The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 426: Cemetery black market

Leo’s hometown also has a garden cemetery, but compared to the more open-minded Port of Saite, the inland villages are obviously more conservative and have a stricter rank of identity, and this classification is also reflected in the use of garden cemeteries. on.

Although there are some assets in Leo’s house and a blacksmith shop is opened, the identity of their family is still a civilian. After their death, they cannot be buried in the garden cemetery. They can only find a suitable place outside the garden cemetery as a family The cemetery, and the garden cemetery will not be open to civilians.

However, the garden cemetery in Port Saite is completely different. The garden cemetery here is very large, almost the largest public land in Port Saite. Its area is twice as large as the civilian area and five times larger than the garden area. Outside the dock area, the garden cemetery is almost connected to all the urban areas of Port Sait, and it is also a public cemetery for everyone in Port Sait.

Because of its particularity, when the municipal council discussed the public land that it saw, even if the public square under construction in the municipal district was cancelled and the park in the garden area dedicated to the upper class was reduced, no consideration was given to reducing the land for this land. area.

The garden cemetery is like a miniature of Port Sait. The people buried here are also buried in different areas according to their status. For example, the powerful families of Port Sait are naturally buried on several hills near the garden area. The terrain is high, and the forest is dense and the environment is excellent. The purpose of the construction here is not to worry about being flooded during the typhoon. As for the wealthy but unidentified businessmen, they are buried near the hill, but this is just their temporary burial place. Under normal circumstances, these businessmen will try to obtain a higher status and move the cemetery to the hill. However, there are also a large number of businessmen who will become poor because of business flaws and have to move out of the cemetery.

The largest area in the garden cemetery is the burial area of ​​civilians. Almost all civilians in Port Sait are buried here. Some family burial chambers have even buried more than a dozen generations, and the burial chamber has dug down more than a dozen layers. Deep.

Also because of the unprofessional early grave diggers, and the fact that most of the building materials are mainly wood, after the flooding during the typhoon year, the decay of wood makes the structure of many underground burial chambers very fragile, often appearing several years ago The collapse of the tomb.

Later, the Port of Saite City Council decided to use a public fund specifically to strengthen each burial chamber and reduce the collapse accident, and this matter was handed over to a gravedigger company in the city that specializes in burial chamber excavation.

It’s just that this company is just an ordinary burial company on the surface, but in fact it is the office on the bright side of the black market in Port Saite, so after obtaining the business of rebuilding the tomb, they set about connecting the tombs in this area. At the same time that the tomb was strengthened, the tomb was also converted into a contraband trading area controlled by the black market.

In fact, soon after the emergence of the black market, the dignitaries of Port Sait have already known, but because the black market itself is powerful enough, and these dignitaries are also bought through, so these dignitaries who specialize in prohibited goods are also blindfolded, of course. The premise is that the existence of a black market will not endanger the city’s public security.

The black market divides the market into two parts, one part is only for ordinary people, and the supply is only general contraband, but the other part is for the existence of extraordinary powers in the underground world, and it also provides something that looks in the eyes of ordinary people. Very weird and mysterious items.

What's interesting is that compared to the secret of the black market in Milia City, the black market in Port Sait looks like an open market. In fact, Sanjes doesn't need to tell that Leo can know the black market just by taking a moment to walk around the city. Where.

It is precisely because of the semi-public approach of the black market that some young people in the city who like excitement will also come to the cemetery at night, looking for the entrance to the black market, hoping to buy some new and exciting contraband here, just like mine now. The seven or eight well-dressed young men Ou saw.

After nightfall, Leo came to the entrance of a seemingly ordinary burial chamber in the garden cemetery as Sanjes said, but he was not the first one to come here. Young people whose status is unusual are standing outside the entrance. They seem to be discussing whether to enter the crypt.

From their words, Leo is not difficult to hear that they are worried about the dangers of entering the black market. Some people proposed to find the bodyguards at home, but some people objected because they secretly concealed their family members. If you come to the black market, once you find a bodyguard, you must know it at home.

Just when several people could not dispute, Leo’s arrival immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Although Leo’s dress was no different from the common English gentleman in Port Sait, his tall body and his body exuded invisible momentum. Can still make him feel different.

All disputes stopped immediately after Leo's arrival, and the sight of these men and women fell on Leo's body.

Leo ignored these sights, he walked to the entrance and looked at the relief around the entrance.

These reliefs look very ordinary, just like the cheap reliefs commonly found in the surrounding tombs, but in Leo's spiritual vision, these reliefs contain some very weak spiritual runes composed of the Gamorian language. , And these spiritual runes are the first test used by the black market to distinguish ordinary people from extraordinary people.

Ordinary people like Sanjas can see these spiritual runes as long as there is a black market invitation, and find out from the spiritual runes where the special black market will appear this time, but those who do not have an invitation letter are only You can see or feel these spiritual runes with your own ability, and find out the right place to open the black market. Otherwise, you can only enter the general market of the black market for ordinary people along this entrance.

Renault naturally easily found the real location of the special black market in the spiritual runes, so he just stopped at the entrance, turned around and left the open entrance, and walked deeper into the cemetery.

"Huh! How did he go?" A doubtful voice sounded in this open space just after Leo left.

Someone guessed: "He should have visited the deceased, but he didn't know where the tomb was, so he was looking for it."

