The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 568: The weirdness of Big Nose Island

   "Are you kidding again?" Leo looked at each other expressionlessly and said, "Do you think the value of notes and magic books is the same?"

   "The value of knowledge is the same, isn't it?" Old Belen shrugged and smiled like an old slipper.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the rogue practice of Old Belem and wanted to reject this matter, he was still extremely curious about the contents of the notebook. After all, this is the rambler who is closest to the **** in the tower. The magic book knowledge, which also has a lot of binding on his own psionic level upgrade.

   So after hesitating for a moment, Leo finally took the note in his hand and walked over to the bow of the ship and looked up.

Seeing Leo took the notes, Old Belen also smiled slightly proudly, but after the smile, there was a trace of worry on his face, obviously he was not very optimistic about this task, even if he had already got Leo s help.

   On the other side, Leo was already immersed in the wizard's notes he had copied.

   There is no god. This sentence was written on the front page of the book in the style of the wizard's unique Garmore language. The scribe's technology is very clever. Although he does not understand the meaning of these words, he perfectly painted the words, even in the handwriting. The contemptuous attitude also showed.

   The rambler is obviously the kind of pragmatic person. He did not write any extra words afterwards, and directly entered the knowledge of witchcraft, and all the knowledge is very real.

As for defects, the first defect is that this magic book is a research-type magic book. Its main content is to study the common ground of various low-level witchcraft and divine art, and to study the difference between gods and wizards. He did these studies only to prove that the lowest level of witchcraft and the lowest level of magic are the same thing.

   The second flaw is that there are a lot of ciphers in Gamorei language in this book. Even Leo’s current level of Gamori language, it is very difficult to answer these ciphers.

After reading a full of anzhuan notes, Leo can be sure of one thing. I am afraid this note is not a copy of the original version of the magic book, because if it is really the magic book, the higher life contained in it Physical energy may have destroyed the scribe's spirit long ago.

  Although this wizard's note is very different from Leo's prediction, it is not what he wants, but this does not mean that this note has no effect on him.

This note can be said to be the rambler's decomposition of the underlying witchcraft. The knowledge inside is the lowest level of witchcraft. For ordinary wizards, this underlying knowledge is useless because it cannot help them master any witchcraft, but for As far as Leo is concerned, it is very useful, even useful to his expectations.

Although this knowledge is to analyze the commonalities between witchcraft and divine art, and to enable wizards to exert similar magical powers, psionic energy can still be used in general, and psionic energy is closer in terms of energy level. The origin of the universe, the artificially improved universe energy such as pen witchcraft and divine magic is even lower.

It can be predicted that if the research on the underlying witchcraft and divine art in this note is correct, then Leo can even transform the spiritual energy into any power without borrowing the power of the nightmare. It also includes the power of nightmares, by which time all the powers in him will be absorbed and digested by him.

  However, because of the cipher language, the content in this note cannot be interpreted in a short time, and Leo needs a quiet environment to interpret it.

In addition, judging from the thickness of this note, the content recorded in this note is only the surface content. There must be other more detailed and deeper content in the magic book corresponding to this note, which can only be interpreted by the wizard. See, others should not be able to see, including the person who copied the content.

   "Where is that magic book?" Leo closed the note in his hand and asked.

Old Belem replied: "I don't know, this magic book last appeared in the National Museum of the Sigma Kingdom. In a theft event 14 years ago, together with several important Sigma Kingdom robbed from the Mosang mainland tribes in the museum. All antiquities are lost," he said, pausing for a moment, and said: "But some people suspect that this matter is related to the short-lived tribal civilization recovery organization on the Mosang mainland."

   "Tribal Civilization Recovery Organization?" Leo was stunned when he heard the name of this organization, because he remembered the department where Su was located, which seemed to be formed after the reorganization of the tribal civilization recovery organization.

Old Belem did not know that Leo had cooperated with Su, the Shadow Lady of the Witch Group. He saw Leo’s stunned appearance, thinking Leo did not know the existence of this organization, so he explained: "The tribal civilization recovery organization was Some of the remaining underground organizations of the ruined tribes are mainly engaged in the collection of some tribes’ lost cultural relics, but because they are doing something radical, their members are all on the wanted lists of the governments of various countries, and eventually have to be disbanded, but the main ones Some of the members have joined a department in America and California, so that magic book is most likely in America and Canada."

   Leo did not respond to his words. After a little silence, he asked, "Do you know anything about the healing church?"

"Heal the church?" Old Belém frowned, thought for a moment, and said: "I don't know how to describe the organization that appears in this medical school. It can only be said that it is a monster, a monster that is scary, if not necessary. You better not provoke them."

   Leo asked: "Is the Milia City Plague related to them?"

"The kingdom and the empire have been investigated in this matter, and the cause is another reason, but the healing church has also done some disgraceful things in this matter." Old Belen said with a sullen face: "But this is also this Where terrorists are organized, even though so many disgraceful things have been investigated, they can still obtain some resource inclination from both the empire and the kingdom, and engage in some unknown activities. It can be seen that many high-level people in both countries are Its secret members, you will also meet them this time when you go to Minsk."

   Leo could see that Old Belen seemed to have some concerns. He wanted to say a lot but couldn't say it, so he didn't continue to ask.

Old Belem was very skilled in maneuvering the ship, and he was very familiar with this sea area. He even deliberately found some reef areas, avoided all the ships, entered the sea area of ​​Big Nose Island, and quickly mixed into some of the big nose island. Among the treasure-hunting vessels, they slowly approached the pier of Big Nose Island.

