between the three continents in the star-falling sea were slave ships.

Indigenous slaves of Mosang mainland who were transported in the early days are some strong and strong young people. They are mainly used as low-level labor. However, as the demand for slaves in Mosang mainland continues to increase, slaves engaged in different industries have to deal with it. There were even slave merchants who trained these slaves and sold them at a high price. Therefore, in the late period of the great nautical era, most of the slaves transported on sea slave ships were well-cultivated.

The people who built this village were probably high-class slaves like a ship. They should have encountered a shipwreck accident, and finally drifted to the island, and then survived.

As for the faith of the corpse recipient, it must not have come from the mainland of Mosang, because if there is really a belief in gods with complete church records, with the power and power of the Orthodox Church and religious scholars of various countries, it is impossible to not know the existence of this church, so the village The belief about the corpse-receiver should have only appeared after coming to this island.

In addition, judging from the classics in the hands of Leo, the people in this village are more afraid of the corpse collectors, with little respect, and also wrote the accident that the corpse collectors cannot get close to the island on the cover of the textbook. This shows that the belief of the cadavers in the village is a belief forced to be made for some unknown reason.

The last question is where did the people in these villages go?

Judging from the traces left in the village, the people in the village did not have any fighting when they left, everyone left voluntarily, and even left suddenly, because some of the houses are also equipped with tableware for dining, although The food has long been completely decayed, but the remaining tableware form can still let Leo know that these people may still be eating when they leave.

Although what happened inside this village always revealed a trace of strangeness, Leo did not continue to pursue it. He picked up the corpse collector's canon and prepared to put it in the storage space, and then slow down when there is time. Look slowly.

What surprised him was that there was a force in the corpse collector's textbook that seemed to be against his psionic powers, so that his psionic skills for storing items into the storage space failed, and the corpse collector's textbook was still intact in his hands.

This result really surprised Leo, because when he just looked at the textbook, he carefully checked this bark book, and he can also be sure that this book is an ordinary bark book. Abnormal power fluctuations.

But just now, this bark book was resisting entry into the storage space, invalidating his witchcraft. This made him not think of it in advance, and what puzzled him was that he was not clear from beginning to end. Where did the power emanate from the Codex of the Corpse Collector come from, even if he could indeed feel the power and capture the power, but when the power disappeared, it completely disappeared without leaving any power fluctuations.

Leo tried several more times afterwards, and the result was the same. The books were resisting entry into the storage space.

This bizarre situation made Leo feel that this bark book was not simple, and that it contained powers that he could not perceive, but also uncontrollable powers. The best countermeasure was to throw away the book and stay away from the book .

After making a decision in his heart, Leo was ready to throw the book in his hand back to the destroyed village, but before the throwing action was completed, he stopped and put the corpse collector's textbook in front of him again. He looked seriously at this bark book.

"It's a weird force, even unconsciously, it is affected by the mind and thoughts, and all the defenses on the body are not aware of it. If it is not strong enough, it feels that something is wrong, I am afraid it has been as you wish!" Looking at the canon in his hand, Leo showed a contemptuous smile, and said that it looked as if it was directed against the canon and he was talking to himself.

Just when he was about to throw the book out, Leo felt that his mentality was very wrong. According to common sense, even if this book has a weirdness, he will not throw it away.

What's more, this book probably hides the answers to questions such as why the corpse taker appeared in the world of Velon, and whether this island is the world of Velon. He can't give up this book so easily anyway, especially in Not sure whether this book is really dangerous before.

Therefore, when he was alert, the thoughts of throwing away books and staying away from here were very weird. Obviously, this idea did not originate from himself, but was a product of external influence.

It's just that, just like before, Leo couldn't figure out where the weirdness is even if he knew it was weird.

Then Leo tried to destroy the book, such as tearing off a page of paper, or burning it directly with fire. The result is the same. No matter how he casts or exerts force, he can never damage the book.

After repeated attempts to no avail, and unable to find out the mystery of this book, Leo can only temporarily put this book in his coat pocket, wait to search other places on the island, and see if there are other discoveries.

Later, Leo went to the ruins of other basic settlements found in the jungle by Spirit Net.

The conditions of the ruins are the same as the original settlement. All of them left suddenly without any trace of fighting, and all the villages have a temple, and there is a textbook at the bottom of the temple’s idol, just these textbooks. The gods targeted are all different, and all are gods that Leo doesn't know, such as the daughter of the starry sky, the stupid Yada, etc., all of which are the names of gods that have never been heard.

However, judging from the scriptures of these gods, although these gods have different religious ceremonies, but in all the texts, the advent is mentioned. According to the text, as long as they have a certain opportunity, They will be able to come to this world, and what exactly is that opportunity, which is not mentioned in the textbook, just mentioned a place called Yam.

After exploring all the abandoned villages in the jungle that can be found by the Spirit Net, Leo has seven books of church books, corresponding to seven different gods, and all these books can't be destroyed without exception.

However, what is different from the textbook of the corpse collector is that after the other six textbooks of the gods were taken into his hands, it did not have any impact on him, such as affecting his thoughts and letting him throw away the textbook. These textbooks cannot be included in the storage space.

