The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 590: Chance of smuggling

The coachman was a very smart guy. After seeing Leo’s traveler’s outfit and coming out of the dockyard ticket office, he knew the current status of Leo, and after hearing Leo’s request from the hotel, he Knowing where to bring Leo is appropriate, which is good for him. At least after he succeeds, he can get an extra share.

   "This is the hotel I want?" Leo looked at the humble hotel on the hill on the edge of the Simpson Municipal District. He couldn't help but look at the coachman with displeasure.

Although this hotel is made of wood, and there are some plants in the surroundings that can adapt to the saline land, the style is different from most of the stone houses in Simpson Harbor, but how can such hotels be the best and most demanded by Leo Hook up comfortably.

"Trust me, if you want to go north when the kingdom of Marius is blocked, there is absolutely nothing wrong with staying in this hotel." The coachman didn't seem to hear similar doubts for the first time, so soon Made an answer.

   "There is a way for me to bypass the blockade and go north." Leo soon guessed the meaning of the coachman.

  The coachman smiled and did not answer, but walked towards a waitress who was coming out of the hotel door and said, "Kate, this is your guest."

   finished, he saluted Leo, then hopped on the carriage and drove towards the city quickly.

   "Hello! Welcome to the Oasis Hotel, do you have any luggage to take?" The waitress walked to Leo, saluted Leo, and then asked in a very formal way.

   Leo shook his head and said, "No, the driver said..."

"Wait." The waitress interrupted Leo before he finished, and then explained: "What you said, we know, but I'm not in charge of it. At night, someone will contact you. Yes, you can rest here in peace of mind,"

  Seeing the waitress saying this, Leo did not ask any more, and entered the hotel under her leadership.

  Although the hotel looks very simple on the outside, it is very exquisite on the inside. Some artificially carved ornaments, beams and sculptures with obvious primitive tribal characteristics, plus some small decorations make it very unique.

In addition, the beautiful stalls from Savile laid the entire hotel lobby, plus the huge crystal chandelier hanging on the lobby, so that anyone who comes in can feel its luxury, which is as simple as the outside A sharp contrast is formed, giving a very special contrast impression.

Seeing all of this, Leo also had to admit that the designer of this hotel was very clever. At least anyone who came to the hotel for the first time would no longer doubt the strength of the hotel at this moment.

In the reception hall, on one side is the restaurant, bar and game room. From the smoke and noisy speeches, there are obviously many guests here, and many people have Dairyat’s accent. It was some Dalyat who were trapped in the Principality of Puth and could not return home.

Because of his proficiency, Leo’s stay did not take much time, and he didn’t even read his identity documents. After taking Leo to the room, the waitress reminded Leo again that he would let him stay at night Remember to stay in the room, someone will contact him.

  In the room, Leo cleaned a little, cleaned the dust from his body with spirit, and then sat on the sofa in the living room of the room, closed his eyes and rested his mind, and by the way, revisited his familiarity with the use of the second nervous system during this time.

Although, in the process of experimenting with the second nervous system, he encountered some troubles, but it was finally unsurprising. Now that he has fully mastered the use of the second nervous system, he can transform the power of any kind of spiritual imprint, and In this way, they are disguised as caregivers of these gods, and can also spy on the related secrets of divine power.

   Even during this time, he took the time to create some methods of use in accordance with the power of various godmarks.

   For example, the power of the eye of the abyssal snake can let him get a mysterious murmur, which can be directly transmitted to the depth of the other party's soul. At this moment he can only use this method to interfere with the spirit of the other party, but he estimates that as the power of the abyss he masters becomes more and more powerful, this whispering sound should also be improved, and then he may have other incredible Power is given to this voice.

   A little time passed, and it soon became dark. A sound of footsteps sounded from the aisle corridor outside the door. When the sound finally reached Leo’s door, it stopped, and then a knock on the door was heard.

Leo got up and opened the door, and saw a middle-aged man dressed in a strong Maris Kingdom style standing at the door. He took off the dome hat on his head, revealed a very ordinary face, and walked towards Leo. A gift, and then in Marius language, asked: "Do you want to go north?"

   "Yes." Leo nodded, then let himself go and signaled the middle-aged man to come in. After closing the door, he led the middle-aged man to the living room of the room and asked, "Do you have a way to bypass the blockade?"

   "Yes." The middle-aged man answered very positively.

   "What do I need to pay." Leo asked again.

  The middle-aged man replied: "It depends on where you are going?"

   "Pandel Port." Leo replied.

   Leo's address surprised the middle-aged man for a moment. He originally thought Leo was going to Dalyat, just like the other Dalyat in this hotel.

"Pandel Port is now under the control of the Revolutionary Army. Because it is located by the sea, it often receives attacks from the Kingdom Navy. Yesterday, Pender Port was also subjected to a round of attacks by the Kingdom Navy, and many urban areas were damaged. "After recovering, the middle-aged person immediately introduced the situation of Pender Port and confirmed again: "Are you sure you want to go to Pender Port?"

   "Yes." Leo nodded.

"In this case, I will arrange it for you." The middle-aged man took out a small book and quickly wrote it, calculated it, and then wrote a number on a piece of paper and handed it to Leo Dao. : "This is the full cost, if you have no objections, please pay half of the deposit first."

Leo looked at the figure above. This figure is definitely a huge sum for the average person, but it is nothing for Leo, so it is not too much to worry about, nodded and agreed to the price, and asked Tao: "Is the deposit to you?"