"Are you visiting the dead with nothing?" Among these people, a heroic woman dressed in men's clothes whitened his companions, and then thought about it, said: "I heard that there are two black markets, one black market is for ordinary people. People are open and will only sell some ordinary contraband to ordinary people. There is also a more mysterious black market. I heard that there will be some mysterious items that only appear in myths and stories, and they can only be found through special methods. The location of that black market, would that person just go to that more mysterious black market?"

"I have heard of this legend too." Someone responded immediately.

The woman proposed: "Shall we follow it too?"

Several others nodded without thinking, looking like they were eager to try.

"That's not good!" Only a woman who looked weak and wore a veil hesitated a little and said, "It's dangerous to enter and leave the cemetery at night. If something goes wrong..."

"Do you think that with this guy, are we still afraid of any danger?" Without waiting for the woman's words, a young man next to him pulled out two pistols with special bullets from his waist and played with them skillfully, It was inserted back into the holster around his waist.

Others also patted their weapons around their waists. It can be seen that they are all prepared, and compared to nothing happened, they hope to encounter some trouble so that they can use these reasons. A rare weapon.

Among these people, only the heroic woman dressed in menswear did not bring a firearm, but wore two thin cross swords. She could see that she was very confident in her swordsmanship.

Seeing her companions like this, the veiled woman knew she didn't have any more, and she nodded in agreement with her companion's proposal.

As a result, a group of people followed the direction Leo left, found traces of the ground path, and chased behind Leo.

Since entering the cemetery, Leo has opened the spiritual network, and the decisions made by the young people behind him will naturally escape his perception. In his view, as long as the other party does not cause trouble to himself , It's okay to follow behind.

Before coming to the cemetery, Leo had memorized the map of the garden cemetery. Although the map could not indicate the exact location of the cemetery, he systematically divided the cemetery into areas for the convenience of others.

Soon Leo came to the area prompted by the spiritual rune, and also found a second prompt at the entrance. This prompt is where the entrance is in the cemetery.

In fact, for Leo, it doesn’t matter whether this prompt is because when he stands in this area, his spiritual network has covered the entire area of ​​the cemetery, and the psionic interference device has formed psionic interference. Like a striking signal, he reminded him of the location of the black market all the time.

However, even if there is no awareness of the spiritual network, some other extraordinary people who also find here are the best guides.

As Leo thought, when he came to this cemetery, other people with extraordinary powers also came here, looking for the entrance to the black market, and the number was still quite large, there were more than 20 people, so much The number surprised Leo, but he was even more surprised that his disturbed mental network could still vaguely feel that in the black market underground, there were at least more than a hundred extraordinary people.

"How come there are so many extraordinary people?" Leo couldn't help but wonder, and at the same time, he swept the spiritual net from those who were looking for the entrance to the black market, and checked the physical condition of these people.

However, the feedback from the Spirit Net made him feel a little surprised, and also gave birth to a trace of worry, because he found that all of these peers all have some organs that have mutated without exception, and the strength of these people can not suppress the breath of power can be judged Out, these people are all family members who awakened the blood of their ancestors, and the awakening time is not long, at most between these two years.

There are only two possibilities for Leo to see signs of blood awakening from so many descendants.

One possibility is that the gods represented by the blood of these clan may be returning, so it is necessary to wake up his clan and pave the way for his return.

The second possibility is that the whole world is changing, and this change is likely to be related to energy, so the mutation of energy will also cause the mutation of human beings. For those descendants of families who have special blood lines, the energy changes brought about by this mutation may be the key opportunity for their blood lines to be activated.

Either way, it is not a good thing for Leo, because it means that the world will soon fall into a variety of strange and chaotic.

"My current information comes from newspapers, and the content is too vague. It seems necessary to establish an intelligence network." Leo said to himself, and then returned to normal, toward the entrance of the third tomb on the right Go, here is the correct entrance to the black market.

Leo’s behavior naturally attracted the attention of several family members nearby who were looking for a black market location. Although their bloodline skills, their bodies have mutated and gained some power, these powers are all powers, and they have no way to see those spirituality. Runes can only be found through other methods. They were able to find the cemetery in this area without any prompt, just because the psionic jammer in the black market also interfered with them, making it impossible for them to find the exact location any further.

When Leo opened the iron fence of a cemetery and entered the cemetery, those family members who saw this scene immediately uttered a signal-like cry, and then other people gathered too, and after asking the situation, they all continued. Entered the Just when these people had not all entered the cemetery, some of the young people who were looking for excitement had already come to this cemetery, just to see that they had not had time to enter the cemetery The clan of the family immediately followed, without saying much, and followed the crowd into the crypt.

Leo, who walked in the front, found the correct route in a maze-like crypt like a regular customer, and entered the underground market opened from the entrance to the bottom.

This underground market was rebuilt after the opening of three underground burial chambers. A small room was added here to sell relatively valuable items provided by the black market. Although the things are good, there are very few people who are really willing to enter the store because of the price. The vast majority of people are arranging stalls on a large open space in the middle, selling the items they need and buying the items they need.

Although it is a market, it is very quiet here. Although there are many oil lamps hanging here, the light is still not very strong. If people with poor eyesight can’t even see what they are buying on the ground.

Although Leo is a new face, his arrival has not attracted the attention of those in the market. They are more willing to pay attention to the items on the floor, hoping to find something useful for them.