The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 493: Abyss invasion

The two quickly walked out of the church, leaving the small town of Death Valley without any hindrance. After reaching a certain distance outside the town, the old wizard stopped and looked at the church, with a slight hesitant look on his face. Finally, he raised his hand and drew a rune in the air, chanting a few special sounds.

A wave of witchcraft energy spread from the hands of the old wizard, and soon the church was included. Then the earth suddenly shook a wave of unseen power from the church, immediately surrounding the whole town, followed by The land beneath the entire town's linkage wanted to collapse underground, and all the material, including air, was crushed and pulled by a force that was so strong that it was irresistible.

Because of the collapse of the space, the surrounding air all wanted to rush out of the collapsed place, and the suction force was instantly diffused, forming a tornado-like wind mass.

The old wizard had never used that thing, only knew the approximate power range of the thing, and he was worried that it would be spread, and he deliberately went a lot farther, but he did not expect that although he was not directly affected, the power of that thing produced The side effects still fell on him, and the side effects were completely beyond his expectations.

When the wind mass swept over him, the defensive witchcraft on him immediately formed a barrier to block this powerful wind mass, but his feet were not fixed, and the whole person was blown up. , And flew towards the collapsed singularity created by the antimatter bomb ahead.

The old wizard has never encountered such a sudden situation. For a time, he could not find any solution to the trouble. He could only watch himself fly to the dead.

Just when the old wizard felt desperate, a rope was suddenly thrown from the rear, and passed around his waist very accurately. The stone bound by the rope head was wrapped around him a few times under the influence of force, and he was tied around his waist. Live, and then a force pulled him back along the rope.

"Thank you!" Once on the ground, the old wizard immediately pulled a long dagger from his body and thrust it into the ground, and then grabbed the handle of the dagger to fix himself on the ground. Then he raised his head and thanked Leo who had saved himself.

Leo had long known the power and subsequent effects of antimatter bombs, but he did not expect the old wizard to be so bold and detonated the bomb at such a short distance, but he was too late to stop it when he was aware, and he could only curse the old wizard in his heart to find the dead At the same time, fix your legs on the ground, and repeatedly cast the demon hunter's seal and other protection witchcraft on your body, so as not to be affected by antimatter bombs, and carry the subsequent impact.

When the old wizard was blown away by strong wind, according to Leo’s plan, he was not prepared to save him, but he thought that he still had to rely on the old wizard to leave here, and the old wizard should be able to help him in the future Busy, finally shot.

However, while saving the old wizard, Leo also used a small method to solve another promised matter.

The old wizard did not know what hands and feet Leo had moved on him. The wind pressure around him forced him to concentrate his energy to resist the surrounding pressure. He did not notice that the pocket where he placed the magical sea cucumber before had opened a mouth, Under the squeeze of the external force, the Poseidon artifact slipped out of the pocket along the rift, and was driven into the air by the wind, and flew towards the collapsed singularity.

"Damn it! Artifact!" At this time, the old wizard felt light in his pocket and immediately knew it was not good. He turned his head and looked back, just seeing the sight of the artifact mask being blown into the air, he couldn't help cursing.

However, in the face of this situation, the old wizard had no solution at all, only to watch the artifact fly into the deep pit made by the anti-matter bomb.

Even if it is the artifact of the gods, there is no way to prevent the power of the collapsed singularity, and even the power of the artifact itself has not been able to be exerted, it is completely swallowed by the singularity.

Normally, the collapse singularity created by an anti-matter bomb will last for more than half an hour, but this anti-matter bomb is obviously incomplete. The collapse singularity disappears after only maintaining for less than three minutes, and the moment the singularity disappears, the surrounding Although the gusty wind has not disappeared, but it has weakened a lot, and can no longer blow the heavy things around.

A large amount of gravel, dust, and turf trees that were blown into the air fell like heavy rain, and Leo and the old wizard were protected by witchcraft power, so they were not hurt by the heavy objects in the dust, only some penetrated through the protection gap The dust still makes them look awkward.

Leo and the old wizard both detached from the ground, gestured to each other, and walked towards the huge hole created by the collapsed singularity in front.

The former town of Death Valley has completely disappeared and turned into a huge pit with a depth of hundreds of meters. Although the sight was hindered to a certain extent due to the large amount of dust floating in the sky, the two people improved their vision through special methods. Still able to let them see the general situation in the pothole.

I saw that everything in front of me disappeared. The ground formed a perfect arc. The ground was smooth like a mirror, like a well-polished large bowl. In the midair of the bowl, the two abyss cracks were not only in antimatter The bomb was destroyed under the influence of the bomb, and the rift became bigger.

It was originally an abyss material that overflowed in the form of black mist. At this moment, it completely slipped out of the fissures in the most primitive black oil state, and it fell to the bottom of the deep pit. And, side by side, it looks like a pair of eyes with black oil tears in the distance, which makes people feel an inexplicable fear.

Leo is okay, his willpower up to the ninth-level psionicist has not been shaken by this inexplicable fear, and the old wizard on the side is not so lucky, his kind of the most primitive from the deep heart Fear made him unable to resist at all, and he immediately occupied his mind. Numerous crazy thoughts caused by fear also surged, which had a great impact on his mind.

Just when the old wizard could not bear the fear caused by this abyss, Leo also found the old wizard's anomaly, and directly dragged the old wizard to a place far away from the deep pit and could not see the abyss crack, and put him on the ground.

"I...I..." Without the influence of the abyss fissure, the old wizard also escaped from that state of confusion, but he hadn't been able to fully reply at one and a half moments, even thanking Leo .

