The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 325: Subspace

"He killed the monster! He killed the monster!" A burst of exclamation filled with incredible emotions sounded in the closed windows, at this moment those who were scared had forgotten too much The sound will attract some fierce monsters.

"He is a priest of the Black City, surely, he must be a priest of the Black City!" Just as everyone was shocked and awed by Leo's actions, a very old voice suddenly sounded out of nowhere Came out of the lighted room.

At the moment when this sound came out, all the sounds around were quiet, and all the people hiding behind the window seemed to have their tongues cut off, and they never made a sound. They didn’t even dare to peek at the thunder in the window. A glance at Ou, as if Leo had become a more terrifying existence than that huge monster.

Although Leo heard the name Black City for the first time, he could feel that the Black City might refer to the black giant city on the **** of the volcano, that is, the city built by the giants of Guha.

Leo could feel that the old man who mistakenly recognized him as a priest in the Black City must know a lot about the giant city. If possible, he hoped to get some useful information from this person.

It's just that even if he is dull, he can feel how much people in these apartment buildings reject him. He can't have any normal conversations with these people, and because of the invisible power outside the building, he can even use the nightmare. It is impossible to exert the demon hunter magic seal to play any role, so his mind is not on those people in the small building at all.

Leo’s eyes are now on the completely petrified monster in front of him. He walks around the monster to see if there are any useful clues on the petrified monster, and he feels the changes in his body.

Although Leo is unclear what kind of power and change the sacrificial knife will bring to the body, but from the current situation, at least the power of the sacrificial knife, or the power of the turbid and light spirit master It can relieve the pain caused by the power of his bloodline.

If the power of the bloodline is like a flood spouting, then the power of the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit is like a flood channel, which counteracts the uncontrollable and violent parts of the power of the bloodline, and makes the restless bloodline The force gradually calmed down.

Although he still feels the pain caused by the force impacting his body, compared with the previous pain, obviously it can hardly be called pain now, even if there is no willpower support of the ninth level psionicist, it will not have any effect on him. .

"It's weird!" Leo turned around the petrified giant monster a few times, stood in front of the monster's head, stopped, frowned, and muttered in a puzzled expression.

According to the previous sacrifice experience, the sacrificed giant monster should be turned into ashes, but now it is only petrified, and while walking around the monster a few times, he found that the monster is still alive, because He can also feel a very weak force from the monster to support its fragile vitality.

This perception of power is also the product of Leo’s tortured by the power of the bloodline. His perception nerves have become extremely sensitive in the extreme torture, even the weakest spiritual energy can be felt by him, and the perception Power is no longer limited to psionic energy or psionic energy, and even some mysterious powers that could not be discovered before can also be felt by him, such as the weak power in this monster now.

If the monster fails to sacrifice, the monster is still alive, but it is reasonable, but the problem is that Leo is very sure that the sacrifice is successful. He got the rebate that the sacrifice knife is integrated into the body, but now the monster is still alive, but unreasonable, which makes him I feel very puzzled.

But, soon this question that puzzled him at the moment was answered. His sensitive sensory nerve captured a trace of unknown power. The source of this unknown power is the black giant city in the distance, and the end point is this. It has a petrified monster's body, and as this unknown power is injected into the monster's body, the weak force that supports its life in the monster's body gradually becomes stronger.

As the breath of life began to grow stronger, the petrified parts of the monster began to fade and soften like snowmelt. At this rate, the giant monster would break away from petrification and recover again after a short time.

After discovering this situation, Leo did not stay much, directly cast a shadow jump, quickly away from this giant monster, and when he was moving, he also carefully sensed the surrounding conditions and carefully avoided all walks. Monsters on the streets of the giant city.

Not long after Leo left, a burst of harsh roaring suddenly sounded behind him, and then he heard the sound of smashing the house and the screams of some ordinary people in fright. Seeing the situation, the resurrected monster was not found. Leo spread his anger on the residents of the stone house. Those residents can only pray that the force protecting the small building can withstand the constant attacks of the monster.

Leo, ignoring the movement behind him, moved quickly in the shadows and approached the cabin where he was placed. He was not afraid of the monster, but felt that it was unnecessary to waste his energy on a monster that could not be killed.

According to various situations just now, Leo also realized that the monster might also be a symbiotic.

He did sacrifice the monster with a sacrificial knife just now, but because of the nature of the symbiote, even if the monster is sacrificed, the symbiote connected to it will split into an identical symbiote and resurrect it. It is unknown if the resurrected monster is still considered the original monster.

However, from the current situation, the monster has at least all the memories of the past, otherwise, it will not want to seek revenge on Leo, and cannot find Leo and vent his anger at the nearby house.

Because the perception becomes extremely sensitive, Leo is always able to perceive the position of those monsters wandering back and forth on the street before approaching them, avoiding the monster’s route in advance, avoiding a lot The trouble caused him not to spend much time before returning to the stone house where he was placed.

It only takes less than a hundred meters to walk forward, Leo can enter the stone house and return to the apartment building where he placed himself, but Leo did not go forward, but continued to hide in the shadows, and his eyes passed The shadow fell on the dozen stone statues on the stone roof.

Leo remembers clearly that there were no sculptures on the stone roof before, or even some reliefs. Obviously, these monster stone statues appeared after dark. Although these monster stone statues are no different from the real stone statues, sensitive mines Ou could feel a trace of power fluctuations from these stone statues, and these powers are almost the same as those of the giant petrified monsters he sacrificed before.