"No, I don't take over the money. The hotel will send someone to take the money later, and this deposit will be counted in the hotel's consumption." The middle-aged man negotiated a deal so quickly that his face could not help but reveal He was happy and explained: "The other half of the deposit, you only need to wait for the person who delivered you, and you can hand it over to that person directly." After that, he turned and walked out of the room, and when he left the room , Raised the hat in his hand, saluted Leo, and said, "May the King of the Hill guide your way so that you can reach the place you want to go smoothly."

   "Praise the hill." Leo also responded according to the religious etiquette he knew.

   Seeing Leo's formal etiquette of the Hill Kings Church, the middle-aged man froze again, and then smiled and closed the door.

More than an hour later, the waitress who led the way came to Leo’s door and knocked on the door, and when Leo opened the door, he asked Leo directly: “Sir, your deposit Are you ready?"

   Leo wrote a cheque today and handed it over.

   Although it is a cash check from the Kingdom of England, this bank has reached an agreement with several large banks in the world. The cash checks between them can be circulated with each other, so it is no less worried that they will not be able to withdraw money.

   "Tomorrow morning someone will take you to the place of transportation." The waitress checked the authenticity of the check, then issued a note to Leo and said again.

   "Help me arrange it so quickly." Leo asked with some doubt: "Those people downstairs..."

The waitress smiled awkwardly and said, "The transportation you are trying to achieve is very special. Those people doubt its safety. So they stay here and wait for news to make sure they can safely pass through the blockade. Row."

  After she finished, she seemed to be worried that Leo continued to question, and immediately turned around and left.

   Leo returned to the room with a little curiosity in his heart and continued to be familiar with the use of the second nervous system.

Nothing happened overnight. In the early morning, before dawn, someone knocked on Leo’s door and opened it. A young man stood at the door, looking like a mechanical worker in the factory. There is also a strong smell of vegetable oil.

   "You are the passenger this time? Do you have any salute I need to take?" The youth asked Leo immediately when he saw him.

   "Go!" Leo shook his head, walked out of the room, closed the door, and motioned the youth to lead the way.

   One after the other, they walked out of the hotel and boarded a remodeled steam trailer waiting there.

At this time, some people have already been made, Leo looked at the people's clothes a little to know their identity, a wealthy business couple and their bodyguards, two middle-aged men with hats covering their faces strictly It seems that it should be the people from the Revolutionary Army. A widower with a child has a strong seaman temperament.

In addition, there are three women with the appearance of missionaries. From the patterns on their clothes, it is not difficult to see that they are from the same church, and Leo can’t recognize the church they belong to from the characteristics of the three robe. Judging that the church where the three female missionaries are located should be an underground church recognized by the Orthodox Church, and it is an emerging church.

The underground church has always existed since ancient times. Even in the years when the orthodox court was the most powerful, the underground church was still active in various countries, and some even used some external forces to transform from the underground church to the church recognized by the orthodox court. The swamp gods of the country are a model for the transformation of the underground church.

However, the Swamp Church is just a special case of countless underground churches. There are very few special cases like this. Most of the time, underground churches are the objects of the Orthodox Court. All underground church members must be killed without any objection. Even the Grand Duke of a country was publicly executed by the Orthodox Church because of its involvement in the underground church.

   For the Orthodox Church, all underground churches are the same, and are all evil **** churches and heretics, but in fact people who really understand the underground church know that there are differences in underground churches.

   One kind is the Church of the Evil God called by the Orthodox Church. This is not only the Orthodox Church attacking, but also the governments of all countries.

The other is the underground churches with moderate and kind doctrines. These churches will not only cause turmoil in society, but can help governments of all countries to appease some emotions of the people. Governments of various countries are happy to see their success, plus some political reasons, so these underground churches The church will also be protected by governments.

  However, whether it is the church of evil gods that everyone shouts or the underground churches with moderate doctrines, they have not dared to open activities for a long time, only recruiting members in secret.

However, as the power of the Orthodox Church weakened, countries began to suppress the Orthodox Church, and the missions of the underground churches began to be semi-open. If the governments of various countries still need to use the Orthodox Church to deal with the ecstatic churches of evil gods, they may have begun to support the public. Underground church.

Compared to the Velen continent where the Orthodox Church is located, the underground churches in Minsk are relatively active. This turmoil in the Kingdom of Maris is definitely a good opportunity for missions for each underground all Only in the midst of suffering will we be more willing to pray for those inexplicable existences.

Although the three major churches rule the Minsk continent, they are now somewhat weak, especially the inaction of the Church of the King of the Hill in this turmoil in the Kingdom of Maris, offending both the Royal Government and the Revolutionary Army Clean, so both parties let the underground churches preach in their respective jurisdictions and refugee camps.

At present, these three female missionaries may also intend to use this opportunity to recruit believers and expand the influence of the church. Since they were also blocked by the prohibition order of the Kingdom of Marys from the Kingdom of Marys, they should not have been Mary. The native church of the Kingdom of Sri Lanka should be a member of the underground church from the other two continents.

  While waiting for others to get in the car, Leo also tried to turn on the Sight to observe other people around him, especially the situation of the three underground church missionaries.

  As he expected, the wealthy couples, bodyguards and others were all ordinary people, and only the three female missionaries could see some fluctuations in the power of the divine imprint.

   The power fluctuation of this imprint of the gods is very weak. Obviously none of the three female missionaries are patrons, but they are just ordinary priests. It's just that there is a singular thing that doesn't belong to their church on all three people. Leo can estimate from the power fluctuations of these three singular objects that all three have a threat to the life of the third-level psionicist. power.

   At this time, the former worker brought a dozen more people to fill the trailer compartment, and then walked to the front of the car, started the steam engine, and slowly dragged the passenger who was full of the compartment toward the suburbs.