The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 381: shadow

The trunk that was struck by Leo cracked into pieces like a small bomb detonated, revealing a hole the size of a basin. From the hole, you can see a milky object that is completely different from the surrounding wood. This is the heart of the ancient tree of war.

The strength of Leo's fist was very precise, opened a large enough opening, and loosened the part around the tree core that was connected to the tree, which only caused little damage to the tree core.

Seeing a successful blow, Leo instantly grabbed that tree heart, received it in the storage space, and then moved towards another tree that contained the tree heart.

In the same way, Leo disabled all the tree cores contained in the three trees in less than thirty seconds.

Taking out the tree heart is the first step, the next step is to leave here smoothly.

Leo had already estimated the direction of leaving. After the heart of the tree was reached, he immediately performed a full-shadow jump, without hiding his body or leaving the power. He quickly moved in the shadow of the forest and moved towards the edge of the nearest small garden. Move past.

Leo is also the first time to cast the shadow jump this special **** witchcraft effortlessly, and the effect of this witchcraft is somewhat beyond his expectations. It took only three minutes and he broke out of the war In the old tree forest, five minutes later he was already on the edge of another taboo forest ten kilometers away from the old forest of war.

Although the effect of this **** witchcraft of shadow jump is very powerful, the continuous movement of such a long distance consumes a lot of shadow power. In just five minutes, less than 30% of the shadow power accumulated over many days remains .

In order to avoid the unexpected use of shadow jump, a great escape from witchcraft, Leo stopped casting shadow jump, and used witchcraft commonly used for movement, such as the lightness of cats, etc., to make the body light and agile, In accordance with their own physical qualities, they quickly shuttled through the forest.

Five minutes passed, and far from the ancient forest of war, Leo felt that things might be safe.

And when his emotions were slightly relaxed, the tremor on the ground caused him to immediately raise his vigilance to the extreme, followed by a roar of loud noises, followed by a gust of wind. Here, the reason for all these aberrations is that tens of thousands of trees in the ancient war forest shook at the same time.

I only saw that the roots of these ancient war trees arched upwards, so that they stood up from the ground where they were rooted, and turned into legs supporting the body, making the ancient war tree look like a tall and thin body. The proportion of tree giants is average.

And these ancient war trees that stood up from the ground turned around almost at the same time. This direction was exactly the direction that Leo left, and then chased at Leo like marching ants at the same time. The huge body made them unnecessary. It is enough to avoid the obstacles in front and directly hit the obstacles, so only a mess is left where they pass, and a passage is opened by them in the small garden.

Although Leo had no way to see exactly what happened in the ancient forest of war, he could not judge the situation behind him from the sounds passed and the strong wind generated when the ancient tree was shaking, so he accelerated his pace and used the fastest Speed ​​forward.

However, compared to the shadow jump, this movement method is obviously much slower. Leo can feel that the sound behind him is gradually becoming louder. Although the change is very slight, it has proved that the ancient war trees are gradually approaching. Yourself.

Leo quickly estimated it in his heart, and found that if he rushed like this, I am afraid that it would be difficult to leave the small garden before the ancient tree of war catches up, so leaving the heart to follow the second set of plans, he moves in a slightly direction It has been modified to move from the safest road without any danger to a road full of taboo areas, moving from the cracks of these taboo areas as carefully as dancing at the tip of the knife.

This movement makes the speed a lot slower than before, but if the existence of these taboo areas is really as dangerous as the instructions in the figure, then when those ancient war trees come in, these taboo areas Existence should be able to help him block these raging ancient trees of war and give him enough time to leave the small garden.

After making route adjustments, Leo rushed to his way. Once in danger, he would not be entangled with the attacker, but directly cast a shadow jump to avoid the attack and continue to hurry.

The time passed by more than half an hour, and the sound behind him was several times louder than before, and when the sound was increased again, the huge noise that lasted more than half an hour suddenly disappeared, as if at that moment The ancient war-making trees no longer exist.

But then a larger and more noisy sound came from behind Leo. These sounds included both the loud noises made by the ancient war tree when it was moving, and also full of some harsh monster roars, accompanied by some similar impacts. , Explosions and the like.

The thing that makes Leo feel the most is that a wave of psionic energy with an intensity similar to that of the real eye is transmitted from behind. Obviously, the unknown existence in the taboo area in that direction has the same strength as the false god. .

Knowing that his plan was successful, Leo did not stop and look back at the situation, but continued to rush forward.

Because of the obstruction of unknown dangers in the taboo area of ​​the small garden, the distance between the ancient tree of war and Leo was once again widened, but from the subtle changes in the weakened sound, the ancient tree of war did not stop moving, just moved The speed has slowed down a lot. Obviously in the face of the impact of so many ancient trees of war, even the unknown existence in those taboo areas cannot resist this flood-like impact.

Leo quickly estimated his movement speed and the speed of the ancient war tree. He felt that at his current speed, even if there was an unknown presence in the taboo area, he wanted to leave the small garden before the ancient war tree caught up with him. I am afraid it is also very difficult.

Thinking of this, Leo quickly adjusted the plan to transform the other cluttered forces of the body one by one into the power of the shadow through the power of the nightmare, and then cast the shadow jump again, completely let go of the speed, and moved forward quickly.

With the increase in the number and time of the shadow transition, the witchcraft, Leo’s understanding of this witchcraft is getting deeper, and the understanding of the power of shadow is increasing, and the shadow power consumed by the spell is also natural. With less and less, his repulsion to the power of shadow is getting weaker and weaker.

