The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 456: uninvited guest

"How come you come to me at this time? Hasn't our transaction been over already?" Leo, who was disturbed to read the notes, looked at the fat man in discontent and said indifferently.

"Mr. Leo, although the old deal is over, can't we have a new deal?" The fat man looked at Leo with a smile, playing with the gem cane in his hand, and was not scared by Leo at all, smiling. Say "Not to mention that I helped you not long ago. If it weren’t for me, do you think the wolf dogs in the special bureau can easily let you go? You know that although the two cousins ​​of Nelson are famous, they are not enough. The decision of the Special Bureau."

The fat man who had suddenly disturbed Leo was Shawn Donald, who had a deal with Leo several years ago, but compared to the old, decadent spirit and appearance of the time, it is now white and fat. Well, the whole person has become completely different.

After the Inge royal family retrieved the Poseidon scepter, with this scepter, it possessed the ability to sail at sea during the typhoon period, which enabled the Inge royal family to no longer rely on the parliamentary government financially for the royal family. Obtaining a part of the rights lost for many years has expanded the influence of the royal family.

Sean Donald, who led to the change of the royal family, was naturally favored by the Inge royal family. Not only did Sean give a higher title, he even granted a fief, even if the fief was only a small village, but it was given. This kind of thing has not happened for more than 100 years, and it was also very sensational.

In addition, Sean Donald also held important positions in the court and the congressional government, acting as the liaison officer of the congress and the royal family. Although it sounds like this position makes people feel that some status is low, in fact, this position has real power, regardless of Whether it has a great influence on the royal family or the parliamentary government.

The spying case has been so big recently that Sean, who is the liaison officer of the Congress and the royal family, should be very busy. But unexpectedly, he suddenly appeared here. It seems that he wants to hire Leo to do something.

Leo did not doubt Sean’s words. He actually felt that the Special Bureau had given up monitoring him, and he did not even take him to the Special Bureau for questioning. It should not be because of the insurance of the Nielsens, there must be other reasons, so Xiao Eun's words now just confirmed his suspicions.

"Thank you!" Leo thanked Sean indifferently, and then asked directly, "What new deal?"

Although he doesn’t like Shawn, Leo doesn’t resist Shawn. In fact, he still likes to deal with Shawn. At least after the transaction is completed, Shawn is very happy to pay, and there will be no bad debts. behavior.

"Do you know Count Drake?" Sean felt that Leo's dissatisfaction had disappeared, and he stopped playing with the cane. The slight tension in his heart also relaxed a little, and then asked Zhao Leo, pretending to be mysterious. .

Leo looked at Sean indifferently and said, "I am an English, do you think I will know about the Pirate Earl?"

When Sean heard the words, he smiled a little embarrassedly, and then stood upright, saying, "Of course, what I said could not be those outside who could casually tell a dozen versions of Drake's life, but Drake. The count’s unknown secret identity.” As he talked, he moved forward and said, “You must not know that Earl Drake is actually a powerful wizard!”

Hearing Sean’s words, Leo suddenly had the urge to slap his chubby cheeks in front of him, but he didn’t take action, but looked at each other expressionlessly.

Sean's ability to serve as a liaison officer naturally has the ability to observe and watch, otherwise he cannot survive in the complicated environment of the high level of the Inge Kingdom, and his status is increasingly strengthened.

So, he soon saw the indifference and contempt in Leo's eyes, even a little impatient, and realized that he seemed to be talking nonsense.

He coughed twice, eased the embarrassment, and was not as good as the subject. He said, "I came to you this time to hire you to help you find another artifact that the sea **** gave to the royal family."

"Another Poseidon artifact?" Leo frowned, wondering. "As far as I know, the Poseidon artifact owned by the royal family seems to be only a Poseidon scepter. Where did another Poseidon artifact come out?"

"There is another artifact of Poseidon, but there are not many people who know this artifact, let alone you, even if there are only three or four people inside the royal family." Sean was quite proud. Straight chest, as if to know that this secret is a great honor.

Leo ignored Sean’s beatings, but thought about Sean’s words a little, and analyzed, “If I’m not wrong, this Poseidon artifact should have been lost long ago, right? Otherwise, there can’t be nothing. Rumors have passed down."

"Really!" Sean nodded and continued. "Before landing in the Kingdom of England, the royal fleet led a huge storm at sea. Although they were able to sail through the storm through the power of the scepter, Some deep-sea monsters that came with the storm were not dealt with by the fleet. In order to protect the fleet, the royal family took another Poseidon artifact and made a deal with the deep-sea monster, thus safely came to the archipelago and established a kingdom. "

Leo frowned and fell into contemplation again. He didn’t believe in Sean’s words. He mainly didn’t understand the monsters and sea gods in the sea, although the mark of the web weaver was full of various gods. Knowledge, but it is strange that there is only a lack of records of ocean gods, as if there are no gods in the ocean, which is the opposite of the prosperity of the gods of the sea, such as the Kingdom of Inge and the Kingdom of Sigma.

Therefore, hearing what Sean mentioned now involves the sea gods, which makes him unable to adapt for a while, who is used to having complete information for analysis.

However, Leo quickly adjusted and continued to ask Sean "How could this matter be related to Earl Drake?"

Sean explained, "The royal family is not willing to lose the artifact, because the power of the incomplete Poseidon artifact will also be greatly reduced, so the royal family has sent people to find another Poseidon artifact more than once in the past, hoping to make the Poseidon artifact complete. Earl Rick is also one of the trustees looking for the artifact, and he is the only one who is closest to the artifact, and may even be the one who has obtained the artifact."

"Why would the royal family think that Earl Drake had received the Neptune artifact?" Leo slightly asked with doubt.

