The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 412: Murder

It was discovered that the abyssal force came to the world of Velon a long time ago, Leo decided to investigate it, not only because of his vigilance against the abyssal force, but also more curious.

Because when he touched the abyssal force before he invaded the world, the abyssal force gave him the feeling of being permeable and extremely infectious, spreading to the entire world in a short time like a plague, dragging the entire world into destruction The Abyss, even the King City, which is claimed to be guarded by gods, is no exception.

But the abyssal force entered the Velon world long ago, but the Velon world showed no signs of destruction. At least Leo saw no signs of destruction, so his curiosity made him wonder why.

However, before Leo went to the black market to investigate the source of the scroll, other troubles appeared, and his energy was transferred to other places.

"Is it ridiculous?" Leo looked at Jason with a sad face, and Shen Sheng asked, "How is that ridiculous?"

In the evening, Leo put on his clothes and was about to go to the black market again, but Jason came to his apartment worriedly and asked him to help him deal with one thing.

This matter is very simple, help investigate the cause of death of one of his men.

"It's hard to describe." Jason thought back to the scene he saw before, and his face became a lot ugly. He shook his head slightly and said, "Maybe it's similar to what we encountered in Cage City? "

"Let's go and see." Leo put on his coat and gestured to Jason.

Jason realized before, led Leo into the carriage, and commanded, maybe there was something in his heart, he didn't say much, just bowed his head and thought, and Leo didn't ask.

The two were speechless all the way, and soon came to a residential area in a poor urban area.

The poor urban area is the second largest urban area after the garden cemetery. This urban area is connected to the dock area, the factory area and the commercial area. The people living here also choose to live in different areas of the poor area because of their work area. Over time, the slums have formed three urban areas.

The slum area that Leo and Jason have arrived is close to the pier. The main residents are the porters and some local seamen. This is also the most mixed place among all the slums. Because almost all the foreign slums, Refugees will choose to live here at first, and may even live for a long time.

The carriage was parked in front of a very dilapidated apartment building, and soon after the carriage stopped, a group of poor children gathered around. After Jason got out of the car, he took out a bag of change and gave it to the driver, instructed him to send it to these poor children, and then led Leo to continue into one of the dilapidated apartments, and soon came to the top of the apartment. Outside the attic.

This apartment should be a temporary residence built after the tsunami. This small apartment building was only temporarily supplied to civilians in the city. There was no long-term preservation problem, so the main structure of the building is mainly wood. , There is no reinforcement. What people did not expect is that this apartment building has existed for such a long time, and it has always been inhabited. Therefore, this apartment building has a lot of structural damage.

Leo walked from downstairs to upstairs in just ten seconds, he sensed that there were at least more than 20 main body damages in this apartment building through the spiritual network. I have to say that this apartment building can still stand. It is a miracle.

At this time, there were some porters outside the top-floor attic room gathered at the door, talking eloquently when they saw Jason coming, they immediately stopped talking, stood respectfully on both sides of the aisle, and gave Jason away A road, and looked at Leo from time to time.

"What's going on inside?" Jason nodded to the porters, and then walked to the door. He opened the door and asked to the next man.

"Keep the same," the man replied cautiously: "He has come over from his house, and I was sent away for the time being, and I will come back later."

Seeing Jason walk in, the man hesitated for a moment, a look of fear appeared on his face, and finally walked in behind Leo.

The room is not large, just like other cheap apartment buildings, it is a separate room, and then the occupants can divide the room into several small rooms according to their own needs.

Judging from the furnishings in the room, the owner of the room is a very self-disciplined person, all the items are well-organized and tidy.

Although the windows of the room have been open for some time, a thick **** gas still fills the whole room, making the first smeller feel a little nausea.

Jason led Leo directly into the compartment inside, which was the bedroom divided by the owner of the room from wood.

The bedroom is very simple, just a bed and a bedside table with clothes, and the scene inside is clear at the door.

I saw that the walls of the bedroom had been covered with blood, just like a layer of **** paint. The owner of the room knelt in front of the bedside table, and the skin was peeled off, and it was very complete and neat as clothes Stacked together and placed on the bed, a wood carving statue was placed on the bedside table. This wood carving statue was very old and badly damaged, and the original appearance of the wood carving could not be seen clearly.

Leo had already made a judgment in his mind when he saw the scene in front of him. There is no doubt that the blood on the wall and the neat human skin superimposed on the bed were caused by the kneeling victim. He first separated the blood veins, smeared the wall, and then Then peel off the human skin, then kneel in front of the wooden statue and slowly wait for death.

"He was from the 7th Army and also participated in that battle. Although he was poisoned, his luck was not bad. He saved his life, but his body and eyes were poisoned." Jason introduced the identity of the dead and turned When he saw the ugly expression on his hand, he frowned, waving his hand to signal him to retreat, and then continued to introduce: "I used the resources on hand to recruit many disabled veterans, and he was one of them. One, it's just that his body is not suitable for some labor, so I just hired him to do some simple things. Three days ago, he suddenly received a sum of money from his colleagues, and then he didn't go to the dock to work, his colleagues felt Something was wrong, so I came here to find him, and I saw this scene."

"He didn't call the police, but sought you first?" Leo asked, turning his head.

Jason explained: "I found that the person at the scene was one of my effective staff. He knew that I was recently in charge of the competition for the freight terminal. I was worried that I would be adversely affected by this matter before I approached me to deal with this. Thing."

Leo said coldly: "I'm afraid he is afraid of becoming a suspect, so he will pull you in and be a shield!"

Jason smiled and did not respond.