"Let's go!" Leo interrupted the old wizard's Xie Yan, saying: "Looking at this, the two rifts leading to the abyss will be further expanded, and some more powerful and terrifying abyss monsters will follow. As a result, we will leave here as soon as possible, lest we be trapped here when the last resort of the towering wizard is here.

"Yes, yes!" The old wizard nodded again and again, supported by Leo, stood up from the ground, and then pointed in the direction of the valley.

Leo knew what the old wizard meant, and didn't ask too much, let alone care about the appearance of the instrument. He directly carried the old wizard and hurried towards the valley.

Although it was mentioned in this way, the old wizard felt very uncomfortable both physically and mentally, but he knew that he should not pay too much attention at this time, so he could only bear it silently.

Leo's speed is very fast, and it has washed down the valley in less than ten minutes, and at this time, in the deep pit of the town of Death Valley behind him, there was a thunderous loud noise suddenly, tight Then the black oil substance from the abyss spewed out of that huge deep pit like a fountain, and rushed up to a height of hundreds of meters, just spread out like an umbrella, and there was still a lot of black oil The black mist also washed down into the air, floating above the sky, slowly spreading around like clouds.

At the same time, a huge octopus tentacle rushed out of the deep hole with black oil, and then whipped on the ground like a whip, opening the ground with a huge crack, and the dish on the tentacle was like a hook claw. Suddenly caught the earth, as if to drag the entire valley of Death Valley away.

At the moment when the octopus' arm rushed out, Leo sensed that the eye of the abyssal snake in his hand was trembling violently. This tremor was not fear, but desire, a strong desire to devour, as if that was not a terrorist existence Body, but a delicious meal.

"Don't look back!" The huge movement behind him aroused the curiosity of the old wizard, making him unable to look back, but Leo immediately stopped him.

After seeing the octopus arm, Leo could feel a chaotic idea in his heart that made him crazy. This idea was so strong that he almost shaken Leo’s will. Fortunately, he did not wait for this chaotic idea to produce follow-up. Shock, the eye of the abyssal snake on his body automatically generated a force, which instantly dissipated that chaotic force.

Leo's own ninth-level psionicist's willpower is still affected by this octopus tentacle. People like old wizards who have drawn high power through special wizardry and singular objects, and their mental state and will have not improved, I am afraid to see this octopus tentacle first. Go crazy at a glance.

Although the old wizard had a strong curiosity behind him, what happened just now left him with palpitations, so he listened to Leo’s advice. Not only did he not see the scene behind him, he even closed his eyes and let Leo take it He ran forward.

However, just as the eyeball of the abyssal snake can sense the octopus tentacles, the octopus tentacles can also sense the abyssal snake. At the moment of sensing, the tentacle releases the ground that has been detained, and then lifts up high , And extended upwards, when extended to the limit, the octopus tentacles disintegrated instantly and became countless longer, but much smaller tentacles, and threw them in the direction of Leo like a whip.

"Something attacks us, you better use your best defense, otherwise we will probably be left here." Leo does not need to look back and rely on the sense of the eye of the abyssal snake, he can already know that the rear octopus tentacles are doing What's more, he didn't exert his own defensive means, but shouted at the old wizard who was put in his hands.

When the old wizard heard the words, he immediately opened his eyes, and without asking Leo why, he immediately raised his hands and made a gesture, chanting a mantra quickly.

The rings and earrings that he wore on his hand broke apart instantly, and a shield formed by a powerful force instantly covered Leo and him.

Almost at the moment when the shield was formed, countless small octopus tentacles loaded a strong airflow and smashed it on the shield around the two of them.

Although these tentacles are much smaller than the previous big tentacles, they are still very large compared to the human body, like a small pillar, and Leo and the old wizard are like these in front of these tentacles. The ants are generally small.

Surprisingly, when the tentacles lashed on the shield, it was not Leo and the old wizard who were injured, but the octopus tentacles.

A tyrannical force erupted when the tentacles hit the shield. All octopus tentacles had no ability to resist at all, so they were instantly crushed by this force, and this force has not disappeared, but Climb up along these tentacles, destroying those tentacles continuously, and exhausting until they are near the deep pit.

When the tentacles were crushed, Leo could vaguely hear a very painful hiss.

This is actually Leo’s good luck. If the octopus tentacles are not separated and the overall power is dispersed, even if this layer of defensive shield can protect the two people, the octopus tentacles will not be so heavy. hurt.

The loss of one tentacle seemed to irritate the mysterious existence in the abyss on the other side. He began to attack the abyss fissure, trying to make the fissure as large as possible, so that his other tentacles could reach out, and might even want his body to come into this world.

Leo sensed the situation behind him through the eye of the Abyssal Serpent, but instead of looking back, he accelerated his pace and hurried forward.

Soon, the two returned to the Wizard's Tower, but the Wizard's Tower at this moment was completely different from the previous one. I saw that the Turing roots on the tower all seemed to be activated, emitting a burst of light, and the tree The human heart was also completely inspired, forming a huge tree-man phantom in the air.

"Let me I'm going to open the channel!" The old wizard also noticed that the situation was wrong and immediately shouted at Leo, and after Leo released him, he made a vine to the back of the tower. The resulting arch rushed past.

Immediately after rushing down the vine arch, the old wizard fiddled with the stone disk that looked like a corona in front of the arch, and then some mist came out of the arch, filling every gap in the middle of the arch.

When the fog completely covered the space in the arch, it indented inwards, forming a passage.

The old wizard did not speak much, made a gesture to Leo, and walked into the passage.

Leo followed, but when he left, he looked behind him, and the last scene he saw was that three giant octopus tentacles were whipping towards this side, and the tree heart turned into a huge tree. People are greeted.

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