Looking at the divine scriptures piled up in his hands, Leo frowned, then took off his coat and made a suggested backpack, put all the scriptures together, carried it behind his back, and moved towards the other side of the island past.

Leo did not go directly through the jungle on the island, nor did he intend to climb the volcano, but walked along the edge of the beach and around the island.

Along the way, he saw a large number of shipwrecks, many of which were famous ships in the history of Velon.

For example, the first fearless ship of the Sigma Kingdom, the St. Franc, disappeared when the ship was transported back to the Sigma Kingdom from Mozambique after two years of service. Some people speculate that because of the cursed items in the treasure, the ship suffered bad luck, but more people think that the captain and crew of the St. Franco saw the wealth and engulfed the wealth, and they have always been incognito. Living in other countries.

There is also the world's first end of the world's first expedition ship around the sea. After entering the period of great navigation, anyone with an adventurous spirit tried to drive a boat farther, and the first to do so was the world's end.

This ship was the largest ship at that time. The ship was loaded with all the materials necessary for fifty crew members for half a year. There was also a distilled seawater device specially developed by the Sigma Academy of Sciences, which could directly convert seawater into drinking water. After everything was prepared, the ship departed from the Port of Lyon, towards the endless sea of ​​the West, and eventually disappeared into everyone's vision, and there has been no news since then.

Leo also paused after discovering the world's end, went to the wreckage of the ship and searched to see if he could find information related to the adventure of the year. In the end, he did not find the captain's diary. Such useful things can only be judged from some residual traces on the ship, that the ship was hit by a huge creature, the keel broke, and finally sank.

This also led Leo to conjecture about the huge creatures that attacked the ship, because the material used to make the keel of the ship is a tree species from a world tree in the Black Forest, which is far harder than steel.

Leo has done experiments, and even after so many years of corrosion, he can’t cause any damage to this keel. In terms of rigidity, it is enough to be comparable to the materials of the spaceship of the Earth Federation.

But such a sturdy keel was broken due to external force, and from the traces, the giant creature only used one attack.

It is inferred that the power of that huge creature is probably equivalent to that of the ninth-level psionicist, because in the Earth Federation, only the strength of the ninth-level psionicist can tear the outer protective armor of the space battleship.

Although the keel of this ship still contains strong power, and the sturdiness of the keel itself can also be used as a material for making magical objects of the wizard, but unfortunately the keel is too big to fit in the storage space, so he can only Use the twin sacrificial knives to cut a small piece of the keel with the strongest power fluctuations and place it in the storage space.

Later, although Leo was still on the beach or the bottom of the sea, many famous ships were found, and some of the wrecks still had some psionic wonders with obvious psionic fluctuations, but he felt rushed into the sea, I am afraid that you will encounter unknown dangers, so just mark those interested shipwreck positions in your heart, and wait for the opportunity to explore the treasure hunt in the past.

In the afternoon, Leo bypassed a protruding cape and entered the other half of the island.

In fact, before entering this land boundary, Leo felt some anomalies. The most obvious thing is that after his spiritual network extended to the island on this side, he was suppressed by the anomalous energy that diffused in the sky and earth. The intensity diminishes rapidly, becoming almost the same as when the psionic energy was just activated.

This repressed situation became more intense after he entered the half of the island. Not only the exploration range of the Spirit Net was suppressed to within 10 meters, but also the spiritual energy of the body was completely suppressed, as if the half of the island was filled with invisible force fields that repel the spiritual energy.

It is for this reason that the psionic creatures everywhere on the other half of the island are extinct here, and there is no shipwreck on the beach. Compared with the other island, it is completely two worlds.

Leo moved his hands and feet, and then tried to perform witchcraft, and then tried to remove the ring to cast witchcraft.

Soon he discovered that the so-called psionic suppression was only an illusion. In fact, the psionic energy in his body was not suppressed. It was only after his psionic energy was released that it would be quickly weakened by some invisible force around the world, causing The illusion of weakened psionic power.

The most obvious evidence is that all the witchcraft that needs to be released have greatly weakened their power, and even dissipated just after they were released, causing the illusion of witchcraft failure, but all do not need to be released, but strengthen their own strength. Witchcraft and psionic skills, there will be no abnormalities, such as spiritual sight.

In addition, he also found that he took off the imprisonment After the spirit can reach the strongest state, the witchcraft released will not be more powerful than the magic witch he put on the imprisonment ring to release the witchcraft. The power of the two changes. It can be said that it is minimal, so the limitation of psionic power in the surrounding world should also be a constant equal amount.

Leo examined the body carefully and found that there was no other abnormality on the body except for limited psionic power. The original strength of the flesh was still able to be displayed intact, which was good news for him.

After adjusting to the surrounding environment, Leo continued to walk along the beach, only because he lost the exploration skills of the spiritual network, he had to rely on the eyes with binocular vision to look around and look for useful information.

After walking about two kilometers along the beach, Leo's eyes quickly found an interesting thing. I saw that some nets were placed as traps in a low-lying area washed out by a tidal wave near the beach. In low-lying land, whenever the tide rushes the fish into the low-lying land, these nets will entangle the fish and prevent them from getting out.

The reason for Leo's attention is that these net traps were only recently installed. From the stones that pressed the fishing net, and some traces left on the beach around the puddles, it can be seen that this fishing net trap was recently installed.