The power of the shadow is generated from his original blood, imitating the power of the blood from the witch Su, because his control of the original blood is very low, plus the vigilance of various divine powers and imprints, making him aware of the shadow Power and shadow witchcraft are very repulsive. Most of the time, they are only used temporarily, and I have not thought about focusing on research.

However, the action of the small garden now allowed him to use shadow witchcraft for the first time for a long time, and he also gradually felt the magic of shadow witchcraft, or the power of shadow.

Leo used to think that the power of the shadow is the power generated by himself, just like the psionic power. However, as his understanding of the use of shadow jump and the power of shadow continued to deepen, he found that in addition to the imitation of the power of the nightmare The power of the shadow is transformed by its own power. The other naturally generated power of the shadow is not bred by himself, but comes from an unknown subspace.

This subspace is in all shadows, and it overlaps with other spaces. After the shadow jump, Leo entered the subspace and moved rapidly through the subspace. The principle is the same as that of the subspace ship.

Since the discovery of the existence of subspace, the exploration of subspace by various advanced civilizations in the universe has never stopped, but even after tens of millions of years of exploration, no higher civilization has claimed that it has understood the rules of subspace, even the universe. The existence of vertical and horizontal galaxies in the Supreme Council also knows very little about subspace.

It's just that after all these years of research, there will always be some research results, and among these research results, there are only a few fixed rules that can be proved to be subspace, and among these fixed rules, there are One rule is that subspace does not exist alone.

Just like the existence of galaxies, nebulae and star fields in the normal universe, there are many independent subspace debris in the subspace. The entire subspace is like a sea filled with bubbles. Each bubble is an independent one. Subspace debris.

Usually these subspace debris are full of various space turbulence and chaotic disorder of the universe. Even if the Omega-level higher living organisms enter these subspace debris, it may be very difficult to find the correct way to leave. It is difficult to get out safely.

It is precisely because of the existence of these independent subspace debris that the subspace is not dead. These subspace debris, which are relatively safe compared to subspace, will also breed a variety of life forms, but just The space itself is full of chaos and disorder. These living bodies bred in the subspace are also disordered and chaotic. The products under the order like civilization cannot naturally be produced in the subspace.

Leo found himself guided by the power of the shadow while casting the shadow jump, and the whole person glides past the edge of a subspace debris, neither entering the subspace, but also able to move quickly by the rules of subspace, due to the shadow The power comes from this subspace debris, so he also named the shadow space for this unknown space.

Discovering a new subspace debris, and having access to this subspace debris, this kind of thing is definitely a big thing in the universe where the Earth Federation was located in the past, and may even alarm the powerful existence of the highest council of the universe.

Because each subspace debris that can be explored and has a fixed entrance is a cosmic strategic material that is related to the level of civilization. It can be said that one of the conditions for the promotion of lower civilizations and other civilizations is to have an independent subspace debris.

Although subspace is full of danger, subspace is also full of wealth. As long as ordinary people can bring back a little material from subspace, they can get a wealthy net worth, and cosmic civilization can proceed directly from subspace. Some scientific and technological research sufficient to upgrade the level of civilization.

It’s just that for Leo, it’s useless to find a subspace debris that’s so stable and so close to the outside space. Although he’s curious about the situation in this shadow space, he’s also very clear about this. The situation has no difference between suicide and suicide, so after giving this subspace a name, he put his main energy on how to extract more shadow power from this shadow space for his shadow The transition cast spell consumes this matter.

Leo, who focused his attention on shadow witchcraft and shadow space, inevitably reduced his attention to the outside world, and more only distinguished the direction of movement after leaving the shadow, as to how to solve the ancient warfare groups and taboo areas behind him Whether the conflict was caught up or not, he was temporarily left behind.

After moving for about ten minutes or so, Leo, who had emerged from the shadow, had seen the edge of the small garden, because he could already see some of the towering buildings of the royal city from the gap between the trees.

And just when Leo was about to enter the shadow again, planning to move directly out of the small garden this time, suddenly the wind and pressure caused by the falling of a giant came over his head. Leo didn’t even think about it instinctively. He wanted to re-enter the shadow after evading, but this time he found that the shadow jump failed, as if the surrounding space was blocked by some invisible force.

Fortunately, Leo changed the dodge method in time, and the witchcraft power blessed on his body did not disappear. The entire portrait was a flexible black panther quickly moved out of the tree trunks for tens of meters, just came wrong and fell The giant came, but the impact of the giant did not escape the shock wave coming from behind and shot him directly like a fly, hitting the tree trunk not far away.

At the moment of hitting the Leo adjusted his body in time, and released the excess impact force on the trunk. When he landed, he turned his body and looked at the object that attacked him.

I saw that not far away, a huge tree trunk was straight on the ground, the branches and leaves of the tree trunk were still clearly visible, and looking up at the top of the tree trunk, you could see a hundreds of meters high, covered with all kinds of scars The giant treeman leaned over, and although the treeman had no facial features, Leo had a feeling of being stared at.

The tree giant seemed to find that his attack did not hit Leo, and immediately raised his huge arm to prepare to hit Leo a second time.

Seeing this situation, Leo immediately prepared to perform a shadow jump again to avoid the next attack of the tree giant, but the shadow jump still could not let him enter the shadow, which made him suspect that the tree giant had the ability to block the space, so he had to use regular 'S method moved quickly on the ground and rushed out of the small garden not far away.


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