Time passes so little, staying in the shadow for a long time will not only consume Leo's large amount of shadow power, but the unknown power of the shadow itself will also have an erosive effect on his body.

Fortunately, this erosive effect cannot be compared with the power of the blood veins in Leo’s body. Before it penetrates into Leo’s body, it is washed away by the power of the blood vein, and then used as a snack by the greedy force trailing behind the power of the blood vein. If you eat it, you can't cause any damage to Leo.

Now the only thing he has to do is to constantly transform the psionic energy, supplement the consumption of the power of the shadow, keep himself in the shadow, and avoid conflicts with those stone monsters.

Leo is not incapable of defeating those stone monsters. With the strength of his fifth-level psionicists, it is almost effortless to solve the stone monsters that are at most ordinary psionicists, but solving those stone monsters does not mean that the trouble has been solved. , On the contrary, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

There is also a trace of power from the black giant city in those stone monsters. This trace of power is connected with all the monsters in the city. As long as he strikes a monster, it will alarm all the monsters.

Just now he solved the giant monster with a sacrificial knife. It should have alarmed the monster group in the city. Although the monsters still walked aimlessly on the streets full of incense and smoke and human-shaped bonfire like a walking dead, but he Can feel a burst of maliciousness in the space, like a spider with a large web waiting for him to prey on the net.

In this competition of patient patience, Leo is definitely a good opponent. He has not given any chance to the hunter hidden behind the spider web. Because of the power of the bloodline as a backup, the power of the shadow can pass even if it is very expensive. The power of transforming the blood veins was supplemented, and this also indirectly weakened the power of the blood veins, alleviating the pain in him.

With a ray of sunlight shining from the top of the volcano in the distance, the time has come to the early morning of the next day, and the entire giant city has undergone amazing changes at the moment when the sun shines.

I saw that the bodies of the monsters walking back and forth on the street gradually became transparent, turned from virtual to virtual, and finally disappeared. The same is true of the stone monsters at the end of the stone roof, and the black unknown substances attached to the surrounding walls are also like cracked walls. A crack appeared on the surface, and it fell like rain, disappeared on the ground, and disappeared, leaving only the white wall restored to the original.

Leo stepped out of the shadows and had no time to check his condition. He reached out and prepared to pick up a little ashes that had fallen from the wall.

However, when his finger touched the ash, the weak fingers passed directly through the ash and disappeared into dust.

"Subspace field?" This phenomenon left Leo a little stunned, but he quickly reacted, and he couldn't help but think of his discovery in the stone tower, whispering thoughtfully.

Unlike the field of natural psionics, the subspace field is completely artificially manufactured, and the method of manufacturing this field is very simple. As long as two conditions are met, the subspace field can be easily produced.

One condition is that it must be a psionicist, and the other condition is that the psionicist must endure extreme physical and mental pain, and whether it is an ordinary first-level psionicist or a nine-step half-step into the omega level Psionicists, the subspace realm they create is equally dangerous.

In the subspace field, all natural laws will be distorted and changed by the creator’s ideas, such as gravity, time, etc. Some of the core core forces of the universe can be distorted by the subspace field, because the subspace field and the real world are coincident. Yes, so some people call the subspace field as the world.

Just as the laws in the subspace realm have been distorted, the danger level in the subspace realm cannot be based on the creator. In many cases, the subspace realm created by high-level psionicists even has a degree of danger. It's not as good as the ordinary psionicist who just mastered psionics.

This unreasonable situation occurs because the power of the subspace field comes from the subspace, and the power of the subspace field needs a channel interface to enter the normal universe, and the psionicist who creates the subspace field is Such a channel interface.

The high-level psionicists themselves have extremely strong willpower. Even if some unknown things make them fall into extreme physical and mental pain and create a sub-space realm, their own willpower will spontaneously resist. The impulse to merge with subspace, so that the subspace realm they form is incomplete and will disappear after a period of time.

And those ordinary psionics, especially those hidden psionics on the edge of awakening, when they encounter extreme physical and mental pain, they will desperately want to vent their pain, even if they completely transform themselves into subspace Channel interface, so the subspace realm created by these psionicists will last for a long time, and even dangerous levels of Omega-level advanced creatures will also feel embarrassed.

Although Leo has not been exposed to the subspace field, he has also seen some data in the subspace field from the database, and there are methods for identifying the subspace field in these data, and one of the methods describes the scenario It is almost the same as the scene he just That is to say, those monsters are all real illusions created by sub-space forces, no wonder they can't kill it. "Leo thought of this, and couldn’t help but think of the giant monster whose sacrifice was completed last night but did not die. If this huge city was enveloped by the subspace field last night, there are many questions that puzzled him. I can figure it out.

Leo thought of this, turned his head and looked in the direction of the black giant city, with a little thought on his face, and then turned and walked towards the stone house. Before the others in the stone house had noticed it, he returned to the apartment where he placed himself. In the building.

At the same time, among the stone towers Leo visited last night, a group of old men in white robes stood around the remains of the monsters killed by him last night. The sewn old man said in a deep voice: "We have been in peace for too long. We have forgotten that this is a place where people can be killed at any time. Even important places such as the tower can be let in. At this time, fortunately, it is just death. After a few wishers, if the intruder destroyed the artifact, Yam was all over."

Although the old man's lesson-like tone made other people present to listen harshly, he did not dare to refute one by one, showing a willingness to be punished.