Leo didn't say anything. The sight and the spirit net were checked in the room several times, then turned and walked back to the living room and asked, "Did the deceased have any abnormal behavior recently?"

Jason shook his head and said he was unclear, and then he handed in the former man and said Leo's question just now.

"There's nothing special about him..." The man shook his head, but he quickly thought of something and quickly changed his mouth. "Yeah, there is something weird. When he borrowed money from me, He said that he found a way to heal his eyes and body, and it looked as if he was sure about it. I didn’t even think about it, and he had borrowed money from me before, and he immediately paid back the money. It hasn’t been in arrears and the credit is very good, so I lent him and asked nothing.

"That's all?" Jason frowned and asked.

"That's all." The man thought carefully and gave no more clues, but he still added: "He has a good relationship with the lame in the third warehouse. Maybe he has said something to him."

"Sometimes to find people soon." Jason shouted angrily.

The man immediately turned and ran out.

Jason sighed, shook his head, then turned to Leo and asked with concern: "Is this related to those things?"

Leo nodded without answering carefully.

In fact, when he was outside the door, Leo was already sure that this matter had something to do with extraordinary power. His spiritual network could clearly feel that there were a lot of energy fluctuations in the room that could be called negative energy. This kind of energy Emitting an uncomfortable energy fluctuation.

The reason why the man had a urge to vomit just now was not entirely due to the **** scene in the room. After all, he was a battle-hardened warrior. After seeing various corpses, he should have adapted to this **** scene. , But he has such a strong feeling of vomiting because of the negative energy in that room.

Jason, because of the power of his giant bloodline, has a certain immunity to this energy fluctuation, and has almost not been affected.

However, Leo was slightly puzzled that the source of these negative energies did not come from the wood carving statue enshrined in the bedside table, but from the blood in the room.

"Blood Magic!" When he sensed that the blood was emitting negative energy, Leo thought of the blood magic of the blood wizard Lawrence for the first time.

But soon he shook his head to deny this speculation. The blood wizard Lawrence is now very stable in the United Kingdom of France, and there are sufficient experimental resources to venture into the Kingdom of Engels.

The two waited for a while in the room. Instead of waiting for Jason's men, they waited for the sheriff in charge of the city's security and two cold-faced men in black.

Leo saw the two men in black and immediately thought of the special bureau called Nickland who met a few days ago. He also took a slight step back and stood behind Jason’s huge body. Make the two seem to be dominated by Jason.

Without waiting for Jason to ask, the sheriff immediately took the initiative to introduce: "Mr. Jason, these two officers of the Special Bureau were sent to deal specifically with this crime."

"Special Bureau?" Jason was stunned. He had never heard of such a department.

At this time, one of the Special Bureau agents came forward, pushed away the sergeant, and said to Jason in a harsh tone: "You are Mr. Jason! Let us leave the matter here, I hope you leave In the future, forget what happened here."

Jason's face was displeased, and he walked up to the Special Bureau agent and said violently: "My workers died so miserably, but you told me that I was forgotten about it, you think..."

Jason didn’t say anything because it was not only the police sergeant in this district who was desperately implying him, but also because of the eyes of the agent of the special bureau, who saw a burst of purple light in the eyes of the agent and emitted The inexplicable momentum made him feel inexplicably nervous.

"Humph!" If it was Jason before, he might not be able to persuade him, go straight ahead and continue to compete with him, but now Jason has learned to compromise and tact, and has learned that the special agent in front of him is not an ordinary person. , So I didn’t let the conflict escalate again, just snorted, and then gestured to Leo and walked outside the door.

After Jason gave up the conflict, the special agent who confronted him showed a look of doubt and surprise, and turned to look at the tall figure of Jason at the door, a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" another agent behind him asked after seeing the expression of a colleague.

"I just used the eye of wind erosion." The agent said in a deep voice.

"You used it? But he didn't do anything?" Another agent knew what effect his simultaneous abilities had. He could not help but stunned, turned to look at the door, showing a surprised look, and could not help saying: "Does he..."

"Cough!" The agent coughed twice before he finished speaking at the same time, stopped the colleague from speaking, and glanced at the sheriff standing next to him.

"It's under our supervision, you can leave, and all the people at the door will be scattered. They can't help, but they will hinder." The agent said to the sheriff.

The sergeant wanted to leave long ago, and the **** gas here made him feel very uncomfortable. If he wasn’t someone next to him, he would have vomited already. Now, after hearing the orders of the special bureau agent, where is he willing to stay longer? , Turned around and walked out of the room quickly, not long after I heard the sound of vomiting in the corridor, and then remembered an angry roar.

Two agents of the Special Bureau ignored the situation outside. They closed the door and walked to the bedroom inside. When they saw the **** scene there, their expressions became very dignified. One of them said, "This is the first Alright?"

"Fourth, from Brambles, four cities, four murders."

The two were silent.

"What should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Of course, I asked the headquarters for help, and let the agents of the branch office put down other things in their specializes in investigating this matter."

"What about Jason just now?"

"I just don't know if he was naturally awake, or..."

"Find him in the branch..."

"Not suitable."

"What's wrong with this? It's just a terminal manager. Even if we are municipal officials, we are not without detention and interrogation."

"He himself is not a problem. Don’t forget that he and Nelson Matthew and Ms. Catherine Nightingale are good friends. If you take him to the branch, you will definitely be alarmed by these two. I don’t want to because of this. Provoked the above rebuke."

"What should I do? Don't leave it alone?"

"Of course not, we can actually..."

The two gathered together to discuss in a whisper, but the object of their discussion was no longer the criminal who made this case, but Jason.