Perhaps the people who built the pier on Big Nose Island did not expect that so many people would come to this island near the edge of the Skull Sea, so the pier was not built very large, which made those larger ships only docked Outside the dock, a lifeboat is used to land on the island. On the contrary, a small sailboat like Leo is very convenient. It passes through various large ships and docks on a small dock.

  Throw the reins to the staff of the dock. After paying the docking fee, the old Belem asked the dock about the secret base of the pirate king.

This matter is no longer a secret on Big Nose Island. In fact, when the base was discovered, it was actually the residents of the island who first explored it, but they did not find anything useful, and because it was full of A lot of poisonous gas, and many people died. Because of this, things about the pirate king's secret base spread.

This secret base was also born because of an earthquake that affected the entire Skull Bay waters. This secret base was built in a valley on the island, all surrounded by steep cliffs. From the outside, it was a bulge High mountain, which is where the bridge of the nose is located.

  Although the valley is surrounded by cliffs, there is a path that can enter the valley, but the path is completely covered because no one has cleaned the vines. No one knows that there is such a path.

   Later, after entering this secret base, some explorers found some documents left by the pirate king. In the document, another secret base on the seabed was mentioned. It's a pity that the file could not be saved. The person who found it didn't know how to save this kind of file. It was just stuffed into the bag at random, and when it was taken out later, it had been broken into a powder.

  Fortunately, some people recorded the general content of the document at that time, so that the people behind knew that the pirate king’s secret base hidden clues about the treasures under the sea, which formed the current craze.

   After inquiring about these news, Leo and Elder Belem walked along the route that their predecessors had traveled toward the secret base in the middle of the pirates.

   "Aren't you going to investigate the Life Society?" Leo frowned and said, "Shouldn't I go to Little Nose Island?"

"Little Nose Island has long been protected by those guys, and there is the secret support of the Skull Bay Navy. Although our sailboat is not big, it is probably difficult to go directly to Little Nose Island to go to the island in secret." Old Belem side Explaining, while pointing to the treasure hunters who hurried ahead, said: "The clue that the seabed treasure land appeared on Big Nose Island, such a coincidence is definitely not an accident. In addition, we also investigated that the fisherman accidentally The last item obtained is a bachelor of Sigma College of Oceanography, and this person has secretly joined the life society, so I have reason to believe that the news of the appearance of the treasure of the pirate king is the life society deliberately spread out, big nose The same is true for the remains of the island’s secret base. They must have arranged something here. We only need to covertly monitor here."

   Leo Shensheng said: "Although you are right, I want to remind you that I will pursue to tomorrow. After tomorrow, I will leave by boat."

   "Relax, not only do you have to go, I have to go with the boat as well." Old Belem nodded and added: "No matter what abnormalities are found, we will leave."

   didn't follow these treasure hunters all the way, but entered the jungle of the island halfway down the road and drove towards the so-called secret base.

Although Old Belem is just an ordinary person, his walking speed in the jungle is not much slower than that of Leo. His years of experience allow him to easily find a suitable route in the dense jungle and more easily pass through the jungle. It's dangerous, after about an hour or so, the two finally came to the valley outside the supposedly secret base before dark.

   "Do you want to go in?" Leo asked quietly, looking at the mountain that had collapsed.

   ", outside...outside...just outside...just fine." Old Belem gasped for the trunk, adjusting his breath.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. Even if he has rich experience of living in the jungle, it is impossible for his face to be red and breathless even after driving for more than an hour. Young people's health is much better.

   Leo saw the old Belem make a decision, did not say much, turned and looked at the collapsed mountain wall in front.

   I saw that the steep cliff in front has now collapsed a large area, through the gap that appeared after the fall, you can see the valley inside, and you can also see the rock tower at the top of the secret base.

   It was just that when Leo saw the collapsed cliff, there was a trace of contemplation on his face, and the spiritual net was spread out, covering a collapsed cliff, and carefully inspecting the details.

   Soon he discovered some of these things that were worthy of fun, with an inexplicable smile on his face.

The old Belém, who had already recovered, walked to Leo, hiding his body in the shadow of the branch, and then looked at Leo with an inexplicable doubted: "How Alright?"

   Leo raised his head towards the collapsed cliff and said, "Don't you think it's weird there?"

   "What's so weird?" Old Belen frowned and looked at Leo puzzled.

   "Have you seen a mountain that collapsed due to an earthquake?" Leo asked.

Old Belem was stunned, thought for a moment, and said: "No, I have seen a mountain that will crack due to an earthquake, but I have never seen a mountain collapse because of an earthquake." He also understood Leo’s thoughts and said, “You mean that the collapse of this cliff was done by man, just to expose the valley and attract people.”

"Maybe!" Leo did not give an affirmative response, because although he saw that the collapse of the cliff was caused by man, he did not think that it was to attract people. The windfall is more likely to collapse the mountain, revealing the secret base in the valley is also an accident.

The reason for this is that Leo just found through the spiritual network that there is a very obvious escape energy in the collapsed rock of the mountain, and through the analysis of energy, he can infer that this energy is probably from some kind of energy Impact device.

From the analysis of the collapse of the mountain and the size of the falling rock fragments, Leo can feel that this energy impact device is very powerful and almost comparable to the heavy energy cannon. The only flaw is the energy scattering, which causes unnecessary energy escape Dispersion also made the final power weakened a lot.

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