"Because the lost Poseidon artifact appeared in that critical naval battle, and helped the Kingdom Navy and Earl Drake to reverse the battle, or eventually win." Sean gave the answer, and then said "And you Looking at the life of Count Drake, you will find that after that naval battle, he has almost no disadvantages at sea, and has not encountered any danger. Except that he received the scepter of Poseidon and the favor of Poseidon to explain all this, I will never again Can't think of other possibilities."

Leo shook his head slightly and retorted, "You said earlier that Earl Drake is a very powerful wizard. Can't he use his witchcraft to help him navigate the sea safely?"

Shawn shook his head and revealed a secret: "The wizard under the royal family was not only the Earl of Drake. The royal family also controlled a more powerful wizard, and the powerful wizard could not affect the sea through witchcraft. Not to mention Count Drake."

"The Ingrid royal family also controls other wizards?" Leo showed a little unexpected look.

"This news was also known to me in recent years." Sean found that he was leaking, hesitated a little, and simply revealed more secrets, so as to persuade Leo, saying, "I didn't know what the reason was. The wizard left the mainland of Velen and Minsk and went to the mainland of Mosang. The Inge Kingdom as a transit station is where these wizards will inevitably stay. The Inge Kingdom also tried its best to attract some wizards. Earl Drake is one of them."

Leo heard this and immediately thought of the disappearance of the tower, so he asked "Do you know where the wizards are going?"

"I don't know this, I just know that the last place they arrived was in the wasteland." Sean replied.

"The Wasteland?" Leo frowned slightly, and then turned back to the topic, "Since I knew that the artifact of the sea **** was in the hands of Count Drake, and the royal family had the help of a powerful wizard, why not ask for the artifact back? "

Sean smiled bitterly and said, "It is precisely because the artifact is in the hands of Count Drake that the royal family did not dare to act rashly, because as long as the artifact is mastered, Count Drake is invincible at sea, even if it is the wizard of the royal family. Nor can it pose a threat to Count Drake."

Leo asked again, "I remember Earl Drake always living on the shore, why..."

Shaun said helplessly, "The wizard of the royal family had died at that time. In fact, the royal family had been waiting for the opportunity to retrieve the artifact. For example, after the death of Earl Drake, the royal family had carefully searched the earl's mansion, and even..."

With that said, he stopped, and there was a little embarrassment on his face.

"There are still graves, right?" Leo said after taking Sean's words.

"This matter is not very glorious after all, the royal family even broke into the hero's grave after the death of the kingdom hero to search for items," Leo’s outspokenness added a little bit more to the embarrassment on Sean’s face, and he picked it up again. The Gem Cane was playing, relieving the stress in his heart, and continued to say "The royal family did not find anything related to the Poseidon artifact, and the royal family did not find the body of Earl Drake, so the royal family believed that Earl Drake was not actually dead."

Leo asked, "You come to me now, wouldn't you find the whereabouts of Count Drake, would you like to hire me to grab the Neptune artifact?"

"No, in fact, the royal family was mistaken from the beginning. Earl Drake was really dead, but his body and all his belongings were not placed in the cemetery we know now, but Placed in his real cemetery." Sean said, took an old book from the leather bag on his hand, and put it on the table, saying, "Mr. Leo, have you read this book? "

"Death Valley?" Leo looked down at the obsolete publication. His eyes fell on the title of the publication. He shook his head slightly and said, "I haven't read it. Is this book related to Earl Drake?"

"The tomb of Count Drake is in Death Valley." Sean said very formally. "I hope you can hire Mr. Leo. You will go to Death Valley to find the tomb of Count Drake and find it hidden there." Poseidon artifact."

"You are so sure that the artifact of Poseidon is in the tomb of Count Drake?" Leo asked some questions. "What if the cemetery of Count Drake does not have an artifact of Poseidon?"

Sean said very firmly, "Impossible, there must be, because the royal family has undoubted evidence, but these evidences are not suitable for public disclosure."

Leo did not question the evidence, but thought about it seriously and asked, "What benefits can I get?"

Sean thought for a moment and said, "As long as it's not beyond my ability, you can just ask for it."

"Just ask for it?" Leo chuckled and said, "It should have left a lot of legacy after the wizard of the royal family died! I will have all the legacy of that wizard."

"This..." Sean hesitated, and said slightly embarrassedly. "These things have been kept by the royal family, I..."

"No need to say!" Leo pointed to the door and said, "Now you can leave. When will you get what I want, when will you come to me again!"

Seeing Leo’s direct eviction orders, Sean is not good to stay more, the main reason is that he said so much at first, and now Leo has put forward the conditions that he can’t do it, and continue to talk. It just puts things into a deadlock. UU reading book Although he has found more than one group of people to do this, but I don’t know why he is more willing to believe in Leo’s ability. After all, that sea **** scepter was found by Leo. He thought maybe Leo was also able to find another Poseidon artifact this time.

Sean didn’t say much, just got up and left, but when he left, he also played a trick, did not take back the book he just took out, and still put it on Leo’s table. .

Regarding Sean’s tricks, Leo was very clear in his eyes. In fact, even if Sean did not leave this book, he would ask the housekeeper to buy the same book later, because he did treat Drake. The count’s real grave was of interest, and even if there was no compensation from Sean, he would also go there, but there was no need to hand over what he found.

So after Sean left, Leo stopped researching Sir Roland's notes, but picked up the Death Valley and took a closer look.

Although the book is very thick, Leo reads it very quickly. It took less than an hour to read the whole book. Leo has remembered the whole book. With a look of doubt, he couldn't help whispering, did Sean take the wrong book?
